Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Kiki…..Folsom, Do you love me?

  • Post Type:
  • When: 08/09/2018
  • AO:
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Medicine Woman, Allen Tate, Sparky

Folsom, do you love me? Are you posting?
Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me
‘Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I’m down for you always
Folsom, do you love me? Are you posting?
Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me
‘Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I’m down for you always

  • HIPAA – In My Oostings

Arrived at 5:15AM. Medicine Woman was there. Yup, just me and him. We were so disappointed with Folsom PAX. 5:29:59AM, Allen Tate arrives. We are still all disappointed. Well at least Allen Tate arrived in time so no “late” burpees are required. Well, lets get the show started.


The Thang:




10 IW IC

Mosey to the Tennis Courts

I announced to the group we are doing accumulating exercises. Meaning do exercise #1 run and return for round one. Do exercise #1, #2, run and return for round two. Rinse and repeat for a total of 10 rounds

Decided to turn on some tunes for us. Little Slipknot radio for our listening pleasure.

Round 1: 10 Merkins IC run length of tennis court and return

Round 2: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, run length of tennis court and return

Round 3: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO run length of tennis court and return

Sparky arrives as we are heading back to the start point. I yell 8 Burpees as he is 8 minutes late, but for him (Not HIM) only

Resume as group

Round 4: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, run length of tennis court and return

Round 5: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, run length of tennis court and return

Round 6: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Round 7: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Round 8: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Burpees run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Round 9: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Burpees, 30 CDD’s OYO,  20 Squats OYO run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Mosey Back to Flag


Prayer Requsts


Sparky took us out

Thanks to the 3 HIM that decided to show. It was a pleasure as always. Great conversations, even saw a shooting star.


1 Comment

  1. Gastone

    Nice work Hippa, HIM’s show Sadclown’s fartsack. That is always a good time for a picture of the one’s that were present.

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