Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 1, 2018

Adapt and Move Forward

After a difficult battle with the fartsack this morning, I arrived at Folsom to be greeted by Volt and Bed Pan.  Wait, no Roadie?  This morning is different, for sure.  A 3 a.m. message on the group text let us know Sparky was sick and wouldn’t make it.  Wait, Sparky has the Q.  Well, no time like the present for my VQ.  No weinke, no problem, I can wing it with the best of them.  Adapt and move forward.  Let’s do this!


15 SSH, IC

10(?) Appalachian American, IC

15 Plankjacks, IC



Let’s mosey.  We head to the flag pole because we will pledge first…can’t forget that!  It is dry under the walkways so lets work on those abs.

  • 30 LBCs, IC

  • 20? Flutter kicks, IC

  • 20 Big Boys

  • Short mosey to the parking lot for 11s consisting of Merkins and Slaw Squats (because #TeamTimberlake).

Gloves are soaked now.  Volt let me know that on rainy days, we were supposed to stay off the ground.  Pretty sure he just made that up but noted!

Mosey around down to the lower parking lot, plank for the 6, 10 Plankjacks for good measure.

More mosey, around the pond to the next parking lot.  Volt and I grabbed a few burpees along the way for good measure.  Mosey back to the flag and then the parking lot.  Right at 2.25 miles.  Good job but we have enough time for one more exercise.

  • 10 high intensity Don Qs.




YHC took us out in prayer.  Prayed for Volt’s daughter and Bed Pan’s family member.



Slaw and I just spoke Tuesday night to plan for our upcoming co-Q.  Our talk really helped me out this morning!  Also, I have been paying attention to many of you as you Q at Folsom and downtown, taking bits and pieces I want to use when my time came.  I guess you could say a lot of people helped Q this morning!

Volt and BP, thanks for the opportunity and jumping right in alongside me.  It was an honor to lead this morning.

One last thing – 3/10 is the  first ever Team Timerlake Q, live and in full effect at Folsom. You do not want to miss that!  The mumble chatter may be at an all time peak for that one!

  • Montross

Carousel of Pain

Another Q this week and still more rain to contend with. But that is okay, Goat Island has a covered gazebo and provides a good space for a cozy workout. Honestly the rain was light and we could have probably performed close to a normal workout but staying in one place allows the group to remain together the entire workout – no picking up the six. Add in the timed elements the mumble chatter can really get going and at certain times, it did.

I pre-tweeted the workout and only got two HC’s from HIPPA and Boudin, both of whom enjoyed (???) a similar Weinke at the Dark Knight at the beginning of the week (props to both those guys for posting the two days between too). So I budgeted my coupons for 8-10 and as luck would have it, got 8 – the perfect number for the planned routine. Here is what we did.

Through the misting rain, we make a slow mosey to the gazeebo.

Warm-Up, get in high plank:

  • Peter Parker IC x 10
  • Burps IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Mtn Climbers IC x 10
  • Low Merkin Hold ~30 seconds
  • SSH IC x 10


Three signs were taped at the top of the gazebo with three circuits to be completed focused on lower body, upper body, and core.

Circuit 1:

  • Right Lunge / Squat / Left Lunge
  • Merkin with alternating toe taps
  • Flutter Kicks

Circuit 2:

  • 90 degree Sumo Squats
  • 10/2 Merkins
  • American Hammer

Circuit 3:

  • Scissor Squats
  • Plank Jack Merkin
  • Peter Parker

I could have set a timer but that would be easy, we’ll let the PAX work for it. The 4th team would perform 10 burpees to serve as the timer. Once they complete, everyone moves to the next round. This was a crowd pleaser with a lot of shared appreciation. Dolph and Mayor were partners which typically required repeating instructions as the first attempt typically interrupted their side-bar. When the first round was over, the PAX were hunched to their knees catching their breath. A 10-count was called. I then asked for guidance if we should complete another round or move to something else on the Weinke. Apparently ABBA didn’t hear the option and whole-heartedly accepted the proxy of the PAX and voted for round 2. Mayor was not pleased but to make amends, I Omaha’ed the burpees to 5. Mayor said it was the best thing he’d ever heard a Q say. I doubt it but I’ll take any compliment Mayor offers. So…onto Round 2 where we went a slightly faster pace. The next circuit would take us to the end. We split into 4 stations with coupons.

Station 1 – PVC pipe (sand filled)

  • Round 1 – V-Ups with PVC
  • Round 2 – Rifle Squats
  • Round 3 – Straight Arm Jacks

Station 2 – 1/2 Block

  • Round 1 – Alt Lunge w/ Press
  • Round 2 – LBC w/ block
  • Round 3 – French curl

Station 3 – Elastic bands

  • Round 1 – Lat Pull Downs
  • Round 2 – Hi/Lo Chop
  • Round 3 – Rows

Station 4 – Full block

  • Round 1 – Curls
  • Round 2 – Bench
  • Round 3 – Kettle Bell Swing

Rounds were performed in sequential order, moving through each station before the next round would begin. The PAX put in solid work through these rounds. During the Round 2 Chops, Mayor snapped the elastic band. Only brute strength could sever the rubber in the middle. Dolph patched together and we kept going. I was just glad Mayor didn’t pull the metal structure on top of us. The other noteworthy item came from Tesla. He commented at 57 years old, his entire body is stiff, all except for the one part he’d like to be stiff. Aye!


Dolph’s father-in-law ‘s is struggling with his health. A co-worker of HIPPA had a cardiac event that is causing concern. ABBA asked for prayers for all of us. Boudin reiterated a pre-blast he posted for the GoRuck event to be held in August or October. Boudin has accepted a lead to organize our region so reach out to him for details. If you are interested about rucking – post at 0600 Sunday at the Coconut Horse and hike the 5 miles with the guys.


This one had a mix of cardio and strength training but a whole lot of chatter. This one is a keeper for a future rainy day workout for sure. Note that HIPPA and Mayor donned the weighted vest increasing the push for some if not all the work. We didn’t get wet except for our own sweat. It was a good break from the normal bootcamps. Hopefully warmer and dryer weather will be here soon to free any constraints and bring the guys out. Q fail in that I forgot the Pledge. Until the next one…thanks for the chance to lead.


5 PAX at the Forge on Wednesday for a Fried Chicken Special. We discussed Galatians 6:1-5 Bearing one another’s burdens.

James 1:2

1Peter 2:24

John 13:34-35, 15:12

1Peter 5:6-7

Galatians 5:26

Romans 12:3

Matthew 18:15-17

Romans 15:5-7

Marriage at Forge

Sorry for the delay posting for Forge on 2/21/18. 6 Pax show at Grits and Greens in Lowell for a Bible Study about marriage. I am certainly not a marriage expert but I have many difficult lesson over my 30+ years of marriage to my lovely bride. Here is the cliff notes version from the meeting.

Marriage is ordained by God and is a covenant between God, you and your spouse. “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let not man separate.” Matthew 19:4-6 I made an analogy about 3 ply thread being much stronger than 2 ply thread.

Attitude does matter.  “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 We discussed keeping communication lines open, avoiding saying “always” and “never” and do not hold grudges. Mrs. Leppard has taught me about that one.

Change yourself. Being a better man and a better Christian can influence your wife and family. “But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13  I told a story of a man I worked with who was saved much later in life mainly due to his wife’s example of love and how we each should strive for that type of love. Those who know us best should feel that type of love from us.

Say positive things about your wife publicly. “House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” Proverbs 19:14 This one may not seem as important but can make a world of difference to your spouse.

Try to keep our selfishness in check. Marriage for men is often fighting the battle of SELF. “All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” Isaiah 53:  In a marriage, it is not about YOU anymore. I read something I liked that said, marriage shouldn’t be 50/50 but each spouse should strive to put in 60% while being content with 40% in return.

Now the one verse that could radically transform every marriage! For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” Ephesians 5:25 This may be the most challenging verse in the Bible for a husband because Jesus set such a high standard. He literally gave his life for His bride (church). He calls us to love our wives with that same level of devotion. Jesus died for his bride but we often won’t pick up that item from the store. Jesus died for his bride but we often won’t fold that load of clothes. Jesus died for his bride but we often won’t sweep up that dirty floor. Jesus died for his bride but we often won’t fix a meal and clean up the kitchen. Let’s strive to love our wives as Christ loved His!

There were discussions after each point so thanks to the Pax for showing up.

Table for 2

2 showed and the rain stopped.

The Thang:

We rain 5.5 miles. Out and came back the Robinwood Road way.

The Moleskin:

Rain, Wind, or whatever. Life is not perfect and neither is the weather. But, it was actually a perfect weather for running.

Gastone Out!

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