Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 10, 2018


I’ve had this workout rattling around in my head for some weeks now…. in fact ….last week I intended to step up and Q for Wednesday’s opening , but Toto beat me to it!

So much happened, where to begin? Well, let’s start that there were Tweets for this opening but no one stepping into role. My M doesn’t like nor  trust social media … so …. had to hope for best that no one wanted the position ! Arrived to see only a few vehicles there’s Easy Rider here comes Pedal ….. and RPO …. now there’s some girls? Is this an impromptu FIA workout? No …. apparently Forestview is doing some cross country EARLY training and I noticed that RPO didn’t look back when He joined the girls ( smart kid!).  Wait ??!?! Who’s this ?  The Bandit is still alive ??? ( he was apparently not aware of Burt Reynolds demise until somewhere before end of workout when he laughed at this ) Many questioned who was Q, I told all present I was ready and prepared to go…. so…..


Warm up

Moroccan night club ic

Toy soldiers ic

imperial walkers ic

5 burpees ( for the train that never came… actually there were 2 late cars that actually had late arrivals for cross country runners… so no more takers and away we go ….

mosey to far soccer field … line up at nearest goal line for complete set of rules …..

run to 25 yd line for 25 merkins and return

now on to 50 yd line for 50 monkey humpers …. but wait …. must first pick up 25 more merkins before moving onto the 50 ! And return to start ….. and once again collect 25 more merkins!

now onto the 75 yd line and 75 lbcs ….. but wait!!!! Don’t forget the 25 merkins , 50 monkey humpers down and back!!!! Lastly … go to other side if field to pick up 100 squats ….. and can you guess what’s next ? Yes … collect 25 merkins, 50 m h and 75 lbcs down and back !! Oddly after explanation , Toto asked if bathrooms were open and I said if not there was the woods …..

i had not timed this event so was curious about how long it would take and remarked about this to Easy rider who was finishing up with me and I mentioned “ rinse and repeat “ … I never caught his response but could swear that It sounded like he was not very interested in that idea …. Hey …. just noticed Toto is back !!! He then proceeded to explain why we have underwear and socks and how disposable they can be! TMI

now let’s mosey to picnic benches for a new activity I found …. the Abyss merkin!!! Straddle 2 picnic benches ( left arm and left leg on one side … right side other ) now do merkins x 10 or at least 1 looking into the abyss .. we found that some picnic benches spaced too far apart ( for extra challenge)

next 3  rounds of 12. -15 in cadence dips , 20 Derkins oyo and 20 step ups ( 10 each leg

fellowship mosey and then pick up pace to last set of lights …. ring of fire time …. more merkins  ( since we haven’t done much upper body) 10 each clock wise …. oops I indicated counter clockwise …. seems my record is still only one workout with no Qfail … oh well   Bandit then mentioned that it was Q test and that I passed…  completed task and added addl wide arm merkin …. some grumbling to which I told all present to push through as this was it!! Mosey to start and …. TIME!

prayers for Bandits friend with triple bypass and some unmentioneds … course we should add Turtleman to come off the IR

It is always a pleasure …. it’s been a little too long since I’ve Q d , but glad to have  grabbed this opening …. I have a couple more ideas such as going Merkin   Crazy ….. you see there’s this interesting merkin exercise called the …..  oh you dirty devil ! You almost had me spill the beans …. let me stuff that back in my bag for another time ! Hehe!!

Other thoughts are that I’ve challenged. Myself to not use the Omaha no matter what … and I succeeded! Also shout out to my pal Spider-Man … notice there were no side hops straddled ….. something I always wanted to achieve ( you must check out his workout from last year where no side straddle hops were harmed !!)

Now, as a final note , you wonder the significance of title?  Just a workout.  Many times I and many of the Pax utilize the workout or the pattern of workout to express a story or message …and yes I have done so with most of mine ( bday, death day etc) ….. I am not discounting these at all … I only wished to achieve a workout only routine with no other message…

until next time….. Clavin

Coupon Work

13 showed at Folsom on this fine Saturday morning ready to push the rock.  It’s 6:30, time to go to work!  No FNG, so no disclaimer really needed, most already know that I’m an idiot.

Warm-Up:  Toy Soldiers, Grass Pickers, Hillbillies



The Thang:

I always try to make sure that the PAX attending my Q get their moneys worth, so why not break out a coupon inspired workout.  Each PAX was told to grab a coupon from Slaw’s truck and head to the tennis courts.  Here we lined up facing the length of  all the courts with your block on the ground in front of you.  Realizing that we are at Folsom,  the first exercises were carefully explained in detail, hoping for minimal confusion.   We would do a Route 66 style workout with Burpee Block Jump Overs (BJO), with a twist.  First off, a Burpee BJO is when you perform a normal Burpee, then jump over the block and go straight into a second Burpee.  So we started with 11 Burpee BJO.  Then to confuse the heck out of everyone, I included 3 different exercises and a short run after each set of Burpees BJO.  It went like this;

11 Burpee BJO,   25 Hand Release Merkins,  Run 25yds and back (approximate distance of width of 2 tennis courts)

10 Burpee BJO,   25 Goblet Squat w/ Coupon,  Run 25yds and back

9 Burpee BJO,   25 Leg Lifts with Coupon extending above your chest,  Run 25yds and back

8  Burpee BJO, 25 HRM,  Run

7 Burpee BJO,  25 Goblet Squats, Run

6 Burpee BJO,   25 Leg Lifts, Run

And continue this until you did 1 Burpee BJO, 25 Goblet Squat, Run.  Mumble chatter was at a minimal this morning.  Pretty sure the presence of a couple 2.0s, saved me from some unkind words about my choice of workout.  Anyways, this one was a challenge, time to move on.


Thinking that we needed to continue with the block work , the  next group of exercises called would all involve the use of   blocks.  5 different exercises were called.  The exercises called were;  Kettle Bell Swings, Thrusters, Tricep Extension, Curls, and Chest Press.  Start with 25 reps of first exercise, and then increase the reps by 25 for each exercise there after. Also run 25yds and back after 25reps were performed.  Went like this:

25 Kettle Bell Swings w/ coupon, run 25yds and back

25 Thrusters, Run  –  25 Thrusters, Run

25 Tricep Ext, Run  –  25 Tricep Ext.  Run  –   25 Tricep Ext.,  Run

25 Curls, Run   –   25 Curls, Run  –  25 Curls, Run  –  25 Curls, Run

25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  25 Chest Presses, Run

Most were able to follow instructions, but there were a few that didn’t listen and did their own thing.  With time running short, we still had several minutes to get in some work.   PAX were told to line back up on the sideline, this time holding your block.  Then PAX were told to do 2 lunge steps forward, then do a Blockee,  Another 2 lunge steps forward and a Blockee.  Continue this until we traveled the width of 1 tennis court.  Now time to go back to where we started.  Except this time increase the Blockee to 2 reps.  That would be 2 lunge steps forward, then 2 Blockees.  Continue this until the width of the 1 tennis court is traveled.

Time for one last exercise to be called.  I know this one is a favorite to a couple PAX attending today’s workout, so we might as well work it in.  PAX lined up in the plank position with about 3-4ft of space between each other.  A little Bear Crawl Slalom to close out Folsom.  First PAX is to start the Bear Crawl in and around the planking PAX. Then the next PAX to follow and continue this until each PAX had the chance to Bear Crawl the length of the line.  Time is up!


Announcements:  9/22 Stop Soldier Suicide 5/10k, 9/22  JJ5K , Burpeethon 10/6

Prayer Request


It was an honor to lead today.  Appreciate the opportunity!

Sister Act


11 PAX posted at Midoriyama last Thursday. This is a little late but I’ve been busy with a little mosey in the hills. I had a brutal workout planned but on the eve of the BRR it was decided I would be filling in as a runner. So I left the fate of the workout in the PAX hands. You choose option 1 or 2? They chose 2 thank goodness! Def Leppard isn’t convinced there ever was any other option. He has trust issues.

Warmup: The usual

The Thang: option 1 will be saved for another day. Option 2 was let’s run around and I’ll make stuff up as we go. Usually these are the worst kind!


Announcements-JJ5k,SFN race, Burpeethon Oct 6


Prayer Request

Moleskin: YHC talked about training and always being able to step up when called upon. No matter if it is something physical or mental we shouldn’t need a reason to train. We should always be preparing for when something happens. Always Be Training! ABT! If you are you will be ready!

Gashouse Late


Warm – Up:

Goof-Balls – 20 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 15 in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence


Painlab and Bootcamp split:

Mosey, up Garrison, wait at Grier, collect all Pax, cross street to FPC safely, mosey to back corner of church parking lot.  Stop short, think the road bumps suffice for a ‘jump over box’.  30 minutes, AMRAP, stopped at 20 minutes.

The Thang:

Iron Pax Challenge – Week 3 – The boy’s really loved this one.

15 Burpee block jump overs

50 Hand release merkins (this was awful)

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 1 complete)

14 Burpee block jump overs

50 Squats

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 2 complete)

13 Burpee block jump overs

50 Leg raises

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 3 complete)

12 Burpee block jump overs

50 Hand release merkins……………..

Mosey to Sherwood, missed my turn somehow, had to go back and reroute with short cut.

Repetitions of Absolutions, Alabama Butt Kickers (Tooltime fav) and eventually some Mary (LBC’s, Flutters, Box Cutters, Leg Lifts, WWII’s, etc.)

Back to FPC, Tooltime hung up on low balls for some reason.  Mosey back to catch Dodgeball game with aging Rudolph and Pax.

Hunka Junk quite the player catching his balls between his knees.


BRR 9/8 – Time Passed

Habitat for Humanity Builds going on month of September, see Roscoe or Linus for details

10/6 Burpeethon, sign up by 9/18 to guarantee t-shirt.  2 man teams, 100% of proceeds go to Special Olympics of NC

9/1 – Murph at Martha’s – 7:00 a.m., Roadie Q – Time Passed

Rudolph – respect?, Aged 40

Welcome FNG Mike Moss (Teddy Bear)


Sly in Afghanistan

Stroganoff’s father passing

Nickki Bailey battling cancer

Hushpuppy will find out additional information on how to proceed with his back

Sorry so late……

Aye.  Linus





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