Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2020 (Page 4 of 8)

It Was a Wolfpack Grinder

Phase II is under way so our AO’s were open for up to 25 in the gloom and we had exactly that number combined for the Gashouse Bootcamp and Painlab.

We had a quick warm up with one set of Imperial Walkers before splitting into the two groups.

The Gashouse group came with me (a few reluctantly as they were disappointed that Whoopee was not the Q) and we headed to the track at Grier Middle School for one big dose of a Wolfpack Grinder.  We would spend the entire workout on the track.

We started this way with some In-Cadence work:

15 Merkins

25 LBC’s

25 Squats

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

15 CDD’s

25 Flutter Kicks

15 Lunges

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

60 seconds of plank

25 Freddy Mercury’s

20 Low-Slow Squats

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

Amrap as follows until time called:




Run 1/2 lap


Flutter Kicks


Time to mosey back to the Schiele with a few minutes left for some Mary:

60 seconds of plank

Flutter kicks

Flutter crunches

Bells ringing by this time and we were done


Prayer requests

The Pledge

Good work Men.

It was great to be back out with a larger group and getting some great work in.  Lots of mumblechatter today kept the workout moving along.

Always an honor to lead.

Until the next one, see you in the gloom.



Rinse & Repeat

0700 hits and Stroganoff is the substi-q for GasHouse.  He gets everything started, warmed and then we split…

PainLab circles up in the lower part of the parking lot.

A little more warmup:

15? Don Qs  IC
Little Arm Circles
Big Arm Circles

On today’s agenda is different version of “Garage Boogie” from Rock Region:


  • Squats x15
  • Over Head Press X15
  • Reverse Lunge X10 each leg

Rinse and repeat X3 – Bear Crawl ~120 ft between sets


  • Big boy sit ups x15
  • Bent rows x15
  • Burpees  X10

Rinse and repeat x3 – Duck Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Coupon swing x15
  • Curls x15
  • Tricep extensions x15

Rinse and repeat x3 – Lunge Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Merkins x15
  • Planks Jacks X15
  • Mountain Climbers X15

Rinse and Repeat x3 – Gorilla Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Some unremembered ab exercise  x15
  • Calf Raises x10
  • LBC x15

Rinse and Repeat x3 – Pick one of the previous movements ~120 ft between sets


At this point GasHouse was starting to show back up.  We joined them for the last bit of time and the rest of the frivolity.

It was really great to see those that posted.


SYITG somewhere.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Bringing the heat

Warm Up


20 Merkins oyo

15 Burpees oyo

Mosey to the small incline at the triangle coming into the park stop at each light pole

5 Burpees

5 merkins

Get to the incline and we do

10 shoulder taps at the bottom of the hill sprint to the top for 10 burpees (5 Rounds)

We got the blood flowing good at this point and people are sweating like crazy!

Time to mosey to the lower road near the track at Folsom here we would stop in the middle of the two speed bumps.

Partner up

5 Burpees in the middle

each partner sprint to opposite speed bumps for 20 merkins

(5 Rounds)

I split the groups up after this

Group 1 on the football field for

sprint 50 yards

5 Burpees

Bear crawl 50 yards increasing your burpees by 1 each time you cross the middle until we got to 10 burpees!

Group 2 to the stadium seats at the horse track

11’s with dips and derkins

each group completed their task and then we switched stations that way everybody got a taste of the full beatdown

we all gathered back at the football field once we were complete and bear crawled a full 100 yards to finish back at the start!

We circle up and I talked to the guys about Sparky verse he shared with us Monday Psalm 34:8 taste and see that the lord is good. I wanted to explain that we taste that the lord is good everyday by just waking up! He gives us so much that we can easily overlook that God is right there asking us to move for him and his kingdom! We have to SEE  that the lord is good as well. Try to notice God in our lives daily and try to see what he is giving us to taste, lets try move on what he’s calling us to do. We taste his goodness everyday men lets see him everyday as well in ALL that we do! Lets help each other keep our eyes open and on the one thing that matters our God and father!


Ville to Ville

Virtual Spartan race


Prayer Request

People battling addiction

Wirenuts friend/family battling with sickness

Sister acts family


Thank you men for allowing me to lead you this morning it was a honor. Thank you for all the support, Im glad we got to go through the beatdown together!






Psalms 34:8

“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man that takes refuge in Him!”

We have all at some point tasted and seen that the Lord is good! From that feeling you get when you’re standing on top of a mountain, admiring Gods work, walking by a lake, or feeling a cool breeze under a shade tree. We taste Gods goodness through so many things! All of these things are only a taste of Gods goodness, but hopefully they will help point us towards more! Towards a relationship with the Lord!

Prayer requests- each other, community

Announcements- Ville to Ville next Saturday! All AOs are open!

Good to be back in the gloom

the thang:

Escalating Merkins and jump squats as we mosey up to the flag

Mountain climbers
Bobby hurleys

Mosey back to the tennis court

Nur stopping at each court
20 American hammers
20 flutters
20 LBCs
20 Freddie Mercury’s
20 dying cockroaches
20 big boys

On the way back
Bear crawl to each court and stay down the entire time
10 Merkins
10 mountain climbers
10 wide arm Merkins
10 Peter Parker’s
10 plank jacks
10 burpees

Take a lap

Forward lunge
10 Toy soldiers
10 don Qs
10 hillbillies
10 imperial walkers
10 gravel pickers
10 goofballs

Abs in the parking lot

Wichita has a coworker with mono
Pray for the region as we try to open up in the next few days.


Surprise! Its Raining…

Given the current weather situation (and texts received), YHC guessed the lone attender in this morning’s gloom was going to be Dry Rub.

The Good News…. Dry Rub did show.
The Bad News…. No one else did.

Undaunted, we put our packs on and did what we came to do.

45 minutes later and nearly 3 miles we returned.

Much was discussed.

Until next time….


Watts Up Powering Down.


It was raining so I knew the tough ass PAX of F3 Gastonia would still post at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Well 6 did anyway. There’s usually a bit more than that. I’m sure it wasn’t the rain though.  Probably a wreck in all the traffic on 85. Shortage on face mask maybe. Anyway 6 is right in the middle of what some say is the desired number of 5-7 per small workout group. Dr Seuss said Alexa told him there was going to be a break around 5:30. Then he noted she was in a bit of a mood. Women! I’m I right? Well she lied and it it kept raining so we broke out in a sprint to the shelter down by the lake. On the upside Linus wore his duck shoes so he was prepared! No bad weather just bad gear right? Having been through this many times I always have that rainy day workout ready. It had been a while since I’d used it though. There were some strange exercises even I didn’t recognize.

Mosey to the shelter


SSH, morrocan mightclub, jump rope, high knees, superman, iron cross

The Thang:

40 seconds on 20 second break

Merkin, Flutters, squat jump

10 burpees

Pointers, freddy mercury, box jump

10 burpees

ski burps, lbfc, calf raises

10 burpees

Rinse and repeat

After the 2nd round we had enough time for 3 more exercises then it was off to the start


Prayer Request-Def’s son, SA’s daughter, those struggling during this time.



Prison Break

Great breezy  morning at the Prison this morning. We all broke out quickly to get our mileage in I believe everyone got in around 5 miles or more. Everyone in training for the Ville to Ville coming up in a couple of weeks. Its going to be great!



Ville to Ville

All AOs open regular time Monday morning if anyone wants to do differently just make it known on twitter or slack.



Clavins M

My M were expecting our little girl in about 3 weeks. Thank you guys for your interest and prayers about that!

Sister acts daughter


Thank you guys for the support and pushing the rock at this AO. We are getting better every day lets stay focused!

Don’t let pain be a voice in your life and lets be spiritually, mentally and physically tough for those around us everyday.

No matter the situation know that God is in control, he knows your heart and will always push us to be better!


More Than Expected

Given the weather recently and forecasted, YHC wasn’t sure if this wasn’t going to be a solo Q.  But YHC found 1 already present upon arrival with 2 more following in short order.

0530 hits, so lets get started.

YHC sorta did a disclaimer since all present were F3 veterans and had posted recently.



GoofBalls x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
MNC x 10 IC

Mosey to shelter near Turd Shack in Martha’s by way of maintenance shack.

Upon arrival, YHC announced we would be doing some exercises and some running.  All present thought this a novel idea, so here is what we did….

3 Sets of:
15 Squats, 15 Overhead Presses, 10 Reverse Lunge
Run to 4th Light in parking lot and back.

3 Sets of:
15 Big Boys, 15 Calf Raises, 10 Burpees
Run to 4th Light in parking lot and back.

3 Sets of:
15 Monkey Humpers, 15 Rocky Balboas, 15 Reverse Crunch
Run to 4thLight in parking lot and back. (For the middle set, we did 65 SSH instead of the run)

3 Sets of:
15 Merkins, 15 Plank Jacks, 15 Mountain Climbers
Run to 4th Light in parking lot and back. (For the middle set, we did 65 SSH instead of the run)

3 Sets of:
15 LBCs, 15 American Hammers, 15 Crunchy Frogs
Run to 3rd Light in parking lot and back.

After the last set of exercises, we started the mosey back to home.  Along the way, there was also some Nurring.  We reached the entrance to the park.

Here we stopped for 15 Flutters before continuing on to where we started.


Prayer Requests:

  • Clavin’s M and Family
  • Gastone’s FIL

Tube took us out.


Until Next Time….

Watts Up Powering Down.

If you brew it they will come!

This morning in the gloom there were PAX a plenty, 17 in fact. The weather was perfect and as the numbers mounted YHC had to figure out how to handle the masses. I’ve got it! We’ll spread out, move around on opposite sides of the street and I’ll yell all the instructions.


Abe Vigoda x10 IC

Goofballs x10 IC

Mosey up the way to the front of the school.

The Thang

The Figure 8 – at each stop on the PAX would do 15 reps of the assigned exercise

1 – Merkins

2 – WW1 situps

3 – Goofballs

4 – Flutterkicks

5 – Dips

6 – WW1 situps

7 – Goofballs

8 – Monkey Humpers

Repeato for Round 2, 20 reps. One more time for round 3, 25 reps!!!

Mosey up the road, stopping at the corner for 10 side straddle hops IC. Mosey again, stopping at the corner for 10 more SSH IC.

At the bank we stop for a rousing session of ATMs.

Alternating shoulder taps x10 IC

Tempo Merkins x10 IC

Fast merkins x10 OYO

After those reps do a lap. Repeato x2!!!

Mosey down main street to the parking space marked road for 200 yards of Zombie Walk!!! Yeah!

One last mosey to the Pit for a few minutes of Bring Salley Up, just for the new guys. You’re welcome!!!

A few minutes of Mary and we’re done. Well done men!

Prayer Requests: Health for all

Announcements: Ville to Ville relay

I was so excited to get back out with everybody, and since we can’t break bread IN a restaurant I decided to bring a coffee and donuts coffeeteria to us. Thanks for spending a little time to catch up after the beatdown men. It’s about time!!!


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