Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 10, 2018

Q Fail

OK guys, today I messed up. I messed up so bad, some of you may not have ever noticed if I did not point it out. And then there are others who may have noticed but thought, I’m not gonna say anything. It’s Whoopee. He has been here for a long time. He’s an old guy. Not RESPECT-kind-of old yet, but old as in…well, just old. Some grey hair, a few F3 shirts…heck, he even wears those funny sock things that don’t even get down into his shoes. He knows what he is doing and I’m gonna just keep my mouth shut.

Today the Weinke was about me. I wanted to bring a workout that was tough and wore everyone out. I wanted to see some merlot or at least hear some whining about how it was too much. I don’t even think I accomplished that but that is not the point.

I got a message from Mayor this morning asking if I made it to the STORM this morning-there was a chance I was going to have to miss my Q due to work and Mayor was my backup. Mayor was tied up last night with his 2.0 in the ED (not his ED, but the Emergency Department, HIPAA!!!) so he was likely going to be a no-show. My response to Mayor: “I made it. There was not a lot of mumble chatter. There was a Q-fail probably because I have not Q’d in awhile.”

I thought about it today. My workout was tough (I think) at least in parts. A lot of us got worn down and probably got a little bit stronger. However, without much mumble chatter, we might as well have all been doing this workout separately at different times during the day. My Weinke was not really designed to allow much interaction with each other, despite my attempt to make it “partner friendly” with a few partner workouts, partner carries, and everyone’s favorite partner disease “Hurpees.” My Weinke was not really set up for mumble chatter. There were enough exercises to keep us busy, but all of them involved counting reps which made the entire workout monotonous, quiet, and overall not very fun. We went quickly from 1 exercise to the next in an attempt to gas everyone. Again, we could all have done the same workout today with each of us rotating in every 45 minutes to tag up and let another guy do the workout. Other than getting hotter during the day, it really would have been about the same as all of us doing it together.

Lesson learned AGAIN-I know I have made this mistake before. I will promise to keep this in mind in the future and hope those of you reading this will learn from my mistake. Set up your Weinke however you want, but if you want some chatter and interaction with the PAX-really, this is what makes the fitness part of F3 different from working out in the YMCA, then make sure there are at least some exercises that are done without counting reps and with a bit of a break for recovering so that the six guy can get back his air and participate without feeling like an anchor. Again, my bad.

I will be Q’ing again at the STORM next month so all I ask is that you give me one more shot before putting me out to pasture with the rest of the old farts.

Here is what we did:

WU, exercises, Mary, Pledge, COT with prayers for lot of PAX and family members.



Friday’s are Big

And Friday’s are a great time to join the growing numbers showing up and conquering the Pavilion  .  We’ve had 20+ PAX for the past 5 weeks, maybe even 5 1/2 weeks.

WARM UP:  50 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Squats, 20 LBCs,
20 Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker Peter 10,
10 Imperial Walkers, 15 Squats IC

Merkins + American Hammers – 10 Single Count
Squats + Flutterkicks – 20 Single Count
Monkey Humpers + Mountain Climbers – 30 Single Count

Merkins + American Hammers – 10 IC
Squats + Flutterkicks – 20 IC
Monkey Humpers + Mountain Climbers – 30 IC

Run down to Piedmont Charter back parking lot

Wolverine Burpee Broad Jumps – one end to the other
2 Burpie Broad Jumps – one end to the other
1 Burpie Broad Jump

Let’s mosey to the steps at WELLS

Dips – 15 IC
Rocky Balboas – 15 IC
Deep Sea Divers – 3 steps up, 2 down

5 Burpies, the train says so.

To the Pavilion:

Captain Thor 10/40: 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers.

Mary for 2 minutes.
Freddie Murcurys. Flutterkicks, Dying Cockroach type thing.


Intestinal Issues……Again

  1. Man, was it nice and cool out in the gloom this morning at Folsom. Good to have a break from the 90% humidity. After calling it out on Twitter, YHC knew he best not disappoint. I had a few things on the weinke, but knew it wouldn’t fill the :45 slot. But with the spectacular range of useful props that the Folsom AO brings, it won’t be hard to wing the rest. I honestly felt it was going to be a small turnout, with just myself and Sister Act, but at about 5:25 they roll in.



SSH x10 IC, Toy Soldiers x10 IC


mosey, continue across death road to Walmart where Sparky tries to take lead and send half the PAX across the parking lot. Sister Act reminded him to listen to the Q. Back in formation, we follow the path around the back of the store around to the right side of the building. This is “THE” hill of the Hill Gods. Mumblechatter quickly started to vent as YHC calls out the orders.


partner up for some Dora 1,2,3. Partner one Nurs the hill will partner 2 performs exercise. Flap jack and continue until complete. Hipslappers x100 single count, 200 Dirty Hookups, 300 sitting wall assisted shoulder presses. Allen Tate needed a demo of the dirty hookup, claiming he had only witnessed the kind you get down on Airline Ave. Stay sitting on the wall for some marching while arm bicycling IC x20. I noticed it is pretty tough for my Folsom men to do both of those at the same time, but they managed to get the burn it meant to give. Next face the wall and step up on the curb for calf raises x20 IC. Next up, Triple Nickel, on the hill again. Mike Tyson’s on the curb x5, up the hill for 5 burpees. Repeat five times. During this epic moment of events, Sparky leaves the pack for the Walmart Turd facilities. I honestly had thought Sister Act would’ve been the first to go or at least join him, cause something horrible was going on with him this morning. Like he needed his intestine worked on or something. Anyway, fellowship mosey for a second, then mosey back across to the AO playing a little frogger on the way. Continue to mosey a little longer route due to having a few minutes to burn. LBCs while we wait on the six, who were not far behind. Way to push! 22 for the vets. Time

Announcements; Green River Tubing Saturday, Runs popping up everywhere to register for(follow Speed For Need)

prayers for our families and that God lead us to be leaders in our family and communities.

Its an honor to Q. It’s truly a blessing to be a part of this group of Men. I’ve been surrounded by drama and bull crap with some friends and other family lately. It’s stupid how immature people can be, yet be adults. I continue to do the one thing we all are commanded to do, Love. Regardless of what’s going on, love without restriction. Easier said than done, trust me. This group of men show that trait daily toward each other. Not in a bad way, TeamTimberlake, don’t get wrong idea. We truly love and care about each other. That’s noticeable just in attendance from a year ago compared to today. I know I’m not the only one who would just fartsack and live that sad clown life without the encouragement, support, and brotherhood these guys bring. Let’s keep it growing.

MDub Out

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