Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2018 (Page 1 of 7)

Folsom Discipline

Sparky asked for a Folsom Saturday Q and I agreed. The Folsom guys have been really pushing the rock lately so you can’t bring a substandard weinke or the mumblechatter could turn ugly. I arrive around 6:25 and see a big group which is always what you want to see. 18 HIM’s ready to get after it. I like to keep it moving so let’s get started!

Warm Up SSH x 10 IC, Hillbillies x 10 IC, Mosey to the Flag near the road, Pledge, Low Slow Squats x 10 IC, Penguins x 10 IC

Mosey to the pond with the new Pier, can’t because there are fishermen already there, so keep moseying to the large parking lot near the softball field. This was going to be Wilt Chamberlains (100) but YHC “Omaha”ed (is that a word) to 53 (some old guy’s age) but IC so ’twas not easy. LBC’s x 53 IC run back to parking lot near pond and return. Squats IC x 53, run to end parking lot. Flutter Kicks x  53 IC, run to the end of the parking and return. Lunges back to the parking lot entrance. Somewhere in here, while I am trying to catch my breath, we discussed today’s topic, Discipline. I shared the story of my wife’s friend who is a doctor who told her one time that she was never the smartest in any of her schools but she was very disciplined to become a doctor. I read from Navy Seal Jocko Willink’s book, Discipline Equals Freedom. “Don’t worry about motivation. Motivation is fickle. It comes and goes. It is unreliable and when you are counting on motivation to get your goals accomplished – you will likely fall short. So, don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on discipline. You know what you have to do. So. Make yourself do it. You do that with Discipline.” Roscoe added “If you don’t feel like posting, go anyway and let the guys pull you through that day. Be disciplined to show up.” Aye!

Mosey back to the playground for a Def Leppard Six Pack. 5 pull ups, 1 CDD. 4 pull ups 2 CDD’s, 3 pull ups, 3 CDD’s, 2 pull ups, 4 CDD’s, 1 pullup, 5 CDD’s. If you must know I am infamous for my CDD form and 5 pull ups is about all I can do at a time. Sister Act had to leave to go to yet another Dance competition about this time. He is kinda group text famous for his outfits and makeup. Ask a Folsom guy, they can show you.

Mosey to the tennis courts for Red Barchetta. After consulting with several music experts (Roscoe, Short Sale and Whoopee) it was decided this is pronounced with a “sh”. I borrowed this from a (noted Rush fan Whoopee) Q a while back. Sprint the length of the tennis courts then 100 SSH (my calves), run back to start and wait on the six. Sprint 75 yards (4 courts) do 75 Mountain Climbers, run back to the start. Sprint 50 yards (3 Courts) 50 LBC’s and run back to the start. Sprint 25 yards (2 Courts) do 25 Merkins. Sprint 10 yards (1 court) 10 burpees, run back to the start.

Stay on the tennis courts and count off  by 1’s and 2’s. 1’s on one side of the nets and 2’s on the other for Wojo’s Sprint Relay. We had 2 teams of 8, 4 stay on this end and 4 to the other end for each team. When I say go, the first guy for each team here sprints to the other end and then the next guy on his team goes to see which team finishes first. Now, when I say these guys got after it, I mean they got after it. Several of these guys (we checked on Strava) were in the 3 to 4 minute/mile pace range and the race was close and hopefully no one was hurt. Every Single Man was pushing with all they had and it was great to see! Gumby’s legs looked like a cartoon they were going so fast!

Like I said, I like to include a lot in my Q’s so a few minutes left. Time for some Frisbee Rules Football on the tennis courts. This was supposed to be in our parking lot near the pier but no time today. Too many guys in a too small space but touchdowns were scored and touchdowns were dropped. Mosey back to the flag.

More on discipline from Jocko. “It happens in the darkness of the early morning. In solitude. Where I try. And I try. And I try again. With everything I have, to be the best that I can possibly be. Better than I was yesterday. Better than people thought I could be. Better than I thought I could be. Faster and Stronger and smarter. And claim one victory that no one can ever take away from me. Ever. A victory that is earned every single day. A victory achieved because: I will not stop.”

The Darkness

The sun doesn’t shine every day. The storms will come. There are times when the nights will be long and dark and you will be alone. There will be times when the darkness seems to consume everything. But don’t let it consume you. Don’t let it consume you. Even in the darkest times. Even in the strongest storms. Even when the sun is blotted out and the world is falling apart. The Darkness cannot extinguish your light. You. Your WILL. Your determination. No matter what is happening – no matter how hard the fight is. As long as you keep fighting – you win. Only surrender is defeat. Only quitting is the end. Because the Darkness only wins if you let it. Do not let the Darkness win. Fight. Fight on. To fight against the Darkness is to win. Fight on.”

Announcements: Speed for Need has a race on May 28th in Charlotte. Folsom will be having a 2.0 friendly workout once per month during summer months on Saturday at 7:00 am. Roscoe announced the 40 day Challenge Part Deux. Whoopee asked us to help keep each other accountable.

Prayer Requests: Breaker Breaker’s friend battling cancer and his aunt, JK2’s dad, every guy has unspoken prayer concerns.

COT: Sparky with his 2.0’s joined us and took us out in prayer. Coffeeteria at Country Kitchen.

*Thanks to all the guys who posted today. It means so much to the Q to have a large group. Thanks to Pizza Man and Slaw and anyone else who picked up the six. That is an important part of our workouts. Thanks to Whoopee and Roscoe for their encouraging words. Thanks to Huckleberry for being so honest and an inspiration to me. Thanks to the Folsom regulars Roadie, Medicine Woman, Volt, Montross, Gumby and Sparky for showing me and us all how to keep pushing. To be honest, I didn’t feel great today. I was tired and sore from posting Thursday and Friday and had a late night but the group pulled me through today as they have many times!

The Stable is Expanding

In case you haven’t heard, the Coconut Horse is growing. 26 HIMs posted for Rucking or Running. YHC took the Q, so 5 Burpees OYO before we get started running. Hey, it’s Slaw. Welcome to FNG Durden, who was EH’d by Wojo. Great work, brother! Solid work by everyone on a perfect Sunday morning! AYE!


  • Memorial Day Patriot 5k in Charlotte (will be pushing veterans) check with Tool Time if you’re interested.
  • Whoopee mentioned the annual “Memorial Day Murph” for those not running with Tool Time.
  • If you’re planning on ordering Mudgear compression sleeves/ calf condoms, order them through Amazon to help our brothers out getting their gear to the top of the list.
  • Roscoe announced the beginning of “The 40 Day Challenge: Part Deux”. Read  the pre-blast and details at or the backblast channel on Slack.

Prayer Requests:

  • Breaker Breaker’s friend who is battling cancer. Also his Aunt.
  • Pastor Andrew Brunson who is on trial in Turkey
  • JK2’s Father
  • Def Leppard and his upcoming trip to Asia.
  • Defib running the Big Sur marathon and safe travels
  • Some YHC forgot and truly apologizes to those who mentioned prayer requests

YHC took us out in prayer.


Roscoe mentioned the beginning of the 40 day challenge today. Def Leppard and Whoopee shared some wisdom from Jocko Willink on discipline at Folsom yesterday. Even when you don’t FEEL like posting/running/eating right, the discipline of sticking to your goals will see you through. Even when you feel like you’re just “going through the motions” of working out, do it anyway. You may not like it while you’re going through it, but you will be glad you did after you’re done. Whoopee spoke on keeping each other honest and accountable during the challenge. Don’t be afraid to call your brother out (in a brotherly love kind of way) and help keep him on track. That’s the whole “Iron Sharpens Iron” aspect in the shield lock. YHC has seen firsthand how  much of a difference being disciplined has helped our PAX during the last 40 day challenge. Let’s get to it and push each other.

Keep pushing,


Quality…..not quantity

As I arrived back into the parking lot at the Schiele after an EC run, I was expecting a big crowd as I have not posted at Gashouse in well over a month due to travel, the CSAUP relay and other running events.  As I pulled in, all I saw was Moses.   Maybe the PAX was apprehensive about another Stroganoff Q……..unlikely.  Shortly, a few more arrived but it was a small crowd compared to the normal numbers at Gashouse.  We would still make the most of it.

An FNG, thanks to Hunchback.  Disclaimer.  Short warm up:

SSH X 20 (IC)

Imperial Walkers X 10 (IC)


Time to split up as Clavin had the Painlab Q

The Thang

We moseyed to the main parking lot at Grier Middle School for some Stroganoff 5’s:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 10 Merkins – Lunge walk back to starting location

Rinse – Repeat for a total of 5 reps

Mosey to the steps at First Presbyterian Church for some partner work – Rally to 1000:

Partner 1 does exercise – Partner 2 runs up the stairs for 5 Merkins and back down to switch with partner:

LBC’s X 200

Squats X 200

Flutter Kicks X 200

Mountain Climbers X 200

Freddy Mercury’s X 200

Mosey to the track at Grier for some Booyah Merkins Half Mile:

Same partners.  Partners run opposite direction on track and perform Booyah merkins once they meet up as follows:

1st Half Lap – 8 Booyah Merkins

2nd Half Lap – 6 Booyah Merkins

3rd Half Lap – 4 Booyah Merkins

4th Half Lap – 2 Booyah Merkins

Short mosey to the picnic tables for the following IC work:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish off with some Mary:

LBC’s – Box Cutters – Dying Cockroaches – Mountain Climbers – Nolan  Ryans

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Closeout with a Prayer

4 for Coffeeteria

Good work men.  Good to be back at Gashouse after a long absence.

Welcome FNG Stagecoach.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Hills, Buprees, and Bear Crawls!

What an awesome Spring Saturday morning to be outside for a workout! YHC was anxious driving to the Yank, not sure of the turnout but had a well prepared Weinke and ready to push that rock. As I pulled into downtown Belmont, several PAX were finishing up some EC running. By 7am, we had 11 HIMs, including YHC readyfor a Fighting Yank beatdown. Let’s go to work!


SSH – 25 I/C

Toy Soldiers x 10

Lung w/Twist x 10

Burpees x5


The Thang:

Let’s mosey to Hawthorn Hill..

Triple Nickle with a Bernie Sanders twist

5x Merkins at bottom of hill, run backwards halfway up and then forward to top of hill for 5x squats. Rinse and Repeat 5x.

YHC hears a train, 5x burpees…

Mosey onto the parking lot down under. Here we lose Pockets, had to leave early but he did make it out for the hill work. All PAX meet in center of parking lot for next set of exercises. We all break off into 4 groups and all perform 5x burpees in center, each group moves to a corner for the given exercise.

Group 1 – 12x Balls to Wall HippSlappers,

Group 2 – Mercins x 11

Group 3 – Imperial Squats x11

Group 4 – WW2 or Big Boy Sit-ups x 11 (Q stated BB sit-ups but was doing WW2)

Complete your exercise, run back to center for 5x burpees and then to the next exercise, back to center for 5x burpees. Continue until each group completes each exercise and then rinse and repeat another round. We completed a total of 40 burpees during the two rounds.

Time to mosey again up to the Field of Dreams…YHC had stopped on his way in  before workout and laid out a triangle of cones for our last exercise, the Bearmuda Triangle, modified. It went like this, 1x burpee at first cone, bear crawl to second cone, 2x burpee, bear crawl to third cone, 3x burpees, and bear crawl back to cone 1, rinse and repeat 3x. The exercise calls for each cone to be 30 yards apart, YHC spaced the cones at about 10-12 yards apart and at that distance, it was a bear crawl beat down.

Mosey to Ring of Fire for a round of PAX selected Marys and finished 5 more burpees. Thanks Boudin!



F2 event at Rankin Lake, Frisbee golf. Memorial Day Convergence & Patriot 5K and Global 6k for Water on May 19th.

Prayer request…continue to pray for Breaker Breaker’s friend Lynn Hamm with brain tumor, aunt with recent stroke, Andrew Brunson (missionary in prison in Turkey), Slim Shady upcoming Disney vacation, Tiger’s wife, and men and women in military.

It was an honor to be your Q this morning! Great work by all and way to push that rock! Until next time!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13


Going postal

Arrive early

only Stroganoffs car and shovel flag thankfully planted


Set up Pain lab …. how many will show? Dont care … I’ m here and raring to go!!


6 minutes to go …wait here’s Moses, Linus …. theres Stroganoff were doing alright …. two more Hunchback and FNG ….Stroganoff gets us rolling … after  warmup and pledge one taker for  pain lab! Alright ! Have my new shirt on … ready to rock it out !

Hipaa tweeted great promo using a pic from Cheers and plenty o postal words of encouragement which gave me ideas …

set up stations using small postal boxes filled with weights for Bricks… had a tub  unmarked so Wont need to pay a penalty filled with mags…. two boxes ( one marked fragile ( pronounced fra gee. Lay) !! And another labeled bulk rate loaded with a cinder block in one and small block in other …. 2 minute routine set by tabata timer using great tunes  like Epic   Black Betty Immigrant Song and awesome remake of Cranberries hit Zombie by Bad Wolves we also had station for derkins and dips and arm stretch bands…. complete 12 total ….. now the clean up!!! Easy peasy… pick up… take 1/2 to truck … return and ruck the two block boxes around parking lot twice… return these to truck …. return to flag … no one here? Thats fine …. “circle”(of 2) up begin 50 lbcs … 6 mins …. no one still ? Box cutters x 20 …. begi…. oh wait … here they come … reset …. receive orders for correct count … reset … lets go! Stroganoff calls dyin cockraoches Linus Mtn climbers i modify …. lastly hunchback brings us homw eith Nolan Ryans….


announcements next week there may be a special visitor next week at Schiele from Gazette to check us out maybe get free press ? Show to know

name FNG …. Stagecoach …. welcome brother !



as many know earlier this year amped up workouts … running … running dome more … attempted 10 miler attempting to achieve goals of 1/2 and maybe even full marathon…. had bakers clot … layed off .. still present …. had MRI showed meniscal tears …. get surgery this week and I’ll be back soon! I was so upset st first that this happened … had idea of showing at AO for workout but do my own Pain LAb … not to encourage Q to redo Weinke but just in order to be present and receivecfellowship . While we have equipment at home that Ive used during my IR …. these dont talk to me or COT …. in short its not the same.  To those on IR , i would like to encourage you to come , modify …. but mostly be present ! Its a very special thanks to Hipaa for staying back with me when I’ ve come and we put together our own beat down … low or no impact utilizing coupons …. plus dont discount the comraderie!


Remember the Twenties

I can’t remember ever having 22 on a Friday morning, but damn if it wasn’t cool.  Lot’s of mumblechatter, too much flatulence, plenty of sweat.  No much to say except, here you go;


WARM UP: 50 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Squats, 20 LBCs,
20 Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker Peter 10, 10 Imperial Walkers, 15 Squats IC

Bear Crawl Inch Worm around the pavilion
PAX lines up head to feet in plank position.
The man in the back of the line bear crawls to
front of the line and yells front and next.

Rocky Balboa 20 IC,  Deep Sea Divers 4 steps

Meander to parking lot – partner up:
Imperial Squat Walker 100
Parker Peter Merkin 100
Crunchy Frog 100
Mountain Goats 10 IC:
Partner runs there, then back & switch!

Dirty Hookup 10 IC : Performed as 4 count exercise.
Pax plank up, facing a wall with eyes on wall.
“1” Right hand raised to press against the wall,
“2” Left hand raised to the wall (now in horizontal plank),
“3” Right hand down to ground, “4” Left hand down
(back to plank position)

Mosey to Pavilion
The Wolverine Burpee 10 OYO:
From standing position, drop to plank, one merkin,
left knee tuck to the chest, another merkin,
right knee tuck to the chest, yet another merkin,
stand, jump, overhead clap. That’s one. Rinse. Repeat.

Captain Thor 10/40: 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers.

Merkin Mania-Routine:
5 Diamond Merkins, 5 Merkins, 5 Wide Arm Merkins,

Squats 10 IC , Lunges in a circle, Flutterkicks 25 IC,  Dying Cockroaches 10 IC,


Announcements: There are things going on, didn’t record.
COT:  Pray, pray, pray

40 Days of Discipline Part Deux

The first forty days of discipline was a great success with many PAX becoming more intentional in putting in the work and eating better.  The results speak for themselves.  Several PAX have lost the equivalent of a ruck sack.  I am not a mathematician but I would approximate that our attendance at AO’s in our region have increased by at least 9000 percent.  Hopefully most of those habits have stuck with you.  If so, the fitness and diet part of this challenge should be the easy part.

This 40 day  initiative begins on April 29th and ends on June 7th.  (Start it out at the Coconut Horse for that first post of the challenge)


1. Workout a minimum of 5 xs per week from April 29th through June 7th.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  Four cheat meals.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink alcohol or limit it to one or two drinks.  Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

  1. Cherish your M: Take your wife out on at least two dates in the forty days.  
  2. Bring at least one FNG to a workout in these 40 days. For every three FNG’s, you get a cheat meal.  #AlwaysbeEH’ing.  If you EH a guy who posts and you aren’t there, that is a 50 burpee penalty #nojoke
  3. Acts of Service: Do something for someone else daily with no expectation of anything in return.  Be grateful you get to do it.  Encourage others.  Lead or participate in a service project.  Make a point to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.  Journal your efforts (honor system) Extra credit if your 2.0’s watch your example and/or participate. 
  4.  Read a book.


Your fitness is important and you are pushing the rock.  You workout with your brothers in the shieldlock.  You are blessed to continually strive to experience all 3 F’s and you know that when you are striving to be your best, you need to share it.  Be the example.  Be the man you know you were made to be. 

Now for the fine print….


You must workout a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a day workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute run in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      You still cannot have Mountain Dew T-Square.  No other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, fast food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water…you get the idea.  If you defile a chicken foot in a blender and claim that is nutritious, you are automatically DQ’d (I’m talking to you Gastone!)

Protein shakes within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  You will be working out more and this will help you recover.

You are allowed four cheat meals.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.  Remember you can earn more by bringing in 3 FNG’s or going on a date with your M.

Alcohol:  I am no nutritionist but have seen enough articles about red wine being good for the heart and beer being a good recovery drink.  However, I am not recommending anything here.  Moderation and limit yourself to one day a week if you have to have it.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my IPhone since I always have it with me.  I journaled all my workouts on my phone in 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also saw where I was injured and what I did to modify workouts until I was healed up.

Journal what you are grateful for and start with your M.  Try not to take her for granted.  Chances are she is the best thing that ever happened to you.  As Will Munny (Clint Eastwood) said in Unforgiven, “I ain’t like that no more. I ain’t the same, Ned. Claudia, she straightened me up, cleared me of all that drinking and killing and such” (I know that isn’t totally accurate but that is how I like to remember it).  If she likes to stay home, stay home and spend time without distactions.  Write her notes…send her flowers…cards…Text emoji’s are nice but they don’t count.  If you are on a date with your wife, you can eat a free cheat meal.  If you don’t have an M, be nice to your dog.  (If this isn’t in your comfort zone and your M is taken aback in your sudden change in behavior, it will probably be amusing so share it with your bros)


If you missed an opportunity to bless someone by an act or gesture of kindness, try not to miss the opportunity the next time.

Read a book that would do you good.  Make it about something that interests you or inspires you.  You have the time.

Give it away.  Think about that friend that you have mentioned F3 to many times.  You know he needs it so get him out.  And then do it to someone else.  Pick them up.  Post with them.  If they post and you aren’t there, you will do 50 burpees the next time you post.  I am sure the Folsom crew won’t mention that you failed to post with your FNG on their Slack channel or group text.

Be grateful for your family.  Be the example for your kids.  Push the rock and hold yourself accountable.  Give it away.  Realize it isn’t about you.  Serve others.  Be the best you can be.  Maybe we will all be a little better in June because we will be intentional about it.    Make positive change in yourself and make it contagious.

It all begins Sunday so prepare yourself and plan!





Midoriyama Millennium

When YHC decided to take the Q, he already had the Weinke locked and loaded. YHC had posted at the Schiele a while back with Brownstreak at the helm. He announced that the workout was the “Millennium”. Different exercises performed with a total of 1000 reps performed. YHC wondered if he could pull the same workout off at Midoriyama with 15 minutes less than Sir Streak. No problem. YHC will cut out the mosey and keep the warmup “Whoopee friendly”. It seems as if rain follows YHC and his Q schedule.  Def Leppard texted YHC 15 minutes before the workout and said “might need a rainy day Weinke”. Well sir, YHC does. It’s called get out in it and get it done!The rain started 5 minutes before start, which YHC totally loved. 10 men answered the call, and 5:30 hit. Time to get to it.



  • SSH x 1 IC
  • Don Q x 1 IC
  • LBC’s x 10 IC
  • Slawter starter (20 Burpees OYO)

The Thang:

Unload coupons out of the truck. Circle up for 4 rounds of: (all exercises single count)

  • Dips x 25
  • Squats x 25
  • WW1’s x 25
  • Plank Jacks x 25
  • Block Thrusters x 25
  • CDD’s x 25
  • Block Curls x 25
  • Flutter Kicks x 25
  • Block Swings x 25 (like kettle bell swings)
  • Merkins x 25

1000 reps completed just in time. Mucho mumble chatter from the PAX during the few rest periods during the workout. The rain poured relentlessly for the duration of the workout. Maybe YHC should request his F3 name be changed to Rain Man. On a positive note, it did keep the PAX cool on an evening where it’s usually warming up pretty good. Hard work by every man in attendance. Props to Wheezy for doing his flutter kicks under Swimmer’s dropped tailgate of his truck. #worksmarternotharder.


  • Frisbee golf this Saturday at Rankin Lake
  • Coconut Horse start times the Sunday: 06:00 (walkers/ruckers) 06:15 (clydesdales) 06:30 (anyone left)

Prayer Requests:

  • JK2’s dad
  • Family of a man Pockets was acquainted with who passed away
  • Def Leppard’s son Logan
  • Def Leppard’s hip
  • Tool Time’s workout limiting injury
  • Oompa Loompa’s Mother
  • Allen Tate’s Mother-in-Law
  • Ronald Gibson (in CMC and not doing well at all)

YHC took us out in prayer.


This past Tuesday, Swimmer shared a story of his Father passing away when Swimmer was only 5 years old and how he has “outlived” his dad by 6 weeks now. He also mentioned how important it was to know you’re right with the Sky Q, then live every day to the fullest, because we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.

That made YHC stop and think about his life and his family. YHC’s daughter will be off to her Junior prom this Saturday. YHC can’t believe how fast time has flown and all the time he thought he had to spend with her has almost completely vaporized. At lot of PAX out there with an empty nest can relate. Every day is a precious gift from above and should not be taken for granted. YHC urges all PAX to be intentional about spending time with their family and friends, because once the day is gone, it’s gone. YHC is trying to be the HIM his family needs and the Sky Q expects. Thank all of you for your encouragement and allowing YHC to lead.

Until the next time,




Pre-Blast: 5/28 F3 Memorial Day Convergence + Patriot 5K w/ SPEED FOR NEED

F3 Metro, F3 Area 51, and surrounding F3 Nation Regions !!! Coordinate your clowncars, bring your shovel flags, and lace up your shoes to remember our military veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Save the (modified) murph for another day!  This year F3 Nation has the special honor of escorting 8 WW2, Korean War, and other military veterans in the Patriot Family Festival 5K through SPEED FOR NEED, and they could not be more excited!  Don’t believe me? Well watch some of them in the Charlotte Marathon Relay and see what fun they had being honored.  Veterans Complete CLT26.2 Event Video

Here’s the deal… 0630-0715 Convergence followed by 0730 Patriot 5K followed by an additional “Extra Mile” for our military heroes.  Choose your own adventure for the race: Bring your family and run with them, run with one of the 8 racing chairs (many pace groups: fast, faster, fastest), or run your own race.  But whatever you do make sure to cheer these guys on, and all the other service veterans present, and thank them for their service, as they remember their fallen brothers and sisters with us.  The goal is to have all surrounding Charlotte regions represented, and just a great morning of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.  Here is the Event Video from last year… which was a great event: 2017 Convergenge and Patriot 5K


RACE EVENT: F3 Nation Convergence & Patriot Festival Go the Extra Mile 5K

WHO:       F3 Metro, F3 Area51 & surrounding F3 Nation Regions (driving distance from Southpark)

WHAT:     F3 Nation Convergence, followed by Patriot Festival 5K, followed by Extra Mile for heroes

WHEN:   Monday, May 28th 2018 / 0630-0715 Convergence / 0730 Patriot 5K

WHERE: next to South Park Mall / 2101 Rexford Road, Charlotte NC 28211 (parking lot at The Esplanade Building)

WHY:      Memorial Day is a day where we remember our armed service veterans who died for our freedom.  And celebrate those who have served our great country.


TEAM:     F3 / SPEED FOR NEED (Disc Code: F32018) . Price is $30 before code and goes up on 4/30



Questions? Message me @ JRRTOLKIENF3

See You all out there Memorial Day!

JRR Tolkien

Going to California

Post title to honor our cardiologists: Defib (to run this Sunday) & Whoopie (listen)

Today’s run was Defib’s final prep for the Big Sur Marathon. He promises in-Marathon posts to Twitter.

Oompa Loompa & I ran 4 miles up & down Armstrong while the most of the PAX ran 5: Armstrong to New Hope (L) to Gardner Park (R) to Armstrong (R) & back to Pub. JKII went rucking. Somewhere. Nobody really knows where… or if he actually did it!

Announcements: Gastone is turning up the heat on the BRR team. He mumbled something about running up and down Crowder’s Mtn over and over again. Roscoe has big F3Dads plans for the summer but he doesn’t know what they are. Maybe Sparky does. Tool Time promises HOURS OF PAIN on Memorial Day: Murph (F3Gastonia) followed by Speed For Need 5K in S CLT (many F3 regions pushing 8 chairs, all Veterans); check Slack channel. 2nd F Disc Golf this Saturday @ Goat; bring M+2.0s; Sargento will announce time.

Prayers for JKII’s dad; Sly (just promoted to Sergeant & received orders to Germany for 3y)

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