Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 11, 2018

Probably the last time

We’ll do worst merkins ever and burpie broad jumps within 5 minutes of one another.

This one started a minute or 2 late, but we definitely made up for it with a shoulder buster routine.

If you haven’t Q’d downtown, sign up. There are so many different places to go and routes to take, we shouldn’t see a similar workout for 6 months.  And away we go…………………

20 Side Straddle Hops IC, 10 Merikins IC, 10 Plankjacks IC, 10 Peter Parkers IC, 10 LBCs IC, 20 Flutterkicks IC

Mosey and mosey 4 blocks to Piedmont Charter front steps.

Partner Up.
1 runs up all the steps to the front door, knocks out 10 sumo squats.
Partner hits DERKINS.
SWITCH 2 rounds.

Dutch Skate half a block to a previously empty parking lot.

15 Dips IC
Burpie Broad Jumps 8 lines – 2 rounds
15 Dips IC
Freddie Mercuries 10 IC
10 Dying Cockroaches IC
10 Crunchy Frogs

Mosey around to back of school

Partner up
1 partner runs around the building, down the block and back to the parking lot.
1 Partner hits the worst merkin ever. 1 wide, 1 regular, 1 diamond – repeat.
Initially, I said 50 total, Omaha’d to 2 rounds, because I can.
5 Burpies

Wells Fargo
Monkey Humpers
Sumo Squats
Wall Sits – Led by Slaw
Mosey to Pavillion.
Deep Sea Divers.

I left my phone at home, didn’t record name-o-rama.  Help me out guys, I have 2 names missing.

40 Days of Discipline checkup #3

So by now hopefully most of you are getting into the groove of eating better and making yourself get more workouts in that you would normally do.  Great work!  I am inspired to hear from some of the PAX on Slack that they are meeting and/or surpassing their goals ahead of schedule.  I hope that these little changes that produce big results become habits.

Just as in the fitness part of F3, modify as needed.  This may mean don’t put sugar on your strawberries.  Add a splash of sweet tea to your unsweet tea if you have to have it.  Get a sweet potato instead of a mashed potato.  Try cinnamon instead of brown sugar in your oatmeal.

Keep up the routine of having that protein shake ready as soon as you finish your workout.  Try to get enough sleep so you can recover more fully and be the best version of yourself.  Don’t compare yourself to another PAX, compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has a new book titled “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.”  One of those rules is to make friends with people who want the best for you.  I have seen that in action this past week.  Sargento and Quiche’ are helping me and to that I say, “Dilly Dilly”

Don’t get discouraged if you feel as though you hit a plateau.   Keep up the great work.  We are over halfway there!

Gaston County’s Premier running AO

So the PAX gathered with more than a threat of rain to run the 5 miles of the Coconut Horse.  It was 67 degrees and sort of muggy but there was a fairly strong breeze that kept things cool.  As we gathered our humble Nantan whispered to me that I was the Q.  Thanks for the advance notice!  As there was one minute to spare I declared my status as the Q and then we moseyed off into the Gloom at 0630 sharp.

We started out with fairly brisk pace but it was still conversational.  YHC, Tool Time and Whoopee were honored to be running with Remo towards the front when Whoopee challenged us to come up with words of wisdom to share with Remo since there are decades separating our ages.  Some wisdom was imparted at this time.  Remo is inspiring us with his preparations to go to USMC boot camp in April.  We are living vicariously through this fine young man.

The Nantan then challenged us to quicken the pace through the downhill section towards the Greenway.  The pace was almost jailbreak speed but slowed a little once on the Greenway.  Especially when we realized the creek had overflowed its banks and deposited several large mounds of silt and mud which were hard to see at that time of the morning.  Madoff and Messi were fast and steady as always and most of the group stayed close.

As we continued on the Greenway, three shadowy figures appeared ahead and it was almost time to set up a flanking maneuver except we recognized them as Pockets, Oompa Loompa and Hipaa who had taken the Hudson cut.  The groups continued on towards the goal of finishing the run and despite a headwind we got to the end.  Whoopee snuck up behind me and went for the pass on the home stretch and then went back to pick up the six.  I started after him and after a while began wondering if he was just running home.  Fortunately we then found the six and the entire group finished together.  A quick COT was held just as the rain began pouring down.  Four stayed for Coffeerama and Whoopee took care of the check.  #classact  (Hipaa is a HC for next week…YHC threatened a convergeanace coffeerama next week at 0715!)

There was some serious brainstorming ideas that came out of Whoopee.  Perhaps a future event that would involve first and second F’s and a large body of water.  Remo declared that although he trains M-F at the recruiting station, when he posts to F3 and gets around the PAX he comes away refreshed.  Aye brother!

Until next time…


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