- Post Type: Backblast
- When: 06/24/2019
- AO: Neverland
- QIC: Watts Up
- FNG's:
- PAX: Dry Rub, Easy Rider, Gastone, Island, Outhouse, Pedal, Rainbow Ranger, Shooter, Spiderman, Stinky Bird, T-Square, Whoopee, Wonton
Turtleman said he wasn’t going to be available today… something about taking time off, or a vacation or some sort of nonsense that didn’t involve posting this morning. Anyhow, at the time only Gastone and YHC offered to Q. While YHC came ready, the PAX was offered the opportunity to switch, but there weren’t enough takers to make the change, so here we go.
Standard Shortened Disclaimer.
A little Tabata to get things going…15 seconds of work with 7 seconds of rest…
Plank Jacks
The Thang:
Through all of this, there was a black ball sitting in the middle of the circle. All had eyed it and some had even guessed it to be a bowling ball. YHC picked up the #10 ball and tossed it to a surprised pax and we moseyed to Robinwood Crossing Shopping Center, stopping near the cleaners at the first row of parking spots
The ball was passed to Island with instructions to place on one of the parking lot lines, no closer than 3 away. Island ran off and although he had a good bit of advice in which line to choose, ultimately placed the token 5 away.
Run to the line with the token – 10 Merkins.
Karaoke to the other end of the line – 20 Squats.
Nur to the starting line – 30 Plank Jacks.
Karaoke to the other end of the line – 5 Flying Squirrels.
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Since Gastone was first to complete, he was sent to retrieve the token while the pax formed a tightish circle. Upon his return, assume the people’s chair position and pass (aka toss aka throw) the token to a fellow pax.Gastone was the first to drop the token and was assessed a 10 burpee penalty, followed by Rainbow Ranger and YHC. To end the fun, all were assigned 10 burpees.
After Spiderman’s version of a 10 count, YHC called a token Indian Run: Person with the token runs to the front. The token is passed back to the last man… you get the idea.
This sounded good on paper.
After one lap around the buildings… Ok, not such a good idea.
After a lap around the parking lot…. This may have been a bad idea.
After another lap around the buildings… This was a really crappy idea, who thinks of this stuff?
We ended up at the wall of the old grocery store.
I am sure, all thought wall sits were coming next, but YHC instead asked Whoopee to lead in some Hip Slappers, while his favorite, the rest of the pax may not have the same opinion. After some amount, maybe 10 IC, it was time for wall sitting, while passing the token back and forth. After the token traversed 3x, time to recover. But due to the token being dropped 3x, a 5 burpee penalty was called.
Next YHC asked Gastone to lead in 20 flutters IC, but when he started out slower than molasses in winter in Minnesota, Easy Rider thankfully took up cadence.
Time for another round of wall sits. The token was not dropped during this round, so a 5 burpee reward was called, followed by another round of Whoopee Hip Slappers.
Another trip around the buildings and back to start.
There was a bit time left, so Mary made an appearance.
Island – LBCs
Pedal – American Hammers
Whoopee – Burpees
Easy Rider – Dying Cockroaches
Convergence on Saturday, 7 AM at GasHouse. All other AOs closed.
There is no Diablo Sammich on 04-July, Whoopee is doing a Murph at Martha Rivers at 7 AM instead. All are invited to attend.
YHC took us out in prayer.
Great work put in by all today. It was an honor to be given the opportunity to lead.
Watts Up powering down.
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