Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 11, 2019

The Octopus

A week or so ago … the Class of 2019 of Stuart W. Cramer High performed their Senior prank by laying squids all over the parking area and entrances of the school. As great as squids are, they just don’t seem as intimidating as the octopus … so, I decided to lay down “The Octopus” all over the parking area and entrances of the school instead!

The Warm Up



Grass Pickers X 8 IC

The Thang

“The Octopus” has 8 arms … thus this workout will have 8 arms consisting of an exercise with 8 reps. With each arm … we moseyed from the body to the end of the arm, performed “called” exercise(s) and returned to the body and then to the end of the next arm … where we perform the exercise from arm 1 + arm 2, etc … until we completed all 8 arms of “The Octopus”!

Arm 1 … 8 Burpees

Arm 2 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC

Arm 3 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC + 8 Mountain Climbers IC

Arm 4 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC + 8 MC IC + 8 American Hammers IC

Arm 5 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC + 8 MC IC + 8 AH IC + 8 Tiger Squats OYO

Arm 6 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC + 8 MC IC + 8 AH IC + 8 TS OYO + 8 Hip Slappers IC(Thanks Sister Act)

Arm 7 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC + 8 MC IC + 8 AH IC + 8 TS OYO + 8 HS IC + 8 Step Ups IC

Arm 8 … 8 Burpees + 8 Merkins IC + 8 MC IC + 8 AH IC + 8 TS OYO + 8 HS IC + 8 SU IC + 8 – 8 Count Man Makers!

Let’s mosey back and wow … we have enough time for a round of Mary!

8 Freddie Mercury’s IC with YHC, 8 Michael Phelps IC with Slaw, 8 Peter Parker’s IC with Sister Act, 8 Parker Peter’s IC with Broke, 8 ct Side Plank each side with Termite, 8 Crunchy Frogs IC with Dr Seuss, 16 Big Boys with Anchorman, * Nolan Ryan’s each side with Breaker Breaker, 8 ct SLOW 6″ with Scribbles, 24 lbc’s with Dirt, and Head Case wrapped it up with 8 BURPEES to bring the total to 72 on this fine morning!


Romans 8 asks the question, “What shall separate us from the love of Christ?” … and the answer is nothing! No one, nowhere, nobody!

It’s been said that you can take the man out of Gastonia … but you can’t take Gastonia out of the man! Let it be said of us that not only do we bring “Gastonia” everywhere we go … let us also bring “the love of Christ” as well!

Share the Love of God always … in all ways!


2nd F opportunity on June 22nd … Green River Tubing

We are in need of Q’s at all AO’s … You can do it, Q it!

Convergence at Gashouse on June 29

Tuna 200 Teams are forming

PrayerRequests/Praise Reports

Ratchet involved in car accident

Praise Report for Lyn Ham, also continue to pray for recovery

Emily Ham travel

YHC took us out in prayer.

Once again … it’s an absolute honor to lead! I woke up several times last night with the thought, “if you can’t do it … don’t Q it” and wondered if I could complete “The Octopus” … and in the words of Sister Act, “you’re doing it!” Thanks for the push men … until next time!




Just a little late

The region’s top ranked Thursday running workout was loaded with neon yellow today! Safety first of course. We ran a lot, 5 or so miles to be approximate. Some were fast, others not so much. Everyone pushed it. Roscoe even kept his shirt on!

The 2nd Annual Tronmoss 5k – big announcement at the end!

July 18th, 2018 was a day to remember. Days earlier, a not-quite-so-young PAX who goes by the name of Montross had recently found himself on the F3 injured reserve after 6 months of F3 rock-pushing. Montross was digging, searching, clawing for ways to stay involved with his F3 brothers. He was attending coffeteria at Country Kitchen (the premier coffeteria in F3 Nation, BTW) and staying active on Slack and Groupme. However, due to the Doctor’s orders, he was NOT able to workout. Somewhere along the way, Montross (with the help of Roadie and a few others) decided it would be a great idea to hold a 5k in his own honor. After signing up to Q at Prison Break and breaking through some resistance from “Woman Leg”, Montross consulted with his inner-circle AKA Folsom, and the Tronmoss Legacy 5k was born! Soon thereafter, 16 men posted for inaugural event. Now you may be asking yourself ‘why Tronmoss?’ Well, that’s a bit of a longer story that you can read about in the original Tronmoss 5k backblast HERE.

Fast-forward nearly a year. Montross is back in the saddle, posting (mostly) regularly and serving as Site-Q for both Folsom and The Boars Nest. Montross has participated in the Palmetto 200, ran the Allen Tate MF’R (Memorial Fun Run guys…geez!), and started a ruck AO. Montross stepped up so he could give back to the group and the men that have given so much to him. However, there was still that one beacon of light, that shining star looming on the horizon, that one missing piece Montross was really looking forward to. Then, the chatter began nearly a month ago. “What’s up with the Tronmoss 5k”. “Are we doing another Tronmoss 5k this year?” How can we not do this again!

With that, Montross is excited to officially announce the 2nd Annual Tronmoss Legacy 5k has been set for July 21, 2019 at 6:30 am at the Crossroads AO(Ingles in Dallas, NC). There are a few changes.

  • There will be an official route with an official winner and it is an honor that one HIM is going to be able to carry around and brag about to his friends all year long!
  • There will be also be a ruck division. Ruckers from The Boars Nest will depart at 6:15 am!
  • Montross will be running. It is also a FACT Montross will NOT win, but he is going to finish!

Logos were made and the date was announced a few weeks ago, but there was still something missing. The Tronmoss Legacy 5k (though it was started in jest) did mean something and ‘gave back’ to Montross in a time where he needed the support.

OK, here’s where I get serious. I really did want to find a way to make the Tronmoss Legacy 5k a ‘little something more’. This was going through my mind the past few weeks and, while listening to the F3 Roundtable Call/Podcast earlier this week, it all came together. The story of F3 Rowdy from F3 Suncoast was awesome. For those who haven’t heard it, check out the May 3rd episode. In that episode, Rowdy goes on to share how he was saved about 8 months ago and completely changed his life. He found his way to F3, became a regular (driving an hour to post), helped with a program to do workouts with local juveniles, etc and is now listening to the call of God. He is beginning to work with Crisis Response International. He is going to basically work as a domestic missionary. Rowdy will do this ‘full-time’. He plans to spend 1 month at a time helping work to rebuild a camp in Virginia for CRI, then spend the next month traveling to speak to groups, doing training, etc. Then, rinse and repeat.

On the call with CSPAN (respect), he asked for prayers first and foremost, but there was also an opportunity to support the cause financially and otherwise. If you want more info, search Facebook or Twitter for “Michaels Response”. I reached out to Rowdy and he gave me a link to contribute (CSPAN shared it on Twitter as well, you’ll see it below).

So, here’s the big announcement! I’m asking PAX who run in the 2nd Annual Tronmoss Legacy 5k to donate the cause! It can be $5. It can be $50. Donate on 7/21 either before or after the race as you feel led and as you are able. I’ll also be setting up a donation bucket on-site for those would rather go that route. If you can’t contribute financially, that’s ok too. Just send up a prayer for our brother Rowdy and his cause and that will be much appreciated. This is a great opportunity to help out a fellow F3 brother! It is a non-profit so you can donate online and you will receive documentation to make it tax deductible.

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you HIMs in the gloom on July 21, 2019!

  • Montross aka Tronmoss aka T-ron

Baptist Hill

YHC arrived at Mt. Hollywood a little early and found three cars in the lot. SA, Seuss and Gold Digger evidently deemed that the workout alone wouldn’t be enough to challenge their abilities, so they decided to get in some EC. At 05:30 there were 10 PAX in attendance so after a quick disclaimer and the Pledge (Blart comes in hot at this point), we skip the warmup and head out on a mosey. Up Hawthorne to Glendale and then down to the bottom of “Baptist Hill” which would be the focus of the first part of the workout.


Triple Nickel

5 big boys at the bottom of Baptist Hill and 5 Burpee’s at the top x5

About the time we start, Doodles comes running down the hill. I think he left his car on the side of the road and just jumped out and left it there during the workout.


After the Triple Nickel we moseyed down Main Street stopping at each driveway and road crossing for 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s and 30 SSH’s (11 stops total) and then headed up to the parking lot at Rankin Elementary to finish things off. Partner up  and while one partner runs a lap around the lot, the other performs AMRAP of called exercise, flapjack. Exercises were; Diamond Merkins, Freddie Mercury’s, Mike Tyson’s, Flutter Kicks and Burpee’s. Back to the start and time is up.



Whetstone – Roscoe is taking this over and all PAX should consider being a part of it

Q Source – each week after Crossroads and Coconut Horse. Come out and be a part of this!

Convergence at Gashouse June 29th at 7am – all other AO’s closed

Tubing at Green River June 22nd – Details coming, look for pre-blast


Prayer Requests

Red Ribbon – relative with newborn

Roadie’s Dad

Oompa family

Ms. Myers passing – friend of Tesla



Cross Fit

We spend a lot of time, focus and of course energy in getting ourselves physically fit. We change our eating habits, dedicate time for workouts, focus on developing various muscle groups, etc….all in the hope of achieving our goals and becoming better physically. Are we doing the same for our spiritual health? Are we changing our habits, making time for prayer and reading the Bible, seeking guidance in areas where we struggle? Let’s put in the work to get better spiritually and see what those results look like.


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke

Run Etuor




6/22 Tubing event

6/22 – F3 Dad’s / Gashouse

6/29 – Convergence Gashouse


Oompa Loompa and family

Summer Vacations and Graduate’s

Roscoe’s family friend Heather / Loss of son and mother

The Thang:

Run route backwards.  373.22% elevation difference.  Oompa and myself with some great mumble-chatter, hoping the buzzards were not circling for us.



I’ll take the Letter Q, Pat..

Rolled into Folsom this morning and several HIMS were ready to go. Heck Even Sparky had a head start today, School is out and kids are snoozing so lets get some work in Fellas.

Warm up: SSH, Toy Soldiers, and Burpees.
Mosey to the flag and say the pledge, afterwards I always do some Ab work here. The concrete is smooth and typically dry: Fred. Mercs, Flutters, Penguins, LBC’s x25 some in cadence others oyo.
11’s with Lil Gumby in the Woods, then Mike Tysons. This got the Pax sweatin for sure and not like the last Q at folsom I did not include a Booyah Merkin in the middle. With that being said lets Mosey to the tennis courts.
Amrap and Jams: One of the great things about offering to Q or visiting other AO’s is learning new stuff. Pain Lab always makes sure the tunes are playing and I always like to bring some music when I Q.
7 minutes each here is the list
10 merkins,15 squats, 20 high knees.
10 burpees,15nolan ryans,20 mtn climbers.
10 ski jacks, 15 monkey humpers, 20 squat thrust.
7min. each round or until we ran out of “time”.

Deep Thoughts:
If you have not taken a Q before you should, not only is it fun you will learn way more than just showing up. My first Q was last year between March & April, and I have been messing them up ever since and seem to get a little better each time. I have yet to learn proper cadence and sometimes throw a random exercise in that me and others have never heard of. If it works use it, if not move on. F3 has helped me battle through the fear of wandering if I got it right or not. It doesn’t matter what does matter is that you showed up for your brothers you got the sweat in and did not fart sack. So get out and meet some new MEN at a new location offer to Q and fail horribly your brothers will pick you up and next thing you know you did it. If you are not puttin In than what are you gettin out??

Convergence is coming up 6/29.
Tronmoss 5k 7/21
We goin Tubin Boys with Roadie 6/22

Settle the heart..
Prayers for Rachet he was in a car wreck, currently per group me sore and not in the hospital.
MW has a friend whos in need of prayers and Allen Tates Father In law.

The Bed Pan is Full.

Electric Elevens are Born

Monk had the GasHouse Q and started the day off. Once warm-up was completed, he lead GasHouse off to do whatever they do.

YHC did not have a great deal of time to prepare because of three days of work with beach excursions on either side. That being the case, I tried to do something challenging, but simple.

After the GasHouse departure, the remaining PAX inquired as to the need of weights. All were instructed to bring what they had (#30 Kettle bell, #53 Kettle bell, and a Ruck Pack were accumulated). Unlike many Painlabs, this one started with a march to the Grier Parking Lot

Once all were assembled, an exercise that from this point forward will be known as Electric Eleven’s was called.
Standard Eleven format with
Mountain Climbers on one side of the parking lot and deconstructed burpees (squat, merkin, kickout equal one deconstructed burpee) on the other. Too add to the fun, bear crawl between the exercises.

Once these were finished, Hush Puppy claimed he need to lock his car, and headed back to Schiele’s. During his absence, an exercise learned while working with F3-GrandStrand was called.
On your six with your feet at 6 inches. Then, when instructed, wag you feet (still together) back and forth shoulder width. Then, when instructed, wag your feet (still together), wider yet. We repeated this with your feet all the way up. Then again at 6 inches. Immediately upon resting your feet, perform 20 American Hammers.

About the time the American Hammers were completed, Hush Puppy reappeared.

YHC then instructed everyone to partner up for some Dora 1-2-3, omaha’d to Dora 1-1-1.
100 Big Boy Situps.
100 Pullovers. One group modified this to merkins due to weight considerations.
100 Chest Presses. One group modified this to overhead press due to just completing merkins.

Since Hush Puppy had missed the ab exercises during his trip back to Schiele’s, YHC wanted to make sure he didn’t feel left out, so the ab exercises were repeated.

Time was getting short, so the march back to Schiele’s was completed.

Along the way YHC sought guidance from Rudolph on the original format of PainLab. Beside some Q fails, around additional disclaimers, etc., he indicated he made sure to include some Yoga/stretching at the end for cool down. Since that was the phase we were headed for, to he graciously agreed to lead the next few minutes.

A few poses in, Short Sale came rolling in and joined in, followed soon thereafter by the remaining GasHouse crew.


The remainder of task were covered under Monk’s leadership.

As always, thanks to all for the opportunity to lead.

Watts Up powering down.

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