Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2019 (Page 5 of 10)


Eight HIM’s decided to get out of bed a post at Pain Lab this morning.  Welcome FNG Les Nessman! Please continue to get out there and post.

The Thang

  1. Set One x1
    1. 10 Merkins
    2.  Lunge walk the lot and lunge/squat back
  2. Set Two x2
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 5 Big Boys
    3. Lunge walk the lot and lunge walk/squat back
  3. Set Three x4
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 10 Big Boys
    3. 5 Imperial Walkers
    4. Lunge walk the lot and lunge walk/squat back
  4. Set Four x6
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 10 Big Boys
    3. 10 Imperial Walker
    4. 5 Rocky Balboas
    5. Lunge walk the lot and lunge walj/squat back
  5. Set Five x8
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 10 Big Boys
    3. 10 Imperial Walkers
    4. 10 Rocky Balboas
    5. 5 Calve Raisers
  6. Set Six x1
    1. 15 Merkins
    2. 15 Big Boys
    3. 15 Imperial Walkers
    4. 15 Rocky Balboas
    5. 15 Calve Raisers

We then finished up that last couple minutes with some mary. Then met up with the Gashouse for COT.


Todays workout was very repetitive. It got old and we become complacent. The merkins is our walk with Christ. In the beginning, we are happy it is easy we feel like we can do anything. By the 50th merkin we start to question and not realize the importance of our calling and walk with Christ. By then 150th merkin, we do not want to do anymore. We want to do something else, we lose complete focus on our baseline walk with Christ.  YHC sees this in himself after working the Huckleberry challenge and is now getting back on track.  Do not lose focus on whatever your calling is with Christ, and if you do lose focus there is no need to worry about it.  Get back on track because He is down there doing the merkins with you.

It is always an honor.

Big Pappy

Always Prepared?

Ok, so YHC had a double Q on this fine Thursday. It wasn’t planned that way, but regardless, I was up to the task. The only problem with the Folsom Q was that I had used my new ideas for the Midoriyama Q later in the evening. Being a Folsom OG, it wasn’t hard to wing it. That being said, 5 PAX clock in at 0530.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Gravel pickers all x10 IC



mosey up to the tennis courts. Whenever you’re short in Q ideas, the tennis courts will always bail you out. Line up for some burpeecides. Run the first court for 1 burpee then back. Run to the second court for 2 burpees and back. Continue to the sixth court for 6 then work back down to 1.  Mosey a lap then hold up at start. 4 corner escalators starting with 10 merkins working up an ex erode each corner to the fourth corner having 10 merkins, 20 CDDs, 30 Squats, 40 LBCs. Mosey another lap. Now circle up for some coretime. Mary style, each PAX call their core exercise and when all had participated a round, we mosey a lap. Rinse and repeat x4-5 until time was up.

Announcements: SSS 5k, JJ5K, Rotary Chili cookoff,(dates were mentioned)

COT; prayers for our 2.0s in school, Myself as I continue to ween off a medication, Montross’s son with adjusting to school

YHC took us out in prayer

Light Crowd

Another wonderful morning at PrisonBreak this AM. There was a relatively small crowd in comparison to recent weeks. As usual Volt was already on the route and when 5:30 hit, there were only 3 more PAX to add to the mix. Bedpan has been training up to push his uncle in the Stop Soldier Suicide 5k and was ready to push a little harder this run. YHC knows that when running with a partner, you actually run a bit faster or further. PrisonBreak posts are my shorter runs fir my Tuna 200 training so I told BP let’s get at it. Barrel Racer was out front pretty quick, but Bedpan and I were looking for some rhythm and I know I couldn’t keep up with him much longer. We settled in for a 5k practice run and turned some good times. Bedpan pushed out his fastest 5k to date! Nice work brother. YHC had a couple firsts myself. Again, running with a partner really does help. Bedpan is ready for his first Speed For Need event and ready to proudly push his veteran uncle.




YHC took us out in prayer

The Birth of Starkville

After a great beatdown Q’d by the true HIM Bedpan, we circled up for the COT.  There was the usual Folsom mubblechatter that morning. There were stories about about Florida man and wondering if Huck and Allen Tate were ever going to post again.  Bedpan then asked for prayers for our brother Rockabilly. Our prayers for Rockabilly were recently answered when he got a new job. The only problem was that this new job was not going to allow him to post much anymore. He has come a long way and been a motivator for many of us at Folsom, YHC included. We prayed he would not regress and continue to work. YHC thought about how I just sit around on Monday afternoons so YHC reached out to Rockabilly to see if he wanted to workout.  Rockabilly has trouble with technology and never got the initial message.  Therefore YHC posted it publicly on the Folsom Group Me.  First it was the two of us, then Tator Hole came out, and before you know it Starkville was born.

Warm Up

  • Some Don Q’s
  • Some Toy Soldiers

The Thang

  • Lunge walk to the Folsom Mill
  • 4 Stations
    • 1 – Weighted Big Boys
    • 2 – Weighted Merkins
    • 3 – Curls
    • 4 – Weight Squats
  • Go to each station and do a set of 10, 20, 30 , 40 then do sets stepping back down at qty’s of 30, 20, 10
  • Lunge walk back to start.

Simple but effective.


Prayer always works. We may not get the answer we want or desire, but prayer always works.

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Big Pappy


Mumble, Mumble and Chatter.

6 showed to Downtown for bootcamp this morning.

The Thang:

50 SSH

50 LBC’s

50 Imperial Walkers

50 Flutter

50 Mountain Climbers

50 Plank Jacks

Mosey Down the hill to a parking lot for 30 yards of Lunges.

Stopped in a spot with 5 parking spots. Each parking location we did an exercise.

10 Diamonds, Plank Jacks 50, Mountain Climbers 50, Merkins 20, etc.

Moseyed up a hill to the next turn.

50 Sumo Jump Squats

Mosey little more

50 Monkey Humpers


50 FLutters


50 LBC’s


New Merkins, Start in Crab, Then roll  in the air to the right and do one Merkin, Roll back to Crab. Roll to left and do 1 Merkin, Roll back to Crab. That is 1. We did 5 Sets.  (Navin suggested cheating and doing all 5 Merkins at once on each side)

Since Mumble was getting higher we did 50 more Sumo Squat Jumps.


50 Lunges in place


Bottom of hill all the way back to the beginning Nur. This was a long way back doing Nur or also called Bernie Sanders since we were going backwards up a hill.

End, ran out of time.

The Moleskin:


Announcements made.

Prayers for Watts Up M.

Lower numbers this AM but lots going on this month. Even with number’s low we had a high amount of Mumble Chatter. I tried to rename Whoopee to “The Jerk” but I don’t have the authority without the Nantan and I only think he come out to workouts once a week. This did get us to make lots of reference’s to a great movie and Steve Martins great comedy over the years.

Tried to put the #Gastonia tag on my preblast in order to draw from the rest of the city maybe to urge someone to join us. I will mess with this some more in the future. We should all try to grow our numbers double in Gastonia. Don’t just try for the people that physically look like they need it but also try for the people that are really in good shape.

Honor to be the Q.

Get some and then get it again,



In Absencia

Some guys went to do some thing up in the mountains.  I’m sure it was fun.

I cooked the Sammich for 3 that morning.  YHC, Outhouse and Tube.  We rucked to the elementary school.  We found the stairs.  We did 7’s on the stairs with the pack on.  Merkins at the top and Squats at the bottom.  We walked to the playground and removed the packs.  We did some pullups and some more merkins.  Then we rucked back and stopped in a few spots to do some more merkins.  We got to startex and laid on the ground and did some stuff.

Nuff said.


The G.O.A.T. has arrived

It is the G.O.A.T. not the goat.  The Greatest AO of all time.  You heard it here first.  Good crowd this morning, lots of respect, not only the G.O.A.T. AO, likely the most respected AO as well.  My first week as the site Q and I forgot the flag and my watch.  Q Fail.  Thankfully, the PAX were prepared to step up with solutions to my problems.  Milburn noted the flag on the side of Mayworths Pub for the pledge, virus and others kept time so we were able to wrap up on time.

SSH.  Plank.  Mosey.  Train 5- burpees.  Mosey to the upper train tunnel for 3 rounds of the stupid shuffle, wall squats, six shooters and flutter kix.

Mosey down narrow poorly lit winding road.  Another Q fail. To the basketball courts which are locked.  Yet another Q fail.

Lets do 11s across the short parking lot.  Tiger squats and big boy sit ups.  Only rules were no running or walking to travel from one side of the lot to the other.  some got creative – I saw some broad jumps, lunge walk, lunge walk squat, crab walk, bear crawl, Karaoke step, nur.  When finished the pax did laps around the basketball court for the six.

Mosey to the goat island bridge.  Partner up – wheel barrel half way then switch, lunges for the six.  repeat.  Mosey to the fire station for 15 burpees for an uncertain number of trains (3 just to be safe).  Back to base.



Although the Q did not go to plan. First I forgot the flag, then my watch, then almost got some PAX run over, then the courts were locked.  After the dust settled the PAX seemed pleased with the work that was done.  It is just a fine example that things tend to work out if you keep your eye on your goals and have some helpful friends around to lend a hand every once in a while.  Thank you PAX.


SSS 5/10K this Saturday @ 7:30 am at South Point High School in Belmont, Speed for Need starts @ 7:20. be there earlier to help set up.

JJ5k Next Saturday

Bunch of Races coming up

bring donations for the rotary potty downtown


Lynn Hamm Family

Orangeman’s Daughter just passed CPA test – prayers for her continued professional development and congrats on the achievement.

injured pax


Upcoming Episodes of THE G.O.A.T.

September 26 – Wet Nutz – get ready to get worked (possible Milburn co-Q)

October 3 – Tesla – I bet a bear crawl or two is in store

October 10 – Termite is a maybe – if he is able to take it I have a hunch coupons may be on the menu

October 17 – Orangeman – running some hills I imagine

October 24 – Dr. Seuss – will he bring Black Jack back for another round?

October 31 – Wet Nutz – he promised me one Q a month when I took over as Site Q.  If only every AO had 4 of these type of PAX.

November 3 – Dirt – One of the Midwest Best bringing the heat – Iowa 18 Iowa St. 16


Run, to Martha’s and then come back


Run, towards Martha’s, 12 of us.  Great group of HIM’s, great mumblechatter.  Sister Act and Diva rolling hard, Roscoe and Gastone passed us to.  Many thanks to Clavin for the company and for slowing down for me.


Rotary Pavilion Fundraiser:  Please bring monies to your AO’s.  Roscoe will be at Gashouse Saturday for collections.  The Pub’s Dr. Pepper can needs some coins.  Please donate as you can.

Tonight:  Hickory Tavern, 3rd F, Clavin for time, etc.

Stop Soldier Suicide this weekend


Def Leppard – Family and friends health concerns

Oompa Loompa – Family health concerns

Honored, Linus

Attempting to Heckle the Hecklers

Shortly after accepting the mantle of AO site Q I was awash with many new great ideas popping up in my head and as I’m very anal as well as above 50 …. I forget what I was saying ( take note new honorary of the respectable society… WE ARE GROWING!!). As previously stated I planned to hold asking and voluntelling pax until I had held the control stick for a few weeks and then open up Q slots. Monday I was surprised to not only learn one of our own was finally fledging and flying from the nest ,,,, well no, actually he was turning 50 today and asked for Q …and then just as quickly rescinded. I can’t let that happen … so…….
Today’s workout was NO WEINKE and I advertised that it was a Surprise! Even to me on Twitter and in workouts leading up to today. In the Tweet I added pic of the Q Continuum from Star Trek ( most notably from Next Generation) … for those not in the know these are omnipotent beings in the universe who are basically a bunch of A..holes….. So the idea was simple …. I was going to award someone the Q today based on the mumble chatter as a way of celebrating and embracing said stuff. Our unofficial motto is “ if you can’t/won’t do it, then don’t Q it!” …. by the same token I feel that if you are going to mumble chatter or Heckle the Q then you should expect to be called out ( maybe even given a chance to ‘ improve’ what you’re calling out )
And yes, I have been called out before … ask Mayor and the 50 burpee penalty at The Goat!!
I’m in the same sinking boat as Freight, possibly, maybe, almost never coming off as abrasive…. I’m sure!
Pledge to the shovel flag
And I announce that yep I’m an idiot and we’ll see where this goes ….
While looking at Whoopee I call his favorite exercise the Moroccan Night Club IC x10 or so … I was amazed that he took it in stride and joined in …so … let’s move to Don Q’s …. and now Whoopee is wandering so we move to grass pickers and he wanders over to grassy area to pick grass or discarded food and consume and suddenly he takes off in search of a toilet or tree ……
So we continue without him for a Moment and 5 burpees ,,,, that brought Whoopee back as he began rapid fire burpee/ merkins … maybe something else… we just stopped while he completed getting this out of his system.
So next we do merkins / lbcs/ flutters/ Freddy Merck’s and nothing is starting the mumble chatter machinery !!! Cmon guys … with Whoopee present and Hipaa I felt it was a sure thing . Plus Watts Up and Gastone are always willing to add something snarky , but perhaps the cold has frozen everyone’s mumble muscle … so why not try SSH x 30 IC!!!! Still nothing!!! So, with egg and pie on my face, I wind up having to try to hit my own pitch of a curveball and strike out!
Let’s pack it up and move over to Clavins Hill ( this got Watts Up going)… as we partner up and since we have an even number of 9, I’ll perform by self. We are doing 11’s on the hill with merkins at the bottom ….. and the top(hehe)!! Bear crawl up … oh and to make it even dumber … do it together with your partner( THIS earned some chatter)
Upon completion some were doing lbcs others flutters still others planking … I joined in until all were done with 11’s and just as Gastone stood up ( I was on my six) I called him to call (40) flutters since he had just gotten comfortable standing up! Next …. what was that!!! There was this trumpet blast that woke 1/2 the dogs in the neighborhood and gave Whoopee the energy to fly by me asking “ where to next?” While poor Gastone absorbed the near nuclear blast that made all the rest of his hair fall out.
So now we arrive at bleachers for 50 calf raises three times ( crowd kept asking for more!!) suddenly someone remembered the promise of another AARP card carrier, but that pax remained zippered shut! Let’s move to concession circle and partner up for real and do partner derkins on one side, run opposite directions meet other side for partner merkins for 5 times total.
Mosey to picnic area where I deliver 25 dips and 25 derkins followed by 25 step ups each leg ( yep, you read that right). Repeat 25 dips and 25 derkins and suddenly Whoopee anticipates the step ups and begins while I look at him with a blank look … and finally tell him he’s doing EC!
Over to the turd shack to wall sit and then I call marching in place until I reach 50 ( sensing a theme yet?)
Grab some grass for Nolan Ryan’s 10 each arm for Billy Madison( Andrew Tully) …. he posted on Twitter where he recently threw out the first pitch …. he moved to Jacksonville, FL before last summer for those who never met him. Now we mosey back to Snoballs where I assemble Defib, Whoopee, Watts Up and Pedal and call out DUCK,DUCK, DUCK…GOOSE settling my hand on each in turn calling on Pedal as the Goose( he figured out what I was up to only a moment before and said “oh no”
So I called on HIM to finish out our final 5 minutes since he had originally asked for the Q but retracted.
50 mountain climbers and American Hammers as well as flutters finished us out!! We had cake , there was this lovely lady wearing only a bikini bottoms that jumped out of that cake and then the pax started showering Pedal with gifts of Cialis, Viagra, Ben- Gay, a slightly bent ear trumpet A Hurry Cane and an out of date enema packet!
Announcements were for Stop Soldier Suicide/ JJ5K / Elizabeth Santos 5ks , Ragnar
Also Whoopee reminded all pax to post at The Pub each and every Thursday
Also Thursday night ,, gathering at Hickory Tavern 7:30 until

Prayers for Hipaa’s family

“Maupin” Hero WOD

15 PAX showed at Midoriyama for a pizza delivery.  Many of you know that I love to incorporate the Hero WODs in my Q’s and today would be no different.  Today we honored Keith “Matt” Maupin and it went like this….
Don Q’s(For TT) X 10 IC
The Thang:
Mosey to the soccer field where YHC read about Matt Maupin and discussed that he sacrificed everything for us to have freedom so we should give 110% in honor of him.  Take a moment to read it.
namesake photo
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin, 24, of Batavia, Ohio, disappeared on April 9, 2004, when insurgents south of Baghdad attacked his convoy with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. His remains were found on March 20, 2008. Prior to his disappearance, Maupin served as part of the 724th Transportation Company in Bartonville, Illinois.
He is survived by his mother, Carolyn; father, Keith; a brother and sister; and many other friends and family members.
It went like this:
800 meter Run
49 Push-ups
49 Sit-ups
49 Air Squats
*Rinse and Repeat for 4 Rounds*
Strong work by all!!!  With time approaching we headed back to the flag for 22 merkins for the VETS.  Time!!
Once again, great work by all today!!  It’s always an honor to lead the group of men that post at Midoriyama.  I discussed “Legacy” and asked each of the PAX, what would people remember you for if today was your last day?  I try each day to be a better husband, father, and all around man!!  I trust that the Lord has my ultimate path and I need to continue to put all faith in him.  Thanks again for the opportunity to lead, until next time….Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUTTTTTTT!!
SFN Stop Solider Suicide event – Sept. 21st at 7:15am….please try to be there around 6:30am to help set up
JJ5K – Sept. 28th at 9am
Ragnar – Oct. 5-6
Tuna 200 – Oct. 25-26
Ocean Isle 1/2 – Oct. 26
West Virginia 1/2 – Get with Sargento
CSAUP Event coming soon!!??
With all these events coming up, SIGN UP FOR SOMETHING!!  Get out of your comfort zone!!
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
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