Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2018 (Page 7 of 7)


Five men avoided the fartsack this morning! On a post murph day!

Warmup- SSH 10ic, Windmills 15ic

Mosey toward the entrance of the Folsom, on the way, a strong smell of a skunk, continue on to the flag for the pledge! Mosey across the road to Walmart!

Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Burpees, and Lunges, X10! Then run a lap around Walmart, repeat 5 times!

Mosey back to the start, on the way that strong smell is still around. When we get back to the launch, volt called out for 15 merkins ic! While doing these, I look over and see a black and white cat coming up beside me, I yelled SKUNK! Hank takes off from a low end of a merkin like a rocket, yelling some words that I want repeat, I couldn’t finish for laughing! I apologized, but all through the day I would think of that and laugh!

Announcements- JJ5K, soldier suicide run, both on September 22nd

Prayer request- Stroganoff and family, each other, families

Thanks for the privilege of letting me lead!

School Daze

11 Him’s posted at the Yank pre-Labor day, including one FNG we been working on for a while, welcome Tanner Smith – Slice.  Boudin stopped by for warm -up and pledge as he was getting in some miles still prepping for BRR.

Here’s how it went: warm up SSH x 10, cotton pickers x 10, imperial walkers x 10.  Pledge.

Mosey up main street hill take a right on Eagle to Belmont Central Elem.  On play ground beside school is large map of USA, that became “homebase”.  Normally homebase is a safe place, but in our case it was the site of repeated burpees.  All pax arrive at map for 10 burpees.  At each coner of play are Q had written an exercise in chalk and number of reps.  After each exercise, back to home base for 10 burpees.  Exercises were 10 merkin, 20 lbc, 30 American hammer, 40 cdd, 50 squat, 60 step ups, 70 SSH. Adding in 10 burpees after each set totaled 80 burpees.

Mosey out back side of school, beside Davis park and around to front of First Baptist Church.  10 burpees.  Reverse bear crawl up the steps from the side walk to the front doors of the church.  There are A LOT of steps, this pretty much elevated suck factor to extreme.  To add to the punishment, the steps are divided into three sets with a flat area in between, 50 big boy sit ups at each flat area then continue the reverse crawl up.  Once complete crawl back to side walk.  10 burpees for 100 total burpees.

Mosey back to Yank, had a couple minutes left for some more merkins and little flutter crunches.  Time.

Good push by all on a muggy morning.

Reminded everyone of spend for need event, JJ5K, Murph, Burpeethon.

Named FNG – welcome Tanner Smith!

Prayer requests – teacher students administrators in new school year, another shooting in Florida, all with thoughts of committing acts of violence

Always an honor


Last Chance

It was the 31 of the month and a bunch of HIMs showed to know what YHC had up my sleeve. Actually it was in my pocket!


Pledge of Allegiance

Warm Up:

Moroccan Night Clubs x15 IC

Air Shoulder Presses x15 IC super fast

Don Quixotes x15 IC for all the haters. Whoopee felt so strongly about these exercises that he decided to run around by himself instead of staying with the PAX for the workout. Hmmm.

Mosey through the streets of downtown Gashouse. Stop for a brief wall sit by the church, get some Rocky Balboas on the curb, wind around here and there until we arrive at the top of the parking deck for…

The Deck of Death: once of YHC’s favorites!

Spades – Peter Parkers

Diamonds – Derkins

Clubs – American Hammers

Hearts – Donkey Kicks

The deck of death works great for giving a great workout and also promoting plenty of mumblechatter. We were having so much fun that Whoopee felt left out and joined in about 2/3 of the way through. There were a couple of hiccups and their paying attention for their turn or counting for some veteran unnamed. That’s ok though, keep coming out, you’ll get the hang of it one of these days.

Mosey around downtown some more until we reached the start. Done

Prayer requests: Sly is deployed, safe travels for the holiday weekend, praise YHC’s M doesn’t need surgery

Announcements: JJ 5k September 22, Stop Suicide 5k, BRR needs a runner, Q vs Q September 14

It was a pleasure leading today men. It’s time for more PAX to take their turn at the helm of our workouts. You’ll be glad you did. Aye!


To sum it all up…

What a great way to start the 39th year of my life, let’s lead Painlab!  The fact that I had no weinke wasn’t going to faze me, I’ve had  a LOT of research and exercises in my time that are: easy to modify, low to zero impact, and good for building muscle.  But being a Bday jam, I thought having a little fun was in order.

The Thang:

The day technically started with Pedal, RPO  and I cat-calling to Linus about how sexy he is as he was jogging towards Gashouse on Garrison.  Boy is putting in work.  They helped me set up Painstations around Frank, who I hadn’t seen in awhile.  We go over to see Linus forming the circle, he warmed us up, HIPAA and Mayor got their weights, and 13 HIMS did PainLab:


SSH x 15, Low Slow Squat x 10, MCC x 10, IW x 10, Merkin x 10, LBC x 10

DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC – this was warming up still, but had to Omaha for time.  I was solo man out, but here comes Dr. Feelgood!!  Now we’re rocking.  I had the partners bear crawl to the steps, crawl up the steps, side lunge across, bear crawl back.  This was good heart starter.  I caught a thorn in my hand that has caused a lot of pain in my finger.  At a cookout that night Gastone and Pedal made fun of me.  Back to the workout.  Omaha to Painstations.

PAINSTATIONS – lots of guys, so had to come up with a few on they fly.  They were:

Diamond Merks – Curls – Slamball – Thrusters – AmHam – Tricep Ex – Squats – Plank – Burpees – Lunges – Swings – something else:  do 8-12 reps, 3 team claps, rotate, I count to 10, repeato.   During this time we reviewed what F3 is, the 5 rules, and discussed renewal.  Since we had an FNG there, we had to cover some basics, but a birthday, hell everyday, is a chance at renewal.  Don’t let a birthday, a new-years resolution or the day of the week dictate how great your chance for renewing your spririt, your body, your mind, whatever you need, to get refreshed and start anew.   We did this until it was about 15 ’till, then broke out….

DR. FEELGOOD DRILLERS – I was tickled Feelgood made it, because I named this exercise after him.  I gave a brief rundown on why I created these, which is well documented, but let me tell you, either I’m way out of shape or these are just awful.  Everyone lines up, mimic my movements, which includes squats, merkins, feet chops, quick twists, monkey rolls, whatever.  Pedal, Feelgood, Mayor and HIPAA helped here until 10 till, then we broke out….

DODGEBALL – yes, bought an old-school playground ball the night before (thanks M), and we played Dodgeball.  I was on team Big Dawg, and we lost 2-1 to team Sandy V.  I played terribly but had fun.  THen the rest of the Pax joined for a mega-game.  It came down to a 3v2 with time almost up, then Hunkajunk caught a ball with his feet.  I called it on that, Team Sandy V prevailed.

We circled up, announcements about Burpees by the Lake, remember Tully is coming next weekend, Snowbird retreat, something else.  Named FNG Teddy Bear (ha!).  I was grateful to be able to pray us out.

MOLESKIN – another workout in the books, another day in the books, another year in the books.  Tomorrow will be even better, relishing the friends and families we have.  Men, you live better than 99.9% of human history.  Don’t sweat the small stuff, because everything is small stuff.  If you need help, dial up Rudolph any time, truly blessed person to enjoy your sharpening  Many hands make light work!

Just filling in.



Hill Billies

Cherry Pickers

Imperial Walkers


mosey to Hawthorne Hill.

We did 11’s

merkins on the bottom and squats up top.

Mosey across the street to the other side of Hawthorne.

Skip to the top of the hill.

Then we do Route 66 down Airline Ave.

1 legged deadlifts.

Several others I don’t remember. We had some Mary on the curb as well.


Great time at The Yank as always. For those who have not been to The Yank, I would like to encourage you to try and come over sometime. Lots of great places to put in work and lots of fun. Great breakfast afterward and some great second F. I would like to thank all the men in Belmont who come out. I learn from you every time.




Stop Soldier suicide 10K and 5K


prayer request.

Please keep each other in prayer. Encourage each other and lend an ear where needed.

We Ran

8 men showed to run at Crossroads this morning.  No ruckers today, all runners.  Great push by all.




Labor Day Murph at Martha’s, JJ5K in Stanley 9/22, Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont 9/22

Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.


Sister Act

JV heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 delirious men showed at  Midoriyama for a nice 90+ day. I guess a tweet out provoked a none response for the workout. But all who showed had a great time.

I had a plan, but it changed when I saw the Iron Pax challenge. I want to push myself a lot more. I can’t compete with these guys, but these challenges are just that. Challenging myself to be better, not just at the workouts but a mental challenge for myself. As I come to these workouts I listen and notice all the work you guys put in with family life, work life, and your extra things like running and working out. I am in awe of you all for the work ethic and strength that you all show each and everyday! Thank you all for your love and  friendship. Thank you for the push through the pain and misery. God bless you all!!!!


Iron Pax Challenge #4

Mogadishu Mile

1 mile run

50 pull-ups

4 rounds of each:

25 alternating traveling leg lunges

25 air squats

4 rounds of each

25 merkins

25 yard sprint

100 coupon squat thrusters

50 pull-ups

1 mile run




stop soldier suicide / speed for need

JJ 5k


Walk Off and Limp Off at Folsom

4 came out early for Extra Credit

A little out of order but thisnisnwhat happened…may edit later

Time to start.
Circle up. Grab 3 rucks pass right to left. Pass with overhead press, change to squats.

Enough warm up. Mosey to tennis courts. Carry rucks to back fence. Split up into four teams, grab a ruck go to the corners.

Pair off into kickball teams.
Lots of whining crying cussing and burpees. Hacksaw got some puss and hurt his hip.

Walk off grand slam by Bedpan.
Name o rama and Q took us out.
Exercise is buddy humpers.
Call an exercise for your teammates to perform while you grab a ruck and mosey to fence and back. Did that 4 rounds.


Who’s Ready?

Tuesday at the Storm and YHC was cutting it close on making it in time. Luckily everyone was in formation waiting for the Q. Aye!!!

I asked whether we had any FNG’s this morning because Freight sent word that there should be one. In my hurry to get started I either didn’t hear or ignored anyone say there was in fact and FNG, from now on to be known as Get a Grip. Super brief disclaimer was given, because there wasn’t an FNG right?

Warm Up:

Captain Morgans x5 IC each side (this was  fail, not to be repeated)

Cheerleaders x10 ICish

Freddy Mercurys x15IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey down to the road to the speed humps. This is where YHC is informed that we actually do have an FNG. Disclaimer. Karaoke left from the 1st to 2nd, karaoke right from 2nd to 3rd, skip from 3rd to stop sign.

Gather up for a quick count off. Mosey 25 yards to the bottom of the big grass hill.

Everest: Lunge, lunge then squat until you reach the top. Repeato x3.

The Thang:

Elevens: Merkins at the top, run to the bottom to do Gorilla Humpers then bear crawl back to the top. Switch the reps until they’re all flapjacked.

Nur up the sidewalk to the artwork. Regular mosey after about halfway.

At the artwork, its time we get personal with a Menage:

Team up for groups of 3 to do work. While partner 1 exercises the other 2 run around the circle. Switch off at each lap until the team reaches 90 reps of each exercise.

Round 1 – Bobby Hurleys

Round 2 – Big Boy sit ups

Round 3 – CDDs

Time’s running out so we mosey back to the start. Once there we get in 30 Alternating Shoulder Taps to finish up.

Strong work today men, especially the FNG. AYE!

Prayer Requests: Leigh Anne Carpenter, Lynn Hamm, Breaker Breaker’s family, Tesla’s friend’s family on his passing, Slim Shady’s grandmother passing, FNG Get a Grip’s father in law blood infection

Announcements: several 5ks coming up, Burpeethon (you’re welcome @andrew_quinley), other stuff

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. Next week Boudin gets his shot.


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