Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2019 (Page 7 of 10)

“I’ll Post the BB during Church”

Ok, this title never would’ve happened if I had posted the BB from PrisonBreak in Folsom timing. That being said, there was a nice crowd of runners out  on that fine day. PAX were Tuna training, Half marathon training, SSS 5k training and others were just getting some work in.

Announcements: Stop Soldier Suicide 5k, JJ5k

prayer requests: each other, school students and teachers, Hucks family


YHC took us out in prayer

As mentioned earlier about the title, YHC posted at Crossroads this AM and Sister Act was busting chops about getting backblasts posted. Bedpan confirmed he owed a couple and myself owed the one you’re reading now. I was quick to say “I’ll get my PrisonBreak BB posted during church service.” The reactions from the Men was pretty entertaining and quite condemning at the same time. I quickly withdrew that comment affirming the group I was just kidding. Needless to say, Freight and others mentioned that they will pray for me. Being that I volunteer and attend the 0800 service, I’m able to post the BB during most others church service times.  So, that’s that and it’s an honor to be a part of this group of men. Looking forward to what’s to come.

MDub out

Consistent Coconut

6 + 2 men got a run in at The Coconut Horse.

I will make note that Gastone was ahead of Gold Digger twice during the run. He yelled at me that it was a tempo day.


Great at morning and looking forward to the coming cooler temps.

Lets grow Gastonia F3, so many men need this!

Gastone out!

Send all you’ve got

Full disclosure, my wife should be listed as the actual Q for this. She found out about this and sent me the link. I think her email said something like “you and your friends should do this, it sounds like an F3 kind of thing.”

Fours studs and some dude named Whoopee met at the Schiele this am. The plan was to go to Charlotte, meet up with Roscoe briefly, then hit the stairs for 110 flights in memory of the 9/11 first responders who gave the ultimate sacrifice 18 years ago. Roscoe was working this morning.

Admittedly, I was pretty focused on climbing the stairs with an occasional thought of the obvious reason we were there. However this quickly changed when we got there and listened to the opening ceremony speeches. We heard brief speeches from the fire department chief and Roscoe-both of whom did not use notes and spoke from the heart with a great message of welcome to the city of Charlotte and sacrifice by those serving the public now and many years ago-this reeled me in a bit. The clincher was the recording of the radio communication from the first responders when the planes hit the towers. The only part of this I distinctly remember was the operator talking to the fire department/first responders requesting for help-“Send all you’ve got!” in a frantic and very distressed voice. Holy NUTS! This put things a little more into perspective. I was fighting back tears hearing this today-the thought of those people rushing in to save others-when people were jumping out of the buildings to their death, these people-the first responders-were rushing in to help.

We should all remember this every day, but especially around the time of 9/11 each year. When you are having a bad day, when you get a little sandy V at home and don’t want to fold those clothes or empty that dishwasher (you know what I am talking about), when you are just a little tired and feel like fartsacking…..remember, there are MANY others who would trade places with you in a second just for the chance to get back out and post for a workout or go back in time to do something nice for those who they love. Remember.

They do this event each year-we met some others who have done this several years and others like us there for the first time. I can’t tell you how many firefighters were there in full gear, but it was a lot. They struggled, but they did not quit and they pushed through, and they remembered.

Next year I will be there with my ruck and with a shovel flag. I hope you will consider doing this next year also-it was a great event.

Beginning and Ending

11 PAX showed up on a truly humid morning for a combination Birthday and handing over of the Site Q.


Warm-Up: 9/12/64 DOB

Imperial Squat Walkers x 9

Goofballs x 12

SSH x 64


Since Park was closed, Mosey to church lot for: 

Black Jack- Perform 1 Merkin – run to other sideline – perform 20 LBCs. Run back and do 2 Merkins. Run back for 19 LBCs. Repeat until you do 20 Merkins and 1 LBC, running between the sidelines. Always adds up to 21 – BLACK JACK!


Mosey to gazebo  for:

The W.A.S.H.– with partner

Werkins x 55..years of age

American Hammers x 100

Step-Ups x 150

Hillbillies x200

Partner runs a lap and flapjack

LBC’s x55 IC

Handing over of flag

Word:  Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Yes, we sharpen one another physically; but don’t forget to focus on the spiritual sharpening:

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,
Ephesians 1:7 ESV

Announcements: Races: Bit of Hope, 9-11, Stop Soldier Suicide, JJ5K, Ragnar, Christmastown

Requests: Tophat friend’s surgery and his mom

Leppard’s wife

Clavin’s mom

Orangeman’s family member stroke and stress tests 

Name -o -rama

YHC took us out..after forgetting

Buckeye took the flag..after forgetting.

It has been a true blessing and honor to serve as Site Q at The Goat. It is really a great venue! And thanks to all of the pax for stepping up and Q’ing. I never had problems filling the Q schedule.

So, parting advise..step up and Q! If you don’t know where to begin, copy this Q..we did two things-Black Jack and W.A.S.H. and that burned about the whole workout..and probably some of our arms..haha.

So, come out and support Buckeye..shuffle or no one to whom I happily, yet with some sadness, hand over The Goat!



35 years young

Perfect day for commemorating Tater Hole’s birthday. In honor of that:

Mosey to the amphitheater.

Lap around equals about 350 feet.

35 Rocky Balboas


35 Tiger squats


35 dips

Mosey to big parking lot

Sprint 35 yards across the parking lot.

35 Merkins


35 mountain climbers


35 LBCs


35 lunge jumps


35 Flutters


35 squat jumps

Mosey to the Flag at Dallas/cherryville and back to the tennis court parking lot.

35 Burpees

Forgot to do nameorama because of [see above].


  1. Great crowd this morning. Great to see some guys coming back on the regular that we haven’t had the pleasure of seeing. Keep it up Folsom!

Run for the Potty

People run for various reasons. It may be to get in shape, to stay in shape, for the fellowship, or for those that can’t run. And despite what some may say, some people run for fun. In the month of September, the PAX of The Pub will run so that people can use the bathroom in public. Actually, it’s to raise money to help sponsor an event that will help raise money to build restrooms at the downtown Rotary pavilion. Through the sponsorship, the goal is that more men will see and hear about F3 and come to know the good that F3 provides men in Gaston County.

YHC had Q on this humid Thursday morning. YHC arrived to find something that I usually don’t see. A parking lot with no waiting PAX. Arriving earlier than normal (usually around 0527), YHC spotted a few cars of PAX getting in some EC. Slowly the PAX rolled in or ran up, and 0530 was on the clock.

Quick disclaimer along with route for the day.

The Pledge

The Mosey – Armstrong Park to Perry to Lee to New Hope to the other Armstrong Park to the original Armstrong Pack and back to The Pub.

The Q was the six on this mosey. YHC felt strong starting out but hit a wall on the way in. Thanks to Defib and Roscoe for picking up the six for those final, crucial 5 yards.

Announcements while YHC took a knee to keep from falling out.

Rotary fundraiser
Run events coming up – Stair Climb, Stop Soldier Suicide Run, JJ5k, Ragnar, sign up!

Prayer Requests
BRR Ruckers
Feelgood and family
Slaw’s dad
Hurricane victims

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

Getting in some running!

17 showed at the Yank this fine morning.  Mosey over to the parking lot at 2 Chicks Sandwiches and Scoops. Here we warm up.

SSHx 20 IC

22 merkins for the vets.


Flutter Kicks x 20  IC

mosey to the intersection in front of Stowe Manor.

Monkey Humpers x 20 IC

mosey down the hill to the next intersection.

In the grass we did

WW1 x 10 OYO

Squat x 20 IC

Continue down the hill and stop at the next intersection. I had some of the PAX call out some exercises.

Boudin called 10 Burpees OYO

Termite called shoulder Taps x 20 IC

mosey over to Hawthorn hill for some 11’s

We did Peter Parker’s at the bottom and crunchy frogs at the top. We only ran to the first road on the hill. It’s about halfway up the hill. Time running out, we moseyed on up myrtle street  stopping at the red light.  At the red light with started up the hill and completed 1 squat at each light pole, adding a squat at each pole. I believe we had 11 or 12 poles. It was basically a Route 66. When everyone was caught up we moseyed over to the intersection of Central and Woodrow.

SSH x 20 IC

mosey down to the intersection of Woodrow and Main streets.

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

mosey to the Yank. Stopping at the intersection of Main and Catawba for some goofballs to the camera. Finish up at the Yank with some overhead claps and Moroccan night clubs till time was up.


Plenty of 5k events and speed for need events coming up. Jj5k, Christmas Town 5k, Stop Soldier Suicide 5k.

I need Q’s for The Fighting Yank. Help the sight Q’s out by stepping up and leading. Co leading is  a great way to be introduced to leading a workout!!


I shared red a little about Doubt in your walk with Christ. It is hard to always have a positive outlook on every situation. But Mathew 6:20 says  “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal”

Build on the rock of Christ! Pray earnestly and believe in those prayers.

Thank you again for your time!


Notorious S.T.O.R.M.

The Storm is one of my favorites.  Mostly due to the big numbers that turn out week after week.  Almost like a mini-convergence.

Lets warm up, YHC, merkins etc.  Mosey around the school stopping periodically for a mix of core, upper body, lower body and all three.  First stop the stupid shuffle, six shooters, lunges.  Mosey to the picnic tables for dips, step ups and freddy mercury.  mosey to the round about for bear crawls, planks, squats.  I think we also stopped at the ballards.   Back to the start.


Prayer Requests

Hamm Family

Breakers Aunt

Dr. Feelgoods Mom passed away

Hucks Family


Chili Cookoff November 2 to raise money for bathrooms

9-11 Stairclimb coming up 9-14-2019

JJ5k 9-28-2019

Christmas Town

SSS 9-21-2019

Pointe Church now doing Sundays on Thursdays meeting services at 6:30 – speak to Slim Shady for more info

Midoriyama brings the heat

Amongst the F3 Gastonia community the AO known as Midoriyama has a reputation.  Notorious or Glorious – only way to know is to show.  I have been to most of the AOs around Gaston County (even Qued a few) and others out of Gaston County.  This boot camp however beats a HIM down.  The exercises are the same, the duration is the same, I believe it is the HEAT that gives Midoriyama its reputation.

On this addition of Midoriyama 12 brave HIMs (no more)  stepped out into the Heat (97 degress with moderate humidity).  SSH and MNC in cadence.  Mosey to where a group of nameless bat flippers were doing some things for a round Monkey Humpers, Merkins and Flutter kicks.  Mosey down soccer arm trail aka the blue trail aka the soccer loop for some fun in the woods.  My M found no tics later.  A few stops along the way for burpees, merkins, squats, lunges, global warming (all accounted for).  Mosey to a turd shack, not the turd shack but a turd shack for some six shooters.  Mosey to the playground for 3 sets of 5 PullUps, 10 merkins and 20 lunges.  Mosey to the turd shack for the stupid shuffle, no, not really, at this point YHC was soaked thoroughly and to be honest I was also spent.  Lets stretch out the last 15 minutes by stretching out during the last 15 minutes (I felt great the next morning by the way, maybe we should stretch more).

NO ONE ELSE was here other than those listed in the pax list and YHC for the Q.

Prayer Requests

Def Leppards Wife

Hucks Family

Mt Hollywood prayer list



Some AOs are getting some new Site Qs,  volunteer yourself to Q before you are voluntold.

Sept 21 Stop Solider Suicide 5/10k- also Freight has the Q at the Yank that day at 7

Sept 28 JJ5k

Ragnar Next Month

Shout Out to:  GoldDigger and the cats from his F3 team that crushed the BRR – nice work men, way to represent

Also, GoldDigger promised to make up for the easy boot camp that was today on Thursday 9-12-2019


Thank you Blart for letting YHC lead

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