Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2018 (Page 6 of 7)

3 3 4

3  different exercises, 3 different sets, 4 PAX.   Doesn’t get much meaner than that.

Merkins, Split Merkins, Werkins.

Squats, Lunges, Monkey Humpers.

LBCs, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers.

X 10 rounds.

A little bit of stair running and deep sea divers to warm up.

Other than the fluctuation in the cadence, and occasional wind breaker, this was a smooth wake up call for some muscle growth and cardio building.  Mumble chatter was at an all time high. Sorry for all youz that missed out.

3 minutes of Mary ended this madness.


COT: Prayers for Scott Meeks and family, Linda Arnett, T-Square’s grandparent, Officers family who’s sister died in an auto accident last week.

What’s Your Name?

Seven men gathered at the Goat on a cold early April morning. Winter is just having a hard time leaving. He is like the friend that has been talking forever and you think they are about to leave, but then says, “oh yea, by the way” and goes on for another 30-45 minutes…. As Pockets was coming through the parking lot, he noticed something interesting in the back of Dolph’s truck and asked if he was expecting some snow. What were all those coupons doing in the back of the truck? Hmm, interesting!



SSH x 25 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC

The Pledge


Mosey back side of Cramerton main street, up the stairs, and down to the bridge. Looks like the gate entrance to Goat Island was locked, after some tugging at the lock, realize it was not locked and opened the gate. Thank goodness b/c Q was trying to think fast what rest of the workout was going to be if we couldn’t get into the gate…Mosey to 2nd bridge and then bear crawls across and then to back parking lot for 5 burpees. Next exercise, Walking Zombies across the parking  lot, 12 mercins, and then Walking Zombies back across for 12 more mercins…

Let’s mosey, bear crawls across bridge and then mosey to Dolph’s truck. Hmm, what is going on now? Everyone grab a coupon and head back over to entrance to Goat Island. All PAX take coupon for 8 curls, 8 overhead presses, and 8 squats and then run across bridge and back. Repeat and rinse x 5…I hear the train, 5 burpees.

Once completed, mosey over bridge to picnic tables on the left…20 dips and 20 derkins. Mosey back to parking lot for a round of Marys. After Q did first set, look over to his left for next PAX to name next exercise, but had a brain fart and couldn’t remember PAXs name and asked “What is your Name”, oh yes Mayor, next exercise.

Announcements – CSAUP and Community Run

Prayer Request – Lynn Hamm (brain tumor), Breaker Breaker’s uncle (back surgery recovery)

Good job all. It was a pleasure to lead you this morning.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13

Rainy Day at the Yank

YHC as site Q leads about once a month just to keep it fresh and get new leadership in the mix. Have been hearing a little about shaking things up so the drizzle provided the excuse to do so. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Merkins X 15

Squats X 20

Mosey up to the shelter for some grinding that consisted of

Merkins X10

Jump Squats X 10

Dips X 10

LBCs X10

Burpees X 10

Oblique crunches X 10 (each)

Dirkins  X 10

Step ups X 10 each leg

After round 1mosey to the playground for velociraptors and stairs with merkins (5X). Repeat 3 times

Round 2:  Mosey entire park and up to the field for Bear Crawl Slalom followed by  SSH (10)and squats (10) Agility run back.

Round 3 :  Run park to Heartbreak Hill for Triple nickel with star jacks and plank jacks bottom to top

Round 4: Finishing act, run back to the flag for COT!


Not a lot of rain to worry with. No melting. Crew showed very well today. Never did see the runners. but I am sure they came through. Maybe

CSAUP day Afterburn

8 HIM’s showed up to the Coconut Horse to run and ruck their way to morning bliss. 4 ran, 3 rucked and 1 ran/walked. 6 for coffeerama. Great time, great conversation. Thank you men!

I want to encourage others to join us if you can. This AO has been one that I look forward to. There is a lot of 2nd F time here.

Holding it down

I offered to Q at Folsom today knowing attendance would be low due to the CSAUP. I heard Leppard was coming and you never know if a FNG or someone traveling may show up. I think it is good to keep the AO open just in case. Turns out it was just Def Leppard and I that showed. Quality over quantity today fellas!


  • SSH 15 IC
  • Appalachian Americans 15 IC
  • Don Qs 10 IC


Short mosey to the lower shelter. I planned to try to work the chest and core today and the dry shelter is a good spot with hit-and-miss rain around.
– Shoulder Taps 15
– LBCs 15
– Step Ups 15 IC
– Squats 15
– repeat all 4 exercises a 2nd time
Leppard noticed someone turned on the heat in the shelter during the 2nd set of taps. Funny thing is I had just noticed the same thing. The 2nd set felt a little tougher.

OK, lets mosey around the pond and to the flag at the park entrance for the pledge.

Short mosey to the parking lot for 11s featuring burpees and squats. We started with 10 burpees and 1 squat. That made the whole workout tough but getting those burpees out of the way was nice! We got ’em all done. Frankly, if Leppard hadn’t been there, I am not sure I would have pushed through. Having a workout partner is crucial!!!! Quick fellowship mosey across the parking lot to recover. Good work so far, full mosey back to the lower shelter.

Lets work the abs a bit more.
– LBCs 20
– Sandy V’s 20
– Big Boys 15
– Flutter Kicks 15 IC
– quick lap around the parking lot
– LBCs 20
I had planned to repeat all 4 ab exercises but realized we were ignoring the sides of our abs so I asked Leppard for some suggestions and the wiley ol’ vet was glad to oblige with some suggestions.
– LBCs – 8 to the left knee, 5 to the center, 8 to the right
– LBCs – cross right leg, 10 to the left knee, cross left leg, 10 to the right (great suggeations. Expect these in my next Q!
– Shoulder Taps 15 (those last few were TOUGH!!!!)

Mosey to the parking lot. We had a few minutes left so we did a modified Route 66 – lunge to every other line and do Hurleys. We did 8 lines.



YHC took us out in prayer. Prayer requests included Leppard’s son and his family as well as the guys running the relay.


Today was another great example of how iron sharpens iron. Leppard said he was there because he didn’t want me to post alone. I got up partly because I knew he was coming. We pushed each other through and wound up with a little over 2 miles covered and A LOT of reps! Just as important, it was good to spend some time and get to know more about his son as well as get to know him. Thanks for the push today!

Trail Run

I’m posting this for Gomer. Many of our regular pax are gearing up for the Relay Saturday so attendance was light but young Gomer was ready to lead the 5 Pax.


He calls for a mosey and somehow, we wind up on a trail about a mile later. Gomer calls for an exercise and then we return to the trail run. Few more exercises and mosey back to the flag with 2 miles done.

Plenty of time for some Mary so we take turns with Merkins, LBC’s, American Hammers, 25 Shoulder Tap Merkins (for Pizza Man), Low Slow Squats, Lunged to the turd shack and back, 22 for the Vets and time.

Announcements: Regular Saturday AO’s are open while many are running the F3 Gastonia Relay CSAUP. 3rd F event on Friday, April 13th at 7 p.m. at the Porch on Parkwood’s campus. Speed for Need at the Community Foundation Run on Saturday, April 14th hopefully with a large F3 presence.

Prayer Requests: My son Logan dealing with seizures, Allen Tate’s mother in law, Billy Madison’s inlaws, Guys running the Relay, Gomer.


*Gomer wasn’t feeling well the last part of his Q and we hope he is better soon. Sparrow is new to F3 and really pushed hard on that 2 mile trail run! Blart always helps lead the way and pushes everyone to get better. Tool Time is on the IR from exercising but got in 5 miles without messing up his hair. Who did he learn that hair thing from? Its always nice to run through the trails in the Spring and see the creek, trees, rocks and hills, well maybe not the hills!


Here deer deer deer

On the way home from work yesterday I stopped off by southern states and picked up several 50lbs bags of deer corn, to put out for the deer! These bags of deer corn will also make for some great mumble chatter at Folsom! Before parking at Folsom, I took the bags and dropped them off in the bottom parking lot then headed up to the pax! Pulling up I see Sister Act and Swimmer joined us this morning, good to see them on a weekday. 530, time to start!

Warm up


hillbillys- 15ic

DonQs – 15ic

Mosey to the flag at the entrance of Folsom, pledge, 22 for the vets! Mosey back to the truck to pick up the jump ropes on our way to the bottom parking lot.

Partner up! Partner 1 starts the exercise, partner 2 run across the parking lot while carrying the 50lb bag of corn!

100 Merkins

100 squats

100 lbcs

150 jump ropes

Time for a mosey around the park! Partner 1 starts the mosey carrying the bag, handing it off to partner 2 as needed! While running the long way to the flag pole and back to the trucks! On the way back to the truck, YHC had a pain hit, and had to find the closest bathroom! With 7 min left, the pax stepped in and finished up!

25 flutters ic

16 merkins ic

20 Freddie M ic

( to many) Sandy Vs

10 Burpees oyo

about this time yhc returned, feeling much better!

Announcements- CSAUP, community 5k

Prayer request- Medicine Woman’s leg, Sister Acts traveling, each other!

Good job by all the pax! Thanks for the opportunity to lead!





Play Ball!

Spring has always been one of my favorite times of the year. The reasons are numerous, but they include plenty of great things in the world of sports. There is the NCAA tournament, the Masters, and of course the start of baseball season. Say what you will, it’s still America’s pastime. So to celebrate the start of another baseball season, YHC decided to put together a baseball-themed weinke. And remember, Chris Weinke was a professional baseball player before he was a Heisman-winning QB at FSU.

As I parked and walked through the parking lot, there was a group of men that had put in some early EC. Kudos to those HIMs for the dedication.

No FNGs so a quick disclaimer.

SSH x 11
LBCs x 11
Merkins x 10

The 11’s were for the 11 runs the Yankees had put on the Rays the night before. For some reason, I stopped at 10 on the merkins. This would not be the last case of absent-mindedness for YHC during this workout.

The Pledge

Mosey to the building in the middle of the baseball fields at the park.

Instructions were given to the PAX on how this homage to baseball would work. As a group, run down the first base side to the end of the outfield.
Perform exercise at 1st base. 56 squats (Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hit streak record)
Run back to home plate
Now, run to second base but stop at 1st base again for 56 more squats
At second base, 56 merkins (Jose Ramirez led MLB in 2017 w/ 56 doubles; the merkins were also a tribute to Willie Mays Hayes)
Back to home plate
During this whole time, there were various discussions about second and third base, but we tried to keep things focused on baseball.
Next was third base with stops again at 1st for 56 squats and 2nd for 56 merkins
At third base, 36 flutter kicks (Single season triples record set by Chief Wilson in 1912)
Back to home plate
And finally, the home run trot with stops again at 1st for 56 squats, 2nd for 56 merkins, and 3rd for 36 flutters.
Once the PAX reached home plate, 59 american hammers (2017 home run total for MLB leader and current Yankee slugger Giancarlo Stanton)

Everyone loves offense, but nothing beats a great pitchers dual so we also had to do a little bullpen work. The pitcher/catcher partnership is crucial in baseball so the PAX partnered up for a Dora-style bullpen session.

Partner 1 ran to the end of the outfield while partner 2 performed the exercises. Once partner 1 returned, partner 2 ran. You know the drill.

65 Burpees (Carlos Carrasco’s win total 18 + Alex Colome’s save total 47 – both MLB leaders)
225 Mtn Climbers (Corey Kluber’s MLB leading 2.25 ERA)
308 LBCs (Chris Sale’s MLB leading 308 strikeouts)

A call was made to the bullpen to cut the burpees off once each partner had run one lap so the total of 65 was probably not met by all groups. Other counts were completed as planned.

Mosey back to Snoballs

Gashouse has Q spots available for the next couple of Saturdays
Pain lab shirts available for pre-order

Prayer Requests
Hushpuppy’s friends going through adoption process; having a virtual run to raise money; contact him if interested
JK2’s dad
EZ Rider – special request
Drone – need for encouragement and EH
Thanks for the prayers for my mom. Her hip replacement went well, and she’s recovering and doing well.


You may notice that I did not include Name-o-rama. That’s because on the way home, I realized we did not do a name-o-rama. YHC humbly apologizes. If you were there, you know who you are.

Special thanks to Billy Madison and his effort to ensure that at least one of us looked like an actual baseball player.  Well done sir.

Until next time.


YHC has felt horrible about having the Q at Folsom last Thursday and fartsacking leaving the PAX hanging. In all honesty, I’ve been in a funk lately due to some personal mess and stress. After missing Thursday and Pizza Mans Q at Folsom Saturday, YHC started chiseling at this thing called life a little harder. By praying and taking some steps to change how I’m dealing with these issues, I’m starting to feel new life stirring. So, to move on, I roll into Folsom looking forward to making up for my slackness of last Thursday. To my surprise, there wer NO PAX waiting. I’m usually one of the early birds, but today I was only about 7 minutes early. While I sit in my truck, I’m going over in my head what my weinke is going to be and here comes Bedpan. Just a couple seconds later, Volt. Plenty of time for Sparky to roll in but it’s time to go to work.


SSH, Hillbillies, Merkins x10 IC



Still no Sparky, so we mosey on up towards the park entrance. On your six for LBCs, flutters, Sandy V all x20 IC

alright mosey across the highway to Walmart and “Train” yep, that’ll be 5 burpees OYO. Continue to mosey around behind Walmart headed towards the dreadful hills, which by the way, need to mowed soon! Time for some 11’s mike Tyson’s at the bottom, fast bear crawl to the top for squat jumps, then crab walk back down. I must admit, it was a wonderful idea on paper. Ok, grab some wall for some Hipslappers x10 IC and then get personal with the wall with 50 calf raises facing the wall. There’s a nice little curb at the bottom of the wall and yes, it looks pretty awkward doing the raises, I saw bedpan using a little circular motion and a lot of hand moving on the wall. Time to break up the romance. Mosey back across the road and behind the civic center to the horse arena. Line up for Triple Nickel.  5 DIPs, step ups or jump ups to the top for 5 burpees. Rinse repeat times 5. YHC notices the time is running thin. Omaha after the third round. Let’s mosey the long route back to start. Not bad, ending up with 1.9 Miles.

Announcements: The Forge Wednesdays in Lowell, CSAUP Saturday, Community Foundation Run next Saturday.

prayer requests lifted and YHC took us out

Men, it’s a blessing to be a part of something so special. I’m thankful for all the relationships I’ve built and looking forward to more. Thank you for all the encouragement and drive you men bring to the table, even the trash talk is encouraging. Let’s continue to push this rock together and build a stronger, more godly community. AYE!

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