Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 8, 2018

I Thought We Were Moving Furniture?

Allen Tate put out a call for help on Saturday. His basement had flooded and he needed help moving out furniture and old carpet. Evidently everyone in the city of Dallas was born in July and most guys had birthday parties to attend, but there were 5 men able to anwer the call and stand with the Chief in his time of need.

I try to arrive like a blister (you know, after the work is done) around 1:15 and to my surprise, Bedpan and the Chief are under the back deck, digging in the mud with Tate-in-law (AT’s future son-in-law). The flood was evidently caused from a broken water line so the mission was changed to fix the leak. Father Chief (aka Allen Tate Sr.) offered wisdom and advice. Lots of advice!

Allen Tate and Tate-in-law did about 500 shovel curls in cadence. He noted he likes it when the mud is wet because it is heavier. Always pushing the rock! Aye!!!!

It was around this time AT’s and Tate-in-law did a partner lifts. To step up the difficulty, the Chief submerged his feet in mud. Little did he know this was no ordinary mud, but rather some exotic hybrid of Carolina clay and quicksand. What started as pushing the rock quickly became a rescue mission! The Tate-in-law came through as he pulled the Chief out of his boots, saving him from almost certain death!

As YHC went home to change into working clothes, Bedpan had to roll out.

As YHC returned, I see a familiar vehicle pullig in. It is Roadie! The leak was found and a plan for repair was devised. Roadtrip to Lowes!

As we prepare to leave, Medicine Woman arrives on a Harley with eagles circling overhead and music blasting. MW has things to say, we listen, and he declines the trip to Lowes. Evidently sitting on my lap (or riding on the console) isn’t his idea of fun. MW joins Bedpan as an early departure.

Clowncar to Lowe’s and back. We saw a Prius but we can confirm it was not HIPAA. The leak repair was completed and 100 shovel curls in cadence were called to finish the job. Roadie is a jack-of-all-trades and I learned a few things from him today.

After some cold refreshing drinks, the Chief offered some EC mosey via his chariott (powered by Polaris). Squat jumps were no issue as Chief, YHC, and Roadie took turns putting the RZR in the air. Roadie won the Dale Earnhart award for the longest drift.

Roundup shows up on his side-by-side about 7 to join in on the fun. If you haven’t met him or his dad Hacksaw (hoooooo!), come on out to the Crossroads, pour out a little for your homies, and introduce yourself. These are 2 quality men!

In all seriousness, it was a good time hanging out with all these brothers today and getting to know Allen Tate’s future son-in-law.

Shortsale – obviously don’t count this as a workout. We joked about a backblast and I figured why not…let’s let the guys know we came together for a bit of work and a good time today.

Hope you all got a laugh or two out of this. We had our share of laughs over at Casa de Chief!

Scout Camp Post

As some of you know Dr Feelgood is the scoutmaster at the prestigious Troop 11 Boy Scout troop and Timeframe is ASM same troop.  The troop is always signed up for camp on the week of the 4th of July and this year is no exception.

So there we were at camp at 5:20am Thursday morning when Feelgood shakes my tent and in a firm whisper says “Timeframe! You want to post?”.  I am up and ready by 5:30 to turn beautiful Camp Bud Schiele into an AO.

No warm up, disclaimer, or pleage.  In our defense we say the pledge alot at camp.

The thang:

Mosey from the campsite the long road way to the lower parking lot where the cars are so Feelgood can grab a phone charger.

Mosey back to the shelter beside the Health Lodge for some sweating.

100 each-



SSH’s single count



Mosey back to camp and time for reveille.

Thank you Feelgood for your awesome attitude, service to the boys of troop 11, and waking me up for some F3 fun.  You are an inspiration.



Special July 4th Edition of The Yank

With all the talk of convergances and races and clown cars at 4 am to show for 5:15 am beat down elsewhere YHC as site Q for The Yank decided to provide an alternative for any local pax on the Independence day. What started out just as an alternative to way early rising and traveling became something else. It went like this:


Burpee “ladder”, a Tesla favorite to start with:

SSH X 20, 2 burpees

IW X 20, 4 burpees

Sharon Towers X 20, 6 burpees

Mountain Climbers X 20, 8 burpees

LBCs X 20, 10 burpees

Mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge for partner work.

P1 – Run to the other end of the school and do 10 Mike Tysons

P2- Step ups till P1 returns then flapjack.

Round 2

P1 – Run to the other end, 10 hand release merkins

P2 – Dips till P1 returns


Mosey down to the field of Dreams

Four corners

Count off in 2s, each group hits a corner, does the called work then returns to the center for five burpees before moving on to the next corner

Corner 1 – 20 LBCs

Corner 2- 20 squats

Corner 3 – 20 merkins

Corner 4 – 20 CCD

1 round was plenty!

Bear crawl IM time!

All pax in plank while we do the following using pax as the “obstacle”

Round 1 – bear crawl

Round 2 – agility run

Round 3 – repeat bear crawl

Gets us to the end.

SSH X 10

5 Turkish getups

5 burpees for the train.

Everybody is blowing pretty good by now, a warm humid day in July is taking its toll! But there is more to do.

Mosey down to Heartbreak hill:

Triple Nickel time:

Bottom of the hill: Mountain Climbers X 5

Run the hill

Top: LBCs with a twist X 5

Repeat 5X

Mosey over to the pad for some warm down Mary. Off to the ceremony.


The end of the workout was just phase 1 of the event. After name o rama we headed over to the statue of The Yank for our work of the day. YHC had arranged for Senior Pastor and all around great guy and our Wednesday morning bible study to converge for the event which as we now is the recognition of American Independence from the crown 242 years ago. One reason YHC chose the 6:30 start aside from being a reasonable hour ot get up and get moving was that the group meets at 7:15 every Wednesday. Sam’s club as we call it! That went like this:

Gathered in front of The Yank each pax read aloud a portion of the Declaration Of Independence. That took a about 8 minutes.  And Mr. Jefferson used words we rarely see today. There was quite a nice crowd that gathered along with the bible study group who listened as the document was read just like it was 242 years ago in Philadelphia and across the colonies as word traveled through the territories. Not sure but i think only a small minority of folks gathered on the Belmont square had ever heard or read the entire Declaration. If you were not there i encourage you to do so very soon. It is a litany of the rights of man given by God and the evils of tyranny when those rights are usurped.

Upon this reading Pastor Sam gave a very eloquent, short sermon on who we are as a nation and that we are bound together in this great Experiment in self governance. He mentioned that we have always ben a divided people in many ways and he is right! But that we should endeavor now to appeal to as Lincoln said “the better angles of our nature” in this time of stark division, recognizing our rights do descend from God and that we owe to each other a decent respect for the free exercise of our thoughts and ideas which has been the core of American Exceptionalism that we honor on this day.

It was an action packed hour, the ceremony itself lasting @ 15 minutes but I think it made an impression on all who were there which was the intent. I can find no better place locally to do this than in front of that statue. YHC is prepared to make this an annual event even when the 4th falls on a Sunday. It is that important. Passing on the blessings of liberty is one of the core responsibilities we as men empowered to lead have.




Telephone Pole?

11 HIMS showed this morning for a run/ruck at Crossroads.  What beautiful weather we had to get out here and push the rock on a cooler than normal July morning.  This AO is continuing to have steady numbers and 1 FNG decided to make his debut this morning.   Welcome Barrel Racer (Bruce Adams) to the F3 brotherhood.  He is a beast and I’m sure if you are in the Stanley area you have seen him running at some point.  6 rucked today and 5 put in miles running.   Not sure what’s going on with the ruckers, but they are getting after it and breaking out all kinds of ways to push themselves.  All I know is Roadie brought a telephone pole, and they take off rucking carry that thing.  I believe it was dropped off at Folsom, so I’m sure it will get used in the future.  Way to push guys!


Announcements:  Tubing next Saturday

Prayer request:  Allen Tate & Montross upcoming MRI, Def Leppard safe travels

YHC took us out in prayer


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.


Sister Act

Time to celebrate!!

The Yank may need to change name to Sun City soon as it has become the place to be for the over 50 crowd.  Or maybe they are the reason that the Yank is the original Varsity site because these men know how to push it!

No warmup, these men didn’t need it.  Mosey up the Nichol’s hill and take long way to the tennis courts at Davis Park.  Once at the courts the PAX realized they had been invited to a birthday party.  That’s right, my little Tiger Cub was celebrating his very first birthday!  His hospital name is Charlie, so we helped him celebrate with some Charli at the courts:

C  corner to corner with merkins, diamond merkins, wide arm merkins, and CDDs

H  hurpees

A  agassi

R  rampage (LBC, bear brawl the baseline, squat)

L  Lt Danger (lunge, lunge, squat, merkin along baseline)

I  Inch worm

Since first birthday was 7/07/18, we did three rounds, 7 reps first round, 7 reps second round, 18 reps third round.  Had to Omaha round three to have time for the E.

That’s right, Elevens, Tiger squats and Mike Tysons.

Mosey back to the flag.

If you aren’t familiar with some of the exercises give them a look.  This was a really tough workout, everybody pushed hard, great job men!!

Talked a little about blessings at the end, and how they may be shown in ways that we don’t recognize fully in the beginning.  I am 47 and have a one year old son.  When I first learned he was on the way I had nine months of sleepless nights.  It was hard on my wife because she was overjoyed at the new life growing during pregnancy, but she knew I was worried about finances, being too old to have a young son, etc.  But then this new life God us made his appearance, all the fear went away.  Charlie fills my heart everyday with joy, but it took me a while to get there.

Trust the Sky Q, he knows what he’s doing.

Remember tubing on Green River, DM Sargento and let him know if your going.

Remember in your prayers military members and public service workers


A different kind of painlab

I had the privilege of leading pain-lab on 7/7 this week.  Claven captured the names in his death anniversary backblast so I will not re-type them here, but I was honored to have so many stick around and carry bricks with me.  Glad Brown Streak is getting after it again, Glad Mayor survived Tonsillitis,  Glad Hunk o Junk Keeps getting after it and I hope he has his mind a year down the road.  You will see results.  All of us have.  Also Honored that Toto hung out with us and I knew I had to bring it when he circled up with us.

It rained Friday night so all my Q-pons were covered in Mud.  at 0600 I was outside hosing them off and loading them in the trunk of the pup wagon.  0700 Claven leads the warm up and reminds us of how precious life is.  Then the boot camp took off and it was time for Hushpuppy’s revenge.

Step into the circle:  I submitted this to the Exicon Saturday afternoon.  Performed to Thousand Foot Krutch’s song “move”, plank up and listen to the music.  Every time he says move, plank walk one step left, then when he says circle, spin in a circle, then when he says move, plank walk one step right.  3.5 minutes of this and sweat is dripping and the shoulders are burning.  Then DJ snake and”Get low”.  Start in the peoples chair, hold the squat as low as you can, when the beat drops, squat up and down in time with the music.  When the song comes round again, drop to a merkin and hold the low part of a merkin until the beat drops, then (if you can) do merkins in time with the music.  Brutal.

At this time I shared about how I have had a pars fracture in my L5 vertebrae for over 20 years and will be getting surgical consults in the coming weeks.  I try to model a workout that protects that part of my back.

Grab the Q-pons, down the nature trail.

Curls 20x in cadence, hold at the top for a 10 count, hold halfway for a 10 count, recover.  Down the hill to the bridge with the Q-pons.

Merkins on the bridge 10 ic.

Lunge walk around the trail to the other bridge, then more merkins.  Had Toto count cadence for that one as I was getting a little winded.

Lunge walk back to the Q-pons and more curls.  Hippa mentioned something about colt 45 curls and I offered to let him lead it.  That generated some mumble chatter and we decided against.

Walk backwards up the hill carefully with the Q-pon.  Got the quads burning good.  Mayor almost ended up in a tree and no one was spotting him.  I got you bro.

At the top, feet up for 10 dirkins IC and then 10 shoulder taps IC.  30 flutters ic and 15 crunches ic,

Carry the brick around the wall towards the road for some pushup bra’s.  Rocks to the chest, push em up and push em out.  10 ic.  then recover.  Attempted another set of 10 but got 5 and had to stop. 30 second breather, 5 more.  Out to the road for some squats and monkey humpers to show Gastonia our best side.

Almost forgot, wanted to get some hamstring and glute work in without bending at the waist.  Plank up with hands on the curb, Right leg up, kicking up and out right leg x 10 ic.  Switch legs, left leg ic x 10.  Squeezing the hammies and glutes kicking the leg up and out.  Feeling it today as I sit on said glute’s and type this bb.

Back to the pup wagon with the Q-pons.  Some more curls, then some chest presses overhead with the bricks, and stow them away in the trunk.

Return to Startex for some Mary with the boot camp. Stroganoff called 30 flutters ic, I called 5 burpees, (not a mary exercise but I wanted to do them), then I called box cutters and the bells saved us.


Tried to keep it more traditional but still low impact.  Not a yoga guy and don’t know much about ropes but Bricks I can do.

Pup out.

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