Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 22, 2019

Take the hill

2 started early with some EC then 5 ruckers and 1 runner cranked it up at Diablo. The ruckers headed to the hill with a newby (Defib) sporting his new sweet Rucker from GoRuck. On the way we did merkins at the lights until we got to Gastone’s Hill. Up the hill we did 5 mountain climbers at each mailbox on the right, flutters for awhile at the top, then squats on the way down. We then headed up towards Union Road for some more work with 11’s that turned out to be 12’s but counted by 2’s and in the end would have stumped the Midoriyama counters. I don’t really know how many we did but I was tired. We did Mike Tysons on 1 end and squats (I think) on the other end. We then moseyed back to start and stopped by the construction site/soon-to-be-PlanetFitness for some upside down planks on the wall until Outhouse made me laugh so hard I had to stop. We then moseyed to the dumpster for some loading dock jumps and bear crawling. We threw in a few step ups just before getting back to home. At home we had just enough time for all pax to call an exercise before starting the COT.

Good work this morning. Hushpuppy was getting some running miles in-nice job. It was good to see a new face at Diablo-hope it was worth your time Defib. We have a great group of regulars at Diablo but any of you fellers feel free to jump in any time and see what this is about. Although it’s not the same as running, these ruck workouts can definitely kick your butt if the Q wants to.

thanks for coming out for a Sammich early in the morning-Whoopee

Downtown – No Burpees


Warm up: SSH x 30 LBCx 20 & Flutter x 15

Mosey down  N 321 to Franklin and over to McQuiters wall: 20 step ups each leg, repeat with 10 per leg

Mosey down Franklin toward UMC stopping 3 times in between: 20 monkey humpers, 40 & 60

Cross over Franklin heading back toward the parking deck stopping 3 times for 25 squats each stop

Mosey to lower level of parking deck – partner up (one partner runs stairs while  the other performs said exercise-continue to count is meet)

400 flutters , 300 LBC, 200 American hammers, & 100 sandy Vs

Mosey to the top level of parking deck and than back down to level 2-circle up for some core (no burpees allow, so i thought)

Peter parkers,  Flutters, LBCs, Nolan Ryans,  Peter Parker merkins, American Hammers, Micheal Phelps, Freddie Mercury,  Ankle Crutches, Top hat special (not sure what that was-lot of noise), and yes someone called Burpees(rebel)

Mosey back to start to call it (6:15)

Announcements: up coming ruck, Freight will be at Gashouse Saturday, running events, Christmas party (not in July) – sure if miss a few

Prayer request: family members of Pax,, other spoken and unspoken





Day 34: Love Celebrates Godliness

From the moment you close your Bible in the morning nearly everything else you’ll encounter throughout the day will be luring you away from its truths. The opinions of your coworkers, the news coverage on television, your typical Websites, the various temptations of the day – all of these and more will be working overtime to shape your perceptions of what’s true and most desirable in life.


They’ll say that having a knockout wife who dresses to get other men’s attention is a good thing. They say that bad language and immorality in the movies are fine for mature people. They’ll say that church isn’t important in a person’s life. They’ll say that we each must find God in our own way.


They’ll say a lot of things. And they’ll say them so loudly and frequently that if we’re not careful, we can start believing that what they say is the way things should be. We can begin valuing what everybody else values and thinking the way everybody else does.

But the meaning of “real life” changes dramatically when we understand that God’s Word is the ultimate expression of what real life is. The teachings it contains are not just good guesses at what should matter. They are principles that reflect the way things really are, the way God created life to be. His ideals and instructions are the only pathways to real blessing, and when we see people following them in obedience to the Lord; it should cause us to rejoice.

What makes you the proudest of your husband? Is it when he comes home with a trophy from the company golf tournament, or when he gathers the family before bedtime to pray together and read the Word?

What overjoys you the most in your wife? Is it seeing her try a new painting technique in the children’s bedrooms, or seeing her forgive the neighbor whose dog dug up her plants?

You are one of the most influential people in your spouse’s life. Have you been using your influence to lead them to honor God, or to dishonor Him?

Love rejoices most in the things that please God. When your mate is growing in Christian character, persevering in faith, seeking purity, and embracing roles of giving and service – becoming spiritually responsible in your home – the Bible says we should be celebrating it. The word “rejoices” in 1 Corinthians 13:6 carries the idea of being absolutely thrilled, excitedly cheering them on for what they’re allowing God to accomplish in their lives.

The apostle Paul, who helped establish and minister to many of the first-century churches, wrote in his letters how delighted he was to hear reports of the people’s faithfulness and growth in Jesus. “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater; therefore, we ourselves speak proudly of you among the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in the midst of all your persecutions and afflictions which you endure” (2 Thessalonians 1:3-4).

The apostle John, who had walked closely with Jesus and became one of the main leaders in the early church, once wrote to his flock, “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth” (3 John 4).

That should be what energizes us when we see it happening in our mate. More than when they save money on the grocery bill. More than when they achieve success at work. Sometimes by accepting modern culture’s take on what to applaud in our spouse, we can even be guilty of encouraging them to sin – perhaps by feeding their vanity, or by letting boys be boys.

But “love does not rejoice in unrighteousness” – not in ourselves and not in our mate. Rather, love “rejoices with the truth,” the way Paul did when he said to the Roman church, “The report of your obedience has reached to all; therefore I am rejoicing over you, but I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil” (Romans 16:19). He knew that the pursuit of godliness, purity, and faithfulness was the only way for them to find joy and ultimate fulfillment. Being “wise” about holiness while being “innocent” about sin – remaining unjaded and uncompromising as we travel through life – is the way to win in God’s eyes.

And what more could we want for our wife or husband than for them to experience God’s best in life?

Be happy for any success your spouse enjoys. But save your heartiest congratulations for those times when they are honoring God with their worship and obedience.

[Love] does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.  – 1 Corinthians 13:6

Today’s Dare


Find a specific, recent example when your spouse demonstrated Christian character in a noticeable way.  Verbally commend them for this at some point today.

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