Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 12, 2018

I Think We Ran

Sometimes life gets busy. Sometimes it gets so busy you can’t find time to write a backblast. Sometimes it gets so busy you can’t even find time to write a backblast for The Pub. It’s been almost a week, but YHC thinks he remembers what was done as 5 PAX posted on a beautiful, but humid, morning.

We ran…

Out onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Left onto Berry Rd.
Right onto Lee St.
Left onto New Hope Rd.
Right onto Armstrong Park Dr.
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Back to The Pub


Maybe some others

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff and family
BRR runners and drivers

Good work by all, especially Defib who came out the day before leaving for the BRR.

Until next week (tomorrow)

Burpee Beach Volleyball




Slaw demonstrated a destructor which is start with a LBC, switch to a mountain climber, finish off with a side straddle hop.

Run to beach volleyball court, perform one destructor at every light pole passed. Do one at top of trail and one at each volleyball net pole.

There’s Leppard running on Sparky time.

Freight goes back to watch him change, spots, clothes, whatever.

Count off 1, 2. 1s this side, 2s opposite. Simple rules: anything inside the sand is in, burpee for every point scored against you.

Here straggles in father and son.

Not to brag, but, Def Leppard’s team won by a large margin. Freight was the best player for the other team. No one got medevac-ed.

About 180 burpees in the sand.

Back to flag, destructors every pole on way back.


9 merkins, hold for 11 count.

Prayer for Gumby family member. Sly in Afghanistan. Spoken. Unspoken. Weather.


Q versus Q. All AOs move to Schiele Saturday at 0700.

Forge at Grits and Greens Wednesday 1830.

YHC took us out

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