Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2018 (Page 2 of 7)

Short And Sweet, not the Q

7 HIMs show up in the Folsom gloom for a little fun.


SSH, Hillbillies, gravel pickers all X15 IC, Morocan Night Clubs til Sparky joins the circle.


long mosey around and up to the park entrance for……..


line up on the curb for some 11 work. Mike Tysons then side steps across to the other curb for little baby dips. side steps back and continue to finish 11’s. Mosey back down to the tennis courts for some Dora. Partner up, PAX 1 AMRAPS while OAX 2 runs the length of the tennis courts and back. Flapjack. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs. with a little time left, YHC calls for some good old Suicides using the widths of each court, total of 7. Mosey back to start. Hit 22 for the Vets. Not a bad day ending with a total of 2.2 miles!

COT, prayer requests for Def Leppard, my brother n law, Easy Riders family, our country and all F3 PAX.

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor to Q and thanks for all the encouragement, friendships, and accountability you men put out there.  Nice work men.

Who, What, How???

I love to Q. I get excited the night before and usually spend way too much time trying to get creative and/or make the theme something timely and relevant….then I’m looking forward to the workout all day and I feel a buzz afterwords if I see HIMs smiling.

If my workout fire is dieing down, leading seems to be the gasoline that reignites. (For some of our not so new Friendly New Guys – time to lead. I hope you find it makes you better too.)

Today’s workout was the first time I wrote down the “message” first, then the workout 2nd.

I asked the pax Who, What, and How but more on that…



SSH, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies




Mosey to the soccer fields.

CORE TIME, round 1: (50 reps of each)

  • LBCs
  • WWI Situps
  • 60-sec plank
  • 25 Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Freddy Mercurys
  • Penguin slaps
  • American Hammers
  • 60-sec plank

Deck of Death/4 corners combo: (around 2 soccer fields)

Split into 6 teams…

  • Deck of cards were separated by suit and placed in all 4 corners of the field.
  • AS A TEAM, sprint around the field to see who can create the best 5 card poker hand. The faster you go the more cards you can get.
  • When you draw your card do the # of reps on that card… Jacks=11, Queens = 12, Kings = 13 before running to the next corner.
  • Hearts = Merkins, Diamonds = Diamond Merkins, Spades = Flutter kicks, Clubs = Situps
  • Jokers = WILD CARD and you can assign 5 Burpees to another team of your choosing.

The winning team got to sit in my truck that was conveniently waiting down there while the rest of us losers had to take turns pushing the truck back to the flag and alternating turns after 5 burpees were completed.

(Lost count of # of burpees, couldn’t hear the count over Freight’s maniacal laughter from the backseat! Swimmer for some reason felt obligated to keep checking my brakes and Slaw was blasting country music from my speakers!) Note to future self: find new friends to road trip with…

Back at the flag:

CORE TIME, round 2: (50 reps of each)

  • LBCs
  • WWI Situps
  • 60-sec plank
  • 25 Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Freddy Mercurys
  • Penguin slaps
  • American Hammers
  • 60-sec plank

3 minutes of Marythen 22 Merkins for the Vets to end the workout.



Shared a word that had been on my heart with the pax…

WHO is looking up to you, and at the example you set? Madoff brought 2 of his sons to today’s workout and I’m very proud to bring my son to learn “how to be a man” from this group of men. We support each other. We work hard to get better. We pray for each other, and yes we even make the occasional raunchy joke and belch and fart but in the end, he sees men who love God and love eachother (2 greatest commandments) and are a part of something bigger than themselves.

WHAT example are you setting? Are you known for sitting on the couch with a beer and a clicker in each hand? Are you known for being gone at work all the time? Or are you working hard to be a better father, husband, community leader?

HOW are you going to handle difficulties? It’s not a matter of “if” but “when” life throws a difficult situation at you, how will you handle it? Who are you surrounded by that will help you and that you can lean on and ultimately where do you put your faith?


Thanks for the push today and always. Proud to call you all friends.

Name-aroma, announcements, prayer requests and COT to close.


15 for 22

22 HIMs showed on a great afternoon as daylight is starting to return to our afternoon workouts.  As PAX were still pulling in and everyone ready to go we went ahead and started with the Pledge. With that we got straight to work with 15 for 15.  15 exercise for 15 reps each in cadence. Your Q was winded from all the counting.

Don Quiotes


Cotton Pickers

Toy Soldiers

Hill Billies

Shoulder Taps

Merkins  Single count

Mountain Climbers


Flutter Kicks

Freddie Mercury

American Hammer

WW1 Sit Ups single count

Step Ups

Dips aka Arm Squat

Mosey to the parking lot at the last baseball field. 8 exercises wrote in parking spaces. Complete 15 reps of an exercise then run a lap around the outside of the ball field. Move on to another exercise after the lap is completed. Keep working for 15min or till the Q says stop. Exercises were,

Crunchy Frogs

American Hammers

Flutter Kicks

Seal Jacks




Mountain Climbers


Time running out and plenty to do we then line up across the parking lot for some Route 66 work heading back toward the playground. We did



WW1 Sit Ups

With time out we finished up together and headed back to the flag.  22 for the vets led by Slaw.

Annoucenments and prayer request.

Try and come out to the Forge on Wednesdays at Grit and Greens in Lowell.

Please keep our many PAX in your prayers that are on the IR. Keep our many brothers and their friends and families in your prayers as well. With many prayers needed please don’t forget to PRAISE our Lord and Savior!!!

Good Job  brothers by all. Till next time. Aye!!

Oh Chute…F3 Dad’s preblast

What:  The Committee of F3 Dad’s at the Gashouse has secured an hour of tubing time at the Chutes of Crowder’s Ridge for only F3.  This is snowless tubing and will be a great event for us.

WHO:  F3 Gastonia Dad’s and 2.0’s  (M’s and other relatives are welcome as I am sure we will need help with carrying those heavy tubes up the hill after each awesome run)

WHEN:  Sunday, February 18th  1700-1800   (5PM-6PM)

HOW Much?  13 dollars per person.  Order tickets through this link:

WHY:  Because it is good for us to spend time doing cool stuff with our children and to fellowship with our F3 families.  This is a fundraiser for the Crowder’s Ridge Camp so we are definitely supporting a great cause.  There are refreshments for sale for some social time afterwards so bring the 2.0’s and your M’s and let’s race down the hill!

Winter Tubing at Crowders Ridge

40 Days of Discipline weekly checkup

So if you are like me you have had a good start to the challenge but that being said, it isn’t always easy.  I have gone to bed hungry most nights and would have liked another meal or three before bed.  Queachee’ (or however you spell it) offered to bring me a Little Caesar’s pizza last night and it took a lot of discipline to not want to slap him for temping me.  I did learn that a “hot and ready” has over 3000 calories so save that for when you need to carb load for a Heavy Heavy.

I have heard some #mumblechatter on the slack channel that the protein shake requirement is helping out.  Good!

Short Sale, being the Master of the garage workout, shared with me a website that offers free workouts called  It may be helpful to you.  I typically make them up if I can’t get to an AO or the gym at work.  I failed last night because I did a bunch of exercises to include a bunch of squats and merkins, and lo and behold EZ Rider had the Q at the Pavilion today and we did a bunch of squats and merkins.  Great Q though.  I remember something about the number 66.

When you lack motivation or don’t feel like working out, try a little Jocko Willink psychology.  He says if you don’t feel like working out, you can take off tomorrow but don’t skip today.  Usually this works wonders by forcing you to keep working out and not skipping.  That being said, remember to plan some rest days or something a little less impactful like yoga.  I checked the #F3-250 rules and Yoga counts as long as it is 30 minutes or more so don’t hate.

Tomorrow, post your progress on twitter or slack.

Make sure to post this weekend if you can and if not, do something!    Remember to take advantage of the Coconut Horse ruck option if the run intimidates you.  We have had some good crowds and you can check the workout box before church.

Keep Def Leppard in your thoughts.  He is on the IR for about 6 weeks.  He was there for his teammates at the Rooster with a sinus infection and a limp but managed to complete the event.  #RESPECT   Now he needs to heal up.  Get better DL!



“Sorry Train, We’re Done”


Warm up:


Don Quixote ×15


Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

Mosey over the bridge to far parking lot.

BLIMPS:  oyo four corners

5 Burpees, sprint between four corners

10 Lunges, mosey between four cornets

15 Imperial walkers, run backwards between four corners

20 Merkins,  sprint between four corners

25 Plank Jacks, mosey between four corners

30 Squats, run backwards between four corners

Mosey back across careful of those stray boards, men.

Took a wall for 20 Dips, 10 Step ups each leg.

Mosey to upper lot for ATM’s..(loud train behind us) so I’ll repeat..ATM’s:

15 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC

10 Tempo Merkins IC

10 Fast Merkins IC

Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to starting point for some Mary.


One more train tried to interfere with us, but we were done doing our “thang”.

Prayer Requests: those experiencing physical illness (we missed you, Dolph) and mental illness issues.

Mayor’s request for wife’s colleagues.

Announcements: None, just a reminder to join us at Grits and Greens on Wednesday’s 6:30 pm for physical and spiritual nourishment. This week’s discussion was lead by Sparky on forgiveness.

Just a word also that Christ forgives us for our sins past, present, and future. Also, He takes our sin, we get His righteousness. Remember who we are in Christ as we go forward in this day.

I am truly thankful every day that God has put me together with this group of men. Thanks for your support; it was a pleasure Queing today. You are in my prayers constantly.



Used a 4X4 to get to a San Antonio Shuffle

YHC woke up to the sound of rain.  This had the Q worried that turnout would be low, but once again the PAX proved me wrong with 12 HIM ready to put in work at 5:30.  Well done men.  This back blast will be to the best of my memory do to the Weinke was destroyed by standing water from the rain, but I believe the PAX wanted to destroy before the rain got to it.

Warm up:


Imperial walker 25 IC

Squats 20 IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Burpees OYO (Should have been 5, but an extra 5 for the train)


Mosey to the front of the school.  Their was some light mumble chatter during the Mosey.  I think I even heard comment about the mosey pace.



2 Wall walks

5 Scorpion CDD’s (10 total)

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

In between each exercise there was a bear crawl of about 10 yards. Rinse and repeat 4 times.

During this time the mumble chatter moved more toward grunts and hard work.  Great job men, way to push through.  My upper body was on fire.

Mosey to the tennis court of a triple nickel, but not before 5 burpees for another train.

10 squats

Run the width of 2 tennis courts

10 Monkey humpers

Then on the the San Antonio Shuffle.  All PAX on baseline.  YHC demonstrated the movement then shared with the PAX that he found it on the F3 site.  I think I might be banned from using the site now. There was even a comment that I must hate the PAX.  The website says that the San Antonio Shuffle is Lunge R Leg, Lunge L Leg, Burpee, Plank Jack  pop up then repeat.  I knew that this would be too easy for the PAX, so I modified the Shuffle. Lunge R Leg, Lunge L Leg, Burpee once down two Merkins, 4 Plank Jacks  pop up then repeat. We did this for the width of two tennis courts.  Way to push through this one

Time running out, mosey back to start. Time to work on the core.

Flutter Kicks 20 IC

LBCs 20 IC

Hip Rock N Raise 15 OYO (P90X style)

Nolan Ryan 10 each side OYO (Q fail on this one.  Everyone was done, but the Q had only done one side, so I did them Saturday Night Fever Style.  You had to be there)

Mountain Climbers  20 IC

Few minutes left. Round of Mary

V Ups  10 OYO

V up Roll up 20 OYO (Back to P90X)

Dying Cocka Roach 15 IC

Jump Squats 10  OYO



Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  Always an honor. See you in the gloom.






Still Winter at The Yank

6 HIMs came out in the cold to get a Tesla led beatdown at The Yank on Saturday. Went like this:


SSH X 20

2 Burpees OYO

IW X 20

4 burpees OYO

Squats X 20

6 burpees OYO

Mountain Climbers X 20

8 burpees OYO

LBCs X 20

10 burpees OYO

Off to the first corner

partner 1 – Run midway to the next corner, 10 merkins

partner 2 – Wall squats on the fence.

Flapjack, rinse and repeat 3X

2nd corner

P1 – run back half way to corner 1, 10 squats

P2 – LBCs

Rinse and repeat 3X

3rd corner at school house

P1 – Run to other end, 10 American hammers

P2 – Stepups

Rinse and repeat 3X

Down to the corner of Knowledge

10 step ups each leg.

10 dips

10 dirkins

Round 2:

15 step ups each leg

15 dips

15 dirkins

Round 3 – Repeat round 1

Down to the field of dreams for the Tesla special, bear crawl slalom across the field.

Agility run back.

Down to the yank for some Mary to finish up.

NMM: Great work by all Pax today and ALWAYS a privilege to lead this group! Cold out here today but i thas been all winter. Almost bagged the bear crawls today but pax would not let me!

Boom! 24 getting it!

24 men showed for Snoballs this morning for a Gastone Q. This was the record attendance for Snoballs and I was glad to be part of this workout.

The Thang:

People still rolling in:

SSH 30

Imperial Walker 31

Follow me on a mosey to the park down the gravel road to the pull up bar.

Plank for the 6. Right arm, Left arm.

Follow me Mosey around soccer field and back to the middle of the hill near the picnic tables.

Jack Webb up to 10 and then back down to 1. (Crowd-Pleaser)

Follow me around the playground and then to the middle of the baseball fields  at the flag.

40 LBC’s until the 6 arrives

50 Monkey Humpers

50 Squat’s

50 Monkey Humpers

50 Squat’s

Lunge Walk down the long path through the middle of the baseball fields.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill.

Joe Hendrix up the hill (Backwards Bear Crawl)

5 Burpee’s

Joe Hendrix up the hill

5 Burpee’s

Mosey back around the field to the middle again.

Elbow Plank while we wait. (Kick-Stand)

40 LBC’s

25 Flutter 3 Count

What is that noise, Train. 5 Burpee’s

25 Flutter 3 Count

5 Diamond Merkins (T-Square worried about the clock and Gastone’s watch)

20 CDD’s

Mosey to the start.

20 Wide Arm Merkins

5 Diamonds

20 CDD’s

50 Monkey Humpers

50 Squat’s

Used every minute but on time.

The Moleskin:

Great morning with lot’s of guys including myself working hard. We hit all the muscle groups to spread out the payment for the workout which is you should feel it about every place in your body. Just remember that soreness is the weakness leaving your body.

If you are reading this than you are most likely part of F3. I see lot’s of new guys and this is great. Make sure you are accounting for the 6 and sending someone back to collect the 6 if you are Q. Let’s all keep on following up with all these new guys and make sure they know what this is all about.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

40 Day Challenge Day 5, if you are in this challenge keep up the good work. I am in and it’s not easy but it sure is easier with a bunch of dedicated friends all making the sacrifices at the same time. If you are not in this then you can sill just join in now and go the extra days after. So stop making excuses and make it happen.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, it is always a pleasure,

Gastone Out!


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