Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 9 of 10)


YHC arrived at Starkville a little early and found a vehicle not commonly seen at local AO’s parked in the lot with the occupant patiently awaiting the start time. None other than the infamous Huckleberry had chosen this day to return to his flock and once again experience the joy and pain that is F3. Five additional PAX arrived to share in the experience and when time hit we were ready to go.


After the pledge and a short warmup, various toys were transported to the tennis courts for the main event.  Part 1 consisted of a 10 to 1 Countdown through multiple pain stations. PAX were to complete 10 Reps at each station and then lunge walk across two courts and back then 9 reps, 8 reps, etc…..Stations were:

Overhead press with sandbag

Moroccan Nightclubs with bricks

Sandbag swing

Merkins on bricks

Goblet squat with sandbag

Plank rows with dumbells

Chest press with steel plate


This was taking a little longer than anticipated, so YHC cut it short and we moved on to Part 2…..Rapid fire Tabata

30 seconds of each exercise then 30 seconds rest before next set.

Set 1 – High knees, Mtn climbers, LBC’s

Set 2 – Butt kickers, Corkscrews, Freddie Mercury’s

Set 3 – Squats, Plank jacks, Flutter kicks

Set 4 – Imperial walkers, Peter Parkers, Dying Cockroach

Set 5 – Seal Jacks, Nolan Ryans, LBFC’s


3 minutes of Mary and time was up.


How do you find peace during times of chaos or turmoil? Through the word of God and by trusting in him. He will give you peace and rest. When you feel like life is overwhelming you, open your Bible and let the word of God comfort and calm you.

1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.”



AO launch at New Hope Elementary School on Wednesday, Jan. 8th at 5:30am


Prayer Request

Timeframe’s M

Whoopee’s 2.0

Dry Rub’s M

Tiger’s dad

Sister Act’s family


Freight took us out.


It was great to see a good crowd out at Starkville. Freight and Huck provided the majority of the mumble chatter (who would have thought that?) while Oompa provided running commentary on the playlist (he’s an Imagine Dragons fan). Rockabilly was able to make it out due to a meeting change and he was putting in the work. Tater Hole and Blart are regulars at this AO and if you haven’t been out yet, give it a try.


I’m Broke


VooDoo out with the sniffles and asked me to fill in and Q last night, gladly accepted!  No idea what I was going to do or how many would show so I loaded up the ol’ Prius with a bunch of gear. Got there a few minutes early to do a last minute recon. Found a new hill at Bulldog that may Trump2020 Gastone’s Hill. Show to know. 8 total in attendance so my 2nd weinke was ready to go.


Warmup – Slaughter Starter

The Thang – Part 1:

Tri-partner Hair burners with a 35lb or 25lb plate

P1 swings, P2 pushes plate, P3 overhead press

P3 now pushes plate to P1…you get the idea. repeat the process for 10 minutes

Roscoe and YHC had 1 less partner so we had to do more plate pushes, Yay for us…(said no one ever)


To the benches for Dips IC followed up with step-ups 20 count right leg only


Back to Hair Burners again

P1 curls, P2 pushes plate, P3 tricep extensions – 10 minutes


To the curb for some Big Boy Tiger Squats – 20 OYO


Grab Kettlebells and Farmer Carry Mosey to the back of Bess elementary to the Huge, Bigely, very steep, grassy hill. Now officially claimed as HIPAApotamus

The Thang – Part 2:

Musical Dora

Partner up

Exercise 1 – Curls
P1 curls P2 runs to top of hill for 1 burpee run down and switch.
Do this for the entire track of Beastie Boys “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” – 4:06 minutes

Exercise 2 – Squat Thrusters
P1 squat thrusters P2 runs to top of hill for 1 burpee run down and switch.
Do this for the entire track of Lil Jon “Get Low” (Clean version, lol) –  5:24 minutes

Exercise 3 – Burpees
P1 Burpees P2 runs to top of hill for 1 burpee run down and switch.
Do this for the entire track of Micheal Jackson “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” – 6:05 minutes


Farmer Carry Mosey back to start



Announcements – New AO Wednesday New Hope Elementary come out and support the launch. Lake Wylie F3/FiA Convergence February 15th

Prayers – TimeFrame M, T-Square son, family for a recent suicide and those battling mental illness

YHC took us out

I’ve slacked off tremendously over the last few months and it’s shown. Taking a Q helps you get back into a rhythm for sure. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and the push that came with it. Everyone worked extra hard this morning. We did something new so stepping out of your workout comfort zone sometimes isnt easy, but we made it through. Just a quick note it was the second workout in a row where the assigned Q was sick and others stepped up to take lead. That said always be prepared to step up and lead. Good thing to do is create a quick weinke and keep it in your dash. #HIPAAtips



Runners and non-runners welcome

YHC wanted to Q a workout that had plenty of running for the runners of the group, but still challenged those who are not running at the moment.  We started with the pledge and a traditional warm-up, and then we began a four corners workout.  Each corner was an accumulator.  Walkers went clockwise directly to the next corner and did double the exercise listed, runners went outside the ring counter-clockwise (the long way around) to get to the same corner and did the listed count of the exercises.   Four rounds and each round added an exercise.  It actually timed out very well and we all finished about the same time.  It looked like this.

We finished with about 10 minutes to go so we lined up for a PAX called AMRAP followed by a bear crawl in one direction and a crab walk in the other.  Mosey backed to the flag and as YHC was calling time a train was heard in the distance, so we threw in five more burpees to finish strong.

Solid work by all, running or not running!


  • Rice N Beans next Tuesday 1/14/2020 in the evening.  YHC signed up F3 Gastonia for all 20 volunteer spots.  We have 8 spaces left, so let YHC know if you will be joining us.  Details, directions, times, etc >>
  • New AO starts tomorrow!  New Hope Elementary – Wednesday’s at 5:30 am – boot camp.  Name of AO to be announced tomorrow.

Prayer Requests

  • Lynn Hamm’s continuing battle against cancer.  We want to pray for her husband to have the strength he needs to support her and his family, all while he deals with seeing his M sick and fighting for her life.
  • All the kids heading back to school.
  • Timeframe’s M
  • T-Square’s son
  • Our troops heading overseas to protect our freedom.  YHC is humbled every time he sees these brave men and women leave their families to head into a dangerous situation to serve our country.  Couldn’t be more proud of our military and the country we are blessed to live in!  AYE!


Little Robbie

15 was the number at Folsom on Saturday. 1 did some EC rucking and about 6 were out running the streets early.

Warmup: Waiting for the new Nantan to get to the circle. Sparky was already there! Let’s mosey.

The Thang:

We made our way to the gates at the entrance of The U of D! Stopping along the way for some exercises. Partner up. P1 runs the hill and back down while P2 does an exercise. Switch. We did this three times each with exercises being squats, Freddy Mercury, and Corkscrew. YHC talked about the challenge the hill presents and getting past it.

Let’s mosey back to the park. On the way back we stopped again for a few exercises. At the parking lot partner up again for 11’s. Booyah Merkins and burpees. At this point there were several douchee comments which I will admit I likely deserve during my Q. I dish it so I must take it! Golddigger was upset by my description of counting during the merkin portion. We were saying the same thing he just refused to see it. He even carried the argument into the party Saturday night. I finally just had to concede hoping he would find peace about the situation. Anyway sometime during the exercise I decided to call him Little Robbie and honestly I’ll probably never call him anything else.

Moving on we moseyed to the tennis courts where I had everyone gather in the center. YHC had stashed 4 papers at each end of the courts, so three courts away in either direction, with exercises on them. We raced to get to the papers. If you made it to one you did the exercise. If you didn’t get to one first you had to do 5 burpees. We did this for about 5-6 rounds. Those that didn’t get to a paper the previous round received a half court head start the following round.


YHC talked a little about pushing through with the help of others and sometimes on our own. Even when we are on our own we are not. We have your back no matter what!

Announcements-Party, New AO at New Hope Elementary, New Nantan impeachment trial

Prayer Request-Little Robbie took us out


Fun crowd of bat flipping rock pushers! Even though I did have to bleep myself a few times it was a good morning to be out!

Disruption at Crossroads

 Chilly morning at Crossroads. Broke is already trying to cause "disruption" by announcing he was running 8 miles. Sister Act and Dr. Seuss ran with him. I chased Blart for 5 miles who chased Barrel Racer. Freight was the lone rucker. Come on ruckers! You know no one wants to ruck alone! Ooompa Loompa was running around the college. After the run, a couple of guys had to leave but we added Gold Digger and Pizza Man for Q Source starting off with "A Leader causes Disruption to the Status Quo." It was a good discussion as I asked Pizza Man and Gold Digger (Little Robbie) to tell us about how training for a marathon disrupted their normal training. "Movement to advantage" will disrupt the status quo in your life. F3 has certainly disrupted my life for the better in every way.
 I would also like to take this chance to say a few things to all of the F3 Gastonia Pax. A special thanks to Stroganoff for selecting me to be the Nantan for 2020. I consider it a privilege to be a part of such a great group of men! Thanks to Freight for many things, but mainly he kept me posting in the early days at Midoriyama with his special wit. Thanks to my Shieldlock guys Slaw and Sister Act for pushing me and holding me accountable every day. Thanks to all of the Pax who have helped F3 Gastonia invigorate so many men in all areas of their lives. Keep connecting with our workout guys especially FNG's. As Dredd says ALR. Ask. Listen. Remember. The Q Source topic this week said a great leader's legacy is built on love so let's pass that along to the guys we post with. Thanks so much and see you in the gloom!

Announcements: A big thanks to all involved in the (after) Christmas Party. It was a blast. New AO Wednesday, January 8th at New Hope Elementary at 5:30 am with Sargento as Site Q for a Bootcamp. Lots of names being discussed. Show to know.

Prayer Requests: Stroganoff is sick. Short Sale is sick. Timeframe’s M. Dry Rub’s M. Sister Act’s grandmother passed away. Teacher’s and kids going back to school (Seuss and Digger). Oompa took us out!

Tennis Anyone?

Tesla originally had Q but had something come up, he asked YHC to take, happy to do so.  Crowd was light in numbers but VERY heavy in experience.  That’s always good.  0700 hits, let’s get started.

Warmup: SSH, Toy Soldiers, Don Q 15x all IC.  Mosey up Myrtle hill and keep going to tennis courts and Davis Park.  Recently surfaced, good place to put in some work.

Four courts all side by side.  YHC likes suicides with some extra stuff thrown in.  We started on sideline of one court.  Did suicides to each successive sideline.  So run to sideline of court one and back.  Near sideline of court two and back.  Far sideline of court two and back and so on.  So with four courts that gave us seven stops.  YHC called an exercise that we did each sideline stop.  Start with 5 reps on first stop, and increase by 5 at each additional stop, 5, 10, 15 etc so with seven stops the most far sideline was 35 reps.

Start with merkins, bobby hurley’s, mountain climbers, lunges, count only one leg on mountain climbers and lunges.  This was tough.  Finish with burpees but only increase by two.  140 reps of all exercises except burpees, only 56 of those.  58 for El Tigre.  But he isn’t very good at math.

Mosey back.  Few minutes remain so circle around the fountain for some ring of fire.  Each Pax called an exercise and did a lap around fountain while exercise performed.  Backward lunges, diamond merkins, low slow squats, merkins, mountain climbers.  Mosey to Yank for pledge, Time.

Good work put in, workout was not easy.  Announced party reminder, and P200 reminder that may still be time to get in.

Prayer requests: Breaker Breaker friend Lynn Ham continued prayers as she battles cancer, Virus’ children, war possibilities impacting our nation and other nations along with military members, Tiger father, the men on the prayer list for the week.  YHC took us out

Always an honor


Identity Theft is not a Joke, Jim!

13 HIM’s strong for Pain Lab on this wet and rainy morning.

The set up is simple. 15 stations with 2 minute intervals rotating around in a circle listening to scenes from the TV show “The Office”.

The Stations

  • Michael Scott – Rocky Balboas
  • Ryan – Weighted Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Creed – Weighted Squats
  • Kelly –  Weighted Randys
  • Darryl – Weighted Big Boys
  • Jim – Bobby Hurleys
  • Oscar – Shoulder Taps
  • Andy – Mountain Climbers
  • Pam – LBCs
  • Angela – Dying Cockroaches
  • Stanley – Merkins
  • Toby – Flying Squirrels
  • Phyllis – Lunges
  • Kevin – Weighted Curls
  • Dwight – Weighted GoofBalls

Da Vinci’s knowledge of The Office was impressive.  He knew every line in every scene. It was a little scary.  Les Nessman was debating that Seinfeld was better and deserved a Q. Maybe next time my friend.

Thanks to Wichita and Stogie for making the trip down from my home AO of Folsom. It is always good to see PAX posting outside there normal AO.

Great work by all and thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Proverbs 15:15 – All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.

Big Pappy


Disclaimer for FNG with help from pax
Announcement of new AO starting this week and that we’d celebrate with the warm up the suggested name choices:
Imperial Squat walkers for the Star Wars names ( New Hope Elementary school is location …. Star Wars other name is A New Hope …. if you’re not nerdy enough to know!) done IC x20
Goofballs ( done while going round and round in a circle ) IC x20 or as Whoopee figured out you can call out “I’m on Fire!” Or “Save me baby Jesus!” Or “ Help me Tom Cruise!” …. much mirth and mayhem as this is for Talladega Nights which was filmed in this area esp beginning has a scene filmed at the school with a parting shot of House across street from school!
Lastly there was a suggestion of Motor Lodge Inn downtown Gashouse Sooooooo……we got into lower plank position and pickle pounders!!!! X 20 IC ( or attempted to…… but there was a lot of noise for SOME reason!!! But then I called out that , “ She said turn over ..” but before I could advise all to assume the crab ( hehe) position for crab thrusters , someone on their back called out, “ I’m wet!” And another said , “ That’s what she said!!” These were in cadence of some kind…. until we were ‘spent’ at 3….
If you noticed …. 20 was cadence count …. it is 2020 after all!
Break off into two groups boot camp with me and Pain lab with Big Pappy.
It should be noted that I Tweeted that as Linus would later acknowledge we would NOT be Gashouse sight seeing ( no library, pharmacy, Grier nor First Presby) but instead ran around parking lot back and forth and as we ran near Pain Labbers JJ decided to run over and through the assembled ( he’d learn quickly…. but moron that later)!
Today’s theme is Disruption! There was the disruption of NOT utilizing normal locales…. and well… moron that later!
We started near rock sculpture with 5 burpees and lunged few feet to another corner for 5 burpees and 10 merkins. Next karaoke over to end of lot for 5 burpees, 10 merkins and 15 plank jacks. Nur to next corner and yep … 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 plank jacks and WOW that ground is cold and wet , for 20 flutters ( forgot to tell all single or double… q fail! And before we would karaoke other side we assembled in midst of Labbers and Disrupted their thoughtful star gazing, I mean they were hardly working , er that is they were standing still!
Now, it should be noted that I AM a huge supporter for Pain Lab, all one has to do is check out my posts at PL and Bulldog!
Today’s disruption would mean that one of our number would remain behind to be tortured by the Labbers and collected on our return journey where we would leave someone else until ALL were voted off the island! So we HAD to leave JJ behind first ( mostly because of his earlier mischief) but also he had to rouse troops early for b ball game and had to leave us early. He claimed that they did things to him that he WOULD NOT like to revisit!
It took longer to accomplish this but it worked out well as part of idea was that if someone had never attended PL would get that chance. JJ has not although he has attended Bulldog more than once.
We would now have 10 minutes left and would hustle to trails until at the creek where the trails diverge we would use that hill for elevens of merkins below nur up and lbcs at top. Only reached 7 down and 4 up top and there was a 5 burpees train in mix and with only 45 seconds we hustled ( not really ) to awaken the Pain Labbers and help them clean up the popcorn from their movie watching ( The Office)!
I also announce that in the business world disruption can and often leadS to innovation and new business ( Facebook ie)
Announcements for last years/ months Xmas party Tonight at 7pm at Lewis Farms
Rice and Beans half full , but needs volunteers to sign up (14th) well worth it !! Check out Slack or reach out to Anchorman
Al Hess, math teacher Gaston County double dipping at Mountain Island Charter becomes our newest card carrying member to be known as Pythagorus.
Prayers for Time Frame , his M ( in hospital now in a private room) and the family …. please reach out to them
Whoopee and his 2.0

I’m beat! It was time well spent ! Now to roll over … aww man , found the wet spot!

Round Up Downtown VQ

Warm Up

10 burpees

20 ssh IC

30 squats

mosey to a spot for 30 dips

mosey to the parking deck

5 burpees

20 merkins

20 squats at each level of the deck

Then we hit up some Dora at the top

partner 1 sprint to the end of top level and back while partner done a workout.

200 Big Boys

300  LBC

400 Flutters

Finished that and picked up 5 Burpees at each level on the way down to the bottom.

Get to the bottom, partner up again for

100 Australian shoulder taps

100 wall sit air presses

100 Australian mountain climbers

while the other guy ran around the parking lot right outside of the parking deck.

Mosey to the benches for 30 dips

Head back to the start

Time is up


Christmas Party Saturday 7:00 at Lewis farms

Prayer Request

There were several request this morning  but there is nothing our father can not handle! We’re prayer warriors and we need to step up for our fellow brothers and families and lift them up to the lord daily!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today. Downtown is where I started F3 over a year and a half ago and it was cool to  Q a workout there.

Round Up


1% better at The Goat

10 PAX posted at The Goat for Pizza’s VQ at this AO.  It went like this:



Don Q’s x 20 IC


”Hey Buddy” Hero WOD
Buy- in:  .25 mile Run

Then 5 Rounds of:

10 lunges count right leg

10 air squats

10 sit ups

8 Burpees

Cash-out: .25 mile Run

“Georgie” Hero WOD (Modified)

Buy-in: 65 sit ups

AMRAP until 6:15am

7 Burpees

11 Merkins

22 Squats (was suppose to be KB swings)

Then the PAX ran up the hill and back before starting the next set



Christmas Party Saturday @7am


Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning.  As I mentioned in COT, create some goals; physically, spiritually, etc to help you become 1% better than you were yesterday.  Always a pleasure to lead, until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUTTTTT!!!

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