Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 23, 2018

Lead By Example

10 HIMS resisted the fartsack this morning and pushed the rock at Crossroads.  2 rucked and 8 ran today.  Awesome group of guys out here today, way to push.



Prayer – YHC took us out.



Awesome time out here this morning.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead you guys.  Some great discussions today about our roles as men.  We are to Lead By Example.  Whether it be as a coach, friend, brother, husband, or father, we should strive to be the example for someone else.   Continue to push that rock fellas.

Sister Act


07/22/18 GoRuck

On Sunday, July 22nd four bad dudes and a wild Huckleberry met at Freight’s place and traveled to Crowders Mountain for a GoRuck Light.  For those of you that don’t know – light does not mean easy… just less time than the others.

We arrived to the location and found several other F3 brothers there.  Many of them were taking place in the HTL – which is insane.

The festivities kicked off promptly at 13:00 with Cadres Montreal and Pike doing roll call and an introduction.   The Cadres then checked all bags for the required equipment.

We were then lined up into four lines and instructed we will be doing a modified Murph.  As a four man team we ran, did chest presses with our ruck packs, merkins and squats.

After this concluded we saw one guy drinking beer and several guys drinking out of a flask.  These ruckers sure are nuts.

At this time the team grabbed a ton of coupons and headed towards the mountain.

What followed over the next five hours is something that’s hard to put into words.  YHC knew that this would be physically draining, but it was just as much mentally exhausting.

Up and down over the mountain, we by Freight’s watch, covered just under 7 miles.  While YHC didn’t carry many coupons (or even my own ruck sack at times) Boudin and Freight were absolute bad-asses.  I rarely seen either of them when they weren’t carrying something.  Hipaa was appointed a team leader for a while and pushed like Hipaa does.  For a few miles Roadie had the flag and was leading the entire group.  Around mile 2.5 Roadie rolled an ankle and almost took out an elephant on the way down.  He recovered and finished the event without complaining.  I’d talk about Roadie being a beast, but if you’re reading this, you already know.

We returned back to the launching point a little after 18:00.  They presented patches for the 12 that did the HTL and then to the rest of us.  I will say this was one of the coolest things I’ve ever received.   It sucked and it’s difficult to even type this back blast right now, but it was worth it.  The four men with me yesterday are a blessing to me.  They are four men I have an immense amount of respect for.

Roadie – the transformation you’ve had since January is truly remarkable.  Keep pushing and inspiring everyone around you.

Hipaa – you are a beast, brother.   You gave yesterday all you had.

Freight – you made it all the way through and didn’t even mess up your hair.  You’re a bad man, brother.

Boudin – I swear you didn’t even break a sweat yesterday.  I’m told you even posted this morning.  You sir are unreal.

Thank you all for the push and the friendship.

As a side note: if you ever think there’s something you can’t do – just remember it’s all mental.   I spent a lot of time on Saturday thinking how I could get out of this, but I’m glad I didn’t.  This was an experience I’m honored to be a part of.

Philippians 4:13


Booyahs Build Shoulders

WARM UP: 10 Merkins IC , Squats IC, Monkey Humpers 10 IC, 10 Dying Cockroaches 10 IC, Freddie Mercuries 10 IC, Side Straddle Hops 10 IC


Combine into groups of 3.
1st partner bear crawls around pavilion, the other 2 are doing Flutterkicks
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
Next partner bear crawls around pavilion
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
3rd partner goes……

Once the round is over, each PAX will have completed one bear crawl around the pavilion, 2 sets of Booyah Merkins and Flutterkicks during the other PAX crawls.

5 Burpies – Train


Staying in groups of 3 >
1st partner bear crawls around pavilion, the other 2 are doing Monkley Humpers
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
Next partner bear crawls around pavilion
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
3rd partner goes……

Once the round is over, each PAX will have completed one bear crawl around the pavilion, 2 sets of Booyah Merkins and Monkey Humpers during the other PAX crawls.


Staying in groups of 3 >
1st partner bear crawls around pavilion, the other 2 are doing LBCs
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
Next partner bear crawls around pavilion
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
3rd partner goes……

Once the round is over, each PAX will have completed one bear crawl around the pavilion, 2 sets of Booyah Merkins and LBCs during the other PAX crawls.

Mosey around the block back to the parking lot.

Partner up. 2’s
From one end of the parking lot, one partner sprints to the other end and mosey’s back. Other PAX is doing Mountain Climbers.
when they switch hit 10 Booyah Merkins.
2 Rounds

Next, one partner sprints to the other end and mosey’s back. Other PAX is doing Bobby Hurley’s.
when they switch hit 10 Booyah Merkins.
2 Rounds

Next, one partner sprints to the other end and mosey’s back. Other PAX is doing Plank Jacks.
when they switch hit 1 Burpie.
1 Round

Mosey to Pavillion, Hit 5 Burpies for the 2nd train, then 2 minutes of intense ab work. Flutters, Crunch Frogs and LBCs.

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