Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2019 (Page 1 of 10)

Hot fun run

12 hims joined me in the heat to get strongerand better….1730  warmup- 10 burpees let’s roll… Run to soccor feild…5 mountain climbers sprint to other side of feild 5 hand release merkins sprint x5.     Let’s mosey.   10 Burpees  Playground- 10 pullups 10 squats…9 pullups 9 squats down to 1…..let’s mosey 5 burpees..     lake hill- half way…5 burpees sprint To top 5 meekins…repeat X5.. let’s roll …                bottom of lake hill – 5 merkins walk to bench 5 burpees sprint to next bench repeat all the way up….reverse all the way down……..                   walk…jog…..sprint intervals from bottom of lake hill back to the flag……  22 for the vets ….15 Peter parker’s…..10 crunchy frog……TIME……good job fellas…….                                                                                                                                   announcements: memorial run/walk Rankin lake  Aug 17th 10-2 for pizzamans niece……solider suicide run Sept 21st…..jj5k Sept 28th

Can you slide uphill?

This seems like a strange question to use as a theme to a workout, but one that seemed worth testing. The thought came to mind because later that day YHC was heading to Sliding Rock. As I started to plan a weinke, I knew I’d first need a hill worthy of this test. I knew almost immediately where the adventure would take any PAX willing to make the journey.

As opposed to The Pub where YHC usually shows up about 2 minutes early in time to plant the flag and call out the route, I arrived at the Schiele with plenty of time remaining. After finding out Doby had Q at the Pain Lab and quickly planning the warm-up, it was 0700 and time to get going.


SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBC x 15

Turned it over to Doby who led the PAX in 15 Imperial Walkers.

The Pledge

At this point, the brave Bootcamp PAX left the Pain Lab crew behind and set off on their journey.

Mosey to the front parking lot at Grier Middle. This is where pre-workout surveillance comes in handy. There had always been speed bumps in the parking lot that I’d used for markers. Since they repaved the parking lot, those speed bumps were gone, but there were crosswalks which would serve the same purpose.

Lunge to the first crosswalk and do 5 burpees. Then lunge to the second crosswalk and 5 more burpees. At this point, the PAX may have got the hint that they were not going to skip leg day today.

Mosey to the Parkwood parking lot. As YHC announced to the PAX, no upstanding Carolina fan could Q a workout without a set of 4 corners. Around 4 islands in the parking lot, 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Squats, 30 American Hammers, 40 Flutter Kicks. After each set, run to the next spot and perform the next exercise. It was mentioned that in the 4 corners, the pace was slowed so should we walk to each corner. However, this is the Roy Williams era so the pace is sped up and the PAX would run to each corner. Just imagine Roy on the sideline waving his arm for us to get down the court and over to the next station. After completing one trip around, we reversed course and ran the exercises back around. 40 Flutter Kicks, 30 American Hammers, 20 Squats, 10 Crunchy Frogs.

Mosey to the starting point of our climb. This climb would take place up the hill at the Dept of Veterans Services off New Hope. YHC shared with the PAX my trip later that day to Sliding Rock where it would be an easy slide in cool water. This slide would be neither easy or cool.

Partner up. Partner 1 would perform the S-L-I-D-E while partner 2 would either Bear Crawl, Lunge, or Nur up the hill. When partner 1 returned, partner 2 would run while partner 1 did the exercise of that round.

S – Squats
I – Imperial Walker Squats
D – Derkins
E – Everest

Everest is an exercise that was done as a group. Lunge, lunge, squat (basically, it’s a zombie walk uphill).

About two-thirds up the hill, YHC called for another E – Empty Wheel Barrel. One partner gets in Crabwalk position while the other partner holds his legs (like a wheel barrel). This was met with a great deal of angst and proved to be uneventful, but we at least had to try.

After abandoning our empty wheel barrel, the PAX continued the Everest climb until we got to the sign labeled Assembly Point. That marked the end of our journey to the top of Everest. We stopped for a group picture, and then moseyed back.

We stopped along the way to the Schiele for a deconstructed S-L-I-D-E

Squats in the Marathon parking lot
LBCs in the Parkwood parking lot
Imperial Walker Squats in the First Pres parking lot
Dips in the office parking lot beside First Pres
(mini) Everest climb through the Schiele parking lot entrance.

We arrived in time to hear the bells.

QSource 0730 on Sunday after Coconut Horse and Crossroads
Celebration of Pizza Man’s relative on 8/17 from 10-2 at Rankin Lake Park
Casino Night benefiting Gaston Residential Services on 9/7 – See Rudolph for more info
Whetstone program


Until next time…

Mt Hollywood from the HIP

The site Q Tiger asked for a volunteer to Q on Saturday, this PAX had nothing better to do on a Monday so I raised my hand.  Couple pax got some EC.  Had a new comer (defector) from Metro – Pillager – moved to the friendly confines of Gaston County.  Mostly due to the fact he has heard wonderful things about F3 Gastonia (not completely true).

little warm up – MNC,  a leg stretch, 6 burpees OYO.  Mosey.

Mosey to Brokes Wall.  Plank, inclined plank.  inclined shuffle. step ups.  Mosey

Lunge walk, big boys, tiger squats, Mosey.

Wall squats, Mike Tysons, stupid shuffle, rockys, six shooters with sound affects.

Mosey to the start for 5 more burpees, and some stretchlite.  Pledge

Pretty good mumble chatter, hope we did not scare off Pillager.  Always a pleasure.


Prayer Requests

  • Red Ribbons Ms family – Grandfather is not doing well
  • Pax – JJ, Tophat, Rhodie, Huck, Gump, Tyson, Wojo and a smudge on his hand (tiger kept the list on his hand – claims he has moved and cannot find his index cards)


  • Tooltime going away party – at the Sargentos August 3rd – please RSVP ASAP
  • August 17th for Pizzamans relatives – walk/run Rankin Lake
  • September 21 – speed for need stop solder suicide.
  • September 28 – JJ 5K – trail run in stanley- SA looking for Sponsors
  • ragnar and tuna coming up
  • Next week is the 1 year anniversary for Mt Hollywood – big show would be nice to support all the effort that has gone into this AO and a thanks to Tiger for leading here.  Also, Tiger will be the Q.

We start at 5:30 Sledgeomattic

10 Strong at Bulldog on this humid morning .


Started off with a little trouble getting Bluetooth to pair, but Hunchback saved the day an after downloading Motley Crue Radio we could start.


Pledge First

Warm up

SSH x 20

Imperial Walker x20

Flutter Kick x 30

LBC x 30


Grab Kettle Bell and meander to start.


Thing 5 cones set 20 yards apart. Perform Kettle Bell exercise at each cone and travel 20 yards and Repeat

5 Burpees OYO


1- Right Side Power to The People x20  Duck Walk in between

LBC x 30

5 Burpees OYO

2- 3 IN 1 (From squat position Curl, Standing Press, Return to Squat) x15 right side karaoke in between

Post Sit for 1:30 last 30 sec Kettle Bell over head

5 Burpees OYO

3- Pistol Squats x 20  Zombie Walk in between

5 Burpees OYO

4- Left Side Power to The People x 20 Duck Walk in between

Post Sit for 1:30 tried overhead again but no arms left


Line up for Indian Walk around parking lot With Kettle Bell overhead


Out of Time



Pizza Man 8-17 Rankin Lake

Tool Time 8-3 going away party

Q Source every Sunday


Always a pleasure to lead


Out In Prayer




Walmarts of Jerricho – The Return

As I began to plan my workout for this morning, I knew I wanted to run more than usual and let the guys stretch their legs out a bit. Plus, I haven’t been running much and I need to get back at it. There was also a request to go easy on shoulders which, honestly, mine needed a little lighter day as well after I’ve been working on my pull-ups outside F3. As I looked back through my spreadsheet of weinkes, I saw one late April of 2018 – Walmarts of Jerricho. I believe that was my 2nd or 3rd solo-Q and the first one where I really felt like I found my stride and gave the PAX a good beatdown. 5:30 rolls around and the crowd is a little light. MW, Tater Hole, and Ratchet fartsacked, Huck is still MIA (we miss ya!), Rockabilly is out of town, and Allen Tate is gone as well. All good though, we have enough to put in some work. 5 HIMs went to visit the people of Walmart this morning!


Runners stretches and hip stretches. We are going to run so it was worth taking a few extra minutes to stretch out. Sparky has the tightest hips in Gaston County! Hard to believe he runs like he does!!!!!

Grass Pickers – 10 IC
SSH – 10 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC

Mosey to the flagpole. I knew Stogie is batting a sore back and isn’t supposed to run much so I planned some abs to let him catch up.
LBC – 15 IC
Flutter Kicks – 15 IC
Sandy Vs – 10 IC

Pledge, now let’s mosey to Walmart. We stopped at the road to all regroup and cross together. I think that made things a bit safer just to make sure we’re all together and focused before crossing!

Walls of Jerricho – 7 each burpees, Merkins, Appalachian Americans (Hillbillies), and Squats, run a lap around Walmart. Repeat 7 times.

Frogger Mosey back across the highway (starting to get busy now), and continue to mosey back to the parking lot. Another set of ab work to finish things out.

LBCs – 15 IC
Flutter Kicks – 15 IC
Captain Thor – 5 rounds (we all agreed our butts were still raw from Big Boys last week so we called it)

Announcements – Tool Time’s going away party at Sargentos (RSVP ASAP) 8/3, Remembrance Walk 8/17 for Pizza Man’s niece at Rankin Lake 10 – 2 PLAN TO BE THERE (I’m pretty passionate about that one guys!), Speed for Need 5ks, JJ 5k. Prayer requests – Bedpan, Stogie’s back and travels, those battling addiction, all the PAX not there today. YHC took us out in prayer.

As I was leaving the house this morning, I saw Sparky had sent out his daily devotional so I listened on the way to Folsom. It spoke of a verse from James 1: 2-3 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” In the devotional it goes onto talk about how, just like stress to your muscles makes them stronger, stress and challenges in your life help grow your faith. The tie-in to F3 really resonated with me today and I felt led to share that. As I am writing this, I think about it a little more and there’s another F3 analogy you can make here too….when we are struggling physically in a workout, we can lean on our F3 brothers to help support, motivate, and push us to finish and succeed. In our daily struggles, we should be doing the same with the Lord…lean on him, give those worries to him and he will also help you get through the tough times and come out stronger on the other side! It’s always an honor to lead.

We miss the Kotters! – Montross

Through the Storm

Nice crowd at the Storm this morning, 17 PAX clocked in and ready to go to work at 05:30! We started with a short disclaimer, the Pledge and what has become my typical warmup of 5 Burpee’s OYO. Let’s mosey!


First stop is the roundabout in front of the school for a little core work:

25 American Hammer’s IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO

25 LBC’s IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO

25 Flutter Kicks IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO

25 Mountain Climbers IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO


Continue with the mosey around the back of the school for some 10 to 1’s at the loading dock. 10 Merkins at the bottom, jump up on the dock and do 10 Squats. Rinse and repeat with 9 reps, 8….all the way to 1.


Next up was a mosey over to the student parking lot for some partner work. Start in the middle of the lot with 10 Booyah Merkins IC. One partner runs to one end of the lot and does 10 Little Gumby in the Woods while the other partner runs to the opposite end and does 10 Bobby Hurley’s. Meet back in the middle then swap ends. Rinse and repeat all the way to 1.


The PAX are pushing the pace at this point and we’re doing great on time. Let’s grab some wall and do 3 sets of 10 Dirty Hookups and 10 IW Squats. There was a good bit of mumble chatter at this point about whether or not YHC could hear the train or was just ignoring it. I think I actually heard 2 trains, so 10 Burpee’s OYO.


Since we got the core work out of the way at the beginning, YHC wanted to leave some time at the end for a mosey instead of Mary. About 7 minutes of meandering through the parking lots and time is up.



Through the Storm

We’ve all been through a storm, are currently in one, or will experience one in the near future. We must remember that we aren’t alone, God is with us in the storms of life. He’s there to guide us through and help us repair any damage that the storm may cause. Too often, these are the only times we seek God and ask for his guidance and protection. Remember, we need God through the calm as much as we do in a storm.


Psalm 107:29 – “He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.”



August 3rd – Tooltime party at Sargento’s. RSVP ASAP

August 17th – Pizza Man hosting a run/walk/fellowship event at Rankin Lake in remembrance of his niece

September 14th – Stair climb for 9-11 in Charlotte

September 21st – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k in Belmont. SFN event, let Pizza Man know if you want to drive

September 28th – JJ 5k in Stanley


Prayer Request / Praise

Lynn Hamm and family

Trooper Wooten

Whetstone program

Gump – 14th wedding anniversary

Hayzus M going on mission trip

Doodles, Scribble and Headcase part of a group going on mission trip


YHC took us out.


Thanks to the large group of PAX for coming out this morning. Great to have Pillager back with us today, he recently moved to this side of the river and previously posted with Metro. Welcome to Gashouse brother, the best region in F3!


I’m Broke

Probably the Best Workout

of the morning, said someone not associated with this whatsoever.  This was pretty solid though.  See for yourself down below.


Warm up.

Moraccan Nightclubs 20 IC
Don Quixote 10 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Imperial Walkers 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC

Mosey to Teeter Lot

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines and repeate until the end of the row – Hit 12 American Hammers

Bearpie broad jumps: 2 lines 2 burpies.

Repeat with 1 burpie every other line.

Pair up:
Zombie walk 2 lines, 5 booyah merkins reapeat to end of row

Wall Sits
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC
Wall sits with shoulder press & march
Wall site with speed bag 20 count
Wall site with reverse speed bag 20 count
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC

partner does Merkins, other partner runs a lap around 4 light poles > SWITCH
2 rounds

partner does flutterkicks, other partner runs a lap around 4 light poles > SWITCH
2 rounds

What, wall sits again!

Wall Sits
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC
Wall site with speed bag 20 count
Wall site with reverse speed bag 20 count

Mosey to the dangeous block wall in front of the bank.

Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC


5 minutes of Mary.



Sometimes things work out with uncanny timing. When I was coming up with this thang, I remembered Golddigger leading pain lab one Saturday with a horrible amrap workout. So, I figured I would give it a shot.  As we were getting ready for the beat down guess who makes an appearance…golddigger!  Thanks for making it out man…here’s what we did.




Baby makers 15 IC

10 burpees OYO

Workout:  AMRAP



Upright rows

Power to the people

Renegade Rows

Man makers


Somewhere about halfway through Thunderstruck came on which was also part of Golddigger’s workout so I figured why not…SSH the entire song and do a burpee every time it says thunderstruck…not a good idea at all.  I m pretty sure we didn’t make it through. We ended with some Mary and called it a day.

Announcements:  Pizzaman’s cookout , Need Rucker’s for BRR

COT YHC with the prayer




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