• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/25/2019
  • AO: Neverland
  • QIC: Timeframe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Dirt, Island, EZ Rider, Clavin, Dry Rub, Stroganoff, Watts Up, Stinky Bird, Defib, JJ, Timeframe

Thanksgiving is the time of year that we put more of a conscious effort into recognizing the blessings in our lives.  There was plenty to be thankful for at the AO formerly known as Neverland.  The newly named Sandlot had 11 players show up to better themselves and the guys around them.   All of them outstanding gentlemen that I am thankful for.

Several PAX got in some EC before and upon YHC’s arrival.



No FNG’s

SSH x 30 — double count IC

1 PAX rolls in hot.

Mosey to maintenance shed parking lot

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

LBC’s x 20

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

Heels to heaven x 20

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

American hammers x 20

Mosey around ballfields to parking lot

20 cents…2 nickels and a dime…5 CDD’s other side of parking lot and 10 LBC’s this side x 5.

Maeander to middle of parking lot.

Alabama shuffle..lunge, lunge, squat, 4 merkins to next island.

Mosey around parking lot

Circle of Death..1 PAX calls and exercise and this PAX high knees around outside of circle.  Then the next PAX.

Called exercises that I remember:

Flutters x 3

American Hanmmer


Dimond Merkins



Parker Peters

Mosey Around Parking lot

AB work time

Lots of LBC’s, Heels to Heaven, Oblique Crunches, V Ups, American Hammers, Freddy Merks


Mosey around parking lot to Stop sign.

Squats x 30

Mosey to entrence of park

10 Big Boy Situps.

Mosey back to start and time.




Great work by everyone.  All pushed hard and had a great time.

It was a huge honor this morning.

Thank you to all of the PAX of F3 Gastonia of whom I am very grateful.

Peace, Cheers, Aye!
