Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 30, 2019

Thank you, Blart.

Very light crowd this evening.  I’m glad Blart made it out or I would have been alone.  Blart thought the workout started at 18:15, so the first fifteen minutes it was just myself as he was off running.  YHC used the official F3 deck on the tennis courts until some people came and starting playing tennis.  This was about the time I met up with Blart.  We made our way down to the lower shelter and took turns leading an exercise.

Lunge walked/did squats back to the launching pad.  Time was up.

Prayer request: Def Leppard’s M.

Blart closed us in prayer.

Folsom 9/14

13 men at Folsom on this morning!


The Thang:

Mosey to the smooth parking lot that is near the pond on the left side of the park.  Exercise called here is the Zachary Tellier workout.  This is a Hero WOD that honors Zach Tellier, who died in the service to our country.  The workout went like this.  Start out in smooth parking lot with 10 Burpees, then run down road to the  top of hill and back (about 400 meters).  Then do 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, Run.  Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, Run.  Then 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, Run.  Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, Run.  Finally complete 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats, and Run.  Good work on this men.

Next a short mosey to the pavilion.  Here 7 different exercises are called out: Hip Slappers, American Hammers, Rocky Balboas, Dips, Derkins, Mountain Climbers, and Smurf Jacks.   Start out doing 5 reps of each exercise, all done in cadence.  Next do the 7 exercises, 10 reps each (ic).  Finally we did all the exercises at 15 reps each (ic).  We were going to go back down the ladder with the rep count, but time was running short, so we moved on to something else.

Mosey to the tennis courts.  Time for one more exercise.  Route 66 suicides on the courts, performing Bobby Hurley’s.  Start at first line, run to next out of bounds line and back to perform 1 Bobby Hurley.  Run to the next line and back, 2 Bobby Hurley.  Continue this cycle increasing the reps by one, until you end up doing 11 Bobby Hurley’s, which totals 66 reps.  Mosey back to COT

Announcements:  Ragnar run 10/5, Convergence at The Yank on 10/19 at 7:00


Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today men!

Sister Act


Scattered all over town

Some started early, some ran the regular route, some ran 5 miles, some ran more. In all 14 PAX got better by putting in work on another hot and humid fall morning.



Ragnar Oct. 5th – Meet at Roses in Belmont at 7am for clown car

Convergence Oct. 19th at The Yank (all other AO’s closed)

Still collecting money for Rotary Pavilion bathroom project


Prayer Request

Broke’s Sister in Law – breast cancer

Def Leppard’s M – recovering well from surgery

Those battling addiction

Whetstone program Stone’s/Blade’s

Medicine Woman – medication changes


YHC took us out and 9 made it to Q Source for a discussion on Courage.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

I’m Broke

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