Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 7, 2017

Epic Gloom

All the conditions were present that precludes a perfect storm. A rainy, overcast day. Daylight savings time has Midoriyama in the dark by mid-workout. A fog bank rolled in. The setting could’ve been the post card for epic gloom conditions. The icing on the cake actually began a couple days ago when the site Q  became a social media troll and raided my M’s Facebook page for an incriminating photo of YHC. YHC can’t prove it, but is 99% certain site Q got some tech assistance from Floppy Disc! YHC LOVES TWITTER! Almost all Gashouse PAX lit YHC up like a Christmas Tree on Twitter and helped fan the flames that help create awesome beatdowns. As YHC rolled in, he was instantly asked many questions on the meaning behind the pic. To make a long story short, YHC was  pushed into the Taylor Swift train (a couple years ago) via his 2.0 and her BFFs. Truth be told, many F3 dads have been on the same journey YHC is traveling. Man up and admit it. You guys like Taylor Swift as well. YHC was posing a silly pose to get a laugh out of the M and the kids. It has also generated a few laughs lately as well. Glad YHC could help out. As 17:30 hit, site Q rolls in hot while disclaimer is stated. PAX instantly did their greatest Taylor Swift heart pose to welcome him in. YHC was so proud. Alright men, let’s get to it.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Don Q’s (sorry Tool Time) x 10 IC
  • Merkin Wipes x 5 IC (look them up, work great. Great crowd pleaser)
  • Michael Phelps x 10 IC
  • Cherkins x 10 (It’s a slow motion Def Leppard Merkin and touch forehead to ground)


Mosey to playground real quick to get everybody’s daily dose of pull ups (Hats off to Pizza Man) 6,5,4,3,2. 20 total.

Mosey to long parking lot for bear crawl Merkin Ladder. Bear crawl across parking lot. Stop at every other line and perform 2 merkins. Keep this up for approx. 35-40 yards. Site Q accused YHC of performing these to punish him for the aforementioned photo trolling. Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, moving on…….

Mosey to large soccer field at back of park. Burpee Suicides. One Burpee at the end of field. Run to the different lines on soccer field and back, increasing burpee count by one. 28 total burpees.

Quick count off and then escalating four corners.

Corner one- 10 Werkins

Corner two- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats

Corner three- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s

Corner four- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s, 40 Flutter kicks (20 each leg)

YHC then called for de-escalator 4 corners. Same exercises as above, just performed in reverse order.

PAX then lined up for an Indian Run back to Turd Shack closest to the flag. Fastest Indian Run YHC has ever participated in, for sure!

Wall work at Turd Shack. 3 rounds of:

Donkey Kicks x 10

Hip Slappers x 10

Wall Sits with 25 overhead presses.

Short mosey to the flag with 22 Merkins for the Vets led by Oompa Loompa. AYE!

And that, as they say, was that.


  • Advisory Board meeting this Sunday @ Cavendish brewery.
  • Christmas party Dec. 1st at Lotus. $30 per person. Money must be in to Freight by 11/18/17.
  • Dec. 2nd – Convergence at Gashouse. All AO’s will post there. This is also when we will collect toys for Operation Sweet Tooth.
  • F3 Dads this Sunday @14:30. Reach out to Roscoe or Whoopee if interested.
  • F3 Ruck/ Hike on 11/19. Crowders Mtn. to Kings Mtn. (or vice-versa)

Prayer Requests:

  • Brown Streak and his family on the passing of his Father.
  • Oompa Loompa’s 2.0 is facing foot/ankle surgery.
  • Other PAX who have friends/ loved ones battling cancer.

YHC led us out in prayer.


The earlier darkness and cooler temps make Midoriyama a “morning like” AO. It was awesome to see my brothers pushing and encouraging each other in the foggy gloom. Every man was pushing his best. Defib and Tyson were in beast mode today. Lil’ Sweet shows up late and worked out in his work clothes! Tiger rolled in and joined us at the pull ups. Solid work, sir! Hope to see you back out at Midoriyama. Don’t look now, Roadie- you are becoming a runner! Shout out to Swimmer for not stopping and pushing every Burpee out during Burpee Suicides. Also, Oompa Loompa for posting in Houston, Texas this morning, then double-timing back to Midoriyama for the evening workout! Outstanding! Wojo can still out-sprint everyone even when his back is knotting up. Blart posted sick today and never splashed Merlot. He was close a time or two, but he choked it back down. Sister Act for getting the work done, no matter what you throw at him. He’s a machine. Tool Time- it’s great to see you back out in the gloom, sir. Solid work (as always). Freight was always keeping the mumble chatter lively while still encouraging the PAX in his own way. YHC calls it “constructive sarcasm”. That’s why he’s the Nantan. Def Leppard rolls in, plants the shovel flag, and immediately gets to it. Don’t let the Silver Fox fool you- he’s always “in it to win it”.

Like YHC stated earlier, great work by all. Thank You for allowing me to lead a wonderful group of men today. If you haven’t been to Midoriyama lately (or ever), come on out. The weather is fine.



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