Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2019 (Page 8 of 8)

WolfPack brings da pain!!

So i talked to my best friend josh montgomery who is my cousin and hucks brother and was telling him I had the Q coming up. He lives in Asheville now and is a part of F3 up there. His name is Wolfpack. He had told me about some of the things they do up there so I decided to bring em to Folsom.


The Thang:

Show to Know!!!!!


Announcements: c saup, prayer requests: 5ks

BOM YHC took us out in prayer


Always a pleasure to lead u men

Allen Tate CHIEF of Folsom !!!

5,000…er 15,000 reps

Inspired by Quiche’s 5000 rep challenge on Slack, YHC cooked up a workout that focused on his own 3 exercises: merkins, LBCs, and flutters.

Warmorama: Slawter starter, then 20 of each of the Big 3.

Next up, triple dime on the hill for 50 more of each. Nur/sprint up the hill one extra time for 10 more to round up to 80.

Mosey to tennis court for modified 4 corners. 10, 20, 30, 40 of the Big 3 to get to the daily minimum of 180. Only 30 minutes in and the daily challenge has been met.

Get down to the lower parking lot for Route 66 w/lunge walk and Bobby Hurley’s (YHC’s least favorite).

Now time for a GD crowd pleaser, the shoulder burn: Find a parking spot, 11’s w/ Mike Tyson’s on the curb, bear crawl to the end of the white line, crab cakes, then crab walk back. Run laps until Omaha. Shakeout with chinooks.

Mosey back to flag (provided by the ever-obliging MW) for various Mary/Mumblechatter.

Announcements: CSAUP and Rooster coming up.

Prayer requests: All PAX, Pizza Man’s M, Medicine Woman’s daughter, Gumby, Blart’s friend who passed away, Stroganoff’s friend’s M.

Always a pleasure to lead. I am continually inspired by the strong work put in by all.

Until next time,


Day 5 – HIPAAPALOOZA – So loud we couldn’t hear ya

Pub Crawl at HIPAAPALOOZA on Day 5. Anthrax and Bono performed and didn’t disappoint. Some could hear it 5 miles away and some at shorter distances. It was so loud we didn’t hear the Diablo Sammich PAX yelling at us from across the parking lot of Harris Teeter. Too bad they didn’t join us for the festival. Probably wish they had instead of sitting in a circle reading Shakespeare.

Today’s Groupies (To be a groupie you need to have posted 2 or more time during HIPAAPALOOZA):

JJ, Broke, Clavin, Sister Act


Announcements – CSAUP, Rooster, Mt. Mitchell, BRR (Run & Ruck Teams)

Prayer Requests

YHC took us out

Defib asked me during my run if I was going to keep running on regular. You’re damn right and why?? Because #DFQ & #ABT



Day 4 – HIPAAPALOOZA – Déjà vu

HIPAAPALOOZA brought out the Pelican’s SnoBalls shaved ice treats on this warm, 22 degree, morning. So far, the festival has been amazing with many PAX returning & wanting more. Some have felt they have been here before, even though this is the first of many HIPAAPALOOZAS. This is now the middle of the week. Mental and Physical exhaustion is starting to settle in, but we remain strong and keep pushing the rock!

Today’s Groupie (To be a groupie you need to have posted 2 or more time during HIPAAPALOOZA):

Watt’s Up

Disclaimer – No FNG’s


MNC – 20 IC

Randy’s – 20 IC

Merkins – 15 IC

Imperial Walkers – 15 IC


Mosey (safely, there is Ice) to just past the Turd Shack. Find some grass or pavement for this next routine.

My son is into Marvel right now so let us do a little themed segment.

Captain Thor – 1:4 – 10:40

Iron Hulk – 1:4 – 10:40


Next up:

Count off by two’s. OK, now 1’s partner with 2’s?? I guess there was an easier way to do this.

Bear Crawl 1-2-3

TONS of mumblechatter about this one. Apparently Turtleman did this exact same routine on Monday. It is like Déjà vu. Good, that means you should be pro’s at it by now.

Bear Crawl 1-2-3 with Merkins, Squats & LBC’s


Mosey to 1st Island (No not our Island, the Island in the parking lot) – 1 Burpee

Mosey to 2nd Island –  2 Merkins

Mosey to 3rd Island – 3 CDD’s

Mosey to 4th Island – 4 Burpees

Mosey to 5th Island – 5 Merkins

Mosey to 6th Island – 6 CDD’s

Mosey to 7th Island – 7 Burpees

Mosey to 8th Island – 8 Merkins

Mosey to 9th Island – 9 CDD’s

Mosey to 10th and Final Island – 10 Burpees

Mosey or Jailbreak for some, back to start


Announcements – CSAUP, Rooster, Mt. Mitchell May 5th

Prayer requests

YHC took us out

Thank you all for the support and encouragement. Sorry I had to repeat a routine you already did this week. So far, it has been great to reflect on the accomplishments this week. It is neat to see how this week of Q’ing is tying into this week’s Q Source about “Preparedness”. I encourage you all to continue with Q Source weekly either meeting every Sunday, listening to the 43feet podcast or reading on








Day 3 – HIPAAPALOOZA – Birthday Bash

It was YHC’s 41st birthday so why not go out in style by celebrating at HIPAAPALOOZA 2019! It was Heavy Metal day and there were 9 stages to visit. YHC was in Hysteria to see Def Leppard live in person, it’s like the best BDay gift a person could ever have; But then again VooDoo and his family did get me an F3 Minivan Centurion shirt (Which makes #23 in my F3 Shirt collection) so that is probably a better gift! Which by the way is only appropriate to have as I rolled up to Bulldog in the M’s Odyssey slammed packed with coupons for the workout. Let’s get it!

Today’s Groupies (To be a groupie you need to have posted 2 or more time during HIPAAPALOOZA):

Broke, Oompa Loompa & Def Leppard

Coupon List:
• Battle Rope
• Sand Buckets
• Tire
• Slam Ball
• Forearm rope roller
• Kettlebells
• Dumbbells

Playlist – 80’s Hair Bands

The Thang


30 Second AMRAP – 10 second rest – Why nobody still believes it’s not 10 seconds is beyond me. I swear its 10 seconds.

Station 1 – Battle Rope:
Round 1: 3 Sets – Double Arm Waves
Round 2: 3 Sets – Side to Side Slams

Station 2 – Slam Ball:
Round 1: 3 Sets – Overhead Slams
Round 2: 3 Sets – American Hammers

Station 3 – Kettlebell:
Round 1: 3 Sets – Upright Rows
Round 2: 3 Sets – Swings

Station 4 – Body Weight:
Round 1 – 3 Sets – LBC’s
Round 2 – 3 Sets – Pseudo Planche Merkin

Station 5 – Dumb Bells:
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Front Lateral Raise
Round 2 – 3 Sets – Arnold Press

Station 6 – Kettlebell
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Renegade Rows
Round 2 – 3 Sets – Dead Lift (Go Heavy)

Station 7 – Cinder Block
Round 1 – 3 Sets Curls
Round 2 – 3 Sets Curls

Station 8 – Misc Gear
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Bucket Shrugs
Round 2 – Forearm rope

Station 9 – Body Weight
Round 1 – 3 Sets – Merkins
Round 2 – 3 Sets – BBSU

Prayer requests
Def Leppard took us out

Thanks to everyone who came out to my birthday Q. Last year I turned 40 & No, joining F3 was not some mid-life crisis. I posted this on FaceBook on my birthday last year and I want to share it here: “They say when you hit 40 you are now “over the hill”. I feel that means 40 is the pinnacle of your life. Sorry folks but my life’s journey hasn’t even come close to the pinnacle yet. I’ve merely reached the “Nepal base camp”, the halfway point to the summit of the highest mountain in the world.” This last year is a testament to that statement. I kept climbing in 2018, never looking back. Now that I’m 41, I feel stronger than ever and I will keep pushing the rock up that mountain. See for me, the top of that mountain is when I meet the good lord, only then will I take the time to relax.



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