Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 17, 2019

Rainy Morning @ The Storm

As Site Q, YHC reached out to Huckleberry to confirm if he was still a HC for Q @ The Storm on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Huck still had the “crazy” bug in his household, similar as the one a lot of us have had the past several weeks. Fortunately, YHC was ready to take the Q and was prepared to keep the PAX dry knowing it was going to be a wet morning in the gloom and was ready to provide them with a rock pushing workout.

Arrived at The Storm around 5:25am, got out the shovel and flag and got it in the ground. Several PAX were waiting in their cars, keeping dry.

5:30am, time to get started..since it was raining, let’s mosey to the school and get somewhere dry for some warmup..

No FNGs, so let’s get to work




Imperial Walkers

Cherry Pickers



The Thang:


burpees X 5, run to front of school entrance and back

burpeesx5, lungesx10, run same as above

burpeesx5, lungesx10, imperial walkersx15, run again

burpeesx5, lungesx10, imperial walkersx15, merkinsx20, run

burpeesx5, lungesx10, imperial walkersx15, merkins 20, plank jacksx25, run again

Burpeesx5, lungesx10, I/Wx15, merkinsx20, peak jacksx25, squatsx30, run again


LBC x 50

Merkins x 15

60 sec elbow planks

30 side planks

60 sec bridge

Merkins x 15

60 sec elbow planks

30 side planks

LBCs x 15

60 sec elbow planks


Then a round of the following;

SSH x 30

Merkins x 10

High Knees x 25

Burpees x 7

LBCs x 10

Squats x 10

Merkins x 10

LBCs x 10

Merkins x 10

Squats x10

SSH x 30

Wall sit – 60 secs

Merkins x 10

High Knees x 25


Finish with a few rounds of Mary called by a few PAX…..

6:14am, Mosey back to flag

The Pledge


Prayer Request

YHC closed out with prayer.

Great work by all. Thanks for allowing me to lead you this morning!

Breaker Breaker


Break ‘Em Down in Belmont!

So YHC looked at the weather on Friday afternoon and figured that we would do two things at The Yank on Saturday:

Thing one: Get under the shelter ( a pro F3 Q move form an old hand at this biz)

Thing two: Get wet. A necessary part of getting better is to minimize the effects of external factors to the extent that we can. So we did

Talked about it with prospective pax Friday evening at The Station so there was forwarning of the impending doom in the gloom for the next day. Spirits were high as we discussed the possibilities!

It went like this:

SSH X 1 minute

Merkins X 1 minute

IWs X 1 minute

American Hammers X 1 minute

WW II situps X 1 minute

Mtn Climbers X 1 minute

Elbow plank X 1 minuteback to the shelter

10 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 squats

Run the park loop and 10 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 squats

Ladder time as follows:

5 burpees

10 step ups each leg

15 cross legged dirkins

20 jump squats

25 LBCs

After the 5 burpees we ran the park loop and did the 10, 20 ,30 “thang” as above. Then build to the burpees, step ups and repeat. Do this all the way to the 25 mark (LBCs)

Now it was time for a Tesla Standard. The Bear Crawl Slalom! In the rain no doubt. So out from under the comfy shelter to the mercy of the elements. A little character building time to be had so we all got three times to crawl. Yes it was wet.But we got through it.

Time enough for a triple nickel. Ran the path from the fountain to the top near the shelter

Bottom of the hill: Plank jacks


Top of the hill: 5 hand release merkins

this pretty well got us to the end. A few minutes for stretching to finish up (@ 3 minutes). Finished with another 1 minute elbow plank.

Naked Man Moleskin:

Wet and a little chilly but overall not a bad day to do a beat down. Everybody worked hard. Nobody complained. Good for us! pockets volunteered for the lead next week, Tiger the week after. CSAUP up next week along with a to be announced 2nd F later in the day. Stay tuned.

Yank is a great place to lead because of a great pax. Announcement coming soon on Core coming over in the spring from Metro. be ready! I hear Eminem is going to lead and rev is bringing the hair burners. Be afraid, be VERY afraid!


Until next time,




Post Mary Mosey




The Thang:
25 men went out for some fellowship and a mosey or Ruck. Some did 5 Some did more some did less, all got out of the fartsack and made each other better

Announcements – CSAUP next Saturday, Rooster following Saturday
Prayers- Health for our Families
Proverbs 27:
17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

Tool Time

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