Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 20, 2019

Substitute Q @midoriyama

9 men made it to Midoriyama this afternoon for a load of fun.

Warm up :





Mosey  to playground for 5 pullups, 15 BBoy situps, 20 Squats  ×3

Next mosey to lake side of park at top of hill for a bucket full of fun

Stopped half way for some abb work while we wait on six.

At top of hill everyone does a called exercise (shoulder ) while one person carries 2 buckets of water halfway down hill to line and back up, once up he then calls next exercise.  This was done until each pax made it to line and back

And then mosey back up to ballfield steps for some calf work .

5 calf raises on each step,

once at top plank on six.

Back down and 15 SSH IC, Plank Jack’s 15 IC , MT Climbers 15 IC

This was done 3 times as I recall

Mosey back to start to finish off with some Iron Hulks, 1 merkin 4 airpresses all the way to 9 sorry Slaw ran out of  time



Get uncomfortable it makes  you Stronger in so may ways . We don’t mind this discomfort while working out we should apply this to the rest if our life …

PRAYER REQUESTS: those that are dealing with lose , illness,  and just in need of a brother to EH them one more time …




Big Enos, thats Watts Up!!! a back blast parallel

okay guys, here is how the story unfolds……Smokey and the Bandit

(excerpts from Wikipedia)….Wealthy Texan Big Enos seeks Coors beer for refreshment.  He and his son Little Enos have sponsored a racer in Atlanta’s Southern Classic and they want to celebrate in style when he wins.  They find local legend Bo ‘Bandit’ Darville at a roadeo (not spelled wrong, check it out) at Lakewood Fairgrounds in Atlanta and offer him $80,000 to pick up 400 cases of Coors beer in Texarcana, Tx (the closest place it could legally be sold at the time) and bring it back to Atlanta in 28 hours.  The Trans Am was purchased by Bandit on an ‘advance’ of the offer money.

a parallel……..if you will.

Big Enos, I mean Watts Up seeks 4 (now 5 due to birth of granddaughter) cases of Coors to celebrate his Painlab AO Site Q inauguration.  He has given us an $18 advance on a semi-used wheel barrow with a semi-flat pneumatic   We have until 07:54 to return with his brew.

Disclaimer:  As I stand amongst the Pax in a red polo and straw cowboy hat I feel an extra sense of urgency to exclaim that I am not a professional.  Not sure I even did that correctly.

Warm Up:

SSH – 25 IC

LBC – 15 IC (I think)

Squats 10 IC


Painlab off with Hippa, Bootcamp grab the Trans Am and follow me.

1st Site:

Schiele Woods / Bridge

The Germans ain’t got Nothin to do with It.

Sheriff Branford tells Sheriff Justice the fact that he is a Sheriff is not ‘germane’ to the situation.  Justice responds, ‘the Germans ain’t got nothin to do with this’

The Thang:  11’s Merkins / Burpees

There are two bridges and as such we can complete a loop while performing 11’s.  The first bridge is Merkins, that bridge I ‘want’ you to do Merkins (Germane).  The second bridge is Burpees, here you can perform whatever exercise you think or interpret that I called (Germans).

Stopped about 1/2 way thru for time.

Sounded Taller on Radio:

After Justice knocked Branford off the bridge into the water he told the 6’5″ Branford he thought he sounded taller on radio:

The Thang:  Stretching

Runners Stretch – for an amount of time

Standing side stretch – for an amount of time

Seated Twist – for an amount of time

We found two cases of Coors beer and rapidly transported these by hand to the thirsty Painlab crew above.  With Trans Am leading the way off we roll to the church to pick up Frog.

2nd site:  Church

The Thang:  Bouquet Toss

Perfect balcony with stairs adorning both sides set the perfect setting for the Bouquet Toss.  The one who catches the bouquet gets to sit that exercise out.

1st Toss:  10 Burpees, 2nd Toss:  30 Merkins, 3rd Toss:  50 LBC’s, 4th Toss:  50 Squats

The Thang:  Ultimate Bouquet (Ultimate Frisbee with a bouquet of flowers)

Formed two teams, using toilet paper as our goal lines, I could have played better if I wasn’t laughing so hard.  Gold Digger joined us for a minute before continuing his ultra marathon.

Collect another case of Coors and off we go to the Choke and Puke.

3rd Site:  The closed Hillbillys dubbed the Choke and Puke

Diablo Sammich: 

The Thang:  Partner French Fry’s – 25 count

Nice Ass: 

The Thang:  Toilet Paper Chase

After Justice emerges from the can taking a squirt, he exclaims that the waitress who retrieves the toilet paper in his glasses has a ‘nice ass’.  Therefore:

Each pax places 4 strips of toilet paper in their pants.  No rules, pax chase each other down trying to take each other’s stash while guarding their own.  When you are empty do 25 LBC’s, load up and go again.  I barely got finished explaining the rules when Montross had me stripped before I could run.  25 LBC’s later I’m stuffing my pants to go again.

Junior:  It’s a football game Daddy, can we watch”?

The Thang:  Toilet Paper Hurl, Quarterback/Receiver/Defender

Plank (QB) or squat (Receiver and Defender) for 30 seconds, receiver go out for a pass, defender you should know what to do, QB hurl the toilet paper as hard as you can and see if you can get a long tail drag.  I was defending Montross.  He caught a roll of toilet paper with a Haley’s comet tail before I could even jump off of the line.

Collect our case of Coors and mosey, quickly as it is now 7:45.  Now, we have an issue.  Time to return Watts Up loot is 7:54 and we have one more stop to make.  With Trans Am in low gear Stroganoff and Monk ran ahead to find our last case of Coors.  Unfortunately we did not have time to get to know Frog personally in the Park as I had some very special exercises planned that would make one blush.  We’ve now got 3 cases of Coors with two at the house.  By calculations we have less than 6 minutes to make it from Lineberger Park to the Schiele hauling a booty load of Coors in excess of 100 lbs. and by now a choking and puking Linus.

Summary: I think we made it back at 07:57, a full three minutes behind schedule.  In the movie Bandit was about to give up as Snowman barreled through the gate with 10 minutes to spare.  Luckily Watts Up was sidelined doing some ridiculous lean and hang exercise so I declared that we arrived on time even though we didn’t.  Sort of a draw, but now Watts Up has offered us double or nothing to go to New England to pick up Clam Chowder.  Details to come, maybe.

It should be noted that Stroganoff pushed the rock extra hard today, I felt humbled that Monk and Top Hat would humor me on a run chasing for Coors beer, if you ever want to measure where your athletic skills stand try to guard Montross in football or ultimate bouquet, and JJ is always great with whatever ridiculous suggestion I am always suggesting.


Belmont 5K (Speed for Need) 5/25

Gastone Hike, 5/26

Monk / QSource after Coconut Horse

Keep on look for next Rice N Beans events, should occur monthly, bring your kids

Monk’s Farewell party (5/31?)


Many Pax are battling concerns right now, proms and graduations and friends and family travels.

We got to acknowledge Rudolph as the original Painlab Site Q, VooDoo who’s first post was in November 2018 has taken command of Bulldog AO, Stroganoff with regards for Hippa’s contributions and our F3 region, and inaugurate Watts Up as the Gashouse Painlab AO Q.

Many thanks to Hippa and his Painlab leadership, I will simultaneously miss your partnership in Gashouse endeavors while looking forward to working with Watts Up.

Setting up this event I was nervous on Saturday morning at 0600.  I’m thinking what if this, what if that?  I decided to move full speed forward and I’m glad I did.  I had a blast and I think all others did as well.  We blended a great theme with a full rounded workout.  Inching for time we hauled 100 lbs. of block for nearly a mile within 10 minutes.  I was spent, and my time on the couch Sunday reflected that.  Thank you for your support and humoring me.  Even if it was not well received I never knew, let’s just keep it that way.

Until we beckon for the Clam Chowder my friends………Aye

Follow the Conifers

Mt. Mitchell for a party of 6.

The Thang:

We gathered at GSM World Headquarters at 5:30am and began our journey to Black Mountian Campground. We arrived shortly before 8am after a crazy windy drive through HWY 80 to this location. (Stroganoff, found car sickness that he recovered from after a loud thunderous belch)

We had to park an extra mile away from the start of the trail due to the construction of a much needed parking lot for this area. We had a choice to go through a trail that we were not sure of or take a long way on the road. We choose the trail with some risk and all was worked out fine. We walked through the campground and started our climb. We would climb for a while and then give Oompa some time to catch up several times and the climb did not seem to bad. We guessed we had about a mile to go so the last time we grouped together we told Def and Oompa we would meet them at the top. Turned out we had several mile to still go and it was a treacherous and hard part of the trail. We all felt that part on the way up.

Note: On the climb up it was a beautiful hike with many roots, rocks, and rough trail. The landscape changed 5 times in my count. We went from hardwood tree’s to Rhododendron’s, Pine and hardwoods, to thick forest with mossy trees, and then ended up in all pine trees.  Several spots to look out around power lines but other than those we were deep in forest most of the trail.

We made it to the top but not the very top before I suggested we walk this nice path down to the Gift shop and concession stand, this was about 100 yards down this stone path that was wide and nice. Everything was closed except the very stinky bathrooms. The walk back from the area to the very top was painful and regretted fully as we made the short climb to the top, very top. Once at the top our phones somewhat worked but not that good. Told the wife we were at the top and took pictures. She texted and I could not respond  “Is it storming there?”. I tried looking up weather maps but it did not work. It was not supposed to rain and we were only at our halfway point and my watch had showed that we had already gone 7 plus miles. At this point I said to Strogoff “Well, at least it is not raining”. So then it rained and the tempature dropped to 58 degrees and nobody was prepared for that. We took cover and the rain passed in about 5 minutes but we got a little more on the way down.

Oompa and Def arrived at the top before the rain. Oompa recovered nicely.  We began the march down the hill to get to some warmer temperatures. The sun came out and at one point for several miles Oompa was leading the bunch. I believe the path down the mountain was much longer and seemed to have more rocks and more roots than what we came up. A couple coming down the mountain behind us was approaching and coming in for the Kill which was mentioned. The pace increased and long story short Oompa was left a behind somewhat. I will make note again that this path which was the same path we came up seemed much longer coming down and much more rugged. Every time we got to just path with no roots, etc we celebrated for 30 seconds before it attacked us again. We made much better time down. We arrived at the camp below. Stroganoff went up the trail looking for Oompa, Freight and Hipaa also journeyed out. I went for the car to bring back expecting that most were done. Panic started, 35 minutes in and no sign of him. Someone made comment that he could have fallen off the mountain and be hurt. I drove up the gravel road and found Oompa walking. Freight and Hippa were 10 minutes up the trail looking for him. Oompa was told wrong information from the Camp person and he basically went an extra 1 mile out of the way off the trail on a road and then back. It took a moment but we all got back together and everyone jumped in the truck and headed back to the cars.

We were all starving, thirsty and tired. We made it to a eating place. We waited to long on food but my pizza came out first and the rest of the food seemed like it took 20 more minutes as I had to fight off 5 other guys that tried to attack my meal. Everyone else ordered burgers, but I must say they messed up because that Pizza brought joy to my life. I don’t know if it was as good as I remember but it might be the best pizza I have ever eaten. Worth the fighting.

The Moleskin:

Good times, lots of laughter and really what CSAUP is all about. These kind of outings can be 2 guys or 100 and they build  and strengthen men. The challenge was great and felt like a true accomplishment once we finished. We met another PAC from Concord on the trail as well. I look forward to the next one and the 10 after that. Great group of guys and glad I spent this time with them. Many more stories that could be told on this event. Sorry Rudolph, we kept on hearing helicopters.




9 men started out their week at Mt. Hollywood.  This included a returning Red Ribbon and a visiting Generic.  After a little small talk it was time to clock in.

Warmup: SSH and Toy Soldiers x 15IC

Quick mosey

Partner up for Dora 12345.

100 dips, 200 Australia mountain climbers, 300 mountain climbers, 400 calf raises and 500 lbcs.

20 derkins and 20 incline merkins. repeat x 3.

Circle up for Mary.  Each PAX picked an exercise and we did it for a minute.   Apologies to Doodles as I forgot him.  Q fail.

Slow mosey back to the flag for the pledge.


Announcements: Speed for Need run on Saturday.  Memorial Day Murph.

Prayer requests: Goldigger and his M.  Generic’s job.

BOM: YHC took us out.

Philippians 4:13


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