Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 12, 2018

AbS and NuR

8 men showed this morning.
Focus was abs.

Warm up.
SSH. X 20
Cherry pickers x 20
Let’s Mosey to the Flag.
5 Burpees at the street light.
Lbc x20
Sandy V x20 (was reminded by the pax I was doing this wrong and made corrections and moved forward).
Run to the triangle in the road for some NUR. First thing I heard was you been around Gastone my answer was yes and (by the way Gastone MLP is still sitting down slowly but plans to return back Monday). After that side note.
Nur uphill 20squats
Nur to other corner 20squats
Nur to the other corner and.. 20squats.
Mosey for a bit then head to the tennis court.
Let’s do some 11’s
WWII sit-ups and American Hammers
From one end of the whole court to the next.
22 for the Vets at the end.

It’s always an honor to Q. Actually I was glad a spot was open at Folsom, the men get stronger every day we laugh and support each other anyway we can from prayer to plumbing advice and repair. Most importantly we check in on each other. The past 6 months my body has become stronger, but it cannot compare to how much stronger I am at praying and praying for others. Speaking in public has become stronger, helping others and my family has become stronger, the strengths I never expected to grow at F3 are stronger than ever before. Now with all that being said I hope the Pax can enjoy the B.B. at their late night dump stop before going to bed.

Prayer request
AT’s mother in law
Safe travels this weekend for the families heading on the tubing trip.
Def while he is in China
Montrosses hip
MW’s leg

The Bed Pan is Full!

OG Rucker

5 PAX posted at The Forge on Wednesday night. We are working through the men of the Bible and tonight we discussed Andrew. No not Mayor, Peter’s brother as he was usually known. Andrew means “manly” so don’t tell Mayor about this. We don’t want it going to his head. Andrew was the type of guy who got stuff done behind the scenes without a lot of credit and spotlight. But he GOT IT DONE! Without question or hesitation and with full faith in Jesus. He was known for one on one interactions which is how most people come to know Jesus.  Andrew was the type of man we should all model ourselves after! After Jesus was crucified it is thought that Andrew took the news of Jesus north. It turns out he is the patron saint of Russia and Scotland. This spurred a conversation of how these men spread the gospel and how hard it was to travel. We have it easy and still fail to spread the word daily. These men hit the trail on foot(or rucking one might say) or by donkey but they got it done. So today men get it done not for you or the praise of another man but so that when this life is over God will look to you and say Well Done!

The Q gets bullied

Well gents, here we are again. I have missed a couple of weeks due to illness and then my little girl breaking her arm on Monday. Dolph needed someone to take the Q since he had to leave early for work so I volunteered to help out. I like the workout in a bag, which is just a specific set of exercises done over and over in a workout.

Warmup: Moroccans x25 IC, grass pickers x???IC but everyone had a good time clapping. It was apparent the warmup was done so we grab the pledge and mosey to the upper lot past the stairs. I set up the speaker and timer (thanks to short sales input) and we begin. Every exercise called is 30 seconds by the lady in the phone. This is where the harassment started. The phone voice, the fact that I had some exercises that needed a wall, but we didn’t have one, the pronunciation of some of the words by the phone timer lady and there was a mention that short sale did a bad job of instructing me were thrown out there. Exercises were SSH, Lunges, Merkins, Crunches, Step ups, Squats, Dips, Plank, High Knees, Calf Raises, Push-up with rotation, side planks L/R.

After timer was up, we mosey to the gazebo because there is a wall or bench, etc. there for work. Part 2 was abs. LBCs, Flutter Kicks, French Fries, Windshield Wipers and Heel touch’s all to 100. This was another topic of harassment. I specifically said single count and however you get to 100 the fastest OYO. After I give directions if someone asks again, I tell them the opposite. Boy did that start some stuff. Hipaa took the time here to tell me he was going to workout with the ladies (makes sense to me, he showed up late for the workout like a girl)….BOOM ROASTED (burn is trademarked by Sargento).

After this was out of the way, time to mosey, but I heard CLavin say something about Suzy Q (phone voice lady on timer) so immediate Omaha to stay in place and knockout 50 burpees. CLavin then responds…what’d I say??? Timeframe noted this was a bad idea. I took a moment to ponder this myself. When the monthly challenge was 30 burpees a day, I tried to do mine timed to see the improvement. I could knock out 30 in about 2 minutes 12 seconds. When I got to 30, I dragged and took as long to knock out the remaining 20 and changed to ones without the pushup.

Finish the burpees and gather back up for the time circuit again. Mumble chatter was not as bad, but I have to agree with Timeframe that it was a bad idea. Move back to the gazebo for abs at half the reps.

Mosey to start (+/-50 yards), Announcements, Prayers, Names, COT.

Announcements: Running 50 Mile CSAUP 8/25, City Ruck the night before, Burpeethon with team or 2.0 10/6, Tubing this Saturday (get with Sargento),

Prayers: Hipaa’s family as they bury his M’s Grandfather today, Timeframe and his M’s Aunt, Safe travels for Breaker Breaker and family.

Who do you work for?

The weather at Midoriyama on Tuesday was a refreshing 94 degrees and the PAX were all over the park doing EC before it was time to clock in. Time hits and 11 PAX are itching for a beatdown (Freight decided to roll in hot during the warm up) while 2 more hit the trails on bikes. Here’s what happened:


Warm Up


Burpees – 5 OYO

Moroccan Night Clubs – Too many while waiting on Freight

SSH – 15IC

Burpees – 5 OYO


Mosey to the soccer field for Tha Thang:



Start with 10 reps of each exercise and count down to 1

Exercises were Seal Jacks, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups and Squats


Figure 8’s

PAX lined up and performed a single file run around the cones set up on the field.

Included sprints, Karaoke and NUR

Rinse and Repeat with Basketball Slides in place of Karaoke


Next up was a 25 yard lunge walk followed by a 25 yard mosey x2, then a 25 yard bear crawl with 25 yard mosey x2.


Core work Tabata Style

Time to circle up again and do some core work. 30 sec AMRAP with 20 sec rest.

American Hammers

Flutter Kicks


Freddie Mercury’s

Rinse and Repeat


Slaw doesn’t seem too excited at this point, so let’s do something to put a smile on his face.

Broad Jump Burpees for 25 yards with a 25 yard mosey x2


At this point YHC is gassed so we headed back to the flag for some Mary


Shoulder Taps

CDD’s (In honor of the world traveling Site Q)


20 Burpees (Not sure what Tyson was thinking, but now Slaw is grinning from ear to ear)


Pizza Man finished us up with 22 for the Vets.




Who do you work for?


Ephesians 6:7-8 “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for the people. Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do.”


Too often we get caught up in doing things so that we can be recognized. We want to be seen as the hero, receive accolades from others and basically “Get all the Glory”. What we should be focusing on is working for God, doing HIS WILL for HIS PEOPLE and to HONOR HIM. If we do this we will be rewarded in a far greater manner than anything we can ever obtain on Earth.




Tubing on Green River this Saturday – let Sargento know if you plan to go

Speed for Need at Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k in Belmont on 9/22

CSAUP 50 mile relay on August 25th


Prayer Request


Def Leppard travels

Those battling addiction

Others that I failed to remember


YHC took us out.


As always, it was an honor to lead this group of HIM’s.






Final Site Q Q

Today was my last day as Site Q for the Pub. I’m sure I’ll Q there in the future, but next week, I’m handing over the shovel flag to another HIM who has stepped up to lead. He’s already started with a F3Pub Twitter account. Keep an eye out for it, and show to know next Thursday.

I started The Pub a year and a half, or so, ago. Whoopie had just led the first F3 Gastonia BRR team, and I wanted a running workout to keep up the pace. It’s been great to see other running workouts pop up too.  It’s gratifying to see the regulars who post at the Pub these days. And thanks especially to those who encouraged me to keep the doors open when few to none were posting.

Oh yeah, and today we ran. Diva, Roscoe and I ran the first route I made for the Pub: Hoffman/Rosebud to Pamela to Gardner Park, to Armstrong Park to start. Oompa Loompa ran the other way down Hoffman and looked tired enough when we returned that we believed he actually ran.

I hope to see some regulars + new HIMs turn out for next weeks site Q transfer. Who gets the shovel flag? S2K

Announcements: 2nd F this Saturday; CSAUP in late August




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