Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2018 (Page 8 of 9)

Anniversary Party

17 HIMS posted at Folsom this morning for my 1 year F3 Anniversary Party.  Almost 1 year to the date, I was introduced to this thing we call F3.  After multiple EH attempts by Sparky, I finally made it to my first workout at Folsom.  Would like to thank Sparky and Roscoe for my F3 name Sister Act, insert eye roll!  I am very grateful to be involved in F3 and the relationships that have been formed with my F3 brothers.  The push to be there with your brothers and the drive to be held accountable to post is what makes this thing so great.  So with this personal milestone, I felt it was my duty to bring a proper beat down to all PAX in attendance.  After a little EC with Gumby and Slaw, pax started to slowly roll in.  Starting to look like a good crowd, 6:29 hits, time to round the PAX up and get ready to get this thing started.

No FNGs, some sort of a disclaimer.



High knees, when I say down 1 Burpee, High knees, etc.  Continue until we completed 10 Burpees


The Thang:


Now that the blood is flowing, let’s mosey to pavilion for some exercises.  Originally planned to do 3 sets of the called 5 exercises.  Omaha after 2nd set.  The exercises were performed at a rapid pace to prevent too much mumble chatter, and it looked like everyone was already starting to feel smoked after the 2nd set, so lets move on.  5 exercises were:

  • Hip Slappers – 10IC
  • Mike Tyson – 15IC
  • Cork Screws – 20IC
  • Plank Jacks – 25IC
  • Arm Squats – 30IC

Next time to mosey to the tennis courts.  Found a workout called, The Cooper, which perfectly fit into my plans.  It calls for 1 lap around a track, 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, then 10 Merkins, Lap around track.  Then 9,9,9 of same 3 exercises.  Count down to 1. Workout was slightly modified.  We used the length of the 6 tennis courts as our track.  The 3 exercises used today started with 10 Burpees, 10 Imperial Squats, 10 Ski Merkins.  Continued down until 1,1,1 of exercises were performed.  This is the type of workout that looks great on paper, and once completed you are totally smoked.  Way to push on this one guys, this wasn’t easy.


We remained on courts for the next called workout.  Time for some 4 corner escalator work.  Used the 4 corners of the entire fenced in area of tennis courts. Run to 1st corner 10 Mountain Climbers IC, run to next corner, 10 MC + 20 Peter Parkers IC.  Run to next corner, 10 MC + 20 PP + 30 CDD.  Run to last corner, 10MC + 20PP + 30CDD + 40 Sumo Squats.  Would have went back down the the escalator, but we were running short on time.  Mosey to shovel flag.


Once back at shovel flag,  I spoke briefly of my 1 year F3 anniversary and what it has meant to me.  Then 10 Burpees OYO.  TIME!!




Prayer request

Sparky took us out in prayer


It was a true honor to lead today.  F3 has been a blessing in my life and I look forward to reaching new guys and pushing the rock with my brothers.


Sister Act




What do you want on your tombstone?

Anytime I Q   I wind up not sleeping too deeply or well …. pondering how many will post … is weinke too ambitious or too weak ….etc …. today no exception. Arrive 6:30 and observe I’ve missed EC crew and decide to visit nature trail for 15 minutes.

Pax begin to roll in great to see T square , Toto, Hunkajunk and then even Brownstreak and Mayor!

7:00 strikes , I announce that I am one of today’s tour guides … pardon me if I miss on cadence counts as I tend to do so … but I amaze myself and actually complete the course!

warm up

Imp walkers, toy soldiers, goofballs and side straddle hops all times 15


Linus posted tweet about the …” what do you want on your tombstone “ and comment for addl disclaimer….

it was after the pledge that I came clean about the odd number used in warmup and the tweet… my disclaimer was that today is s special day in my life and that I make no claims to apologize for my views on the subject …. today is my 15th  death day! At approx the time of start of work out 15 years ago I had a myocardial infarction …. sorry that was for Whoopee and Defib!!!! I had a heart attack even though I had quit smoking 7 months prior … but this is a time when body is cleansing and blockage occurred . 2 stents later … To me I embrace and chose long ago to own This !

So having  said all this I then chose to announce that my boot camp would consist primarily of cardio ( of which I later told Pax was my form of a stress test which heart patients need to have periodically and mine is coming in a few months ) … several pax had been on EC run and knew they looked winded… Roscoe pondered but I was glad to have him join!

En route to Grier track we stopped three times along way to perform 15 mountain climbers each

behind school we ran up and down stairs back to end of building to perform 1 burpee intending to continue all the way to 15 …. Omaha’d at 10 …. too humid and we still had 35 minutes to go!!!

Move to benches for dips 4 times to the count of 16…. because I intend to be here next year ( at this time pax was planning my demise … or curious disappearance )!!!

on to the track 50 lbcs ( why ??? Check my age and you will see)

moseyed halfway on track performed 16 squats and then sprinted to beginning ( picked this up from Breaker Breaker in his discussion with Whoopee on improving speed …. found this to be too exhausting for time remaining so instead did 11s  beginning with 1 SSH halfway point 10 squats and so on ….time began to be an issue …so Omaha’d with about 3 to go …. return to Schiele …ask Stoganoff for flutters which he obliges and we perform 30… Hushpuppy calls 5 burpees thinking we did none at boot camp ( little did he know)…Top Hat calls MNC and finally get 13 more box cutters courtesy of Hushpuppy!

announcements were for volunteers for both boot camp and pain labs on Saturdays ( from now until next year!!

Finally before COT I ask Pax if any have prepared s will for their families to know wishes …for which almost half raise hands . I then also point out to the pax present that having lost my father 3 years ago and very soon to be losing mom ( hospice yesterday recognized significant decline) that another thing to consider would be a video message to the suvivors after you pass ….my final thought expressed was …. what do I want on my tombstone ??? Currently nothing as I choose to keep it blank for as long as possible !!

God bless

Drink the cooler…

Many of you know that I graduated from NC State. Being a Wolfpack fan is most certainly a test of perseverance. There have been many football and basketball games that my team was bitten trying to snag a victory from the jaws of defeat. But there have been bright spots that allow my red to be worn with pride. In November 2003 I was sitting with my college friends, commiserating over losing to last place Maryland. Not only losing, but getting our ass handed to us like Chinese take-out, to the tune of 41-14 late in the third quarter. It seemed hopeless but miracles can often happen and one started brewing. Mike Glennon finally made a play and we scored to draw within 20 points. Then Maryland fumbled and we scored again. Momentum shifted nearly as fast as Wojo on a jailbreak. My friend beside me said something I’ll never forget: “If we win this, I’ll drink the cooler…” The cooler he referenced was the remainder of cold beers that we made a decent dent in the pre-game tail gate and again at halftime.  It would be a tall task for anyone not named Huck or Roadie. So after Saturday’s Q where I brought the cooler for my “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” workout, I had a number of odd beers laying in warm water. What better way to get rid of them than take Midoriyama’s open Q for today. The day after the Fourth of July, forecasted in the 90’s again, I thought I might have a few takers.

I arrived to find a few men standing against the wall of the turd shack, the only shade available in the normal gathering spot. Breaker Breaker was stretching, going for a double. Apparently he didn’t challenge himself enough this morning at the Goat and wanted a bit more – nice push BB. A regular cast of characters gathered and 1730 hit. I turned and began reciting the pledge ignoring the mumble chatter. A veteran PAX needed nothing more than “follow me at your own risk…” No time to waste, skipping the standard DQ’s and MNC’s. “Get in high plank and follow me…”


  • Mtn Climbers IC x 10
  • Plank Jacks IC x 10
  • Peter Parker IC x 10
  • X Crunch SC x 10
  • Scissor Touch R – SC x 10 (left arm by side, both feet 6″ off ground, right hand straight overhead; R arm/L leg go to 90 degrees to touch and go back – it’s a burner.
  • Scissor Touch L – SC x 10
  • Elbow plank – right hip touch SC x 10
  • Elbow plank – left hip touch SC x 10
  • Elbow plank alternate hip roll-overs SC x 20

Mary is out of the way, time to mosey to the picnic shelter. It was only about 90 degrees pre-workout. I felt a little gipped as Freight’s Q on Tuesday was in the 97 degree oven – stuff JV workouts are proudly known for. But I had a lot of cardio planned and I opted to conduct it under the picnic shelter – for those that showed – you’re welcome. We lost Gomer at this point. He posted in standard attire of jeans and boots. Maybe there was a fire to put out but he bailed. The remainder gathered under the shelter for instructions. Some observed there was no cooler in sight. Keep ’em guessing. For those that post at the Goat, the idea came from Jen A that runs the Bootcamp in Cramerton. We split into three groups. Each station had three exercises at 10 single count reps to perform as many rounds as you can in 3 minutes.

  • Station 1
    • 10 Box Jumps
    • 10 Dips
    • 10 American Hammers
  • Station 2
    • 10 Burpees (Slaw – you’re welcome)
    • 10 Flutter Kicks
    • 10 Decline Peter Parker (a crowd pleaser)
  • Station 3 – each PAX had a brick for each hand
    • 10 Setup w/ Press
    • 10 Derkin Row (another crowd pleaser)
    • 10 Bulgarian Squat

After each circuit, we ran a lap around the parking lot to make sure the heart rate stayed up. Lots of subtle shoulder work in these gems. Three minutes straight of cardio is tough. Sargento stated he needed more running on the Weinke – but I’d argue he gets enough of that. Plenty of groans let out when I called only the first minute complete. There would be more to come. Bring out the cooler. Like the deck of death, grab a beer with two exercises to be performed to failure. When you fail, switch to the other one. Some switched multiple times – I did on dips and derkins they are no joke.

  • 99 seconds – IceHouse – Merkins and Peter Parkers
  • 98 seconds – PBR – Leg lifts and Am Hammer
  • 97 seconds – Ole English (Sargento couldn’t resist the temptation; Queso was impressed) Burpees and Dying Cockroaches
  • 96 seconds – Miller High Life – Ash Pond pulled it out and popped the top before I could call out the exercise – Good man. This was a trap, but a good one. He polished off the 16 ounces pretty quick while the PAX caught their breath. Freight made it clear that none of the Baptists partook of the Devil’s Juice. Ash Pond = #HIM
  • 95 seconds – Coors Light – Monkey Humpers and High Knees
  • 94 seconds – Budweiser – Dips and Derkins

If the PAX complained about 3 minute circuits, they really didn’t like doing over 30 seconds of the same exercises. Plenty of whining when I announced a minute left in each set and we weren’t even to the half-way point. But we made it five rounds and the PAX earned every bead of sweat. Once finished, the cooler had bottled waters for the PAX to take with them on the return to base. There we met Swimmer that had been on a bike ride.

COT: We lifted prayers for Breaker Breaker’s M going through some challenges. Def Leppard is leaving in the morning for his overseas trip. We wish him safety upon his travels. Same for Sargento and Queso, going on a father-son adventure to Chicago. A Cubs game is on the schedule. Enjoy the time and be safe. Announcements – rafting in a few weeks – check twitter.

Moleskin: I think I’m 2 for 2 with the cooler workout. I was happy to see Ash Pond enjoy the bait. Using the beers for the exercise selection is nothing more than to generate mumble chatter. Not difficult for Midoiyama men. It wouldn’t be the same if they weren’t complaining or needling someone. So I’ll keep this Weinke around. I think the Folsom boys would really enjoy it but early feedback suggests I may need to have some on reserve that we wouldn’t get much of the exercises in. Going back to the State win, Coach Tom O’Brien said “What we needed to do was to get one score, because you have to get the first one. Then you can get the second one. You can’t make it up all at one time.” Like anything we do, it begins with the first rep and then the second. Before you know it, you’ve completed a set, then a circuit, then a mile. IT all adds up to our benefit. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Until the next one…Cheers

Hotter than the 4th of July!

YHC has been getting back into running, trying to maintain a weekly base of about 15-18 miles this Summer and then begin a half marathon training plan in September in preparation for a Half sometime later this year. I have yet to select a race and make a HC, but I am going to do it. I am wanting to increase my speed and get faster, but I am missing speed work in my weekly runs. Early this week during a workout, I was talking with Whoopee about adding some speed work into my runs and he suggested that when Q’ing, incorporate speed work into the workout. So there was an open Q at The Goat this week and I asked Dolph if I could have it, which he gladly said yes. Now what are we going to do? Sprints  will be on the Weinke.

I was not really sure how many PAX would show up at The Goat due to all the 4th of July celebrations, but I knew two would be there, YHC and Madman. It was a very muggy morning as we pulled into downtown  Cramerton. Four PAXs were already there, Dolph, Broke, Dirt, and Anchorman. Dr.Suess showed up at 5:30am.. Let’s get this party started!


SSH – 30 I/C

IW – 20 I/C

Merkins – 10 I/C

The Pledge


The Thang:

Mosey over to Goat Island towards the back parking lot. While on the way we stop for some burpees, 1x @ bridge, 2x @ first light post, 3x @ next light post, 4x @ bridge, then 5x @ back parking lot.

Four Corner Escalate x2

Corner #1 – 10x merkin and then sprint across parking lot

Corner #2 – 10 merkins, 20 mountain climbers, and then zombie walkers to next corner

Corner #3 – 10 merkins, 20 mountain climbers, 30 SSH, sprint across parking lot

Corner #4 – 10 merkings, 20 mountain climbers 30 SSH, 30 American hammers, zombie walkers to start

Rinse and repeat…

Mosey back to playground area. Stop at picnic shelter for some dips and step ups!

Dips 15x I/C

Step-ups 10x OYO

Rinse and repeat….

Mosey back across bridge to bottom of Ninth St for some Triple Nickel

Merkins x5 at bottom of street

Sprint to the top (YHC was pushing up the hill, but couldn’t keep up with Dolph, Dr. Suess, and Broke)

Jump Squats x5 at top of hill

Rinse and repeat 5x…..

PAX, five sprints up the hill wasn’t enough, so Broke wanted to do it again. So we ran to the top and over to the wall, back of Dopher’s, for some marching soldiers, x20 I/C and overhead presses, x20 I/C.

Rinse and repeat x2.

Mosey back to parking lot for a round of jumping and burpees (PAX circle up for jumps standing in place and then Q calls down for a burpee, and then next PAX calls down for a burpee. continue around the circle) x2 and then a round of mary to finish out the workout…

Announcements – Open Q slots at both The Storm and Goat, need PAX to sign-up

Prayer request:

Mayor with health issues, Breaker Breaker’s M, aunt and uncle (some medical issues); praise for Lynn Hamm, and Speed for Need (continue to push those who can’t push themselves and impact on others lives)

As we closed,  YHC shared a verse from the Bible, “Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength…” Ecclesiastes 9:10. God has given us all some kind of talent, job, and responsibility, which we should seek to use all our strength to do the best we can do with these gifts and do it glorifying God at the same time…I recently read a devotional from FCA Resources that refer to the above scripture and relates to our lives. There are five key points that we should all be following as men of God, husbands, fathers, employees/employers, and in everything that we do.

Effort – if we want to be better, we must do the things that make us better

Desire – We must have the desire to make the effort to be better

Responsibility – We can’t hide behind excuses. True winners accept responsibility. If you aren’t what you ought to be, why not fix it?

Consistency – Bad habits develop naturally; you don’t usually have to do anything to develop them. Everything in life that’s good and worth having requires effort.

Repetitions – Reps are the only way to correct bad habits. We must keep doing the right things because they are the right things to do.


Thanks to all the PAX that desired to make the effort getting up early this morning and come push yourself to be better and stronger men. All made great effort. Keep pushing the rock! As always, it was an honor to lead you all!


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me….” Philippians 4:13


Breaker Breaker



July 4th Hangover?

Happy Belated Birthday America. Obviously most of Folsom celebrated pretty hard. Between a Murph yesterday morning, working out with The Fort, and whatever other extracurricular activities the PAX found their way into, the fartsack was an unstoppable force. I let everyone know today would be no running, just a physical old-school beating, inspired by the Painlab. I arrive a few minutes early to setup the boombox (because, it’s Painlab) and the parking lot is EMPTY. No one. No Huck. No Roadie. No Medicine Woman. No Volt….wait, there’s Volt and HIPAA. We have a workout now. Medicine Woman pulls in at 5:29 and 45 seconds. I blasted on Twitter that it would be all body-weight work and suggest to bring a vest if you ‘needed a little extra work’. HIPAA was vested for this workout. Props to you brother! Let’s get to work.


  • Quick mosey direct to the amphitheater…no trails, no loop, nothing…just jog straight down the hill. Adjust the tunes.
  • SSH 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers 10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers 10 IC (these last 2 were for me, to be honest…I wanted to get my legs and hips loose)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs (this was for MW and Volt…I know they were sore coming off the Murph)
  • Various shoulder/arm stretches – again, to help MW and Volt loosen up


This is basically all circuit work today fellas. 4 exercise per circuit, do each circuit 3 times, move to the next. I gave them about 30 seconds after the burpees to recover…maybe a minute as we got toward the end. The pace was quick. Hard rock music is cranking the whole time.

Circuit 1 – 3 sets
– Hip Slappers – 15 IC
– World War 1 Situps – 15 single count
– Mike Tysons – 15 IC
– Burpees – 5 OYO

The hip slappers were a fan favorite this morning! PAX were falling off the wall and struggling during the 2nd and 3rd set. The shoulders were toast from yesterdays workouts. They got back up though! Those extra 5 to get to 15 seemed to be the extra needed to really punish the PAX. Way to push guys.

Circuit 2 – 3 sets
– Dips – 15 IC
– Imperial Squats – 15 IC (basically, 15 each leg)
– Merkins – 10 single count (props to HIPAA for taking my challenge of Derkins on the first set)
– Burpees 5 OYO

Ol’ Sparky shows up with a vest on during circuit 2. We gave him a hard time about it but AT LEAST HE DID SHOW UP! Sparky did a few extra burpees to catch up. It was somewhere during these sets that Medicine Woman was getting crabby. You know how it goes when she gets some sand in her V. She may have taken a short nap on the wall during recovery but he got back after it! Push on men. We’re 2/3 of the way there.

Circuit 3 – 3 sets
– LBCs – 20 IC
– Sandy Vs – 15 single count
– Banana Crunch-thingies (the exercise of the month) – I called 10 IC, called Omaha on #8 during the 2nd set, replaced with Freddie Mercuries on the last set. Those SUCK!
– Burpees – 5 OYO – Being honest, I called Walmart Burpees but there were questions on my form. I will need some tutelage from Slaw on these! Called the quick audible and we moved on. After the Banana-rama-crunches-thingies, I wasn’t up for arguing.

Fellowship mosey back to the parking log


We were out of time but 22 for the Vets – as someone (I believe Volt) said, they made time for us, we’ll make time for them. Aye!


Sparky did take off on a mosey afterward to make up for lost time. I know we give you a hard time but I’m glad you made it out!

COT – MW has a sort-of-family member we prayed for…not sure if I should put the details here but they are making some big decisions, we pray they make the right one. Volt has a friend of the family who just had a heart attack. Other prayer concerns – each other, those on vacation. YHC took us out in prayer


I did some testing when I co-Q’d with Pastor Clever last week, getting a feel for how I would want to run a workout like this (with no running). I also went to Painlab for Bedpan’s VQ last Saturday. I learned a lot from both as well as my trip to Painlab with HIPAA at the convergence. With that, I started putting my plan together earlier this week. My goal was to keep a good pace to keep the heart rates up and make sure everyone walked away with a good workout, despite not running at all. I mapped it out, timed it, and sent to HIPAA for some feedback. I learned a lot today and I think it turned out well. As the Q of a workout, I feel it is my responsibility to bring a workout that will be challenging to everyone. As we sharpen each other out there each morning (or afternoon for the Midoriyama men), keep learning from each other and looking for new ways to get it done. That being said, I really hope I’m back to mixing in some running sooner than later. It’s an honor to be part of this group.

Honey Do List

14 PAX showed on  a brutally hot Tuesday at Midoriyama. 97 degrees on the truck as I got out. Fresh off of a beach vacation I knew I was going to pay for all the food I ate. Man it was good stuff though!


SSH x 20ic

The Thang:

I had everyone pair up in groups of 3 and gave them a honey do list of places and exercises they needed to get worked off as a group. These were scattered from one end of the park to the other. I told everyone to get it done and meet back at the flag by 6:15. I intentionally added more than they could accomplish but everyone gave it a heck of a try. I chose the wrong group of beast to tag along with fresh off of vacation! But if you want to get better you need someone to chase.


Announcements-most is late news now


Prayer Request-DL going to China, Friends that have lost loved ones, Friends and loved ones battling sickness

Pledge-Thanks for the reminder


Several intentional things today. 2 or 3 to a group Matthew 18:20. Honey do list Ephesians 5:25 and 28. The list was likely impossible to complete but we don’t just lay down and give up, we persist and keep trying.


Murph on the Fourth

Ok, after hours of smack talk and proper democratic voting for a time start for PrisonBreak, the Murph will start at 5:30. I know, YHC and Sparky had moved it to 6:30 to allow that apparently much needed extra hour in the sack for some. Then, after a last minute schedule change for my M’s work, the that decision was retracted. Oh the whining that came with it.  Especially from Sister Act. Anyway, a few Folsom PAX hit the clown car to the Fort for their convergence, but Midoriyamas finest filled in nicely.

YHC arrived early to map out a mile which allowed for some EC. Towards the end of my run, the headlights start rolling in. After a little chit chat and trash talk we clock in.

No FNGs(as of yet)


SSH, Hillbillies x10 IC


Wheres Sparky? Oh well, if he shows, he can catch up.

Mosey a mile, finish at start to hit the bars at the play ground. 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push ups, 15 squats= 1 rep. Total 20 reps for 100, 200, 300. We saw a runner in the distance thinking maybe a PAX showing up for what was the 6:30, but it wasn’t. Little did he know, he would soon become an FNG.  All pushed hard and knocked out the hard stuff. Time to finish up with the second mile. The Men were gassed from the humidity but all were willing. As we start out, the fore mentioned runner, just happened to be heading in our direction. “Hey man, want to join us? We got a mile to go.” The response, “sure.” Jumping right on, he finished it out with us. Way to push men! Whole Murph, except for the weighted vest in just under 1 hour.

Brief introduction and explanation of F3 to the FNG. He had mentioned he saw the metro guys at the men’s shelter where had volunteered recently. He had just moved to Dallas for work. After some more chit chat…………

Announcemencts. It’s Independence Day!

prayer requests lifted



Thank you men for the continued sarcasm that I just can’t get enough of? After a few posts in other regions, YHC sees something different in the Gastonia region that I haven’t seen elsewhere. True brotherhood, not saying others don’t have it, but it is “Real” here! It’s amazing and a “Blessing” as Recharge(FNG) proclaim once he was received in, to be a part of not only a group of HIMS, but a movement to build more of them. Happy Fourth!

MW out!

We Have Questions!

3:45 – wake up, brush teeth, pee.
3:50 – check GroupMe, send message. Huck is up, Roadie wakes up.
4:02 – arrive at Folsom.
4:05 – roll out.

5 HIM from F3 Gastonia went to the Fort’s convergence and we came bearing gifts…in the form of 2 FNGs.

Sargento and HIPAA did the bootcamp. I am sure it was tough. We saw them after. They survived.

Roadie, Huck, and I went on a ruckin’ adventure. We rucked. We ran. We picked things up, we put things down. We had questions. Our questions were not answered.

Now, let’s see if AT posted with Cape Fear.

The CSPAN and Dark Helmet traveling Roadshow

0530 Fort Mill Clown car formation

0533 obviously one man had never ridden in a jeep with no doors and no top…so I drove faster…the radio was changed way too often…somebody got their hair messed up…

0620 lots of pre-work from the “home” team -runners and ruckers

0630 disclaimer and mosey off with CSPAN on Q

0700 handoff to Dark Helmet on Q

0730 COT / Prayer or Praise / BOM

0735 Thanks for the invite, our honor for the invite to Q

0740 best #coffeeteria in all of F3Nation

Here is a writing from Dredd that Helmet and I were discussing during our Qs:
A Virtuous Leader is a Pro who Leads from the Shield Lock

The Shield Lock is the horizontal relationship between men. It is the means by which we fight the Flux, those emotional peaks, and valleys that regularly roll through our lives. The Members of an SLT are Pros who get ready for the Flux through Preparedness. Knowing that it will happen, but just not when they get ready for the expected and stay ready for the unexpected through the development of their Shield Lock.

Leadership has its dark nights of the soul, times when a Leader doubts that he has made the right decision or fears that, despite his best efforts, the Outcome for his Group might be adverse. It is then that the Flux can drag him down into the mire, sap his Hope and leave him Inert, staring fearfully at Obstacles rather than Exhorting his followers to breach them. If dependent upon his Leadership alone, the Group would lose Momentum and start Decelerating toward the Disadvantage that results from Inertia. The Flux will render even the strongest Leader in-Effective if he insists on Leading as a singleton.

Combination is a Leader’s best Guardrail against the Flux because the odds are low that four men Leading together will simultaneously be afflicted by it. If one man is down, the other three will pull him along until he is up again. Knowing this, a Virtuous Leader never tries to Lead alone. He is a Pro, for whom Preparedness is an Essential in everything he does throughout the G3L. He constantly builds and strengthens his SLT through the same principles that guide the development of his Shield Lock. Ultimately, it is from his Shield Lock that he Leads.

This is a radical proposition in a culture that pays lip-service to collaborative leadership in theory but doesn’t reward it in practice. In practice, it is the Steve Jobs and Mike Krzyzewskis who alone wear the garlands of Organizational triumph. We may know (intellectually) that there is a Team behind these men, that their accomplishments are the product of a conspiracy to Advantage, but they alone remain the primary focus of our adulation because solo leadership is a cultural Habit.

To flip that would require more than what most “good” Leaders do from the stage, which is to humbly thank all of the people without whom their success would not be possible. That’s fine, laudable even, but it’s not Shared Leadership. Shared Leadership requires that there be no stage. Or, if the stage cannot be avoided, that the man in the spotlight on the stage is not the Member of the SLT who bears ultimate responsibility for the Organization’s Outcome.

A mere Effective Leader may not be able to see the Virtue in that kind of anonymity. But a Virtuous Leader, Pro that he is, would see it as a necessary prophylactic against the magnification of the peaks and valleys that public success and failure will have upon his Flux. It dampens the volatility of the undulation.

It is true that success has many fathers, but that failure is an orphan. By Leading from the Shield Lock, the Pro shares both with his Brothers of his SLT—for the benefit of the people who depend upon him.


YHC was asked to fill in this am for Mayor who is on the DL.  No worries brother, I got you.  The BlockBuster it is.  Not sure how many blocks were remaining at The Storm, so we’ll see.  As the Pax kept rolling in, some new faces but no FNG’s.  Quick introduction and then the workout began.

Warm Up; SSH x 10, Toy Soldiers x 10, Mericans x 10, Bigboy Sit Ups x 10 single count; Mosey to the baseball dugouts.  All Pax grab a block.

3 rounds of Curls x 10 IC, French Curls x 10 IC, Overhead Press x 10 IC, Squat x 10 IC, Front Raise x 10 IC, Good Mornings x 10 IC; Run .25 mile, complete round 2 of same exercises; Run .25 mile, complete round 3; Run .25 mile, 10 Blockees- use the block.  Return blocks to dugout and batting cage area.  Mosey back to the flag.  20 mountain climbers IC, Imperial walkers x 20 IC, 5 Burpees.  Time


Announcements, Prayer Requests- Mayor, Breaker Breaker family.

BOM; Dr. Seuss took us out.

Moleskin; BrownStreak made it out, too long man,  good to see you out this am.  Hunk a Junk nice to meet you sir, keep pushing.  Good work.  All Pax seem to really enjoy this workout, at least that’s I’ll tell myself.  Appreciate the push Buckeye, enjoyed it.  Linus kept the cadence count going, well done brother.  It’s an honor to lead you men and thanks for rolling out of the fartsack this am to post, good crowd.  Let’s keep it going.  Always a pleasure get after it with you men before the sun comes up.  #DRP

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