Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2020 (Page 8 of 9)

Rainy morning at the storm

11 men came for a rainy morning at The Storm. Since I got them all wet last time I lead, I decided to give in and let them stay dry under the cat walk. I went with the 45 exercises in 45 minutes. inspired by our friend Ashepond. Here is the list of our workout. we did modify one time and ran down the parking lot and back when the rain had quit.






Big Boys

Toy Soldiers

Nolan Ryans

American Hammers


Wide Arm Merkins

Dying Cockroaches



Pretzel Crunch

Imperial walkers

Low Plank

Crunchy Frogs

Rocky Balboas


OverHead Claps

Freddie Mercury’s

Skater Squats

Don Q

V-up Roll-ups

Tiger Squats

Dips on the curb

Oblique sit ups

Grass Pokers

Mnt Climbers

Flutter Kicks

Butt Kickers

Peter Parker’s

Hold feet up 6 inches

High Knees

Parker Peters

Bobby Hurleys

Calf Raises

High Plank


Moroccan Night Clubs

1 Leg Deadlifts

Wall sit

Incline Merkins

Decline Merkins




Convergence coming up.


Prayer request for those struggling with mental health. Breaker Breakers in laws.

Prayer works men!! keep in the word and build your faith!!!!

9 Round Knockout.

8 men at The Yank for a little split Q work. 5 Degrees with his VQ today. He brought us an awesome workout.

Warm up began with some exercises called by Pockets. With most being called 15 in cadence, we ended them out by giving each PAX a chance for a called exercise. Ending up with passing off the Q to 5 Degrees. We moseyed over to the lot by the trash cans and began the 9 round beat down. complete an exercise and then run a lap. Add an exercise after each round, while adding reps to each exercise.

Round 1.

Burpees  x 5

Round 2.

Add  Merkins  x 10

Round 3.

Add  LBC  x 15

Round 4.

Add  Lunges  x 20

Round 5.

Add  Squats  x 25

Round 6.

Add 1 minute Low Plank

Round 7.

Add  30 American Hammers

Round 8.

Add 40 Overhead presses and add 5 to the American Hammers

Round 9.

Add  60 SSH and 80 Overhead Presses


Awesome VQ for 5 Degrees. Thanks to all who came out. Dont forget the Convergence coming up. Please support your Site Q’s.

Running The Rooster

Third Annual Rooster Relay. YHC has been to all three events, and have enjoyed each one of them. It is always goods times, getting to get in some fast laps and fellowship with Gashouse brothers and meet other F3 brothers from other regions. Not mention, The Rooster is always a good cause, raising money for local charities…This year proceeds went to the Rock Hill Men’s Shelter, $2300 was raised. Nice!

This years relay started a little earlier than in the past from what I remember. Teams had to be in Rock Hill around 5:30am and start was @ 6am. It was also cold with some wind..

Gashouse was well represented, 3 running teams and 3 rucking teams…. Well Done Gashouse!

The Rooster is a 26 mile relay or some call “The Fastest Marathon”. Teams are made up of 5 runners or an ultra team, 2 runners. Each team runs 26 miles. Full teams (5 man) , each runner has 5 x 1 mile laps with the final lap ran as a team to make 26 miles. The ultra teams run 12 x 1 mile laps and finish the last together.

Gashouse had 2 four man teams and 1 full five man team. I really don’t know where each team placed, but I know we all did well. We all were running laps like we were at Dover International Speedway, going Nascar fast, round and round, all left turns!

Somewhere around YHC’s 3rd leg, Dirt and I took off at the same time. We stayed close to each other most of the loop, but YHC was pulling away just a little. With about 50 yards left before the exchange zone, Dirt calls out that he was catching me, before I knew, we were side by side with a photo finish, I believe Dirt had me with an arm reach. Way to go Dirt!

All in all, we had a great time…Looking forward to next years Rooster!


Breaker Breaker

Rack and Stack

9 men showed at The Storm this morning.  The rain held off, nice morning to put in some work.  No fng, time to start.


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey to the roundabout in front of the school.  Exercise called here is the Rack and Stack.  The bottom roundabout and top roundabout at the main road is where this exercise is performed.

Run to top for 10 Burpees

Run down for 10 Burpees

Back to top for 20 Jump Lunges

Back down for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges

Top for 30 Merkins

Bottom for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins

Top 40 Big Boys

Bottom for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys

Top for 50 Squats

Bottom to finish this exercise perform 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys, 50 squats

With time running low, short mosey to the school.  Here we were able to get in one round of:

10 Hip Slappers (ic)

10 Dips (ic)

10 Derkins (ic)

Mosey back to flag.  Finish out with 10 Burpees. Time!



3/21 5yr Anniversary Convergence

4/4 Community Foundation Run Speed For Need

4/4 Black Diamond workout Location TBD


Prayer request:

Anchorman career decision, injured pax




Honor to lead today men!  Nice work!


Sister Act

Community Foundation 5k

Time is closing in for the first Speed For Need event in our region.  If you haven’t had a chance to participate in one of these events, you should definitely do everything you can to try to make it out.  If you are not familiar with what Speed For Need is, it is a non-profit organization that gives opportunities to individuals to participate and compete in running events that they would not be able to experience on their own.  Please take time to look at the Speed For Need website and check out this video from the Belmont 5k last year .  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.

Event:  Community Foundation 5k

Date: April 4, 2020 @ 9am

Location: Gastonia, NC – Downtown Rotary Pavilion


Team: Speed For Need (please select this when you register if you plan on running with Speed For Need)


A Folsom Beatdown

Warm Up

10 Burpees

20 ssh

30 merkins

40 mountain climbers

50 peter parkers

60 squats

70 flutter kicks

80 imperial walkers

90 squats/ air press

100 maraca night clubs

The workout

11’s in the parking with mike tysons and parker peters

mosey to the tennis court

suicides hitting every line on two courts finish and get 5 burpees we done 2 rounds

mosey towards the flag

pole 1 10 merkins

pole 2 15 merkins

pole 3 20 merkins

the 3 of us stopped at the speed bump and the gate going down to the barn area. 1 guy got under the gate and hit 10 pull ups while the other two cranked out mountain climbers. we done this 1 round.

mosey to the flag

pledge and 22 for the vets

mosey to the side parking lot for. another round of 11’s with LBC and flutters

mosey back towards the start and stop at the small triangle 1 guy bear crawl around the triangle and take off sprinting down to the speed bump/gate for 10 more pull ups while the other 2 guys plank until we each hit 10 pull ups.

we done a new workout ill have to show. its very simple but effective to build your legs


prayer request

big pappy and his M while theyre serving

my wife

each other


Thank you

Round UP

Bernie Bros Smashing Some Rows

What better way to kick of Super Tuesday than with a few jacked Bernie Bros slinging the kettles. Little did the poll workers know how terrifying their morning would be as theY peeked through blinds and door cracks to gaze upon a raucous PAX with twerky crunchy frogs, high slinging kettle swings and derkin-merkin-dip-switches. Sling, scribble, scan, check, fold drop. Submitted.

Warm up.

25 IC – Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
25 IC – Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

10 Squats IC
15 LBCs IC


Mosey around the parking lot x 2

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Squat, Curl, Press
20 Moutain Climbers
10 Merkins

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Squat, Curl, Press
20 Moutain Climbers
10 Merkins

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

Mosey around the parking lot x 2

1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

1 minute – Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – Curls

Mosey around the parking lot 1X

1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

20 Crunchy Frogs,  20 LBCs, 20 Pullovers,  20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Peter Parker’s

Timeframe’s M – Her grandpa passed.
Linus recovering from shoulder cyst.

Welcome Back Qotter

After a 26 month hiatus from leading a workout, I couldn’t help but sign up when Sargento put the EH on me in early Jan for a leading a workout at The Ricky Bobby.  Since it has been almost 2 weeks since the workout, I don’t remember too much about it other than the fact that it was cold, it didn’t rain, if you didn’t wear a toboggan you felt left out, and Virus outran all of use despite the fact that, I think, he is older than Gump and Buckeye combined.

Warm Up

SSH x 20 (IC)

Goofballs x 20 (IC)

Maybe one other exercise, I think, but don’t remember, maybe Tool Times (Don Quixote’s)


Mosey to the track


The Thang- also known as “The Dab”

Exercise 1- 30 Mericans in 1 minute

Exercise 2- 30 groiners in 1 minute

Exercise 3- 45 second plank (then rest 15 seconds to get to a minute)

Exercise 4- 40 squats in 1 minute

Exercise 5- 30 Def Leppards

Run 1 lab

Repeat 3 more times


Dora 1-2-3

100 Diamond Pushups

200 Seal Jacks

300 LBC- Omaha to 200 because of time


YHC had a meeting at 7 AM and had to take off right at 615, so Sargento took the men out. You would have had to show to know for this part. It was great to work out with a great group of HIMs on a cold Wednesday morning. Maybe I’ll Q again in another couple of years!!



3 FOR A BLOCK PARTY @Starkville

3 including myself made it to Starkville

Weather was lovely

Warm up: Don Q’s, 10 IC







Did variance exercises with blocks 1min on 30 sec rest

Colt 45’s, offset meekins, lundges

Tricep press, OH press, calf raises

Reverse curls,  chestpress, stepp overs

I think we were able to complete this around 3 and a half times

Then we did a little ab work:

Lbc’s,  oblique crunch  left then right

Time was called

Usually a small group here on mondays but always a great workout. Thanks for the push men.

Prayer Request : Family members that are sick, those that are recovering,  all on IR, Hushpuppy and others


I took us out in prayer


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