Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 7, 2018

“That’s not a train, it’s a redneck truck horn!”

It seems like only yesterday YHC had the Q at the prison palace called Folsom. A little chilly walking out to crank up the patty wagon to head into the gloom. I’m  sure the PAX will be prepared. As I leave my neighborhood, I get overwhelmed with the smell of a skunk in the air. Not exactly what you want to wake up to. The thing is, today is about the tenth  straight day of that smell. It has been several different dead ones I’ve noticed all along this eighth mile stretch. Is it mating season for these things or is there just a high concentration of them right outside my hood? Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Rolling into Folsom, I see Allen Tate in the patrol car runnng radar, wait no, that’s not Allen Tate, he would’ve been parked at the very back of the park. Roadie then sends a text out to watch out for the PoPo. Ok, park and set the shovel flag. Here come the rest and it’s 5:30.


ssh, toy soldiers, x15 IC

pledge, wait train 5 OYO, ok now pledge

long mosey up and around by the ball field through the lower shelter and up over to the amphitheater. 8 tenths of mile not bad! Ok, grab the short wall for some dips x20 IC, Rocky Balboas x20 IC (this was exciting), rinse and repeat x3. Ok, balls to the wall for some ring of Fire burpees. All on the wall, Q calls go, PAX one drops and hits 5 burpees, resumes position on the wall then repeat til all PAX are finish. Mumble chatter picking up, so let’s hit the wall for some hipslappers x20 IC, donkey kicks 20 OYO, rinse and repeat. That can’t be the same train? Roadie says nah, it’s a redneck truck horn, either way 5 OYO. Hank says I wonder if the run back the same path would be the same distance. Well, physics I believe would say yes, but that was where YHC was headed anyway. Long mosey back making a brief stop by the pond for you guessed it, Route 66 with Bobby hurlys. It’s become a given at that particular lot. Ok, mosey on up to the park entrance flag pole for some LBCs, sandy V, Flutters all x20 IC. Running out of time, lets mosey back to start.

announcements: Snowbird March 16-18,

COT, prayers lifted up

YHC lead us out in prayer

thanks again for the opportunity to Q. You Men and the vision of F3 are why I’m out there. Thanks for the push, accountability and encouragement. Nice work men!

Gastone’s Hill

14 of Gastonia’s finest men showed for Snoballs with some rain in the forecast.

The Thang:

On my Count, SSH and Imperial Walker. (Billy Madison joined us around the end of Imperial Walkers)

Mosey to the bottom of Gastone’s Hill.

We stayed together but did 5 Burpee’s at every mailbox on the way to the top. 12 Mailboxes.

50 Flutter Kicks, count the right foot.

Mosey to the bottom. (Hippa joined us, how he found us I will never know)

Backwards to the top. (I used to be better at this one, it hurt)

50 LBC’s

Using the mailboxes on the way down.

We did a combination of Squats and Monkey Humpers that increased as we went down visiting every mailbox. (This sucked for all)

Once at the bottom just because we had not really done legs yet we did Lunge walks up the hill for 40 yards.

(Whoopee had told me before the workout to get it all in before 6 because he will have to leave, it is now 6 at this point)

Mosey around to the drug store.

Plank, right arm right leg, left. Then elbow plank for 1 minute.

Mosey in front of the Food Lion to the small staircase. We all squeezed in and did 20, 15, 10 calf raises with small breaks between the sets.

Mosey the the wall in front of Park Sterling. 20 Dips then 15.

Move the the grass and we did Jack Webb to 7 and then back down.

Mosey to the start and it is raining good now. So everyone on the ground to end with Flutter to 20.

The Moleskin:

I asked if anybody wanted to Q and people seemed to volunteer faster today for some reason. So next week is covered. Overall a great morning, was much warmer and not raining at the beginning. The rain actually felt good once it arrived. Lot’s of push in the crowd, even a couple wearing weight while we are doing these workouts. Kudos!

Kiwi was mentioned as a prayer request. He was in the hospital for a while in the ICU. He is out now and home recovering. As he is recovering make sure you reach out to him as he was new and make sure he knows we want him back..

Always and honor to Q, thanks for being around,

Gatone out!


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