Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 29, 2018

We’re Playing in the Rain!

YHC had family in town in for the Memorial Day weekend and while creating the Weinke on Friday night, started EH’ing my brother-in-law to join us Saturday morning. Did not take much pressure in the head lock to convince him to come out. Was up early Saturday morning and we jumped in the M’s macho Commander and headed to the Fighting Yank. It had rained over night and hopefully the rain would hold off until we were able to get in our workout. As we were pulling up, there were a few PAX getting in some EC, Tool Time, Quiche, and Boudin. What is this? Tool Time said he was going to stay for the bootcamp! Wow! He said he felt a little rusty with the mumble chatter, but would do his best to keep it live.  YHC felt honored to have Nantan join us for a Fighting Yank beatdown.YHC felt the pressure to deliver. No worries, feeling very good about the Wienke created last night.

It’s 7am and ready to get going. Here comes Orangeman running down the street just in time to join us.

Gave the disclaimer and pledge.


SSH – 25 I/C

Mountain Climbers – 20 I/C

Imperial Walkers – 15 I/C

Mercans – 15 I/C


The Thang

Let’s mosey to up main street to the Walk/Run store parking lot for some exercise.

Mercans x 10 oyo

American Hammers x 20  oyo

Squats x 20 oyo

Burpees x 5

Let’s mosey to the building of knowledge parking lot (Belmont Library). During the mosey, it stated to rain, but that didn’t stop us, although YHC’s Wienke was starting to get wet. Repeat the above exercises but this time we will do them I/C since there was some chatter after finishing up the last set that it would be better I/C than OYO.  By now, Tool Time was in rare form with the mumble chatter. Even threw YHC off in the count while doing Mercans.

Let’s mosey to the Field of Dreams (Davis Park) for the next called exercise, Field of Dreams. It was still raining and YHC had to find a dry spot to leave the Wienke and reading specs. Ok, done. Now lets start out by counting off by fours. Ones start at 1st base, do AMRAP Mercans until relieved. Twos at 2nd base, do AMRAP LBCs until relieved. Threes at 3rd base, do AMRAP Squats. Fours at home plate performs 15 burpees then run to 1st base relieving PAX there. Continue until all PAX have done the burpees. That exercise was fun!

Not time to leave the Field of Dreams without another run around the bases, but this time it will be a crawl. That’s right, bear crawl to 1st base, lunges to 2nd base, bear crawl to 3rd base and sprint home. Done! YHC grabbed the Wienke and reading specs and ready to mosey again. Let’s head to the middle school. PAX planked up for the six while YHC found a dry place to keep Wienke during next exercise. PAX head over to the benches for a round of three exercises

Dips x 10

Derkins x 10

Step ups x 10 (5 per leg)

Run across front of building and back, repeat exercises, increase reps 15x, rinse and repeat, increase reps 20x.

Grab Wienke and mosey to the practice field behind school for some sprints. PAX sprint 100m and walk/jog the corners. Rinse and repeat. Almost out of time so we mosey to the Fountain of Life for a couple rounds of Mary.


Murph Challenge on Memorial Day @ Martha Rivers and the Patriot 5k “Go the Extra Mile” in Charlotte on Monday.

Prayer request:

Lynn Hamm, Tiger’s family, the Self Family, Tool Time’s son-in-law, Sly. and there may be another that I left out.

Namearama  and then naming the FNGs

As always, it was an honor to lead you all today. Everyone worked hard. Thank you all and until next time, keep pushing the rock!

Breaker Breaker


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”  Philippians 4:13



Too muggy to breath

Warm up with side straddle hops 20 ic

Don Qs x20

Toy soldier x 20

25 flutter kicks to get 2 stroke up to temp for rolling in late

Run to lower shed 

25 jump ups

25 lbcs

25 derkins single count

25 star jumps

Run to dam 

10 burpees 

20 monkey jumpers

30 lbc

40 reverse lunges

50 Mountian climbers

40 squats 

30 side straddle hops

20 plank jacks

10 cdds

Run back to gate through the trail.  Once the six was back we run back to the flag for some wall work

Ring of fire with wall sets, squats, and run around poop house 

Finished up with round of Marry, pax called out several exercises till the end.  

Time was up and we did pledge and had a word of prayer.   Oompa Loompa’s farther-in law, Deff leopards son, and several unspoken I’m sure.    

Honor to lead a great group of guys.   Thanks to all for the push. 

Earning Shirts

I had recently purchased an F3 Folsom shirt and made a promise to the PAX of Folsom, and to myself, that I would not wear it until I at least posted there once. Mission accomplished a few weeks ago; however, I felt this still did not meet the criteria to wear such a critically acclaimed AO’s apparel. That said, I signed up to Q at the legendary Folsom. I knew I had to come up with a decent weinke because if I did not, I would not hear the end of it from these guys. This group has by far the BEST mumblechatter I’ve witnessed in my 5 months of F3. While it is mostly distasteful banter, they somehow manage to incorporate accountability and push you to be better.

Rolled up to Folsom with about 5 minutes to spare. As I pulled in, the parking lot looked very light. Roadie & Bedpan were present. Cod Possum was getting lost on the nature trail somewhere. 2 minutes remaining and in rolls Volt, Gravity & Pastor Clever. 530, let’s begin:


SSH x 15 IC

MNC x 30 IC

Let’s mosey…

Mosey up leisure lane then down sportsman dr. and stopped at the parking lot in front of Ol’ Folsom Piss Pond. Asked Roadie if we should go on a manhunt for Cod Possum, he said “She’ll find her way back”. Understood, now let’s do Circuit #1:

15 – Hand Release Burpees

20 – Bobby Hurley’s

Halt. We see a lone ranger coming down the road. Let’s plank for the late arrival. Oh look, imagine that, It’s Sparky. Hey fella!! Recover.

25 – Squats

30 – Merkins

35 – WW1

Recover with a Sparky 10 count. Guess he doesn’t know what it means to give a 10 count. We are not counting off PAX here, this is a very easy task you were assigned and the instructions could not have been any more clear: Count to 10 and let’s move on. 5 minutes later Sparky finally get’s his act together and counts to 10.

Let’s mosey again! Continued uphill sportsman dr. and down through the trail to the first picnic pavilion.

Pastor Clever went back for the six. After realizing Pastor Clever was gone for a hot minute, I instructed the PAX to do step-ups until the six arrived. Still waiting…waiting some more. OK we all know the only one missing was Bedpan and we all know the boy can run. So what’s happening? Surely Sasquatch didn’t get them both. Pastor Clever comes back empty handed. Man this isn’t good, I lost a man. I feel terrible. Volt and Gravity then notify me that Bedpan may have been spewing merlot, for us to move on and he’d catch up later. Hope he’s OK!

Circuit #2

15 – Mountain Climbers – Per Leg

20 – Heel Touches – 10 per side

25 – Dips

30 – Up up down down Commandos

35 – Squat & Press

By this time, we see Cod Possum and Bedpan driving away.

Mosey again! Mosey up to the tennis courts.

Circuit #3

Before we started, I told the guys this last circuit was supposed to have been a Baseball diamond bootcamp to be done on one of the softball fields. Rain and Red clay make for a messy experience. During my Sunday ruck, I was telling Boudin about this proposed circuit and he thought it would be mean of me to make the guys crawl through this stuff. I’ll have to admit he was right. TClaps to Boudin for Omahing the location!! We decide to use one tennis court. We have 6 so break up into partners and you and your partner go to a corner

Corner #1 Exercise – 10 Burpees

Lunge walk to Corner #2

Corner #2 Exercise – 10 Squats w/3 count hold

Bear Crawl to Corner #3

Corner #3 Exercise – 10 Merkins

Broad Jump to Corner #4

Corner #4 Exercise – 10 CDD’s

Inchworm Walkout to Corner #1

5 Minutes left. Let’s do some Mary, around the horn style. Each PAX calls out an exercise no more than 10 reps. Sandy V’s made an appearance. Gravity called 22 Merkins for the Vets.





Midoriyama Convergence Saturday June 9th

Folsom 2.0 June 16th

Grandfather Mtn. Hike – June 23rd

EH Challenge June-July

Prayer requests:

Self family, Oompa and his family, YHC Brother in-law’s mother.


Pastor Clever took us out.


I’ve gotten to know this fine group of HIM at Folsom over the past few months and can honestly say this is the gold standard of southern hospitality. They invited me in with open arms and kept their acceptance of me even after finding out I was Sparky’s cousin (by marriage). They exemplify what F3 is and should be a role model to other AO’s. They NEVER have an open Q slot. They encourage & push each other DAILY (Maybe HOURLY!). They branch out to other region AO’s and invite the best to come visit and share their knowledge of F3. They are always growing, they’ve added 2 run/ruck AO’s to their weekly schedule. We should all take notice and learn a few things from these guys, I know I have. That said I’d like to share a quote from Folsom’s own Chief Rock Pusher, Alan Tate:

“Man ill tell ya im always joking because thats my personality but on a serious note people who are not yet in f3 dont know what their missing. Ive only been really back for a short time but the bond our group has is amazing. Makes u feel like true brothers and not only a friendship but a group to inspire u to do better and to get better. Man im not this close to my police brothers and ive been with them 17 years. Between the posting and the groupme and the community bonding there’s nothing better. I really am glad to be a part of it and to get healthier and to have life long friendships. I feel like ive known y’all forever. Thats all i got.” 

That about sums it up!

Thank you to the Gentleman of Folsom that decided not to fartsack on such a moist & gloomy morning. It was truly an honor and pleasure leading you men. Bedpan, hope you get to feeling better brother! See you guys soon!





We Ran… plus more

17 showed for The Coconut Horse to start off the day.

Some rucked and left early, Some left early and ran extra, Some left early and returned for the start. But, everyone completed the 5 mile loop.

Kudos to Keash and Stroganoff for putting in some major mileage beforehand. Not like it was humid.

Prayer Request: Breaker Breaker for him and his wife and a family member, Oompa’s Father in Law, Nikki Baily cancer, Sly and soldiers.

I took us out in prayer.

We went and had coffee.

Gastone Out!

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