Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2019 (Page 7 of 10)


So this “flash CSAUP” idea was basically wanting to do something that was harder than normal and stupid but without the normal planning and effort.  I had a rucking CSAUP in mind that would take a lot more preparation than I had time for and a busy summer coming up precluded any real effort to get that done.  A few weeks ago I settled on this date and told Whoopee and Stroganoff that I had an idea and it would be called “The MORON” and they were of course humbled that I would think of them.

If I were to define a Flash CSAUP, it is basically like a regular CSAUP except it can’t be announced until less than 48 hours from the actual start so no one can prepare and the planning and organization is done more “on the fly”.

Without knowing how many people would show up, I prepared note cards with routes based on run times so I could group folks together.  This wasn’t necessary since we ended up with seven and decided to stay together.  Here is how it went down…

YHC couldn’t sleep so he got to the AO early.  The parking lot was full of cars and I thought “what have I done” but realized the Scouts were sleeping at the Schiele again.  I think everyone shared that thought as they pulled in.

A little after 0300 Stroganoff pulled in and then WATTS-UP.  Freight, Defib, and finally Whoopee.  I collected ruck sacks from everyone and drove Whoopee to Snoballs near Martha’s House to stage his truck and coupons for later.  I knew HIPAA was a HC and he was late so I gave him a call.  No answer.  Whoopee and I drove to Snoballs and were heading back when HIPAA called and said he was on his way.  I told him to drop his ruck at Whoopee’s truck and to meet us at the Schiele.

I started with a quick safety briefing and disclaimer.  When I announced that the first part of the CSAUP was a six mile run, Defib went to change his shorts.  Freight looked like I kicked sand in his face and took his woman.  They were obviously ready to ruck and didn’t anticipate the “pre-exhaust” run.

At 0340 we stepped off and ran a modified Pub/Coconut Horse route.  It worked out where everyone got to Snoballs with 5-6 miles depending on the route they chose to run.  Big time credit goes to Watts-Up as he announced that it was the furthest he had ever run in his life!

A quick unpacking of rucks and water and a few sandwiches and we were ready to ruck along with Whoppee’s heavy ass GORUCK sandbag “Alberta”.  We launched on time and went about 200 yards when YHC told everyone to get in the parking lot at the old HT for a quick beatdown.  I don’t think the PAX anticipated this but whatever.  We broke down the reps/sets but in total did a minimum of 100 Squats, 100 Merkins, 100 Mountain Climbers, 100 Flutter kicks, and 100 Lunges.  Sometimes we had rucks on and sometimes not but what really made the workout was the bluetooth speaker Whoopee brought along.  It was a gift for ten years of service at his job.  Apparently the speaker only plays George Straight, Eric Clapton and Tom Petty but to the PAX surprise the speaker had a malfunction and played some RUSH!  An even bigger surprise occurred during Flutter’s when the “Thong Song” came on.

After this quick smokefest we walked away towards the Coconut Horse and did the reverse route to the Greenway, handing of “Alberta” a few times between the PAX.  In all honesty, Whoopee, Stroganoff, and Defib carried that wench the majority of the time.  True #HIMS!

It began to get lighter so the headlamps went off.  We took the pedestrian bridge into the neighborhood and Stroganoff had a thought to go see his old home down the street which was a longer way.  No objection to that here.  We found out the house is actually for sale.  Hopefully a nice young family and future leader in the community will get it and achieve some of the Stroganoff mojo on the way to community service domination.

We continued and hit the big hills at Laurel and Nottingham and took the long way back to Parkwood and finally arrived at the Gashouse at 0648.  Just enough time to drink all the water we could find and get ready for the bootcamp and/or Painlab with TimeFrame and HushPuppy on Q respectively.

I must admit, the Moron’s weren’t looking too hot, especially knowing that Time Frame had announced a 5k training plan for his Q.  A quick warmup and pledge and an attempt to EH the Scout Dads coming out of the Schiele and then off to the races.  YHC was pretty much the six the whole time but I had good company along the way as we stopped and did different exercises.  A little more than 5k distance on this Q had the majority of the Moron’s up to 15 miles for the day.  The COT concluded the MORON as the Painlab and Bootcamp groups converged to close it out.

Coffeerama was at Union Road Diner which has established itself as the new breakfast hotspot.  The PAX felt the results of the MORON and were beginning to shiver from cold sweat soaking their clothes.  Lots of coffee and water were consumed at breakfast with very little mumblechatter until Freight ordered “Deuces”.  Something about that gets the immaturity to come out.  Then while waiting for the food Whoopee informs me that YHC’s M is on a group text with Whoopee and Stroganoff’s M’s and they were wondering if the “Morons” were alive.  YHC’s M apparently didn’t know that when I told her I was going in “a little early” for the workout meant leaving the house at 0245 and that it was called “THE MORON” and it was YHC’s idea.  I may or may not have heard about that later.  Good times!

Thanks for the PAX that showed up.  As mentioned, Whoopee, Defib, and Stroganoff led the way thorough most events.  Stroganoff pushed the pace on the run portion and the Ruck portion.  Watts-Up get huge credit for being “all in” and F3 has helped him lose more than a ruck sack of weight and he is a posting machine.  Freight has heard all the stories from the old neighborhood during various rucks and is now basically a Gashouse local.  He is pointing out things and reminiscing about the old times.  HIPAA avoided the fartsack thanks to my courtesy call. He announced this was his first run since the P200 but you wouldn’t have known it.  #Beast  It is true that Iron Sharpens Iron and these PAX pushed themselves.  The quote for the event was “Idleness and luxury are your enemies”.  Get out there and get after it.

I was a little concerned about the CSAUP moniker being used for what we usually just call “extra credit”, but this was a little more than that and the start time was pretty stupid so therefore both the “flash CSAUP” and the title “The Moron” are spot on!

Happy Mother’s Day to all your M’s and moms!


Gashouse 5k.

In preparation of the upcoming Belmont 5k exactly 2 weeks from today I thought it may be a good idea to have some preparation (and maybe a reality check) for the event.  My hat is off to the guys that did the Moron this am.  An 11.8 mile ruck from the Schiele to Martha’s and back that started at 3:15am and back-to-backed it with the running heavy beatdown that I had Q’d up for a grand total of 15 miles this morn.  NICELY DONE Roscoe, Stroganoff, Hushpuppy, Watt’s Up, DeFib, Hipaa, Whoopee, and Freight!!!




SSH x 25 double count

20 merkins oyo

SSH x 10 double count

Hushpuppy and Painlab separate from bootcamp to push their respective rocks.  Give em’ hell guys!

Da Thang

Mosey to Greir front parking lot for 20 merkins oyo

Mosey to croner of Burtonwood and Dixon for 20 imperial walkers IC.

Mosey to Sherwood Elementary parking lot for 20 big boy sit ups oyo.

Mosey to Castlegate and Nottingham for 20 monkey humpers oyo in front of a personal friend’s house of Google and myself.

Mosey to Castlegate and Bucknell for 50 LBC’s oyo.

Mosey to Laurel and take right.

Up to Cambridge for 20 more imperial walkers and 20 merkins…Stroganoff 10 count…lets mosey

Mostly moseying with some meandering sprinkled in up Laurel to parking lot of Community Foundation.

20 Calf Raises

Meander to hill at corner of Garrison in parking lot for 20 big boy sit ups and 20 merkins (feet at top of hill for both).

20 monkey humpers and a salute to traffic.

Follow Hayzus back to home base where we meet up with Hushpuppy and Painlab for more monkey humper saluting to traffic.

Whoopee leads hip slappers.

Zombie walk back to start for 6 min of Mary

there was some combination of LBC’s, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, Flutter Kicks, Oblique Crunches, In and Outs, Freddy Merks, and I’m quite sure I’ve forgotten something but you get the point.

The glorious sound of Presbyterian church bells ringing signifying the end of our due diligence

3.2 miles fellas.  That’s a 5k.  Great job!

Soooo very happy to see Anchorman and Hushpuppy back with the regulars.  Can’t keep good men down.


Monk goodbye party May 31 at The Station in Belmont

Mount Mitchell makeup next Sunday

Rice N’ Beans this Tuesday

Mothers Day


Gastone and family

Setzer Family

Pizza Man


Sargento’s family

It is absolutely my honor to be a part of such a thing as F3.




Anniversary Q – 5/4/19 @ The Yank

We had 13 PAX for this workout but due to a Q fail, I didn’t get everyone’s name.  Sorry to those I didn’t list above.   Let me know if you were there and not listed and I’ll add you to the list.  SORRY.

My first F3 workout was on the first Saturday in May of 2018.  I was horribly out of shape.  I am indebted to all of the PAX who have led the workouts and encouraged me throughout the past 12 months.   I once again have confidence in my physical abilities due to these great workouts!  Thank you for your friendship.  Life is Good.




Mosey to the top of the pit

Goofballs x 25 IC

Monkey Humpers x 25 IC

Don Q’s x 25 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 41 IC

Mosey to Hawthorne Hill

1st Lap – 10 Merkins at each marker – Mosey to start

2nd Lap – 25 LBC’s at each marker – Mosey to start

3rd Lap – 30 Squats at each marker – Mosey to start

Rinse and repeat


Mosey to the field of Dreams

Bear way to Heaven –    Bear Crawl 10 yds 10 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 20 yds 8 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 30 yds 6 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 40 yds 4 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 50 yds 2 Burpees – Mosey back to start


Time is running short so I gave the PAX the choice between Triple Nickles or Ab Lab.  They chose Ab Lab so Mosey to the Pad

Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercs, LBCs, American Hammers, Big Boy Sit Ups – all x 20

Jump Lunges x 10 – run to the top of stairs and back

Mosey to the Stairs for Calf Raises x 50



I hope everyone got their monies worth.

Dirt is out

The Roosevelt

100 years ago we lost a great HIM, Theodore Roosevelt.

He once said:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” 
― Theodore Roosevelt

As men of F3, I think we can all relate to Teddy’s quote. The credit belongs to the HIM that resists the fartsack and posts in the gloom, whose body is stained by dirt, sweat, gravel and sometimes blood; we give 100% at each post; who occasionally Q fail, who falls short of completing a full set of burpees again and again, because there is no effort without failure and weakness; but who does try his best to perform the exercise; who has passion and loyalty; who invests his time for self-betterment; who knows in the end the prize is greater than the pain, and who at the lowest, if he fails, at least he failed while trying his best, so that he shall never be with those sadclowns who neither know victory or defeat.


Jacked Up


40 Seal Jacks IC

30 Plank Jacks IC

20 Chilly Jacks IC

10 Lil Gumby’s in the Woods (AKA Smurf Jacks) IC

The Thang

Mosey ½ mile to…yep you guessed it “Roosevelt” tire. Fitting isn’t it?? There is a plethora of old tractor trailer and tractor tires back here in the “disposal” pile. We are just gonna borrow them for a few minutes and put them back. Hope we don’t get arrested!

Large crowd so lets grab 5 large tractor tires

Tri-Partner up behind a tire. 16 so 1 odd man out.

Round 1:

P1 Merkins while P2 flips tire 50 yards to P3 that is doing Flutters. Switch so P3 is flipping back to P1. Continue the loop for a few cycles.

Odd man out subbed in while doing merkins and tire pushes with a smaller tire across the lot and back. At one point Sparky was the odd man out and was doing what looked like the old “Hoop Rolling” game from the early 1920’s or Def Leppard’s era.


Tri-Partner team now assembles around tire and does the following

20 Dips IC

20 Rocky Balboa’s IC

Round 2

P1 Burpees while P2 deadlifts then farmer carries tire 50 yards to P3 that is doing Mountain climbers. Switch so P3 is farmer carry back to P1. Continue the loop for a few cycles.


Tri-Partner team now assembles around tire and does the following

15 Derkins IC

20 Step Ups IC

Round 3

P1 LBCs while P2 deadlifts then farmer carries tire 50 yards to P3 that is doing BBSU. Switch so P3 is farmer carry back to P1. Continue the loop for a few cycles.

Put tires back where we found them

Mosey ½ mile back to start



Announcements: Mt. Mitchell Hike May 19 5:30 at GSM, Belmont 5K SFN May 25 8:00, Memorial Day Murph at Martha’s 7:00, all other AO’s closed that day.

Prayer requests: Gastones family, Easy Riders son, Watt’s Up daughter, Sargento’s family

Sparky took us out

Thank you again to everyone that showed this morning. I hope I made it worth your while. For those that haven’t made it out in awhile, we miss you and your presence is needed. Be a HIM, not a Milk Carton Man.




Sounds like intervals

While explaining this workout to Tyson, he said it sounds suspiciously like intervals. I said intervals might be preferable to this…

Typical burpee warmup, then straight into things.

5 minutes AMRAP for different body parts, followed by 5 minute mosey x4. Bookend burpees for the train.

Simple yet effective.

Announcements: Mt. Mitchell Hike May 19 5:30 at GSM, Belmont 5K SFN May 25 8:00, Memorial Day Murph at Martha’s 7:00, all other AO’s closed that day.

Prayer Requests: Gastone and family with his father’s passing, Watt’s Up’s daughter and her pregnancy, child in Stanley with brain tumor and his family.

Always a pleasure! Until next time,



Today 5 men with purses got after it with a modified Cadre Roony WOD. I knew I was Q this am for Diablo, but did not plan anything. Fortunately while I was doing some early morning thinking, and by thinking I mean sitting on the can at 0500, I came across the Cadre Roony Workout of the Day (WOD). This WOD was created when Cadre Roony was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He passed away April 3, 2019. If you get a chance, read about him. He had a habit of routinely making his groups at events he was the cadre for do “one more rep for the Ranger in the sky.” So if he called for 10 pushups, you would do 10 then 1 more (11) for the Ranger in the sky. I failed to mention this part to our pax this am, so hopefully someone will read this and remember it at some point in the future. The idea with this WOD is to remember Roony with the “one more rep for the Ranger in the sky.” Look up Cadre Roony if you are interested-there are some pictures there so even the guys from the Pub can get something out of this. The complete Roony WOD is to do 5 rounds, however due to time constraints we did 2 rounds with a little more rucking distance. It achieved the desired affect. Here is what we did:

We started with the Pledge then I ‘splained what was gonna happen. Due to poor short term memory and to keep everyone in the game, I assigned 1 exercise for each pax to remember. This little form of trickery allows me to turn my brain off and go into cruise control for the next 45 minutes.

Ruck from start to bottom of Gastone’s Hill.

75 Mountain Climbers then 75 Squats (with purses)

Mosey up to top of Gastone’s Hill

75 Flutter Kicks with ruck above head then 75 Overhead Claps

Ruck to bottom of Gastone’s Hill then repeat above. Round 2 intensified the burn. Total of 5 rounds would be interesting.

We Rucked back to start then did some Burpees, Merkins, and Squats to finish up.

Good workout this am, could be modified with less distance and more reps….maybe next week.

COT: Lot of folks hurting in our region and in need of support-if it is not you now, your time is coming. Keep posting and strengthening your shield lock. We especially mentioned Gastone and Sargento with the loss of family members. Thanks for coming out to push the rock with me. I needed it this morning a little more than usual.


Dreams come true at Neverland

A strong crowd to start the week at Neverland.   16 pax for what was a simple but effective weinke.  The inspiration was the upcoming, annual Murph on Memorial Day (7am at Martha Rivers).

Warm up

SSH x 30 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey towards the park (YHC hears some mumble chatter about being happy didn’t head the other way towards Gastone’s hill.  What you don’t know, can’t hurt you)  Stop at the entrance of the park.

25 big boy sit ups on the hill with feet on the high side

Mosey down the road towards the play ground stopping about every other light pole for 25 monkey humpers OYO.

At the playground, share the reminder about the upcoming Murph and that would use today as practice.

10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats, then run the small lap around the playground.   Complete 5 times.  Some made it 6x’s, some 5 and others 4.  None the less, the rock was being moved.  Recent FNG’s Rainbow Ranger and Won Ton were pushing hard.  Was getting close to time so meandered to the parking lot.

Bernie Sanders (that’s the NUR but up a hill) to the upper side of the parking lot.   Easy Rider was hard to catch. Defib got him in the last 100 meters.

Plank it up waiting on the six.

In salute to Gastone – 50 flutter kicks IC.  This was a crowd pleaser.

About home, stop again at the entrance of the park for 25 more big boys with feet on the high side.

Mosey to the finish time.


A beautiful morning with a number of #hims getting it done.  Always a honor to Q.

Good work



This is a “Flash CSAUP?” What is that you ask?  It is like a regular CSAUP except without prior planning and preparedness.  That includes preparedness for you!   #SHOWTOKNOW

Saturday morning May 11, 2019:  Arrive by 0315 at Gastonia’s original and greatest AO of all time, the Schiele Museum of Natural History.  1500 E. Garrison Boulevard, Gastonia, NC

Bring the following things:

Ruck Sack with weight (30 lb suggested minimum)  **If you have more than one, bring it just in case another PAX needs it.

Running shoes/headlamps/reflective gear

Shovel flags



Start times will based on fitness level.

It might be possible to make it back in time for the start of the Painlab and/or Gashouse bootcamp but that depends on you and your team.  However, we will be back before COT.  (Team Assignments will be made by the Q and/or his designee)

Closing thoughts:

*Don’t expect much except to be better for the experience.

*You will probably be sore by breakfast (Union Road Diner at 0815)

*Prepare to be underwhelmed.

*They are called CSAUP’s for a reason.

*You will cover multiple miles with your best friends so what could possibly be wrong with that?

*It is called “the Moron” for a reason.





Doctor approved

When I first accepted this Q I had more ambitious idea in my head …. I was going to reach out to great many doctors and encourage them to post here even an attempt at Whoopee!! However I went for a much simpler more subtle approach. it would seem my approach worked better than I intended as only one doctor seemed to have posted this morning at the pub which gives us our title…. thanks Defib!
I plannedTo have us hit the road quickly as I intended to make the full journey down to the old HT pad what was promised at one point to be a water balloon battle and then at another point that men with purses will be battling it out against skinny armed little boys on the run !!
Q fail number one Was on me for the neglecting to tell everyone to go with their own pace but to be safe. We started with the pledge and then we shot out like a cannon blast! Scouts were sent ahead to Rustle all the bushes and the familiar haunts and holes for the elusive Rucker’s. JJ slipped off ordered a Trenti Starbucks, sucked it down and rejoined slowpoke me ( Anthrax slowed down keep me company ). Someone stated that there were some people in cars witnessed …. not sure what that means ……
I then referenced Sasquatch to which monk responded that he witnessed said beast on way in and EH d him for Diablo Sammich ( he carried a big stick like Luke).
On our return Linus starts comparing me to maximum-security the horse due to the quick start ….which I felt more like maximum Clydesdale would be closer to true. JJ says he still working on that sugary coffee hi wants to put in four and a half because were moving too slow….. we follow him finish out our 4 1/2 here comes the rest of the gang!

Announcements for Murph on memorial day 7 o’clock I’ll Ao s closed
No new info on Mount Mitchell hike prayers for Gastone and his family
Mentions for the Whetstone program as well as prayers for which this is my second Q fail forgetting to add that in the actual prayer
I forgot to add this in annoncemebts and in the prayer for the upcoming Food Drive this weekend as well as rice and beans next week sign up if you have not
Speed for Need/ Belmont classic May 25
Prayers for Sargento‘s mother-in-law being buried today
Perhaps it is a final Q failure not recognizing that we should be praying for poor old Diablo Sammich

As a final note next Thursday at The Pub the triumphal return of…… Monk!!!!

What Would Gastone Not Do?

It’s been way too long for me to be in the gloom and even longer since I’ve actually led a 0530 workout. Knowing Gastone was out of town to be with his father in his final days, I asked for the lead spot at Snoballs. Any of the regulars would have accepted it, even if the circle formed with no one in the middle of it – the impromptu Q – which Gastone himself is famous for taking and making everyone suffer for lacking fortitude. So this workout is in honor of the AO leader and in memory of his father that passed in the hours prior. God speed to the Larner family.

Once I had been given the coveted Q, I thought what would Gastone not do? He likes hills and sometimes running backwards (NUR). He likes the aimless run through dark roads with various sets of exercises. We’ll have none of that this morning. I’ve been reading about the benefits (you may not consider it a benefit while exercising) of HIIT – that is High Intensity Interval Training. What’s the difference between HIIT and Tabata? Well nothing really to my untrained eye. So I “google searched” a few things and put together a plan. I know many of my fans enjoy the musical selections I often employ during these sessions so that began with what else? Amarillo By Morning by the worst singer in the Country Music Hall of Fame but I figured Whoopee would be there and I can suffer through three minutes of George Strait if it fires up my friend. Since it had been a while at the fabled Snoballs parking lot, I greeted a few new guys. Spinter and Magic Mike were in town for work and searched this AO for some F3 Brotherhood to make their G-town experience better (question why they didn’t hit Prison Break??? Hmmm). They normally post in Summerville, SC, so we appreciate those gentlemen joining us. Also new to me were Dirty Bird, Won Ton, and Rainbow Ranger, having been initiated in recent weeks (BTW – only Rainbow Ranger is in the PAX list – as a former Weasel Shaker, someone needs to add their info). Side bar question – Summerville gives a guy a “positive name” like Magic Mike and we hammer a guy with Rainbow Ranger or Dirty Bird? What gives?? Oh well, on with the show. Some sort of disclaimer mentioned a “you vs. you” experience, identifying where we were moseying (sometimes important so PAX can pace themselves a bit). It went down like this:


SSH – In cadence x 5…mosey (Whoopee was gleeful; first playing George Strait and then a short warm up)


Moseyed to the picnic shelter at Martha Rivers Park near the Turd Shack – this would be our base area for 2 minutes of exercise followed by 1 minute recovery. We did each set 2 times.

Set 1 (Used the open parking lot)

  • Jump Squats x 20
  • SSH x 30 (single count)
  • Burpees the remainder of the time

Set 2 (Moved under the shelter to the benches)

  • Dips x 20
  • Derkins x 15
  • Step Ups the remainder of the time

Set 3 (moved to the Turd Shack)

  • Hip Slappers x 20 (or 10 per side)
  • Dirty Hook-up x 20 (single count)
  • Donkey Kicks the remainder of the time

Set 4 (back to the parking lot)

  • WWI x 20
  • American Hammer x 20 (single count)
  • LBC’s the remainder of the time

Next session was a minute and a half repeats: three exercises performed consecutively for that time followed by 45 seconds of rest. We did each set twice.

Set 1

  • Plank Jacks x 4
  • Burps x 4
  • Star Jumps x 4

Set 2

  • Burpees x 5
  • Seal Jacks x 5
  • Lt. Dans x 5

We hustled back to the AO with less than a minute to spare so finished off with Flutter Kicks until 0615. As many of you know, I’m a fan of the timed workouts. When I’m unable to be among the PAX, it’s what I typically do at home to keep some semblance of condition. The good thing is we all stay together and everyone gets to push themselves in the set time. I tried this Monday night alone in my garage – to make sure the timing worked and it was grueling to get through. Even though we’re not competing against each other, we’re drawing energy from the group. It’s a tough one for sure and if they guys shoulders were not on fire after Set 3 then I didn’t do my job. Typically this setting allows for maximum mumble chatter but there seemed to be some huffing and puffing going on or else I let the music drown the noise. Speaking of, we heard a range of artists from Metallica, Godsmack, Candlebox, Black Sabbath, Steel Panther, The Killers, Bruce Springsteen, and The Lemonheads (Sargento – I can send this to you if like).

Announcements: 2nd F on May 31st, Belmont – The Station 1730 – Monk’s moving to DC – come have a beer with him; Saturday, May 11th, put canned food at your mailbox and your postal carrier will deliver it to Crisis Assistance Ministry (see Clavin if questions).

COT: We lifted prayers for Gastone and his family dealing with the loss of his father. We also prayed for a friend of Whoopee’s trying to get out and exercise but having some issues and in the hospital; EZ Rider and family; Watt’s Up’s M’s cousin as well as the UNCC community and Mooresville Police impacted by tragic loss. Thanks to the men from Summerville that joined us this morning and the regulars that posted. I’ll try not to be a stranger on Wednesday mornings. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to lead.

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