Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2018 (Page 1 of 6)

Forty Day Challenge Backblast

Today is the 40th day of the challenge.  Some of you chose to participate in this challenge.  Some attempted it and stopped or didn’t do it at all.

To the ones that stayed with it, there are some pretty amazing results.  Special TClaps to Roadie, Tool Time, Time Frame, Breaker Breaker, Mayor, and others for some pretty remarkable weight loss and increased focus on their personal goals.  To Sargento and Queeeeishce or however you spell it for their hounding me throughout the 40 days about what they can eat.  (the rule was…as long as you don’t enjoy it, you can eat it)  To Gastone for sharing that picture of a chicken foot in a mason jar that seemed to “trigger” some PAX.

TClaps to Freight, Whoopee, Boudin, and “kotter” Woody for signing up for a March GoRuck in MECA.  Due to their additional training, it has been an opportunity to get some extra credit before workouts.   Stronganoff and YHC have been taking advantage of that extra training and if you haven’t tried it, walking around with a bunch of weight on your back talking to your old friends is good for the soul.   Def Leppard is catching on too as a good rehab for his hip.  Strong work!

TClaps to Hipaa, a recent convert to F3 Gastonia.  Whoopee gave him the solid EH and under doctors’ orders he has been a posting machine, including already wearing a weighted vest.  As an inside joke, Hipaa was challenged to buy the coffee after the Coconut Horse.  He stepped up and lead and actually publicized it and we had a sort of mini convergence  that day with lots of Rucks and Runners.  It is a great routine on Sundays now and other people routinely are picking up the coffee tab.  Hipaa is similar to our friend Bulldog.  He comes out of nowhere and is all in.  Great work!

So as we conclude this challenge, I hope it helped you and you can consider keeping the good habits you formed and stick with them.  Self-discipline….journaling, making better food choices, prioritizing your workouts, and supporting each other along the way.  Sounds simple doesn’t it?

Before this began I asked myself how I could be more disciplined?  The answer was simple.  Don’t do it alone.  You held me accountable.  Thank you!

Stop doing the things that you know are wrong and keep getting after it!

 “People do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future.” –F.M. Alexander

The Web of PAIN

An expertly delivered combination of burpies, sprints, missed cadence and ball busters accompanied groans and smashed goals.  Once in awhile, even with the cutting jokes and wit, a beat down is worth repeating.  If you missed this one, it’ll be back in April.

Merkins 10 IC + Planjacks 10 IC + Mountain Climbers 10 IC.
Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 20 IC, Bobby Hurleys 30 IC
Dying Cockroaches 30 IC, FLutterkicks 30 IC, Don Quixote 5 IC


Mosey to the Ole Brick Monster parking lot. Circle up.

5 – Burpies
10 IC – Crunchy Frog
20 Single Count – Merkins
20 Single Count – Squats
10 IC – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie – Repeat x 5

Line up – Run across parking lot to the Ole Brick Monster, sprint back

5 – Burpies
10 – Crunchy Frog
20 – Merkins
20 – Squats
10 – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie – Repeat x 5
Mountain Climbers 10 IC + Freddie Mercuries 15 IC

Line up – Run to the far side of the parking lot to the curb.

5 – Burpies
10 – Crunchy Frog
20 – Merkins
20 – Squats
10 – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie x 5
Mountain Climbers 10 IC + Freddie Mercuries 15 IC

Line up – Run to the far side of the parking lot to the curb.

5 – Burpies

Line up – Run across parking lot to the Ole Brick Monster, sprint back

5 – Burpies
10 – Crunchy Frog
20 – Merkins
20 – Squats
10 – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie – Repeat x 5
Mountain Climbers 10 IC + Freddie Mercuries 15 IC

Line up – Run to the far side of the parking lot to the curb.

Dip 15 IC, 10 Squats IC, Dips 10 IC Mosey to Snow Balls

Dying Cockroaches 15 IC, Freddie Mercury’s 15 IC, Dying Cockroaches 15 IC


Prayer Concerns: Stroganoff’s travels.



Surprise Q…what?

I was given the opportunity to Q at Midoriyama and wanted to try something a little different.  So early in the day I reached out to a good friend of mine who you all may know, JRR Tolkien aka Fightin’ Mongol, for an opportunity to give the PAX at Midoriyama a beat down.  He definitely didn’t let down.  17:30 rolls around and it went like this……..



10 Burpees OYO

Let’s mosey to the soccer field but not before 5 burpees at the speed bump.

The Thang:

The PAX circled up for 6 inch LBC’s X 50…there was a lot of moaning and groaning with this.

The next crowd pleaser was Merkin set.  This is where the PAX perform different type of merkins in up/down cadence.  They were….

  • 5 Regular
  • 5 Wide
  • 5 Diamonds
  • 5 Right arm in front
  • 5 Left arm in front
  • 5 Right leg raised
  • 5 Left leg raised

Now with mubblechatter at the peak let’s head to the BIG hill at the dog park.  Each PAX was to NUR up the hill do 5 reverse burpees at the top and run down the hill and perform 5 burpees at the bottom.  Rinse and repeat three times.  This really got the quads burning.

Great work from everyone…let’s go…on to our normal soccer field for some rugby sprints.  Exercises were…

  • LBC’s
  • Flutters were called but some HIM complained about being injured so Sandy V’s were done for him instead
  • CDD’s for our brother Def Leppard (may or may not have just said go on one instance…lol)

Now let’s hit up the smaller hill for 11’s…merkins at the bottom and WW1’s at the top.

With 18:15 approaching we moseyed back to the flag.  On the mosey back we had a surprise visit from one of my favorite F3 Gastonia brothers…BROWN STREAK!!!  It is always good to see you!! We had just the right time for one last set of 6 inch LBC’s and Merkin sets. TIME!!!


April 7th – F3 Gastonia CSAUP event – Pre-Blast coming soon!!!

April 14th – F3 Gastonia SpeedForNeed Event – Sign up here—–>

April 21st – Christina Latini Memorial 8K—–>


Great push by ALL PAX!!!  Welcome FNG Top Flight!!!  As always a pleasure to lead a great group of HIMs.  I know that it’s easy to stay where you are comfortable but it is also great to get out meet new faces in F3 and see how different F3 Regions workout.  With that being said try experience the F3 Gastonia NOMADS when the next opportunity comes.  This traveling group not only allows you to meet new faces in F3 but see how it’s done in other regions.  Once again special thanks to Tolkien for the beat down!!!

Until the next time….Pizza Man is OOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!



GROWRUCK Charlotte Pre Blast

Hey guys, I am the Gashouse Q for GrowRuck. The GrowRuck experience is designed to draw out the leadership principles that are implicit in most GORUCK events by including a specific, leadership-focused classroom portion and then a GORUCK Challenge (Light or Tough) led in such a way to specifically illustrate and make impactful those lessons through team physical activity. In the F3 context, it is best suited for men who have little or no GORUCK experience or for GORUCK TOUGH who want to introduce another man to GORUCK and potentially sharpen their skills as leaders who model followership.
In the F3 context, these events are often designed to include all three Fs and form a peak F3 experience over the course of 48 hours (usually Friday to Sunday). There is usually a 2nd F event on Friday. Saturday morning begins with a workout as a group then a leadership teaching by The Iron Project. TIP is a leadership consultant firm which was founded by OBT, Dredd, and Gnarly Goat. The leadership teaching last to around lunch. There would be a breakfast served before every one goes off to get some rest before the GORUCK event starts at 6 pm on Saturday evening finishing up around 6 am on Sunday morning.
The Iron Project runs these for profit, the cost run about $150 per person. They target 35 participants per event. This GROWRUCK event will take place in Charlotte and will have PAX from around the region participating. There is a Lend a Ruck program, so you would not need to go out and buy one. This announcement is gage initial interest from GasHouse. This event would take place in late August or October. Please let me know if you have any questions or would be interested in participating in this leadership event. Please pass the word to those who are not on Slack, and I will also share at the workouts throughout the week. Thanks, Boudin

Moving to Plan C

Sunday afternoon was slow moving to provide plenty of devotion for planning my Q at the Black Knight, so much that I actually packed my car with coupons and tweeted a pre-blast advertising the pain that was planned. I should have checked the weather report. My sweet M informs me during dinner “you know it’s supposed to rain tomorrow?” The look on my face confirmed my failure to plan. It was followed by another thoughtful statement – “you guys are idiots.” That we all know! A new strategy was designed. Hope the PAX will like Plan C.

0510 Monday morning I peer out the window to confirm the ground is wet. Gastone had already called in sick (get well soon brother) giving the feeling the boss would be away. Three of our Ruckers vehicles were in the lot, so I knew I’d have an audience. Slowly others rolled in and 0530 hit for go time.

The warm-up, if you want to call it that was more about waiting for Whoopee, Boudin, and Roscoe to shed their rucks and join the circle. “Forward arm-circles were called to allow the brief disclaimer to be stated. “It’s wet, watch your step, and don’t die…Backward arm-circles.”

Official Warm-Up:

SSH IC x 5


Mosey – Whoopee was gleefully excited time was not wasted.


We quickly arrived across the street and the running portion of the workout was over. Under the covered drive-through of Park Sterling, our 11 men filled the four lanes for Pure Cardio. Unlike past workouts in Tabata format (30 seconds on/10 seconds off) the challenge would be amplified, and I’m not talking about the excellent playlist either. Each circuit was three exercises to be performed for 30 seconds with three rounds in succession. For you Chapel Hill grads, that is a total of 4:30. A 30 second rest was generously granted by YHC but mostly to demonstrate the next circuit of exercises. You’re welcome to try this at home:

1)      SSH, Plank Jacks w/ Shoulder Taps, LBC’s

2)      10/2 Twist Jumps (pretend you’re on a clock face: left foot at 10, right foot at 12: jump turn so left lands on 12 and right on 2), 10/2 Merkins (same as above but in plank/merkin form), American Hammer

3)      4×4 (Mtn Climbers & Merkins; jump up & repeat), Seal Jacks (for JJ, no green card needed), Right Lunge, Squat, Left Lunge (perform lunge facing right, hop into a squat, hop 90 degrees to face & lunge left – this is a nice burn)

4)      Mike Tysons, 4 Plank Jacks then 4 Star Jumps, Flutter Kicks

5)      High Knees, CDD’s, Fifer Scissors with opposite hand punch (R hand to L leg – keep your legs as straight as possible to get the most out of it)

6)      Merkin with Jingle Balls (push-up, right hand touches left toe, push-up, left hand touches right toe – lots of grunts on this one), Squat Pulse (kind of like Monkey Humpers but sans the ankle grab), Ski Abs (the PAX certainly noticed the Ski Abs circled back to the Merkin – the shoulders were burning after this set).

We finished with about 9 minutes left; we recycled only going one time through each set. We then went into Mary for the final time:

·        Flutter Kicks, Chopsticks, Leg Lifts, LBC’s, Freddie Mercury


There were no prayer requests from our PAX’s immediate family/friends but Roscoe shared that prominent Charlotte business man, Johnny Harris lost his 43 year old daughter unexpectedly. The associate that shared that news lost his father on the same day. YHC noted the recent passing of Reverend Billy Graham. Only the Sky Q knows our time on this earth to make an impact. We need to make the most of our time but know that for those that have passed, they are comforted in God’s arms.


I assure you the workout that was planned – it was going to be brutal and you will get to experience soon, I promise. Sometimes life throws you something and you have to adjust to those circumstances. We’re talking about leading a workout but you get the idea, it happens on a daily basis. Hopefully Plan C (C=cardio) wasn’t too bad. Keeping everyone in a tight circle with music in the background and a rolling clock – you’d think might promote some mumble chatter but it today for some reason was light. Maybe the PAX were concentrating on these new odd-ball exercises. Which are mostly stolen from my Insanity DVDs. But the order, well I read an opinion the most effective cardio was going from standing to plank, or seated. Why do we moan when burpees are called? Repeated up and down movement with jumps and upper body stress kind of suck. So most of the order was done to create the up/down as well as work multiple muscle groups at one time or build on something else. It’s not rocket science but there is a purpose. It was nice to see Roscoe posting at the DK (I know his M is sick – get well Mrs. Roscoe). I was not expecting Turtleman to post with his Uber driver ill – props to you. Whoopee is back at it upon overcoming a cold, getting an EC ruck with Boudin and Roscoe. Solid work from Squirt, JJ, Spiderman, Time Frame, and Stroganoff. HIPPA sported his weight vest. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the fun. Until the next one.

Deck of Pain – or how to hate the Turkish Get-Up

The parking lot was pretty full, and as it got larger you could tell that winter is nearing an end.  How many would make it out for Painlab?  Earlier in the week HIPPA thought I put a gif of a break-dancer with a kettlebell on twitter.  Soon he would meet the Turkish Get-Up.

Large group that Sargento Q’d, he made his usual crack about how Painlab is lesser workout (which he does EVERY time, I’ll break him soon), someone else said something about “only” Painlab, which Mayor replied with something I can’t type here.  Decorum prevents it, sincerely Douglas S. Nedermeir, Sgt. at Arms.

It should be noted that while in the warm-up circle, I met the soon to be Moses (FNG) who showed up by himself.  Dope!  He and I chatted and tried to explain this madness.  But how impressive is that?

We warm-up, we pledge, then Duke, Bandit, HIPPA, Mayor and I grab the gear.  We went to a different spot as I thought asphalt might be easier for the TGU’s.  We made a circle, I put on the tunes and meet the Deck of Pain, which is the Deck of Death but a big twist:

Every number is an exercise, and that tells you the repetitions.  Every suit is a specific exercise, and you drop-set from the exercise to the suit exercise:

2 – Turkish Get-Up

3 – Side Row Lunge (each leg)

4 – Tactical Lunge (each leg)

5 – Bottoms Up Curl (each arm)

6 – Clean & Press (both or single arm)

7 – Snatch (each arm)

8 – Figure 8’s

9 – Skull Crushers

10 – Around the World

Jacks 11 – Clean’s

Queens 12 – High Pulls

Kings 13 – One Arm Swings

Ace – Winner’s choice

The Suits:

Hearts – Merkins

Clubs – Squats

Spades – LBC

Diamonds – Burpees


So if you pull the 7 of Diamonds, we do 7 Snatch’s each arm, then go straight to 7 Burpees.  Next person draw a card.  This was not easy.  I had to employ 4-5 10 counts, especially when the King of Diamonds fell, then about 10 minutes later the Queen.  We pulled a major Omaha on the Turkish Get-Ups.  Along with Swings, this is the best exercise from kettlebells, but it’s also very form specific, and if you’re not used to it, watch out.  I knew that Mayor and HIPPA having on their vests that it would be a challenge.  So from then on when a “2” would drop, I’d Omaha and make it a 20 count of a the suit exercise.  Luckily the 2 of Diamonds didn’t fall!

We got through 5/6 of the deck before the group got back.  Great work by this crew.  Mayor pushed hard, brought the chatter.  You could tell HIPPA was concentrating and accepted every Kbell challenge.  Bandit was a workhorse, never a complaint, corrected form on me and the guys, and came up with a good interrupting exercise.  Duke was slugging it out, modifying and moving, never stopping for more than a few seconds.  Duke came out 4 weeks ago after I put the HC on him on a Friday night.  He has been to every Painlab since.  AYE!  We need more Dukes.

I’m glad the other Q’s encouraged Painlab to stay open.  You do get a workout, I’m glad to modify, and the fact that the last 3 weeks had 3 new Q’s for the lab is incredible.  Tell your buddies who want to modify exercises (I keep a list of alternates), their bodies don’t do well with running or other high-impact, or just want to work with weights to get stronger versus the cardio-centric bootcamp, then bring them along.  Our little circle gets bigger and smaller, over and over, but it’s there for the G-town Pax.  No one should have an excuse to not get-up on a Saturday, breath in the fellowship and fun that a workout can bring.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve F3.


The Q is always right!

As the weather gets warmer it brings our more and more PAX. Today at Gashouse was no different where 21 who were willing and able to get after it did just that. Many of the PAX got in some EC with rucks or runs as well. Keep up the strong work.

YHC is always in EH mode and it finally paid off with two FNG’s following through on their HCs from earlier in the week. There was also one FNG who showed by his own gumption and motivation. HIM’s all around! Aye!!!

The disclaimer was given for the benefit of the FNG’s and the rest of the PAX. With that out of the way we can get to it.

Warm Up:

Goof Balls x15 IC

Don Quixote x10 IC

Monkey Humpers x 15 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Some split off for Pain Lab, the rest mosey across Garrison to the parking lot of the office of on Boss Hog (someone EH that guy to come back out with us).


The PAX performs dips on the high end and mountain climbers at the low end. 10 reps of one and 1 of the other, then switch to 9 & 2, 8 & 3 on until you’re completely flipped. Make sure you do 11 total reps on each cycle though. I think everyone enjoyed this.

Mosey down the street to the big parking lot at Parkwood. YHC did some recon before his 10 mile EC mosey and found a perfect place to perform his favorite routine from The Yank, The Figure 8! As expected, when he began explaining the routine to the Figure 8 virgins they whined and questioned everything like a bunch of girls afflicted with the sandy V. YHC had to reassure them that it wasn’t nearly as complicated as they thought, just do the thing!

The Figure 8:

20 reps of each exercise

Station 1 – Merkins

Station 2 – World War 1 situps

Station 3 – Bobby Hurleys

Station 4 – American Hammers

Station 5 – Side Straddle Hops

Station 6 – World War 1 situps (again)

Station 7 – Bobby Hurleys (again)

Station 8 – Alternating Shoulder Taps

By the end of that rotation everybody had gotten the hang it. See, YHC wouldn’t steer you wrong. It was so fun we decided to play it back again. YHC recalls that this round was when a certain PAX, whose name rhymes with Sort Shale, was complaining that the routine was incorrectly named. All YHC knows is that when he wants to come up with a routine on his own, he can name it whatever he very well wants to! It’s shaped like a figure 8!!! Repeato for a third time for good measure.

Mosey back down the street down to where Stroganoff has flashbacks of former baseball glories for our next routine.

Triple Nickel:

YHC understands that there was some variation to this but we had to cut it short due to time. At the bottom perform 5 squats, bear crawl to the top and perform 5 derkins. Repeato x3 and we’re done.

Mosey back to the Schiele for the finishing touch, Bring Sally Up. Man, it seemed a lot harder this time that usual. Aye!

Prayer Requests: Forestview students in car accident this week, First ARP mission team to Haiti, my apologies for not recalling the rest

Announcements: Speed for Need is at Community Foundation Run on April 14th.

Moleskin: The passing of Billy Graham this week reminded me of what a profound impact we can have on people by our words and actions. His example of what a Christian husband, father, friend and leader can look like is a legacy that will live on well past his life. We should all strive to create our own legacy that glorifies God like Pastor Graham did.

Great work today men. It’s a pleasure leading you and I won’t let so much time go by before the next one here. Have a great week!

Ruck and Run

14 Men posted for some early morning work at the Coconut Horse. 4 ruckers set out at 06:00. 10 runners left the stable at 06:30. Wonderful morning to be outside and getting some cardio in with the Gashouse brothers.

5 for Coffeerama afterwards.

Prayer Requests:

Worldwide’s 2.0 is having nervous system issues. Def Leppard’s son is also having his nervous system monitored as well. Sly and upcoming deployment.

Quiche took us out in prayer.

Have a wonderful day today, gents. Until next time,


Countdown Beatdown

11 HIMs posted for what Pockets has dubbed a “Slawful” workout. Site Q Sparky had asked YHC to grab a Saturday Q at Folsom. YHC was undecided on which way to take the workout. Folsom has done a ton of running as of lately, and positive results are evidence of the hard work the men have been putting in. After speaking with the “ghost Q”, YHC lined up a slobberknocker that was targeted towards more muscle work with less mosey time to give the guys a break from running.  As YHC rolled in, he came across Sister Act, Tyson, and Sparky getting in 4 miles of EC. Rolling down the hill, he sees Dolph is in the house! With the PAX circling up, YHC scanned his lengthy Weinke and hoped it was tough enough for everyone. YHC supposes so, because 20 minutes into the workout, 90% of the PAX were begging for some mosey! Why, you ask? Let YHC break it down for you.

Warmup: (All exercises IC)

  • SSH x 5
  • Flutter Kick x 5
  • CDD’s x 5
  • Low, slow Squats x5

R&R while reducing number of reps by 1 each round 5,4,3,2,1


Short mosey to the tennis courts for something the ghost Q cooked up. YHC loved it, and the PAX did as well (after it was over).

Ghost Q had read about American POW’s that still worked out while in prison to stay in shape and ready for whatever may come their way. They were in cramped quarters, so workout options were limited. YHC asked the PAX ” which exercise give the best total body workout with the smallest amount of area available?”. Dolph said with resounding confidence “THE BURPEE!” Yes sir!

Starting at one corner of the tennis courts, all PAX perform 20 burpees OYO. Mosey to the next corner and knock out 19 burpees. Mosey to far corner, 18 burpees. Mosey to last corner, 17 burpees. Mosey back to beginning for 16 burpees. Keep moseying and counting down until burpees are completed all the way down to 1. Mucho mean mumble chatter from the PAX. Fearing a mutiny, YHC divulged the identity of the ghost Q to appease the masses. No kidding, this was tough. YHC had contemplated an Omaha, but ignored the notion and stayed the course. After all PAX were through, YHC informed them they had just performed 210 Burpees!

YHC and a few PAX grabbed the coupons from the truck and carried them to the tennis courts. Circle up for a block work countdown. The thing about this workout is to never let the block touch the ground (if possible).Starting at 10 reps and working down to 1, the following exercises were performed:

  • Curls
  • Overhead press
  • Lawnmowers (bent over rows)
  • Flutter Kicks (with block straight up in front of face, arms locked out)

The PAX were plenty smoked by now, but YHC still had 7 minutes left. So some “Tennis B.O.M.B.S.” were prescribed. All PAX line up along the long foul line of the first tennis court. Once a small breather was given, all PAX:

  • Bear Crawl across first court
  • 5 Bobby Hurleys (if YHC called Burpees, he would’ve certainly died)
  • Bear Crawl across second court
  • 5 Overhead Claps
  • Bear Crawl across third court
  • 5 Merkins
  • Bear Crawl across fourth court
  • 5 Big Boy Situps
  • Bear Crawl across fifth court
  • 5 Squats
  • Bear Crawl across sixth court

Wait for the 6, then R&R the sequence but down to 4 reps. YHC had planned to de-escelate down to 1 rep, but time was over. Time flies when you’re having fun!


  • Community Foundation 5k (Speed for Need event) 4/14/18
  • Christina Latini Memorial 8k 4/21/18


  • Sister Act is working out of town for 13 weeks starting Monday. Prayers for safe travels.
  • Sly during his deployment to Afghanistan
  • Def Leppard and his hip issues
  • Gumby and his stomach issues (YHC has the same symptoms, so YHC as well)

YHC led us out in prayer.


This was a tough workout. Every man in attendance pushed hard. 210 Burpees are no joke. Add all the other crap YHC slung on these guys, and they kept coming back for more! Sister Act- you wanted a good beatdown. YHC hopes that was fitting. Tyson is becoming the “Defib Jr.”. 4 miles before the workout and still pushed and stayed near the top of the group. Dolph- it was great to see you again, sir. Thank You for getting the 6 during the workout. Thanks for posting. You had YHC pushing extra hard today. Oompa Loompa didn’t modify one single Burpee. He performed all of them. T-Claps to you, sir! Roadie has  been one of the hardest working guys during the 40 day challenge. You must have lost those last 3 pounds today. Montross is improving by leaps and bounds and pushing that rock. Keep going! Volt is the most rock solid, consistent PAX anywhere. He just quietly gets it done and crushes it! Great work! Gumby is a spark plug that won’t stop igniting! He was at the front all day today. Thanks to you and Dolph for the push through the Burpees. Blart crushed the workout today. YHC forgets that burpees suck extra for you because you are 1 1/2 feet taller than YHC! Bed Pan hasn’t been posting long, but he pushed through and came out smiling on the other end! Outstanding!

And YHC- well, he’s an Idiot. You guys knew that, of course. Thank You men for allowing me to lead. Great work today by all.

Until next time,




I’m A Retired Runner

12 HIMs came out of retirement with YHC for 4mile mosey plus some extras along the way. As we were counting down to start in the distance YHC was getting excited because there was a faint train whistle sounding off in the distance….it’s go time! At that very moment the Train goes by!!!! 10 Burpees OYO!!!




Squats 10IC

Merkins 11 IC (was supposed to be 10 YHC forgot his voice inflection!)

The Thang:

Mosey approximately 2mile the long way through downtown Belmont and back  to Field of Dreams!

Circle up time for some Dora 123 modified… YHC decided that we would split into 2 teams and would all perform all of the following …

100 CDDs

Another Train 5 Burpees OYO!

200 Squats

300 LBCs

After this mosey to the picnic shelter…

Dips 10IC

Derkins IC

Rinse and repeat


Next up the mosey….approximately 1 mile!!!

Circle up at the flag for a few mins of Mary

25 V up /Roll ups

20 Freddy Mercury’s IC

30 Planks

10 shoulder taps IC


Not very much mumble chatter today except for War Daddy Tesla who’s is still steaming about YHC 4:20 am txt! I believe he said that YHC was like Frankenstein with the bolt in his head ….only YHC made Frankenstein look pretty….something like that … Boudin way to get the six for me throughout the workout! Tiger you’re welcome ….and thanks again for those Tiger squats …Canteen….can’t believe you actually  had issue with the workout you beast! …made YHC feel great that you hated it…Fresh Prince welcome back! Don’t leave so long ….the work outs won’t be nearly as hard….oh and you’re welcome in advance for the pain you’ll feel tomorrow …Solomon….50 really ….last time YHC saw you I swear you were 30…it was all earned! Pockets, Norwood, Broke, Breaker Breaker, Dr Seuss way to push through men! All getting stronger!



Men we are training out here day after day to be leaders. Ask yourselves where you need to step up and lead more? What fear you need to slay? There are people counting on you and God created us to rule! YHC encourages all of you and myself to step up and do this daily!


Breaker Breaker for professional exam he is taking, Tigers M for some things she is dealing with right now, Sly ….still not deployed! Latest update looking like tomorrow!


1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

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