Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2017 (Page 5 of 5)

We started the week…

12 men showed for a Q and then realized I was Q, we had fun.

The Thang:


25 SSH

Mosey to hill near picnic tables at the bottom on the sidewalk.

Plank. One side, arm and leg up. Then the other

11’s up to picnic area and then down to the sidewalk for 1 Burpee. Rinse and repeat until the numbers are inverted.

Mosey to back of the soccer field. Plank.

25 LBC’s

Mosey out the back of the park into the neighborhood to the entrance of Caromont Family Medicine.

Lunge walk about 40 yards.

Mosey over the wall in the back of the parking lot to Bellaciono’s Dock.

10 Sumo Squats, Run to dock jump up on the dock, 10 Squats, Bear Crawl down the ramp.

Rinse and repeat until we got to 1 Sumo and Squats.

Mosey to Brick wall on Neal Hawkins.

15 Dips

10 Incline Merkins

20 Step Ups 10 each leg.

Mosey to start.

25 Box Cutter

25 Flutter

25 LBC’s


The Moleskin:

Strong group of men today at Martha’s. One thing I noticed is we really did not have a 6 today just barely. Everyone was keeping up and on target.

We were joined by Wes Anderson as a FNG who was a Marine (Or always will be a Marine) and he owns a company that does Hosiery. Thus, he was named Spanks for his great work in his company. Also, Spanks dressed like it was 20 degrees outside and he noticed it felt like summer fast. We welcome him and look forward to seeing him out more often.

Whoopee takes the reigns on Wednesday for Snowball’s and that should be interesting.

It’s always an honor to Q, thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to the next.

Gastone Out!


The rubber meets the road, Schiele Backblast 9/30/17

06:00 – Hushpuppy unloaded 8 heavy tires in the church parking lot and arrived at the Schiele for EC.  looked around for others but crickets.  .  . Ran from the Schiele to the middle school track for 2 laps and back to the Schiele (exactly 1 mile).  Still no-other Pax.  06:40 Squirt and Co arrive and then Shrink, so we have a quick 3rd F discussion about giving.  The quote that stuck out the most was by Thomas Jefferson; “Aa candle loses nothing when it lights another candle”.  Share your light!

07:00, Startex: Hushpuppy had the disclaimer, did some plank work and some flutters, then turned it over to Rudolph for more warmup.  he immediately called for 1 Burpees, quite the surprise considering he’s a “no-impact” guy.  We then did some Imperial walkers, and other stuff I forget.  We split up and 9 crazy men followed YHC to the Middle school for more plank work and what would become more of a cardio workout that I expected.  Then it was on to the Church where we found 8 tires waiting for us.

Partner up,  sit across from each other with tire standing up in between, pax feet open and against each other.  Tip tire back and forth to each other 25X push for each partner.  one partner was down hill and worked a little harder than the other.

Then partner 1 does toe taps on the tire while partner 2 planks with feet up on other side of tire (shoulder tap or derkin position).  Step right off the tire (1), back up on the tire (2), step left off the tire (3) back up on the tire (4), repeat this 4 count 25 times, all the while the first partner is doing toe taps.  Once 25 is complete, switch positions and repeat.  Partners sit back down at the tire, but now different partner is facing up hill and repeat the push back and forth 25 times.  Shoulders were burning pretty good by this time!

Stack the tires up out of the driving lane and mosey to the Large hill at the veterans hall!

5 Burpees at the bottom of the hill, nur to the top, 4 Burpees, run to the bottom, 3 burpees, nur to the top, 2 burpees, run to the bottom, 1 burpee.  Recover.  After a while, nur turned into klaw.  Mosey south on New hope to intersection and did 10 Monkey Humpers IC to show Gastonia our best side.  I think only 2 cars came by.  Bear crawl up the hill in the grass and jail break to the top parking lot.  At the top we saw the beautiful sunrise and the Charlotte skyline and being the picture guy I am, couldn’t resist the opportunity.

Mosey back to the tires, Partner up with different partners, 1 partner flips tires down the parking lot to the median (about 20 parking spaces) while partner 2 does squats.  Roll tire back to top, Switch places.  Mosey back to Schiele for wall sits, wait on the 6, and then back to startex for about 3 minutes of Mary.  Hope Davinci’s muscle cramps have eased up.

Rudolph reports painlab did work from the toes to the brain, and it was evident by the seat on Gacy’s shirt.

Strong work by all,

Prayer requests were quiet and may have been do to the cardio leaving little oxygen in the brain.

Speed for Need and Christmastown 5k, 3rd F event at Hushpuppy’s church 10/13/17 7pm, 3rd F will move to Panera after the workout and subjects will be provided by Qsource and Maxwell.

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