• Post Type:
  • When: 07/13/2018
  • AO:
  • QIC: Squirt
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Entire PAX

The Bridge Camp by Least of These Carolinas

Hello Pax. Last year I let the group know about an opportunity to serve some foster kids from all over the Carolinas and this year you have the same opportunity. Least of These Carolinas is a Christian based non-profit organization that supports foster kids and their families. Everything they do is free to the families and they do a lot. One of their biggest things of the year is a camp held at Crowder’s Ridge for kids who are currently in foster care or have recently gotten out within the last year. I have been involved with this camp for the last 2 years and have the privilege this year of being the head male counselor (a glorified title meaning I get to handle the problems that arise!). Unfortunately we are in real need of some men to step up and I could think of no better men to fill that gap than the men of F3!!

The Bridge Camp takes place from the afternoon of July 13th thru the morning of July 17th.  We have many opportunities that do not require you to commit to the entire weekend.  We are looking for counselors, security workers, hospitality workers and camp friends. Your wives can also serve in these positions as well.

Counselor – counselors are needed from Friday afternoon until the kids leave Tuesday morning. You will eat, sleep, and hang out with the kids. Age groups range from 9/10 all the way thru 18. All activities are outside; except for the worship services that take place daily. As a counselor you will be responsible for leading your kids from place to place, making sure they get to the nurse for medication, keeping them in line, leading a small group each day and being an encourager to them (which can be difficult at times).  This is by far the hardest position to fill and we are way short of men. The women already have 19 of 20 while we men have about 15 out of 20 men.  The leadership of LOTC takes this position very seriously and all those who wish to be counselors have to be interviewed by them.

Security – you only sign up for a few hours at a time. You will walk around to secure the area and make sure the kids are safe. Last year we had a runaway and that was not fun! We have security 24 hours a day and you can sign up for as many times during the weekend as you’d like.

Hospitality – this role is new this year. But they need people to make sure snacks are available as nothing has to be purchased by the campers. All of the food is provided but this position will make sure it is set out and ready for people to get. May even be used during check-in and check-out times on Friday and Tuesday. This is the one position I am unsure of what all they will be doing.

Camp Friends – This role is a life safer. Our own Sledge O Matic was one of my camp friends last year! Once again, this role is only for a few hours. This role is basically to come partner along with the counselors and hang out with the kids. If the counselor needs a short break these guys can watch the kids while they go get a snack or use the restroom. We need these roles filled for various times throughout the day. You could be helping with lunch/dinner, swimming, playing ball, or praying for/with one of the kids during worship time. This role was new last year and was very helpful. It took a lot of pressure off of me to have them around. It also gives the kids someone new to pal around with and having someone with fresh energy, this is especially helpful on Monday!

We would love to have you, your wife and if your kids are at least 18 they can volunteer as well. To work with these kids everyone, regardless of what role, has to go thru an extensive background check for obvious reasons.  The Word of God is preached at this camp and my favorite part is at the end when we hold a baptism service for those who made a commitment to Christ. If this sounds like something you would be interested in please hit me up to learn more. I promise you’ll leave the weekend exhausted but feeling like you made a difference in a child’s life and possibly their eternity. All meals are provided with special snacks this year (yay!); the only thing you would need is the basics for camp (sheets, toiletries, etc…) and they will provide a suggested list later on. Thanks and have a blessed day.



Lee Turner

