Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 11, 2018

Nine Eleven

On this day 17 years ago, 19 terrorist highjacked 4 fuel loaded commercial planes bound for the west coast.  A total of 2977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC, and Shanksville, PA from the terrorist attacks committed on that day.  Of the 2977 killed 403 were 1st responders. 343 were Firefighters and 60 were Police officers/Port Authority Officers.  Of the 2977 killed, 2606 were killed at the World Trade Center, 125 at the Pentagon, and 246 were on the planes.  The ages of those killed ranged from 2 years to 85 years of age.  Everyone of us probably can remember where we were when we saw the footage or heard the news of these attacks.  I was at Gaston Memorial Hospital and watched the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center on live TV.  My oldest son Beau (F3 Gumbo) was born on September 9th.  I can remember my wife wanted to get home as fast as we could, so we were not in a public place.

I realized last week that the day I volunteered to Q was 9/11.  I did not know what I was going to do for workout, but I knew I wanted it to suck.

I started workout by reading information from first paragraph above.  It has been 17 years, so I wanted to bring those numbers back to the front our minds.   We sometime take things(Family, Friends, Jobs, What we have) for granted,but they can be taken from us in a blink of an eye.




Moroccan Night Clubs 20 IC

The Thang:

Run 744 Meters

3 Rounds

11 Burpees

11 LBC

11 Merkins

11 Squats

Run 744 Meters

11 Burpees

11 LBC

11 Merkins

11 Squats

Run 744 Meters

11 Burpees

11 LBC

11 Merkins

11 Squats

7 Merkins

Run 745 Meters


We ran 2977 Meters for the total number of souls lost on that day.  We then did 403 exercise movements to represent the number of First Responders that sacrificed their lives to save others.


9/22 JJ5k in Stanley

9/22 Stop Soldier Suicide 5/10k Belmont

10/6 Burpeethon, sign up by 9/18 to guarantee a shirt.  2 person teams.  100% of proceeds go to Special Olympics of NC.

Prayer Request



Way to push this morning men.   It was an honor and privilege to workout side by side with you men this morning.  I am thankful for the sacrifices that those have made, so that we have our freedoms.



Better Late than Never

VQ for Buckeye.  One year in the making.  During this time I have learned many new words, improved both physical and mental strength, and lost 25 lbs.   I am now better at pull ups.  I was encouraged to step up by several individuals as well as a group shaming at the Storm on humid Tuesday morning.  To say I was nervous was an understatement; spending several days planning and reworking my weinke until it looked good on paper.  Watching youtube videos learning how to count and trying to recall the various names of exercises.  It was finally time to share BTTW Shuffle (aka Stupid Shuffle – thanks Broke) with the world.

Gold Digger, Tiger and Traveler grabbed some EC this morning, Gold Digger was running so fast many commented that his feet were not even touching the ground, others thought he was running from Broke.

No FNGs today, I am not a professional, you vs you.

12 HIMS Started off with some SSH and mountain climbers in cadence (21),  6 burpees OYO.  Circled up, counted off in groups of 4 (to be used later – everyone remembered their number all morning)  Let us mosey.  Omaha – planned on using the gravel lot next to the yank, however, we were pleasantly surprised by a train and 5 burpees.  So let us mosey to the middle school.   Nice little mosey to the school where we grabbed a wall squat waiting on the six, the six was not far behind.


3 rounds all together – determined by my timex.  Apparently I paid to much for it, although I did mention that it has 3 functions – hours, minutes and seconds.  Broke was convinced I got it from the cracker jack box, I actually got it from a wheaties box.

  1. BTTW Shuffle, aka Cupid Shuffle, AKA Stupid Shuffle (BTTW Q calls shuffle right, then shuffle left finish with Aussie Mountain climbers)
  2. The Squat
  3. WWI
  4. Sprint to stop sign and back hold wall squat for the six.

Finish up with one set of 20 single leg deadlift (thanks pockets for the name of the exercise) I refer to these as deep pockets.

Mosey through the field of dreams for 1 round of each exercise in our groups of 3.  Each group does one exercise until the running group gets back, then switch.

  1. LBFC
  2. Peter Parkers
  3. Pull Ups
  4. Run to bottom of hill and back

Mosey to the gravel lot:  in our groups of 1s, 2s, and 3s with group 4 having one member join the others.

3 rounds

  1. 4 man lift – great on paper, may have failed in explaining this task; or it could be that some do not know shapes or maybe the gravel in the parking lot, not sure.  Needless to say, some PAX do not like to get dirty.  Omaha to the Merkin.
  2. FC
  3. Imperial Walkers
  4. Run to black tarp and back – what tarp?

Just as we finished in the gravel lot another pleasant surprise, 5 burpees OYO.  Let us mosey.

We mosey up the hill at a fellowship pace. Stopped at the main corner with clock near city hall.  There is a camera on the Stowe Building (large white building across from city hall) that live streams downtown Belmont.  Occasionally while watching the news with my daughters in the morning they will show a view from that camera and my daughters are excited to see their city on TV.  On the corner 21 SSH in cadence with smiles on our faces for the camera.  Everyone except Wanderer, he was not feeling well and called it at this time.  Let us mosey.

Mosey to the parking lot by State Farm.  Much nicer, smoother, fresher blacktop.

4 rounds – all  pax does one set of global warming, Q calls group number, that group bear crawls around circle whilst the others complete one of the exercises. Global warming between each set until all groups had a chance to bear crawl.

  1. Global warming – hold Al Gore Squat while shuffling in a circle, we went left in cadence, we went right in cadence, we did the hokey pokey in cadence.
  2. Bear Crawl
  3. Parker Peters
  4. Step Back Lunge
  5. CDD
  6. Plank Jacks

Just enough time for wall squat according to the timex along with military presses in cadence.  Let us mosey to the yank.

Grabbed the pledge, few announcements – Prevent Soilder Suicide 5/10k, JJ 5K, Burpee-a-Thon.  Name-o-roma.  Dr. Seuss took us out with a prayer. 8 of the PAX grabbed a coffee and breakfast at Cherubs.  Pockets taught me a little about social media and the F3 website.

Great effort today, everyone was working hard and made my VQ a memorable one.  Really enjoyed it.  Thanks to Dr. Seuss and Tesla for encouraging me to step up.

Birthday Mosey

10 HIMS showed at Crossroads to put in some miles.  8 runners with 2 ruckers today.  The morning started out a little nasty, with an unexpected rain shower.  We did delay the run for several minutes to allow for the rain shower to pass.  Props to Mayor, Breaker Breaker, and Def Leppard for starting early and getting drenched from the rain, but never stopped.


Announcements:  9/22 JJ5K in Stanley, 9/22 Stop Soldier Suicide 5/10K Belmont, 10/6 Burpeethon

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  Today I officially joined the 40 club.  No way I was going to fartsack on the first day of turning 40.  Appreciate the brotherhood F3 Gastonia brings and the motivation  to push the rock even when I don’t feel it at times.  Honored to be a part of F3.

Sister Act

Never Forget

Seven men gathered at Folsom as we remember one of our Nation’s saddest days.  It seems like only yesterday our Nation was attacked. It’s one of those moments where YHC,  being of terrible memory, distinctly remembers.   I’m not one for great speeches or even creative workouts, but wanted to incorporate something.  05:30 hit and we clocked in.

Hank is rolling in late so Moroccan nightclubs until he joins us.

Warmup: SSH x 29IC, LBC x 77IC.  2,977. The number of lives lost on 9/11. Toy Soldiers x 5IC

Mosey out of the parking lot and take a right.  Swerve.  Head back to the flag and Pledge.

Short mosey to the tennis courts for lazy Dora.  100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 flutter kicks.  Five sets for each partner of 10, 20 and 30.  While partner one is doing the exercise: partner two is planking, holding a low squat and holding six inches respectively.  It’s clear that most at Folsom have no concept of six inches.

In the aftermath of 09/11 I’m sure we all wondered how our Nation would respond. YHC was correct in his thinking.  In the words of the great poet, Toby Keith,  “Soon as we could see clearly through our big black eye, man we lit up your world like the 4th of July” and “You’ll be sorry you messed with The U.S. of A,… cause we’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way.”

To YHC: the next exercise seemed only natural.  Partner up for B.O.M.B.S

Burpees, Overhead Claps, Merkins, Big Boy sit-ups and Squats: 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 respectively.


Announcements: Stop Soldier suicide 5/10k, JJ5K, Snowbird, Burpeethon

Prayer requests: Gumby’s father and mother in law, our Nation, the George family, each other

BOM: Allen Tate closed us in prayer.

Take some time today to remember what this day represents.

Philippians 4:13


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