Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 6 of 10)

Back in the Ring

2020 has been a slow start for me. I did the Murph New Year’s Day and then walked 18 holes of golf (6 miles according to my watch) so I considered my journey to 250 workouts in 2020 +1. And then my course of action took a fantastic nose-dive south. Fever, chills, aches; I visited Urgent Care Saturday morning. I don’t like Urgent Care but my M thought I was near death, so I went. I arrived ten minutes before they opened. I watched the staff trickle into the office ahead of me. The same nurse that was to attend to me didn’t appear enthused to be there. I say that because she barely stuck the q-stick in my nose or throat so I didn’t test positive for strep or flu. So the diagnosis was “flu-like” symptoms…whatever that means – no medicine, just the PA’s encouraging words that amounted to “suck it up and deal with it” for a week. I’m no doctor and didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn but I’d say I had the FLU. I felt like shit. I quarantined myself to the couch for the next eight days. I graduated to the extra bedroom for days nine-eleven finally going back to the office on Tuesday, assuring my co-workers that my coughing and hacking wasn’t contagious. But long before my symptoms arrived, I had put my name on the Q Schedule for Midoriyama for Thursday the 16th. Surely I’d be able to make that after 15 days out of commission. We’ll see…no FNG’s, we’re all idiots, the same ole stuff…like riding a bike:


  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Pledge

Thang: A short mosey across the parking lot to the larger, open lot by the first softball field. Basically because I have no cardio to run any distance. While on the couch for a long period of time and work was little more than keeping current on my email and dialing into the occasional meeting, I had some time to think about this Weinke. So first up on the list took some explaining and then emphasis, and more explaining along with a few demos – this was Midoriyama after all where math can be challenging. So I’ll attempt to explain for those of you that didn’t attend – maybe you’ll get the concept – maybe you’ll add it to your own Weinke, or maybe you’ll complain like my PAX did…

Find a partner and P1 stand on one parking lot line while P2 is two parking lines apart (there is one parking line between the two of you). On the first line both PAX perform 5 (that is the number five, cinco if you’re from Mexico); perform 5 jump squats, then drop down and plank walk laterally (that is east/west) to meet your partner at the middle parking lot line and then do 10 partner merkins (aka Boo-Yah Merkins, aka Hand-Slap Merkins); then proceed plank-walking laterally to the third parking lot line, stand up and perform 5 (once again in English – five or in Spanish – Cinco) Squat-Jacks. Once completed, plank walk laterally the opposite direction to meet your partner in the middle parking line for 9 partner merkins, then continue lateral plank walk back to your starting spot to do another 5 jump squats. Sound simple enough?? Possibly, so just know on your own, do 5 jump squats or 5 squat jacks…plank walk to meet your partner and do descending count 10 to 1 partner merkins in the middle. The point was to burn the shoulders with the plank walk and partner merkins and get the cardio going on the other 5 reps. Complaints started and whether the PAX followed instructions, it didn’t matter – hopefully you felt the pain. Next time, I’ll try to explain better as it’s a good routine that will take about 5 minutes. Let’s mosey to the next part.

Down to the picnic shelter near the BMX track…keep your same partners if you like (or if you’re SA’s partner feel free to switch). Use the picnic tables…P2 gets in plank with their legs under the bench, they are the count doing 10 merkins…P1 sits on the bench and does seated rainbow leg lifts side to side AMRAP and then switches…3 sets. Round II: P1 does the Scorpion Plank x 10 – now this is new so pay attention…P1 gets in plank w/ feet on the picnic bench, they do a Parker Peter (that is R knee to L elbow, then L knee to R elbow) and then 1 merkin = 1 rep. P2 does SSH until P1 completes, then flap-jack x 3 sets. Round III: P1 does an American Hammer (right hand, then left hand swinging across the core) then does two leg kicks where you reach up toward your toes…it’s a core killer – you need to try it. P2 does SSH’s until P1 completes 8 reps. Flap-jack for 3 rounds.

So if you’re paying attention, that’s 2 new ones in my repertoire, that I’ll bring to an AO near you. The whole set seemed to be a crowd pleaser as plenty of grumbling, whining and complaining occurred. The GranTan tried to conjure up old memories of YHC’s blow-ups on relay races but that was just hiding his love for this pain. Let’s mosey back to the parking lot where we began.

Keep your partners for the Lazy Dora (because I didn’t think I had time for the full one). P1 runs about 25 yards and back while P2 performs:

  • Diamond Big-Boys x 75 aggregate
  • Donkey Kick + Plank Jack x 100 aggregate (another new one – PAX loved it)
  • Flutter Kick (right leg) x 150 aggregate

With about 5 minutes left, let’s do more core work so Mary can be satisfied: all reps x 15: Dying Cockroach, Freddie Mercury, Corkscrew, low plank knee touches, low plank Peter Parker –> TIME!

There was plenty of mumble chatter today because it’s Midoriyama and that is what they do as the Nation’s Original Afternoon Workout. Nominated by the PAX is to amend Sister Act’s name to White Claw because he apparently loves the new girly beverage, maybe not as much as Starbucks Iced Coffee, but he enjoyed them at the Christmas Party. HIPAA wore his weighted vest and gutted through the plank work, especially the Scorpion Planks – T-Claps brother. There was a rumor Defib complained…if so, I take that as a compliment from one of the toughest PAX in our region (belated HBD).

COT: Announcements: 1/26 – Cavendish at 3 pm is a P200 meeting, followed at 4 pm by the Leadership Advisory Meeting (Def Leppard didn’t say PAX not on leadership couldn’t attend, so if you’re interested in what goes on at the top level – stop by and grab a beer and listen to the wisdom), look for new AO on Monday’s in Dallas at Ingles (do some exercise and then arrive at 0600 for prayer of the week). Prayers: Defib’s son, Swimmer’s MIL, Tiger’s Dad, Gumby’s recovery from surgery, Lil’ Sweet possible surgery, the prayer list Tiger submitted, there could have been others I failed to remember – my apologies, but the Sky Q knows.

Moleskin: It was good to be back in the circle…I’m still looking to get 100% of energy back but when you’re on the sidelines and unable to participate, I missed the workouts and the fellowship. It would be easy to fall out of the habit of fitness to become a Kotter or Sad Clown, but reading BB’s and Slack kept my interest and focus to be among the brotherhood…#healshortsale.

Let’s Do Some Leg Work

The morning started awful. YHC let the weather win in the AM and YHC’s mind just was not focused on getting better.

The day progressively turned for the better starting with a great word by Sparky at our non official morning Bible study.   Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  

As the sun fell, it was time for Starkville and time to get right and get better,

The Thang:

Quick mosey to the shelter.

Sets of the following:

  • 60 Imperial Walkers or Hillbillies
  • 50 Squats
  • 40 Step ups
  • 30 Lunges
  • 25 Merkins

We increased the the quantity by 5 then till the Step Ups got to 60 then reduced the quantity by five as we watched comedic videos to disrupt out counting.

We then moseyed back to the flag for prayers and COT.

This was a simple yet effective weinke. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  

Big Pappy


Fun Friday

10 Showed for Easy Rider, but he was sick and asked me to sub for him. Luck you.

The Thang:

25 SSH

10 Merkins

Mosey down the street across Franklin to the bottom of a valley.

Partner up. Partner A run to the top of one hill and B to the other  both do 11 Merkins.

Come back to middle for 10 Squats. Next both run to the opposite hill and do 10 Merkins while keeping the Squats constant in the middle. Finished once we hit 1.

Lunge walk backwards for 20 yards

Stopped a railing that did not have a middle bar just the top. Everyone on there back laying on the ground under the pole. 10 pullups from your back. Then get up and grab the pole leaning towards for 20 incline Merkins. 3x

50 Monkey Humpers

50 Squats

Bernie Sanders up the Hill.

Back to start.

The Moleskin:

Good workout, we made it 3 miles or a little over. Everyone put in the work and we got it done to finish the work week.

Gastone Out!

Warm winter mosey

Honored to fill in for a nice warm winter mosey – Usual route.  EC with Quiche – much too fast for this old man – thanks for the push



New AO – New Hope elementary every Wednesday (“The Ricky Bobby”)

Pittsburg half marathon May 2nd – see Sargento

What a crowd?!!

This morning started out like usual, but as time drew closer to start, it was noticeably different. Well, different as of lately. 16 men tore up the PrisonBreak route on this occasion. I’m used to seeing 6-8 on a regular basis. Of course, it is time to get your P200 training in. Many of the guys who have signed up were getting their work in. There was no sign of Allen Tate, who claimed to be ready to “Werk” to be ready for the relay. We will see his effort in time. Anyway, good to see all you guys this morning.


Announcements: P200 sign ups(see Montross), Sparky has started a little bible study Monday mornings(get a run in and be in Ingles by 0600 for discussion)

COT Wichita’s father, Montross, Gumby recovery

YHC took us out in prayer

Respect what you trust

Honored to lead the workout today – my 50th birthday.  I have been with F3 for almost 5 years now and it has definitely changed my life, led me to push myself to achieve what I could not have done alone, and taught me what it means to live third.  I’ve learned that doing a ton of merkins does not help me as much as getting out of bed, posting and showing consistency.  I have been blessed to get to know so many great men in this community and am proud to be a part of this organization.  However it is 5:30 so time to move


2 for EC – Roscoe and Dirt – Dirt learned that he really is an 8:30 pace miler.  Way to push – 12 HIMs decided it would be a good idea to get up , post and get better today and I did not plan on disappointing anyone.  1 FNG (EH’ed by Tyson) posted so more than usual half ass disclaimer was made.




Don Q (almost fell over so enough of that)

Mosey to Marthas parking lot where we did increasing number of of plankjacks at each island starting with 5 and increasing by 5 to the end of the parking lot- what do you know ended with 50 plank jacks.  Then worked our way back – same routine but with squats.  Found out that Midoryama is not the only AO where math is second language.   Moseyed to concession stand for some tabata style exercises.  50 seconds at a time AMRAP exercises separated by a 50 yard run in-between.  Exercises included Bonnie Blairs, Big Boys, flutter kicks, CDDs, and burpees.  During exercises I was prodded by Whoopee for some words of wisdom- obviously he can’t get enough of me doing same at work – I tried to think of something smart ass but the only thing coming out of my mouth had something to do with setting goals, writing them down, and telling others your plan to hold you accountable.  Of course this means you much trust yourself and your friends in your shield-lock to help you.  Finished off the workout with 6 minutes of Mary including crunchy frogs, flutters(50-thanks Gastone), burpees, dying cockroaches, dirty dogs and reverse crunches. -TIME

Announcements – Go Ruck training – every Saturday two hours before boot camp rotating between different AOs – Next week will be at the Schiele

Spartan training – reach out to Gump


COT included some parting words on trust what to do when you find yourself losing trust in yourself, your judgements and the people in your circle.  Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


Prayers for Timeframe’s M and family friend of Gump who is battling cancer and illnesses


Untilnext time – Defib – out!

Goruck Training

This is an informational post to share what we did at our first Goruck training session at Folsom last Saturday. We will be doing these workouts for a while on Saturday’s going from Saturday AO to Saturday AO. We will start 1 hour before the normal workout and end with the normal COT.

4 PAX carried 5 coupons to the lower lot at Folsom. Each was placed in it’s own parking space with one space open in the middle. Each PAX lined up with a coupon and took their ruck off and did 10 thrusters. They put their ruck back on, picked up the coupon, and carried it to the top of the parking lot and back. Rotate to the next coupon. We did this twice through all of the spaces. The open space was for a break from carrying something. The coupons were 40# sandbag, cement block, 30# slam ball, a set of 10# dumb bells, and a single 20# dumb bell. All in all we did 120 thrusters and covered about 1.5-2 miles carrying the coupons.

Next YHC let the PAX choose a coupon to take turns carrying on a ruck. The 30# slam ball was chosen. Bad choice! Balls are awkward to carry. That’s what she….any way we went to the courthouse and back. Total miles was 6 for the workout.

Next week 1/18 we will be at Gashouse 0600 to see what Whoopee has cooked up for us.

The Greatest of All Time -The Ricky Bobby

Some have said this AO could grow to become, if not already be, the greatest of all time. How could this be? Show to know baby!!! If anything, the Gashouse region continues to grow and there are opportunities to share the F3 experience with plenty of sad clowns, so why not create a new AO?

To kick things off preworkout we watched the opening scene of the legendary film “Talledega Nights” and witnessed how Ricky Bobby’s daddy got drug out of the front doors of this very school. The next shot shows him explaining that “if you ain’t first, you’re last!” Truer words have never been said. Then he peels out through the grass straight toward YHC’s neighborhood which is in the background!

At this inaugural workout 22 HIMs decided to beat the fartsack and bring their A game. This is what happened…

Disclaimer although there were no FNGs.

Warm Up:
Goof Balls x15 IC

Don Quixote x15 IC

Monkey Humpers x15 IC

Count off then mosey at a quick pace toward the back of the school. Once there the PAX would do the 4 Corner Escalator. With this we did

Corner 1 – 10 Monkey Humpers

Corner 2 – corner 1 plus 20 Dying Cockroaches

Corner 3 – corners 1 & 2 plus 30 flutterkicks, each side

Corner 4 – corners 1, 2 & 3 plus 40 merkins

After a quick count off, reverse the order back down until your get to corner 1.

Mosey to the side of the school that has a nice frozen hill. Pair up for a little partner work with one of the most fundamental partner routines, the Dora 1-2-3. Partner 1 would bear crawl up the hill, touch the building and either bear crawl or crab walk back down. Partner 2 would do 100 CDDs, 200 Squats and 300 Air Presses.

Fellowship mosey back around to the front of the school for some Gaston County school facility trivia. Along with the nice newly paved parking lot, the school got three bright yellow gates at each of it’s entrances. The only problem is that they’ve never been closed. What’s the point? Neither Radar or Dr. Seuss knew the answer so everyone got punished.

Elevens: At one end we’d do Dirty Hookups, run the length of the covered walk and do burpees at the other end. This sucked! I think we may have done exercise to finish up the last minute of time but I can’t recall.

Thanks for showing up to this thing men! Your attendance is appreciated. This is going to be a great thing.


Announcements: Freight is training ruckers, everyone has to send sensitive info to Watts Up

Prayer Requests: Lynn Hamm, Gumby’s surgery, SA’s family



Keeping it Moving at Midoriyama

8 HIMS came out on a warm Winter evening for my second Midoriyama Q .


Mosey to far parking lot.

 Oscar Temores-

    • 8 Rounds: with a lap after each round:
    • 11 Hand Release Merkins
    • 30 Walking Lunges
    • 19 LBC’s



DMC Routines– Sprint to the 10 yard line, 5 Werkins, reverse NUR back to goal line. Repeat to the 20, 30, 40  yard lines increasing # of Werkins by 5.


Dominoes-Lineup, side plank, right hand high, each Pax 10 Merkins, go back, side plank, left hand high.


Mosey to next lot for Captain Thor-1 Big Boy/4 American Hammers up to 8/32 OYO


Mosey back to flag/curb.


Jacked Up

SSH x 50  

Seal Jacks x 40 

Plank Jacks x 30 

IC Smurf Jacks x 20 







Slaw’s health

Gumby’s recovery

Time Frame’s M’s recovery

Herme’s friend’s daughter




YHC took us out.


Truly an honor to lead!



Folsom 1-7-20

Begin by saying pledge since Broke was nice enough to forget his flag for me so we would not be winded.

Warm up SSH 15 in cadence

Don Q 15 in cadence

Gravel pickers 15 in cadence

Mosey to flag anyway. LBC till 6 show up

Mosey down to dog pound road for triple nickle with 5 burpees at top and 5 big boys at entrance to tennis courts

Mosey to tennis courts for 9 to 1 merkins, lbc, mountain climbers, flutter kicks. Start by doing 9 in cadence of each exercise then work your way down to 1.

I didn’t get far before I had to leave for work. There was an unspoken verbal contract that someone would finish up for me. I believe that was the case.

I still don’t like the fact that I leave early and miss out on COT( you don’t realize what you miss till you miss it). But I need to be employed.

If you would continue to remember my father in law in your prayers as well as my M’s uncle( her moms brother) he is in ICU with blood clots in his lungs.


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