Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 26, 2018

Action Heros

On this morning at Goat Island 13 men showed to know what the first workout of summer would bring. It’s the longest day of the year, hours of daylight that is, and this is the best way to get things off to a great start. YHC was wondering where the Mayor was and almost immediately he texted that he was on his way. Good job not fartsacking your highness.


Don Quixotes x15 IC

High Knees x15 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x25 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Let’s take a lap around the block. Wrap the mosey up at the base of the bridge. On the concrete part Crab Walk, wooden part Bear Crawl, then Crab Walk the rest of the concrete. Feel the burn! Fellowship mosey back to the other side for a quick history lesson on F3 Gashouse’s rich history of kayaking expertise on the South Fork.

Now that that’s over lets get back to it. Mosey across the street for the Thang.

The Charles Bronson – there was a time in the 80’s when Charles Bronson was a bad dude who starred in  several action movies. YHC hasn’t seen one minute of any of those movies or even be able to name one but there is an F3 routine named after him so lets give it a try.

At the bottom end of the grassy area downtown, sprint from the sidewalk up to even with the shovel flag. Once there do an army crawl up to the other sidewalk. At the sidewalk perform 50 Side Straddle Hops. Mosey back to the start and repeato but switch the exercise at the top each time for: 50 Merkins, 50 Burpees (this really sucked), 50 LBCs, 50 Jump Squats.

Take a lap around downtown but stop at the Gazebo of Pain to get shredded in the core area. On your six!

Flutterkicks x25 IC

Dying Cockroaches x25 IC

Oblique Crunches x17 IC each side

Repeato each for 3 rounds total. Oh yeah, that was grate!

Time’s up.

Prayer Requests: Tesla’s friend Mike Jenkins was in a car accident

Announcements: Tubing on the Green River July 14th – DM Sargento if you want to go, whole family is welcome!

My apologies for the delayed BB again men, I’ll do better with my timeliness. Until next time, Sargento is out!

Run Around

YHC picked up a Q for Mayor and had conversations about some of TinyTank’s beat downs or his M’s.  As I thought that over I recalled how hard they were and decided against it and went with the simple 10 parking space run around.  Arriving a little early to write exercises in 10 spaces the pax started rolling in.  Tesla coming in during the Warm up,  Varsity should set a better example.

Warm Up;

SSH x 10, Mericans x 10, LBC’s x 10, High Knees, ButtKickers, Karaoke right and Karaoke left, Toy Soldiers x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10.


14 Pax split into 2 lines and Indian Run to loading dock area behind school, plank for six.  Teams of 7 hold plank while one team member sprints to dock and jumps up on dock, performs 5 burpees and sprints back, next team member goes and so on.  Indian Run to 10 spaces in between islands.  Islands approx 50 yrds apart.  Pax perform reps of exercise indicated and run around islands to next space and perform reps of next space exercise and run again. Exercises were

SSH x 30, Mericans x 20, Squats x 20, CDDs x 20, Flutterkicks x 30, Mountain Climbers x 30, French Fries x 30, Burpees x 10, LBC’s x 30, Shoulder Taps x 30.  One full round completed and 2nd round the reps were cut in half.  Mosey back to flag for COT.

COT; Announcements, Prayer requests, Namorama

BOM; Norwood took us out.  Thanks brother.

Moleskin; Hard work by all, no mumble chatter at all!!!  Hipaa said we went a little over 2 miles.  Pax definitely kept it moving this am. It was an honor to lead you men.  #DRP

Monthly Murph

Last night Whoopee tweets that he wants to do a Murph every month and he wants to do it at 0500 hours today.  I don’t have any other plans at 0500 so I commit.  I have said before, when I got pulled away from the parking lot at the last minute on Memorial Day, 2016 and about 30 guys did the Murph without me, I tweeted that I was going to do it that afternoon.  Whoopee joined me then for his 2nd Murph of the day #HIM (albeit with a few modifications).  I can’t say no to this #shieldlock

Here is what happened. I wake up early.  I do some laundry (no kidding) I get to Pelicans early.  Within a minute or two Whoopee pulls in.  There is a chance that there is a “Big Deal” that may join us but without certainty we continued to walk into the park where we would begin.

We got to the front of the playground and set off at a decent pace.  IT…WAS…Dark…  We managed until we neared the woods. I turned on the flashlight feature.  We discussed that we wouldn’t want to see a person sitting on one of the benches in there or worse, perhaps a dead body.  Worse than that, what if we tripped over a dead body and got face to face with it like in Indiana Jones.  After that there was no more talking since neither one of us could breathe.  We got back to the playground and it was dark in there too.  The flashlight stayed on.

I brought a pen and pad to count the rounds.  I hit my Pandora station….It went like this…RUSH:  Show Don’t Tell, John Petrucci: Suspended Animation: I am having a hard time with the 3rd song.  No wonder…fatigue makes cowards of us all.  (edit:  Just rememered….Iron Maiden: Stranger in a Strange Land)  I don’t think Whoopee noticed or cared about Rush playing.  I didn’t have the energy to change it anyway.  I think it was better than hearing the two of us gasping.

20 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats

This whole workout was basically done in cadence.  We ran together, did our sets together, finished at the same time and went back to run the last mile.  Our pace was a little slower but we were shoulder to shoulder and got faster at the end.

This was the best time for YHC and no doubt was faster than doing this workout alone.  We now have a benchmark time for next month.

Remember the Murph is to honor Medal of Honor winner  LIEUTENANT MICHAEL P. MURPHY (SEAL), USN.  It doesn’t have to be Memorial Day to pay tribute to the fallen.


Return of Tha Gnat

Its been a while since YHC had the Q at Folsom for a bootcamp beat down. With the heat coming hard and heavy, you start to wonder how many might just fart sack rather than post in the humidity. This AM was no different. The humidity was rather non pleasant due to the bit of rain late yesterday, but I remain optimistic because of the Fire these Folsom PAX have under them. Huck is already present as I pull into the park. At 5:20 I step out of my ride to stretch. You realized very quickly that the freakin summer gnats are back and back strong.  More headlights roll in as Huck and I try to figure out how to breathe without inhaling a cloud of these pests. A new truck is spotted thinking “FNG?” Nope just Allen Tate in yet another one of his vehicles. It’s time.

warmarama-Omaha was quickly made due to the amount of gnats in the start area. So we mosey. Continue to the flag pole. Yes, YHC forgot the shovel flag.

Now warmarama-LBCs, SSH, Merkins all x20IC.  Then Moroccan NightClubs while Huck gets the six.


Mosey back to the large lower parking lot for some Triple Nickel. I know, it’s usually hill work but we used the parking lot which has a pretty nice grade to it. 5 Burpees at the top, run to the bottom for 5 plank jacks. Repeat x5. Mumblechatter by a couple PAX asking what is Triple Nickel. After an in-depth explanation from YHC, there was still a question about the running part in between each exercise. Those claim that it was 10 runs not 5?! Well, I started to wonder if we were actually at Midoriyama. Anyway, I continue to explain. Finally, all is understood? So, continue until all PAX are finished. Still, tons of gnats and some were looking for water to wash them down.

Mosey to top corner of the lot for 4-corners. This should’ve also been easy to understand but math questions come up again. Q calls for 4 exercises. SSH, LBCs, Squat Jumps, Flutter kicks. Corner 1-all 4 x10 each, corner 2- all 4 x20 each, corner 3-all 4×30, corner 4-all x40 each.

Mosey to shelter for a few more. Dips, Freddie Mercury, sandy V, Step Ups all x15 IC

running out of time, mosey back to start. Again, the gnats are extremely thick so we try to hurry through the rest.

announcements- Clown car July 4 to The Fort, July 4th 4-Miler, Metro convergence

prayer requests, Each other, Allen Tate family, praise from Pastor Clever on his mission trip

YHC took us out

honor to lead you men. Thanks for all the encouragement and crap talk. I know the men got a good amount of protein inhaling gnats. I honestly had more to write here, but the Folsom PAX are nagging the heck out of me to get the B.B. up.


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