Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 11, 2020

What a Rush

DaVinci needed a Q since he had a family conflict. I’ll take it! YHC began planning weinke. I wanted to try some new things so I did a little bit of recon Friday afternoon. Didn’t find what I wanted so back to the drawing board, literally. Found out earlier that week that Neil Peart, Drummer from Rush, had passed away battling brain cancer. I immediately knew what my playlist would be. Coincidentally, our FNG today said he was a drummer. Thought it was fitting to call out “Rush” during naming ceremony, glad it stuck! Weinke completed, let’s load up the M’s minivan because the Prius couldn’t hold all this gear! MVC FO LIFE!! FYI, YHC found a lovely tractor trailer tire on the West Blvd. Exit off 485. I’m sure Huckleberry, Big Pappy and Boudin have seen said tire. Been eyeballing it for couple weeks, finally had a chance to snatch it up. Nice size, not terribly heavy but still has some good weight to it.

Warm-up by JJ of The Bootcamps

Group split – we got 9!

The Thang

Tabata stations – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. I stressed to the PAX why I chose 20 and not longer. I made it 20 as it’s the perfect length to push your hardest while keeping form. Many times, especially with ropes, 30 seconds or longer and you begin to give up and not moving the ropes the way you should be, you become Lazy. Lazy is unacceptable in Pain Lab!

*Enjoy the weinke creation drawrings. Courtesy of my Samsung Note 8. Android Fo Life Britches!

4 compound stations


Station 1 – Diamond Merkin then move to Medium battlerope for alrernating waves. Then move to…

Station 2 – Normal Merkin then move to Tire with 17lb. Sledge hammer and beat the piss out of it. Then move to…

Station 3 – Wide Arm Merkin then move to 20Lb. Slam ball for Slams. Then move to…

Station 4 – Pseudo Planche Merkin then move to Heavy Rope for power slams.

Do this for 1 round


Let’s Indian Tire Flip around the parking lot.

PAX flip tire twice goes to end of line where he does 5 merkins, fall back in line until your turn again. Move to 3 flips, repeat. Move to 4 flips, repeat. Move to 5 flips. Fin!

Back to our station circuit for another round.


Move to benches. Dips IC. I slowed down on #10 & 11, feel that tricep burn baby! Step-Ups, 20 OYO, count right leg only.


Still got time. Time for some EMOM! Everyone grab a kettlebell or slam ball or sandbag.

EMOM for 12 minutes
Min 1 – 10 curls
Min 2 – 5 Burpees
Min 3 – 15 curls
Min 4 – 6 Burpees
Min 5 – 20 curls
Min 6 – 7 Burpees
Min 7 – 25 curls
Min 8 – 8 Burpees
Min 9 – 30 curls
Min 10 – 9 Burpees
Min 11 – 35 curls
Min 12 – 10 Burpees


Join Bootcamps for Mary

As always it’s a a true pleasure to lead all of you men. And for the last mother frikin time, 10 seconds on my timer is 10 dang seconds. 🖕!  WOPR, glad to see you out again. Consistency is key. Hermey, you have been posting at Pain Lab for over a solid month, would love to see you graduate to the next level and experience a Bootcamp! Trust me, you are ready! For the rest, keep up the great work and glad to see you posting at other AO’s during the week. Gump is a beast, when I see him push as hard as he does it makes me want to push that hard. He’s encouraging me, and I’m sure others, and he doesn’t even know it!!




So Freight got us out early for some GoRuck EC. It was tougher than I expected. We carried stuff and did some ruck thrusts so the legs and shoulders got a good warmup before my planned beat down. If you are looking for some EC over the next few months, look out for some info on this on both Twitter and Slack. We are meeting an hour before Saturday AOs for a 2 hour ruck training session and will finish with the Saturday AO COT. First week was Folsom and next week will be Schiele followed by The Yank with us alternating the Q. We will rotate between the AOs so we are coming your way eventually. All are welcome, but don’t expect us to just walk around with our purses-we are putting in some work.

After finishing the first half of EC, Freight, Watts Up, and Tiger split off from us. I tried to say a few things and get the WU started but…….the mumble chatter started sooner than I expected. Rookie mistake on my part…..been awhile for me so we did 3 or 4 reps of SSH then I just started running towards the flag at the front. I tried to hit every puddle (thanks for the info on today’s day HIPAA) with very few followers. Thanks Roscoe for obliging me on 1 big puddle. Just FYI, y’all are missing out. Jumping in those puddles is actually fun and I challenge you to do it without smiling. We made it up front to the flag for the pledge without too much trouble and did a few exercises on the way that I cannot remember. At the flag I gave a quick talk about Dredd’s speech at a prior CSAUP and his message that centered around 3 points: Roscoe remembered all of these with a little prompting on #3. I think a few others also remembered a few of these. The 3 points were the following: 1) Ask-Listen-Remember, 2) It all starts with Love, and 3) Fatigue makes cowards of us all. We briefly talked about these during the workout as this was not a time to lecture (SA was begging for more time to rest and talk but I just was not up for that). I wanted to remind us all about these 3 important points.

After the pledge we headed to the Turd Shacks with some mumble chatter, puddles, and a few exercises on the way. Once at the TS, we partnered up for some exercises. P1: run to TS from parking lot and do 3 Hip Slappers for each leg while P2 does exercises AMRAW. What is AMRAW you ask? Sounds a little like AMRAP, does it not? Well AMRAW is much better…..much more challenging……much more memorable (I think)……AMRAW is (drumroll………………….) As Many Reps As WHOOPEE.

The exercises were as follows: Bonnie Blairs (ouch), Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and BB sit-ups. I was planning on 2 rounds of this but HOLY NUTS those Bonnie Blairs kicked by arse… we moved on to the picnic tables for some reps AMRAW again. Grab a table and start going through the exercises as follows: Derkins (not so many), Step Ups (meh), Dips (again, not so many), and some BB sit-ups (I’ve been working on these and could tell progress for me personally).

Next we moseyed up to the tennis courts for some more AMRAW. We started at one corner and did 1 Burpee. Mosey to next corner and go up by 1 Burpee at each corner (2 at second corner, 3 at 3rd corner, 4 at 4th, 5 and 5th, and so on for AMRAW:As Many Reps As Whoopee). The night before I had dreams of hitting 20+ burpees on this-it was like I was Ralphie in the movie A Christmas Story and his theme paper. In my head all the pax were lining up along the tennis court lines clapping and cheering as I sprinted past them, confetti being thrown as I blew through those burpees, Folsom Women lined up for kisses and such as I finished my 50th burpee barely breaking a sweat…and then Saturday morning happened. I was sucking eggs as we  hit number 6. The number 50 was not in my vocabulary. My only motivation was trying to keep up with SA. Finally we hit 9 and all I could do was take a full lap before hitting the final 10 burpees and then we called it quits for the tennis courts.

We moseyed back to the Turd Shacks for some more AMRAW: I let the pax pick the exercises and P1 did 5 Hip Slappers each leg while P2 did the exercises. I can’t remember what we did but I do remember Montross picking Bonnie Blairs which I promptly vetoed and we did something else initially. To finish up we lunged and zombie-walked our way back with a few squats and planks along the way until we got back to start for some short Mary before calling time.

COT: prayers for Lyn Hamm, several pax with sick family members, pax with coworkers going through some rough times, among other requests.

Remember your brothers guys-those Kotters that are not showing up need you to reach out to them. Get them out in the gloom-it is the best antidepressant you will ever find and spending time with these GREAT HIMS of Folsom will make your day better. Thanks for the invite to Q. I needed this more than y’all realize….and the breakfast was covered by Allen Tate aka Chief of Folsom aka SeaBiscuit aka Mr. Ed aka Secretariat.


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