Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 13, 2017

Smothered, covered, with ketchup

4 brave PAX arrive in the gloom for yet another MW show. YHC was sceptic that any would ost in the cold, nasty rain. 5:30 hits so let’s clock in!


some good breathing exercises

tha thang

bunch of mumble chatter, something about wet clothes, something about smothered, covered. More mumble chatter…… much happened, So little memory……….show to know!

Nice work men, way to push……………..

YHC is always honored to Q and my next one will be even more Epic!

Quality, not Quanity – 3 Pushed the Rock!

As I pulled in to Pelican’s there was only one car in the lot… was Clavin.  In the next 1 – 5 minutes, Timeframe pulled in and we waited…….nothing.  No worries, at F3 we just go.  We would have an impromptu Stroganoff beat down.  There must have been an epidemic of fartsacking that hit the normal PAX overnight but we 3 had the cure.

Quick Warm Up


Appalachian Americans X 10 IC

I was so flustered with the unexpected Q that I forgot the pledge… apologies gentlemen.

The Thang

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields for some improvised work:

Merkins IC X 15

LBC’s IC X 15

Squats IC X 15

Mosey around the baseball field and back to where we started

Rinse-Repeat above for a total of 3 sets.

Round 2:

Derkins IC X 12

Flutter Kicks IC X 20

Run to end of one of the spokes and back to the start

Rinse-Repeat once for a total of two sets

Mosey to the covered picnic shelter for some picnic table work:

Dips IC X 15

Step Ups IC X 20

Dips IC X 12

Step Ups IC X 20

Dips IC X 10

Mosey back to Pelicans – Short Plank and we’re done.

Simple workout…..but somewhat painful.  Great way to start a Monday.

Short COT with several announcements and prayer requests, especially for Clavin’s family.

The Moleskin

Occasionally there is a workout where a much smaller number than normal show up (like today).  However, this goes right to the heart of F3 in my opinion, we do the work anyway.  As usual, I was awake before my alarm ever buzzed and the thought briefly crossed my mind to stay right there as it sure was warm and cozy.  Something spurred me to get up and get after it.  As Roscoe put it so well yesterday at the F3 Dad’s event, F3 has helped me develop some ‘better’ habits and getting up this morning was a great example.  As usual, Clavin and Timeframe inspired me and pushed me to work hard this morning and I am grateful.  Keep it up, you never know when showing up might keep someone else from going back home and not putting in the work.

Until the next one.



Folsom serves Stroganoff for Breakfast?

10 gathered in the Saturday morning gloom at Folsom not sure what to expect.  YHC had not Q’d at Folsom since the launch many moons ago so I was excited to get after it.  Not sure what we would do but let’s do it.  It was cold.

Def Leppard showed up in a UNC sweatshirt which required him to perform double reps of everything.  Q’s prerogative.

We did a quick warm up before the main event:


Appalachian Americans X 10 IC

No flag for the pledge so we moseyed.

The Thang

We moseyed to the far parking lot near the baseball fields for some bear crawl-merkins-lunge work.

The original plan was to bear crawl across the parking lot, get in 10 Merkins, lunge back across the lot and rinse/repeat for a total of 6.  It didn’t take YHC very long to realize my mistake so we modified:

Bear Crawl halfway across the lot – Mosey to other side – 10 Merkins – Lunge Walk back to start

Rinse-Repeat for a total of 5 revolutions.

Somewhere in the middle of this we dropped and did 10 burpees (this would be a theme at every 10 minute interval)

Next up was a set of 22’s (Just like 11’s except the reps add up to 22 and we count up/down by 2’s to complete the work)

Merkins & Squats

Run to opposite side – 20 merkins; Run back to start – 2 Squats  (Repeat until the last set is 2 Merkins & 20 squats counting up/down by 2)

This was somewhat more difficult than it looked on paper, partially due to the 8 burpees in the middle at the 6:50 am mark.  Good work here by the group.

Mosey back toward the car location for the 7:00 am mark for 6 burpees.  Let’s keep moving down to the far end of the lower parking lot near the covered picnic shelter for some modified Wolfpack Grinder work:

The Wolfpack Grinder includes an In-Cadence exercise – a short run – an OYO exercise – planking for the 6

Round 1:  10 IC Squats – Run around the full dimensions of the lower parking lot – 40 LBC’s – Plank

Round 2:  10 IC Squats – Run around the full dimensions of the lower parking lot – 40 Flutter Kicks – Plank

Round 3:  Repeat Round 1

Round 4:  Repeat Round 2

Round 5:  10 IC Squats – Run around the full dimensions of the lower parking lot – 30 LBC’s/30 Flutter Kicks – Plank

We crossed the 7:10 am time and got in our 4 burpees.

Meander to the picnic shelter for some IC work:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Meander back toward the vehicles, but wait….it’s 7:20 (slightly later)…..time for the final set of Burpees X 2

Mosey back to the beginning parking lot to get in one more set of Flutter Kicks X 51

Good work men.

Announcements:  F3 Dad’s Event at Martha Rivers (yesterday); Kings Mountain/Crowder’s Mtn Hike/Ruck – November 19th; F3 Christmas Party – December 1st

Several Prayer Requests



As always, it was my honor to lead the group through the motions, especially at Folsom, a terrific AO that I have not posted to enough.  I was taking my M, 2.0’s and Mother-in-Law up to Western Carolina on Saturday to see my son who is a Freshman in the Marching Band.  In the past, even early on after starting F3, I would have used that as an excuse to skip the Saturday workout.  I delayed leaving to get in the workout to get my Saturday started off properly.  Guess what, we made it on time with no problem and I had a great day with the family.  This is another example for me why F3 is so great.  I was able to do both the workout and have some great family time on the same day.  We can do both, in fact, F3 allows me to be better when I’m with my family. I appreciate it greatly gentlemen.

Until the next one.



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