Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 2, 2020

Welcome Back Qotter

After a 26 month hiatus from leading a workout, I couldn’t help but sign up when Sargento put the EH on me in early Jan for a leading a workout at The Ricky Bobby.  Since it has been almost 2 weeks since the workout, I don’t remember too much about it other than the fact that it was cold, it didn’t rain, if you didn’t wear a toboggan you felt left out, and Virus outran all of use despite the fact that, I think, he is older than Gump and Buckeye combined.

Warm Up

SSH x 20 (IC)

Goofballs x 20 (IC)

Maybe one other exercise, I think, but don’t remember, maybe Tool Times (Don Quixote’s)


Mosey to the track


The Thang- also known as “The Dab”

Exercise 1- 30 Mericans in 1 minute

Exercise 2- 30 groiners in 1 minute

Exercise 3- 45 second plank (then rest 15 seconds to get to a minute)

Exercise 4- 40 squats in 1 minute

Exercise 5- 30 Def Leppards

Run 1 lab

Repeat 3 more times


Dora 1-2-3

100 Diamond Pushups

200 Seal Jacks

300 LBC- Omaha to 200 because of time


YHC had a meeting at 7 AM and had to take off right at 615, so Sargento took the men out. You would have had to show to know for this part. It was great to work out with a great group of HIMs on a cold Wednesday morning. Maybe I’ll Q again in another couple of years!!



3 FOR A BLOCK PARTY @Starkville

3 including myself made it to Starkville

Weather was lovely

Warm up: Don Q’s, 10 IC







Did variance exercises with blocks 1min on 30 sec rest

Colt 45’s, offset meekins, lundges

Tricep press, OH press, calf raises

Reverse curls,  chestpress, stepp overs

I think we were able to complete this around 3 and a half times

Then we did a little ab work:

Lbc’s,  oblique crunch  left then right

Time was called

Usually a small group here on mondays but always a great workout. Thanks for the push men.

Prayer Request : Family members that are sick, those that are recovering,  all on IR, Hushpuppy and others


I took us out in prayer


road to 100%

warm up

1 don Q

1 gravel picker

1 ssh

1 merkin

1 squat

continue increasing by 1 until all were up to 5

mosey to the lower shed

10 merkins

20 stepups

30  ssh

40 big boys

50 CDD

60 merkins

70 squats

80 don Q

90 mountian climbers

100 LBCs

rinse and repeat until time

mosey back to the start for the pledge and prayer


Its gonna rain again… let do some work before.

Yet again this week, they are calling for rain of some sort late Monday thru sometime Thursday. So lets get some work in while its dry-ish.

YHC rolled right behind Dry Rub to find 3 out for EC and Gastone sitting in his truck. Seeing there was at least a few minutes, YHC pried a reluctant Gastone out of his truck for a quick mosey to the maintenance shack and back. Upon our arrival back, 2 were back from EC and more were arriving.

When 0530 hit, 7 were assembled to join YHC.

Since there was no FNG, a short/simple disclaimer was given followed by The Pledge.

5 Burpees

The Work:
Lets mosey heading down Riverwood Pkwy.

We stopped at every 3rd light long enough to do 15-20 monkey humpers, concluding with 25 toward Union Rd.

Lets mosey over to the Food Lion.

Time for some 11’s between the arrows. HRM at one end and squats at the other. Oh, and do a burpee at the cart corral every trip.

Quick check of the time when we were done… 25 left, lets head to the wall near Arline’s.

Have a seat with arms over your head.

When JJ said go, we went up the hill to Union Rd and did 20 American Hammers and return to the wall.
When Dry Rub said go, we went up and did 20 Mtn Climbers and return.
When Dirt said go, we went up and did 20 Heels to Heaven (YHC had to overrule Dirt as he was taking too long) and return
YHC doesn’t remember who said go, but Gastone volunteered Crunchy Frogs at the top and return.

Quick check of the time… 15 left.

Lets mosey. We took a scenic tour of this parking lot, around all the light poles and lane marker to end up on the stairs for 25 calf raises.

From there, mosey on behind the soon to be Planet Fitness to use the ramp for some Bear Crawls, but just like last time, there are not just one, but two occupied cars parked back there. So continue on to the parking lot on the front side.

After a quick word about temptation (You can’t just “resist” temptation. In order to try to “resist”, you focus on the temptation. Whatever you focus on, persists in your brain and you will ultimately give in to it. For temptations, you must refocus your mind on something else. Refocus on God.), YHC called normal ole, high school suicides using the lines in the parking lot.

Once all were done, we meandered for a bit heading back toward the start. This ultimately turned into a mosey and stopped at the wall in front of the bank.
Here we did 20 dips – right leg up followed by 20 step-ups right leg only. Followed by 20 dips – left leg up followed by 20 step-ups left leg only.

During this activity, there was a Gump sighting. He had been looking for the SandLot crew for nearly 40 mins. He chose to mosey on instead of finishing up with us.

Looking at the time on the clock, we still have 4 whole minutes.

So a quick mosey to Martha’s entrance for 10 big boys and then everyone attempted to beat Gold Digger’s record on the way back to SnoBalls. YHC isn’t sure about the standings, but JJ gave it a good try.

And that is time.

Sometime between YHC arrival back to Snoballs and retrieving of my phone, Stroganoff appeared from the gloom having put in his work for the Mortimer with his pack on Gastone’s hill.

Nothing really new here…
21st Convergence/5 Yr Anniversary at Martha’s 0700
No Fellowshoot that day. Will be rescheduled.
P200 coming up.
Mortimer coming up.
GoRuck, Spartan and Community Run all the first weekend in April.

Prayer Requests:
JJ’s Dad
TimeFrame’s M

Dirt prayed us out.

By God’s grace I have never had to battle anxiety, depression or addiction. I do not know what it is like. But know this. It is real, it hard, it can wear you down. But to all that do suffer, remember two things…
1. God is there with you through it all. Call out to Him.
2. We (your friends and family) are there for you. If you have a need, just reach out; to pray, to talk, to whatever.

Watts Up powering down.

Rucking the Rooster

3 Teams of 5 took on the Rooster with weight packs.

GasHouse was well represented and are a competitive bunch.

To try to win this race, there were times for the 1 mile that would make some runners jealous.

All did a great job and pushed themselves.

This was a great time and would recommend to any and all.

If you want to know who won or the details thereof, you should been there (or talk to Roadie and Hacksaw)

Outrun the Queen

12 PAX came to Crossroads to outrun their Queen.  A wide range of mileage was done but everyone that posted got better.

My verse of the week: Proverbs 16:3 – Commit to the Lord in everything you do and he will establish your paths/plans.


3/21 – 5 year convergence at Martha Rivers

4/4 – Speed For Need Community Foundation 5k


Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTT!!!!

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