Linus needed some Q’s for the Gashouse so Whoopee and I decided to co-Q. I had some exercises in mind for the workout so I did the pre-work last night and had my car prepped and ready. I laid out the pain stations and then got to the AO a little early so I mosey’d off for a little EC. On the way back in I checked out the area where I knew Whoopee was going to take the PAX and there were all his instruments of pain laid out nicely. I hurried back to the AO to find a bunch of PAX ready to get to work.
0700: Introduction of Q’s, disclaimer, brief warmup with Roscoe and Whoopee that included squats, heels to heaven, merkins, seal jacks. Split up for Painlab and Bootcamp. The Painlab had 9 and bootcamp had 5 (eventually 6). While the bootcamp moseyed to the flag for the Pledge, Short Sale sent me a text saying he “had issues with the dog” and was wondering where we would be. I texted back we would be at the church.
After the pledge we moseyed to the Church where we found exercise station one but before we started on our AMRAP I gave a little F3 testimony.
- Since F3, I have found out many things that have made my life better such as Podcasts, Reading Books, (lots of mumblechatter about reading and books. T-Square claimed he is still using picture books, but maybe that is an improvement from watching Little Einstein videos?)
- No matter whether together or alone, the F3 brothers and credo still holds fast. When you want to quit, give in to your jesters, or just slack off, there is built in accountability within F3. Think about your brothers encouraging you to do better.
- If you want to run faster, run with a faster man. This has been happening all over F3 Gastonia as of late as many men are making serious progress in all F’s. Everyday you don’t accelerate you are decelerating. We aren’t getting younger.
When we couldn’t wait any longer for Short Sale, YHC announced the workout. Complete the exercise and run a lap around the circle in front of the church and proceed to the next pain station.
Exercises: 100 Squats, 100 SSH, 100 LBC’s, 100 Lunges, 100 Flying Squirrels
I set the timer and we were off. After the first lap we returned for the SSH. I was fortunate enough that the breeze was blowing from the East which is where DEFIB was getting after the SSH and I smelled his laundered clothing. If you haven’t posted with Defib, his wife buys Tyler laundry detergent and when you are fortunate to get a waft of his scent it takes you to a beautiful forest with a quiet stream rolling by as birds chirp softly and the biting insects no longer seek to eat you and the cool breezes of the forest make it through all the trees and touch your skin oh so gently as you drift off into a blissful sleep. Whatever problems you have in life disappear as you dream of walks on the beach with your M who is holding your hand as the waves crash gently around you. At this moment you forget that you have ever experienced that “not so fresh feeling”. You are wearing all white clothing like a summer family vacation picture…Oh wait, I still have 100 SSH to do. Back to the workout. 
Once we got the the lunges, Short Sale pulled in just in time for about 50 of the 100. He still gets credit for posting since we had more than 30 minutes left in the workout. His dog Pookie must have really been having bathroom issues.
We decided to break up the Flying Squirrels into 25 reps and then a lap. This was done 2 times before the timer went off indicating it was time for Whoopee’s portion of the Q.
We ran off to the PAD. Whoopee had laid out various equipment (very Painlab’ish). The five stations were as follows:
Station One: “DEFIB SPECIAL” two barbells and the excercises were 5 Burpees, 5 Stepups, 5 squat thrusters, 5 Pushup/rows, 5 squat jumps. (This station was the timer. When the PAX was finished with this station everyone switched.
Station Two: (two pax) Pick up a 9 foot log and carry it down the hill and back and then do shoulder presses.
Station Three: You get your very own log this time. Use to do push presses, mountain climbers off it, or whatever you want to do.
Station Four: Carry the weighted GoRuck Sandback up and down the stairs.
Station Five: Derkins with feet on the wall.
We completed a few rounds of this until Whoopee ended it. Next we broke up into two teams of three. Team one carried sandbag and did the stairs. Team two stayed with Whoopee and repeated the DEFIB SPECIAL with using the dumbells, a rucksack, and a piece of granite. Two rounds or so before we moseyed back to the AO with all the coupons (minus the logs).
Huckleberry led the Painlab. Here is what happened there…
First exercise was a wave of merkins, followed by a wave of squats and followed by a wave of LBCs all x 10.
Slow meander to the parking lot. Route 66 with bear crawls and mountain climbers, returned back with squats and toy soldiers.
Partner up for Dora 123456. Exercises were:
100 CDDs
200 WW1
300 Squats
400 Hillbilly
500 Calf raises
600 Moroccan nightclubs
Nice work by all, decent amount of mumble chatter.
Next I asked Rudolph to do his boxing routine. This was especially fun after the Moroccan nightclubs.
Huckleberry had the Painlab PAX circled up for MARY and we joined them. 5 burpees, 5 more burpees, Huckleberry then did 50 LBC’s while the rest of us just waited for the church bells to signal the end of the workout. Huckleberry apparently is hard of hearing as they started ringing on about rep 30.
Announcements: Community Foundation Run next Saturday, Cinco de Mitchell, May 5th. Gastone is Q. Expect to ruck up Mt. Mitchell and back down on this day.
Prayer Requests: Voodoo’s Father in Law who has been sick but is improving. Prayers for each other.
Always good to be at the original AO where it all started over four years ago. I challenge each PAX, if you have never had a successful EH, keep trying. Men need the fellowship. We don’t have to walk alone.
Philippians 4:13