Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2020 (Page 8 of 8)

The Yank is OPEN!

It’s great to be able to get together again.  I was tired of working out alone in my neighborhood.    The Yank had five show up for the boot camp workout, one rucker and two runners did 6+ miles of EC.  The air was refreshing and sun was shining.  Let’s get to work!!!!!

The usual disclaimer was given with a reminder to adhere to proper social distancing.


Warm Up

Seal Jacks x 30 IC

Abe Vigoda x 10 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 11 IC


Mosey to the top of Myrtle Street for Individual Dora.

Start at the top and do 10 Merkins at each telephone pole running down Myrtle St until we reached Main St. (10 poles).  Mosey back to the top of the hill.  Rinse and repeat with Lunges (10 ea leg) or Squats x 20 and LBC’s x 30.

Total of 100 merkins, 200 Lunges/Squats and 300 LBC’s for each PAX!


Round Robin – 4 stations set up in front of the middle school.

Round 1 & 2:  Step ups, calf raises, flutter kicks AMRAP and  Burpees .  One PAX at each corner performing the exercise with Burpees being the timer.  After 10 burpees switch stations.


Round 3 & 4:  Dips, American Hammers, Calf Raises with Burpees x10 for round 3 and x 5 round two being the timer.


Mosey back to the flag.

No announcements.

Prayer requests:  Top Hat’s knee.

Thanks for coming out and pushing yourselves this morning gentlemen.

Dirt is out!!!!


Burnin’ Off Livermush

Since doing virtual workouts, I have grown to love using a timer for workouts. AMRAP allows everyone ton push as hard as they can at their pace. So, after crushing a a bunch of livermush last night, I kept today’s Tabata Timer workout core and cardio focused.

Disclaimer and warmup: SSH, Arm Circles, Toy Soldiers


3 circuits of 3 exercises
4 sets each
40 secs on, 20 secs rest


1 min rest

Mountain Climbers
Alt Lunges
Freddie Mercurys

1 min rest

Peter Parkers
Bobby Hurleys
American Hammers

2 sets of Burpees


AOs open Saturday, The Matrix will be available as well! Please continue to support it!

Prayers: Watts Up’s M’s leg, our leaders, those who are laid off and stressed, HIPAA. YHC took us out.


The Matrix Core-Cardio

I typically try to look at the bright side of things. As F3 men, it’s part of our training to encourage that. So amid this pandemic, the good things have been more family dinners, movies, and puzzles than we’ve shared during our chaotic schedules. I hate my oldest daughter is missing out on some of the fun parts of her senior year of high school, but again, we’ve had the chance to “hang out” more than we would have. Working from home has it’s positives too – for one, the commute is much faster than trying to out-race the crazies I join on I-85 to and especially from Charlotte where the south side of the interstate squeezes from four to three lanes. Since my home quarantine I’ve completed 51 workouts in 51 days. I’ve found a few YouTube trainers that I like and then mixing in some other fun stuff along with The Matrix. This is all the while trying to overcome a knee issue which I’m happy seems to have recovered. I’ve attended all but the first Virtual Q-Source (actually I dialed in but The Mayor said I was distracting him and I needed to figure out how to mute my microphone…gentlemen, that’s called Candor). So if I’m not decelerating, then I must be accelerating right? Well, all but for that 2nd F part, which is not the same when we can’t be proximate – but that change is on the horizon. But we make do with what we’ve got and leave that to the capable hands of HIPAA and Montross to make The Matrix a viable source of camaraderie while getting a good beatdown too. My legs are still hurting from HIPAA’s “Leg Day” this past Saturday.  While The Matrix, at least the ones I’ve attended, have used coupons, I decided to take a different route. As I said above, I’ve been doing a lot of different workouts via YouTube which jiggered some creative juices and after doing an old-school Insanity – knowing I had this morning’s Q, I went to work on a new Weinke. I sent out the pre-blast via social media hoping to find new blood or some lost sheep, or even some guys in our region I’ve not seen – but we ended up with the consistent PAX that have been faithful to The Matrix. So without further adieu, here is the punishment I dished out.


  • Seal Jacks IC x 10
  • Side to Side Lunges IC x 10
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10
  • Straight Arm Jacks IC x 10

Pre-cursor – Crazy Eights – 8 reps of each exercise

  • Merkins (sc)
  • Burps (sc)
  • Jack Merkins (sc)
  • Mtn Climber (dc)
  • SSH (dc)
  • Imperial Walkers (dc)
  • Jump Ropes (dc)
  • Burpees (sc)

Main Thang: first 5 rounds were three exercises for 30 seconds each, three circuits before a minute rest (4:30 if your keeping score at home); running short on time the last round only went two circuits with the same time.

  1. Goofballs, Frog Jumps, Wolverine Burpees
  2. Two SSH + Two Burps, Split Jacks-Alt Toe Touch, Merkin + Alt Toe Touch
  3. Diamond Merkins (knees down), Flutter Kicks, Crab Cakes
  4. Two Merkins + Two Groiners, Rocket Dips, Single Line Suicides
  5. Stack LBCs, Two Crunchy Frogs + Two Vups, Ski Abs
  6. Four Butt Kicks + Four Bobby Hurley, Hand Release Merkin + Corkscrew (R/L), American Hammer

COT: Prayers for HIPAA and upcoming doctor visit, Sledge is covering the QSource Sunday for his VQ, and then the rest of our country and leaders and F3 for guidance on decisions. Announcements for AO’s opening Saturday, Pizza Man’s half marathon tribute to his niece – see SLACK or Twitter for details.

Moleskin: Today was the first Q in a long time and I was both honored and excited to lead it. I’ve hit a lull in the work from home environment so putting together a beatdown was a good motivational distraction. I think the PAX liked it. The Matrix is a viable alternative but challenging on the mumble chatter – hence why Tool Time hasn’t posted (that I’m aware). Lots of heavy breathing though and with a solid 40+ minutes of cardio – that was the point. We did plenty of merkins and dips so despite a kettlebell, our arms were feeling it, at least mine were. This is a good Weinke that isn’t limited to The Matrix – we can add a few moseys between to push the heart rate higher. Thanks for the chance to Q once again. Look forward to seeing everyone soon.


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