Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 17, 2018


YHC sent out a pre blast last night letting all pax know what was coming.  My favorite workout.  Cinderblocks, 6 exercises, and at least 2 miles.  I was talking to Breaker Breaker last night about the blocks and he mentioned that his son was planning to come out.  After having 14 Pax at the Storm on Tuesday, YHC knew there were 14 block but found another one and thought, yeah that’ll be enough.  Well the Pax kept rolling in and 16 HIM were standing in front of me.  Mayor stated that he would Omaha to “air exercises”.  NO Chance we could let that happen.  With the official #GoatIsland Flag in the ground we said the pledge, I gave a quick disclaimer and the warm up began.  All while trying to figure out where I could come up with 2 more coupons.

Warm Up; SSH x 25 IC, Mericans x 15 IC

Thang; Run 2 laps, start from parking lot and go left up behind the buildings, up the stairs, down around the gazebo, meet back in the parking lot.

Exercises; Curls x 10 IC, French Curls x 10 IC, Front Raises X 10 IC, Squat Press x 10 IC, Russian Twist x 10, Blockies x 10

Run, Repeat exercises, Run, Repeat exercises, Run.

Moleskin; While on the first 2 laps I thought, Hippa has kettlebells, we’re good.  He only had a slam ball and battle ropes.  Mayor had a bucket of baseballs with a lid on it, so we made that work.  Time to get a few more blocks.  Great work by all Pax with 2.5 miles.  This isn’t the most fun workout, but it sure is a #DRP in my book.  Pax never quit and kept moving.  Respect to all you guys and thanks for pushing me.  MadMan awesome work man, not throwing in the towel is 90% of the battle.  #TClaps to each of you men.  It again was a pleasure to lead you guys as always.

COT; Namorama, Welcome MadMan.  Announcements, Prayer Requests.  Dr. Suess took us out.

PreBlast–40 Day Mountain Challenge

I posted this challenge on twitter, so here is the PreBlast…To end the 40 Day Challenge that Roscoe gave, we will climb, hike, crawl, run, and possibly fall down Grandfather Mountain on June 23rd. We’ll leave the Schiele Museum at 6:30 am, arriving at the Boone Fork Creek around 8:00. Then we will hike 3+ miles to top of Calloway Peak. After a few moments to take in God’s glory (there is no place like this on Earth), I’ll provide a Bible lesson. Then we’ll hike back to the Boone Fork trail head. The hike should take us about 4.5 hours round trip so long as we have no injuries! We did this with the Scouts from Troop 11 about 2 weeks ago and it’s a challenge…but if I bunch of knucklehead Scouts can do it, you can too…MAYBE. After the hike we’ll break cornbread at Woodlands BBQ and Picking Parlor (once again, no place like it on Earth!) We should be back in G-Town by 3:00.

Alright…who’s up for it? Let me know, I can go solo if so…

Self Control at Forge

5 men rolled into Grits N Greens for a meal and a short study on self-control. Proverbs 25:28 says Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.” I asked each man  what would they do if someone came into the restaurant and slapped them across the face. How would you handle that when you were 20? How would you handle that if your family was sitting there? How would you handle that if you were sitting in a church service? Would you have any self-control to “turn the other cheek” as the scriptures ask us to do. I am sure most of us aren’t where we need to be as far as 100% self-control but we should be striving to get better each day. Self-Control is a very broad subject but a very personal one. We each are faced daily with decisions that test our self-control. A Focus on The Family article said this, Self-Control is the discipline of saying “no” for the sake of a bigger and better “yes”. We discussed a few of the areas that require self-control. Overeating, greed, gossip, lust, anger, materialistic and pride. We discussed what we gain when we have self-control, not what we lose for each item on this list


How do we improve our self-control? The end of Galatians 5:25 says “let us keep in step with the Spirit”. I believe attending church regularly is one of the best ways to “keep in step with the Spirit” as I have seen this work many times in my own life when I was straying away from areas of self-control. We can improve self-control also by keeping company with people who exhibit it. I remember what Moses (our F3 Moses, not the Old Testament one) said when he began coming to Forge. He said he thought he needed some better friends. That is an excellent recognition of someone striving to be better. Do you need better friends? Are you improving your friends or are they influencing you in a negative way? I told of a friend of mine who I have seen in several situations keep his mouth shut and his anger inside when I would’ve not been so inclined. He knew to “keep in step with the Spirit” in a way that amazed me. We should all be striving to have that kind of self-control in all situations. You don’t want to be known for the one time in your life when you lost control. Our F3 brothers can help inspire us and help us keep in step with our self-control  if we stay plugged in to the group and keep posting.

Thanks to the men who came out and if you don’t have a place to be each Wednesday at 6:30 pm, give Forge a try. We will begin next week studying different men from the Bible. Our F3 Moses will discuss Gideon. Freight wanted me to tell everyone (especially Roscoe) that Sparky had strawberry cobbler with ice cream.

Sad Clown is a HC for 0700 Gashouse

It’s been a while since YHC has Q’d a workout, and it showed…there were multiple Q fails.  When Stroganoff posted the opening for Gashouse, I knew it was time to knock off the rust (shake off the Sad Clown) and get back after it.  I’ve had great excuses for slowly drifting into a Sad Clown (knee injury, coaching soccer for the 2.0s, moving to a new home, preparing the old home to be sold, etc.); however, these are still excuses.

At 0700 the Pax circled up (both bootcamp & pain lab). We identified an FNG (Asher Greer, Dolf’s 2.0…forever more to be known as Dijon) and I gave a quick disclaimer before jumping into the warm up & pledge:

SSH x 25

Don Quixotes x 20

Morocan Nightclub x 20


After the warm up, the PAX divided into two group: bootcamp & pain lab.  YHC was the QIC for the bootcamp & Hipaa was the QIC for pain lab. 12 HIMS participated in the bootcamp workout, and the PAX was given a quick overview of the WEINKE and introduced to the figurative Sad Clown (a 6” x 6” x 8 ‘ pressure treated timber decorated as a Sad Clown thanks to my 2.0, Monet) that we planned to carry around.  I thanked the PAX for following up with me over the last several months…literally, many of them came along side me to help shoulder my Sad Clown burdens.

The Thang.

The PAX ran 0.25 miles while carrying the figurative Sad Clown then stopped for some exercises (30 seconds per exercise) through 12 pain stations.  The PAX carried the Sad Clown (approx. 65 lbs) in groups of 2 and alternated frequently to shoulder the weight.

Station #1 – Mercans, Lunges

Station #2 – CDDs (Def push ups), LBCs

Station #3 – Hillbillies, Monkey Humpers

Station #4 – Time for some Dora: 100 Freddy Mercuries, 200 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 300 Flutter Kicks

Station #5 – Imperial Walkers, Broad Jump Burpees

Station #6 – American Hammers, Bear Crawl

Station #7 – Rocky Balboas (in honor of Stage Coach’s Philadelphia roots), Mike Tyson Pushups

Station #8 – Donkey Kicks, People’s Chair, Hip Slappers

Station #9 – Joe Hendrix

Station #10 – Crabwalk

Station #11 – Mtn Climbers

Station #12 – skipped the exercise because low on time

Bootcamp & Pain Lab finished with some Mary (WWI sit ups, Dying Cockroches) before the bells rang.

After the bells, Linus confirmed the PAX covered +3.2 miles (including the Dora run). Who says you can’t complete a 5k run with Speed for Need?

Hippa shared announcements, took prayer requests, and named our FNG (Asher Greer). Welcome Dijon!!!

YHC thanked the PAX again for “not leaving me behind” the past several months and encouraged the PAX to continue to be intentional to reach out to our other MIA brothers….it makes a difference knowing that someone cares. We concluded our time in a COT in prayer.

Is it raining?

This morning was a good reminder that we missed spring with the rain and humidity I knew today would be moisty. I just heard that word for the first time in a morning meeting. My Man Volt upped his game with a weighted vest this morning,then Pastor Clever had to park at the top of Folsom and join in with us at the pledge. I believe Sparky must had told him the time was 535 not 530 but either way he is a fast runner and caught up quickly.
Before that we did start at 530 after a good discussion on insurance companies to choose and always provide good service to the people you are working for not the guy who left the scene(soapbox needed)with that if you read this and sale insurance you might want to bring some business cards if you post at Folsom.
Let’s get started
Ssh x15
Hillbillies x15
Imperial walkers x15
Burpees x5
Squats x15
Let’s mosey to the flag for the pledge, who’s that ms Parker looks like Pastor Clever coming in hot .
Lbcs x20
Mountain climbers x20
Shoulder presses x20
Let’s mosey some more in this wonderful misty rain and humidity so thick we had to chop through it. I didn’t know I could sweat this much.
Bottom shelter
Dips x20
Derkins x 10
Dips x 20
Step up x 25
Time for some team work
One guy takes a lap while the other does the exercise
Lbcs x 150
WWII x 50
Squats x 100
Mosey up to the tennis courts for some lunges and burpees
Lunge one court 2 burpees then lunge another adding two burpees per line. Then sprint back to the end. Finished with 22merkins for the vets.
This is my 3rd Q so far I was wondering if I would fall face first following Apache’s Q Tuesday. Close to the end of the morning I went back to get the 6 and Volt yelled out just start without me and I thought well I could but that ain’t F3 and it definitely ain’t me. I laughed and ran back stayed close didn’t say much cause Volt speaks more in actions than words. But it did remind me of what Apache said we are all the 6. FYI Volt did chuckle when I came back and said I know string of pearls man. Just a great reminder in F3 if you are in the front or back someone is always by your side.

Announcements Memorial Day 5k or the murph at the dark knight.
Mud run coming up. Also this weekend at Folsom is our 2.0 day this Saturday 7am. I believe Hipaa is bringing the pain lab also.

Prayer request Montrosses Mom has eye surgery keep her in your prayers, pray for our families and those in need.

The Bedpan is full.

Sweat Box Delirium





The Thang:

7 men went out for some fellowship and a mosey ….some did 4+ miles some did 5 some did more …. all got out of the fartsack and made each other better and all forgot where they were….



Announcements – SpeedForNeed Memorial day Race, Memorial Day Murph at Black Knight  7 am, May 19 ( This Saturday) 2.0 Friendly workout at Folsom, Pain Lab traveling to Folsom this Saturday


Sargento’s M traveling, F3Sly and his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.



Tool Time

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