Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 1, 2018

Island VQ

Great work today with the VQ from Island. He stepped up in a strong way. We briefly discussed how to prepare the Weinke and I was ready to jump in whenever he needed me, but…….I never got called in from the bullpen. I was the warmer-upper, handed over to Island, then just tried not to be the 6 until the very end.

We started with a welcome to our FNG, disclaimer, briefly reviewed the 5 core principles of F3, hit the pledge, then started into the WU after warning the pax of our impending VQ beatdown.

WU was longer than usual and noticed by a few of the Pax. We did SSH X 48 since I turned 48 today. JK2 asked for “bet you can’t do a hunderd” but I was on a mission.  We got 48, no more, no less. Then we did some merkins, squats, think we also did some flutter kicks then finished with 5 burpees.

Island took over-we moseyed to the soccer field the long way. Not sure if he got lost or just wanted to run for awhile……finally got to the soccer field and he unloaded the instructions. Partner up, P1 does exercise while P2 does a lap. Exercises were AMRAP: Merkins, Squats, Crunchy Frogs. I think we had a few double up on exercise and miss their last round of running but not sure that was any easier.

Next, mosey to the other side of soccer field for round 2-we did 4 exercises X 4 rounds: Bearcrawl up the grassy hill, 3 pull-ups, 20 Merkins, and 25 dips-we did these in any order OYO.

We moseyed to the parking lot for some more pain: It involved burpees and some other stuff but since it has been more than 5 minutes, I have already forgotten-sorry Island. We did some more moseying and ended up back at Snoball’s right…on….time.

I closed us out with quick COT and namorama with FNG Brad Joyce (Durden). Hopefully none of you know him on a professional level, wait, maybe that would not be such a bad idea. He works in mental health in some capacity. Make sure to look for him and make him feel welcome.


I shared with everyone that I went to my nephew’s confirmation this weekend. The minister talked about the leadership that is missing in our country. I was smiling on the inside because I knew it was not as bad as it could be because of F3 and what we are trying to do within F3 across the whole country, not only in Gas-Vegas (heard that at the run with Stroganoff at Latini Memorial Run last week). Island took his leadership role seriously and kicked some serious butt-it was great to see. Keep pushing each other and pushing the rock. Be a leader in your world as much as you can and keep your brothers accountable.

thanks for the leadership Island-great work.



Last week the site Q at Folsom caught a lot of slack from the Folsom pax on the Good ole  GroupMe chat! So, I reminded the pax that I had the Q on Tuesday, go ahead and get it all out of your system,  because come Tuesday you want be able to pick up your phone! I tried to deliver!

Pulling in at Folsom, it was a good site to see! Medicine Woman getting his Ruck on! And the parking lot was pretty full for a Tuesday! 530 hits!

10 burpees oyo! Mumble chatter already!

Lets mosey, to the flag, pledge, mosey back to the “trucks”! Grab a Block!

20 to 1! If you put your block down during the the WO, that will cost you 5 burpees OYO!

20 squats

20 shoulder press

20 curls

20 triceps

then 19 each, 18 each, 17 each, you get the picture! Somewhere around the 16 rep mark, the burpees started for some of the pax! All of the Folsom pax pushed hard, hats off to Hank! I think that guy is a machine! Lots and lots of mumble chatter during this, I think some did burpees, to get a break from the blocks, weird?

5 minutes left, we have time for one more mosey!

Im very proud of these Folsom men, they are a solid group of HIMs, and I am blessed to be a part of!

Announcements: warrior dash, beginning of June, Memorial Day 5k, Memorial Day Murph! Adding a run/ruck day at Folsom on Wednesday

Prayer request: some unspoken, Allen Tate’s mother in law, Bedpans son, each other and families!

Thanks men, for letting me lead! See you in the gloom!


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