Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 28, 2019

Dobby’s Doomsday Device

So my son Hank said now that swim team is over, he wanted to make sure he was keeping up with exercise.  I’m proud of his constant go after athletics, but I’m also hesitant to bring him to F3 at times (man spot).  Anyways, I said since the Q was open, let’s try a little man lesson, and have him Q it!

After almost an hour of him writing down exercises, ideas and a plan, I knew this would be good.  He made his plan around “60 seconds” being a theme.  We worked on it together and here it was:

Warm up with Bootcamp (thanks JJ for letting Dobby help lead); then continued WU to hit muscle groups that we knew would need a little blood:

Low Slow Squats – 10

Morroccan Night Clubs – 10

PHASE 1 – each exercise gets 60 seconds regardless, but some are to a certain number, and some are continuous:

  • 20 Low slow squats

  • 15 Burpees

  • 40 LBC’s

  • Calf Raises – continuous

  • Plank – continuous

  • Lunge Walk – continuous

  • Downward facing dog – continuous (rest time….kinda)

2 circuits of that in the books, now for the harder version:

PHASE 2 – just like phase 1, just different

  • 20 Burpees

  • 25 WWII sit ups

-60 SSH

  • Goof balls – continuous

  • High Knees – continuous

  • Mountain climbers – continuous

-50 Plank Jacks

-Cobra pose (with variations, rest phase)

We got 2 circuits of that down, and decided to head back for 5 minutes of Mary.  The gang showed up, and we were grateful.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Gaston Residential Services is having a charity casino night on September 7th, would love to have some of you join my wife and I there.  GRS does great work, help support a local charity (Least of These, Family Promise, GRS…there’s a lot of opportunity for this peer group)

*check with JJ for more

MOLESKIN – proud of my boy, and the Pax.  Great full body workout, and I got gassed a bit.  But when he told his Mom that he threw up in his mouth, and swallowed it back down to tough it out, that’s when the Dad hairs got raised up.  Thanks to this group for helping me raise another #HIM.

Rudolph & Dobby


Six runners and one Rucker showed up for the Coconut. Queeeeeesh and Golddigger ran 5-6 EC miles before the rest ran the normal 5. Hush Puppy rucked the route and listened to a podcast. It was a nice balmy morning for a run, and YHC found an Allen wrench in the middle of the road and saved countless tires from being flattened

ToolTime going away party at Sargento’s next Saturday  please rsvp.

PRAYERS for Trooper Wooten and his family.

It was great seeing Smokestack for two posts this weekend!






There was just one rucker this morning. I thought about running but with a few nagging injuries, I thought better of it and stuck to rucking as planned. It was a good opportunity to multitask though….I had ti new songs to play at church this morning and rucking solonwas a good opportunity to listed to the songs and get in some “mental reps”.

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