Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 1, 2019

School House Rock

10 men showed up for Snoball’s and to keep the Sadclown at bay.

The Thang:

SSH 26

Imperial Walker 15

Merkins 10

Mosey all the way to Robinson Elementary. 10 Diamonds some place between the 2.

Plank 60’s while we catch our breath.

Elbow Plank an additional 45 seconds for the fun of it.

Mosey behind school to 2 ramps side by side with railings.

Up on the railings for Bear Crawl through the tunnel to the top and then set up on the railings going down.

Bear Crawl down through the tunnel.

Rinse and repeat twice. (Crowd favorite, you know you are doing good when Defib ask why?)

Mosey around to the big staircase behind school.

11’s, 1 Diamond at the top and 10 Monkey Humpers at the bottom. Stinky Bird now realizes that the Monkey Humper is effective.

Mosey to speed bump and Lunge Walk to the next. Probably 100 yards.

Start Mosey to next speed bump. (At this moment I heard Clavin mention Hip Slappers and something else)

So next exercise Hip Slappers to 20.

Head fake to the next wall and then Nurrrrrr. Was just going to go up the hill but again someone mentioned all the way back. So Nurrr all the way back about 3/4’s of a mile to the start.
Clavin finished the last 2 minutes while I picked up the 6 with Defib.

The Moleskin:

2 great addition’s to F3 Stinky Bird and Rainbow Ranger, and I just like saying there names. Stinky Bird is a beast already and Rainbow Ranger will be a future beast. You guys are great.

May 5th is Cino De Mt. Mitchell. Pointless, Little crazy, but owe will we have fun. 5.5 up to the top of the mountain and 5.5 down. Q-Source at the top and lunch when we get back or dinner depending on how long it takes. Clown cars meet at GSM World Headquarters parking lot to head out at 5:30 am.

Prayers, Family members, UNCC students and families, Venezuela and injured pax.

Thanks, Gastone





Number 3

Summertime is fast approaching and the premier afternoon AO in all of F3 Nation is starting to feel the effects. If you’re planning to post here this summer, make sure you wear your big boy britches and bring some water, you’re gonna need it. An even dozen showed for my 3rd Q in 36 hours for a little Bible trivia and yet another workout with bricks.


Let’s get started with the Pledge so we don’t have another Q fail and then on to a quick warmup. Grab two bricks each and mosey to the small soccer field where the PAX found the cones set up at 25 yard intervals. Time for….


Quarter Pounder with Cheese

Sprint 25 yards, perform 25 Merkins and NUR back

Sprint 50 yards, perform 50 Squats and NUR back

Sprint 75 yards, perform 75 Mountain Climbers and NUR back

Sprint 100 yards, perform 100 SSH’s and NUR back


Since that was so much fun, let’s make it a Double, this round we did:

25 Diamond Merkins

50 Jump Squats

75 American Hammers

100 Moroccan Nightclubs


Time to move on to working those legs and core.

25 yd lunge walk then 25 LBC’s

25 yd mosey then 25 WWI’s

Rinse and repeat

25 yd bear crawl or crab walk then 15 Nolan Ryans each side

25 yd mosey then 25 Dying Cockroach

Rinse and repeat


Mosey to pick up the cones and do a few sets of 5 Man Maker’s along the way. Head back to flag, put up the bricks and finish up with a couple minutes of Mary.



We did a little Bible trivia throughout the workout and it’s evident the PAX read their Bible. This book is the blueprint for how we should live our lives, so read and study it daily.




Mt. Mitchell hike this Sunday, meet at GSM at 5:30am

Belmont SFN on May 25th

Memorial Day Murph probably at Martha’s at 7am, SA will get the details out


Prayer Request

Slaw and family dealing with graduation of 2.0

Family of teenager who passed at Mt. Island Lake last weekend

Sargento mother in law

Oompa Loompa mother

Roadie grandfather


Doodles took us out.


Until next time,




Prison Break

Seven showed to run or ruck at PrisonBreak this morning! 3 rucked  4 ran!

Announcements— Hike this Sunday, speed for need run in May!

Prayer request- Students and staff at UNCC, stroganoffs M N law, each other, family!




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