Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 13, 2020

Don’t Be A Guppy

With forecast for rain, YHC wasn’t sure how many would post to celebrate one year. 0530 hit with 7 circled for the party.

Started with the pledge and then we went right to the warmup:
Goof Balls x 12 IC
Merkins x 12 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 12 IC

Now let’s get to work.

Mosey to Union and the down to the Fidelity Bank.

Four exercises.
Start with 12 reps.
Then run around the bank (long route)
Then do 11 reps.
Repeat until down to 1.
Reverse Crunch

I should mention that along the mosey, many avoided Whoopee as there many puddles in the path. There was an tad bit of grumbling about it being wet, when YHC called reverse crunches. This was made louder when it actually started raining.
F3 is held outside RAIN or shine.

I apologize to the bank customer who apparently was too afraid to stop at the ATM, even after we all completed all our reps and moved on.

Speaking of moving on, we moved to the drive up teller area for some calf raises.
25 Right Foot
25 Left Foot
25 Toes Out
25 Toes In

A quick lap around the bank or see if the customer was still lurking. They were not, so we did the 25 Monkey Humpers back in the teller area.

Even though we were literally across the street from our next destination, we reversed our route stopping at the wall in front of South State Bank.

10 Step Ups
15 Dips
5 Step Ups
7 Dips – Right Leg off ground
7 Dips – Left Leg off ground
5 Step Ups

Back to Snoballs

And that is time.

GoRuck Training every Saturday, starting 1 hour before workout. Training will include rucking and other activities. May or may not be back for start of normal workout, but will be back for COT. At Gashouse this week with Whoopee as Q. 0600 start.

Rice and Beans tomorrow. There is still room, if you want to join. This is worth doing. Great experience.

Prayer Requests:
TimeFrame’s M
Dry Rub’s M
Gumby’s Recovery

YHC took us out.

Shout out to all PAX of F3. I can’t express what F3 means to me. The encouragement, support and comradery is unbelievable, not to mention the physical and mental changes.

On a slightly different note, be sure to keep an eye on all aspects of your life. It’s easy to focus on one part to get it accelerating and then have others slump.

If you need help or to talk, reach out to a brother.

James 1:19-20
… everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

Watts Up powering down.

Psalm 119:105

A couple weeks ago, I was talking to Wichita and Roundup about plugging the 3rd F in a little more in the Folsom area! Thought that Monday mornings would be a good time to do this and a great way to start our week! So, I threw  it out on groupme and those guys were ready! We will meet at ingles at 530, or earlier if you want, run/ruck/walk, whatever you choose, which there were some guys getting after it in the pouring rain this morning,  but be inside ingles at 6! The pax that takes the Q will bring a verse, and that will be our weekly verse to commit to memory! And hopefully help each other grow spiritually! No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!
-Your prayer life will be strengthened! -Your witnessing will be sharper and much more and much more effective. – Your attitude and outlook will begin to change! – Your mind will become alert and observant! – Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced! – Your faith will be solidified!
A few reasons why so many have viewed scripture memorization as essential to the Christian life…

1 Conformity to Christ!

2 Daily triumph over sin!

3 Daily triumph over Satan!

4 Comfort and council for people you love!

5 Communicating the gospel to unbelievers!

6 Communion with God!

Knowing Gods Word is vital to our spiritual health and those around us!

I NEED those around me to pursue Christ! So that in turn, they can pour into me and push me to glorify God in all I do! And I need to be doing the same for them! “No man is an island “, we were designed to work together and build one another up daily! Your wife, children, pax, coworkers, need you to pursue Christ more then anything else whether they know it or not! With all that being said, this weeks verse is

Psalm 119:105- Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.

” He who walks in darkness is sure, sooner or later to stumble! While He who walks by the light of day or by lamp of night, stumble not, but keeps his uprightness “, Bible study tools.

psalm 119:105 is telling you that Gods word will help you navigate through this life! We have this tool! This light! Why not use it!

prayer request- pax, our community, Wichita’s dad fell last night and broke his hip and will be having surgery today.

Thank you men for allowing me to lead this morning! I am excited about what will come of this!





Weak turnout, strong work

The forecast of rainy weather must have caused some of the PAX to “forget” to set their alarms last night. The skies parted and the weather ended up being great for the 3 PAX that decided to resist the fartsack and start the week off right. Started with the pledge and then moseyed down to the BB&T to get to work.


Walls of Jericho

7 Reps of 7 exercises with a lap around the bank and parking lot after each set. The goal was to focus on good form and full execution of the exercise. Exercises were:

Hip Slappers (IC)

Mtn. Climbers (IC)


Mike Tyson’s

American Hammer’s (IC)

Plank Jacks (IC)

Lunges (IC)


Took a minute to discuss the teachings found in the story about the walls of Jericho. Be obedient to the teachings and instructions given to you by God and have faith that he will deliver you. Let’s mosey.


Stop at Central Ave and perform 10 squats at each light pole until you get to the bottom of the hill then NUR up the hill to Oakland St. and perform 50 LBC’s OYO. Continue up Central all the way to Hawthorne stopping at each light pole for 2 Burpee’s. Meet up at the steps in front of the auditorium for 10 regular calf raises on each step going up and 10 toes out calf raises on each step on the way down.


We moseyed to the cover in front of the middle school to finish up with about 10 minutes of ab work. Big boys, oblique crunches, flutters, etc….then finished up with 10 Burpee’s, 25 Dips and 10 Step Ups.




Rooster on Feb. 29th – put something on Slack if you’re interested in finding a team

Whoopee is working to get together a shooting event for PAX


Prayer Request

Gumby – recovering from hernia surgery

PAX struggling with injuries and other issues

Be on the lookout for this week’s prayer list from Tiger



Thanks to Red Ribbon and Pillager for coming out this morning. These guys were sprinting around the building during the Walls of Jericho and really pushed me today, I was definitely the six.


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke



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