Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 29, 2018

Pacman returns home

YHC had a “bachelor” weekend where the family was out of town so I made the trip up to my hometown to sharpen iron with my Dallas brothers. We had 14 including myself and it started with

Circle Up

Warm Up
SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Merkins x 10
Diamond x 10
Mountain climbers x 10
Moroccan night clubs X 15

Mosey to the flag for the pledge

Mosey to parking lot where the sandbags await

Spit Into four Groups lunge walk with bag and overhead toss at each line while you wait for your turn do ssh, mountain climbers, merkins

Indian run back up the hill in two lines

Return to amphitheater hill
Partner wheel barrow down the hill/ramp 5 bomb jacks at the bottom then nur up the hill and swap positions x 2 rounds

Went to wall at the stage and did these all in cadence x 10

Australian mount climber
Balls to the wall
Shift to left then right then

Then afterwards we did mucho chesto

10 each


wide arm merkin

diamond merkin

stagger left

stagger right

mosey back to parking lot with bags

drop the bag midway in lot

two lines bear crawl to the bag do 1 burpees with the bag then go back to plank as everyone finishes. -YHC almost took sparkys head off here doing a demo of the sandbag toss. Sorry brother!

Then went to picnic tables for erkins merkins and dips two rounds of 10

Went to the grass beside the picnic table and did jack webs up 28 overhead claps and Bedpan pushed us for 30. -good push at the end!

It was an honor to be a part of this crew Saturday. Thank you for the opportunity to lead you guys and I look forward to returning soon. See you in the gloom! -Pacman


13 High Impact Men (HIM’s) started the morning pushing the rock. Some rucked 5 miles, some ran 5 miles. Roadie was there to encourage even with an injured ankle! Aye! Pizza Man rucked so it was unusual to see him for more than just a few seconds. Mayor was talking which is always a treat. I saw Hacksaw running with a ruck. Broke and Gold Digger ran up front and also a little EC over 6 miles total. Breaker Breaker pulled me the distance with some nice conversation as we chased Blart, Gumby, Roundup, Moses and Barrel Racer. Thanks Breaker! Most stayed for coffee. Sister Act started Roadie on the iced coffee a while back and I think he is addicted. Mayor took his wife some coffee. Ain’t he sweet? That Mayor is always politicking! Short talk about accelerating, not just in fitness but every part of our life and relationships. We need to not be satisfied with where we’ve been but push to be better! Prayers for Gumby’s father in law, Hacksaw’s daughter and family traveling, Slaw’s travels.

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