Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Impromptu Q

  • Post Type:
  • When: 10/24/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Breaker Breaker, Spec, Slim Shady, Dr. Seuss (R), Garfield, Shad Rap (glad to see back out), Time Frame, Short Sale, Tophat.

The week leading up to the Tuna 200 and in driving shape, I was trying to come down with something.  After a long weekend where I was couldn’t shake it off and wanting to sleep in, I put out a tweet to support Tesla in his post because a few weeks back, I recruited some Qs and Tesla stepped it up for this day.  Oops, hes out of state….oh well, step up and get it done.

Again, one of my favorite workouts is the 99.  Keeps you moving, hits a lot of the body and is just a lot of fun.  It was 5:22 and no one there.  5:23 and tophat shows up.  5:29 and they roll in hard.

MCCs ICx30
Grass Pokers (thanks to whoopie and dolph) ICx10

The Thang
Mosey around the parking lot to the round about and sprint up the hill to the school entrance.  Circle and begin.
99 SSH, 99 LBCs, 99 second wall sit, 99 flutter kicks, 9 merkins.  Repeat on down to 66.   At this point, SSH becomes high knees and merkins become burpees.  Push this all the way down to 22.  Run back to the start for COT and Name-o-rama with no time to spare.

I really didn’t want to be out there feeling terrible, but I pushed myself to make sure I was always the first done or close to it.  I have been thinking about that all week.  If I can push like that when I lead, why not when I follow?  The answer is its all in my head.  I come out to these things and get into the mumble chatter and even get mentioned when I’m not posting because of it.  I view that as a failure of mine that I have been at it this long and not shown the gains and noticed more for talk rather than actions.  I have been training to run these 5ks coming up at the end of the year and it is kicking my hind end.  I am running at a 12min pace and during these runs and I want to quit and that pisses me off because had I been putting out the effort I should have, I would be way ahead of where I am and would have been there eight months ago.  I do like that everyone holds each other accountable because that keeps me moving.  I posted today and really pushed it to make sure my laps were above a certain speed.  I even had a goal to catch Gilligan.  I didn’t, but he never left me.  Ive grown tired of the routine, but the road ahead is hard and there is a battle between what I want most and what I want now.  I don’t want to push, but I know I have to so I can get better.  Not just better for me, but my family.  They depend on me and I continually let them down, or at least I let myself down by not being the best man that I can be.  Thanks to Gods grace, we get another day and another shot.  Its limitless through him.  Sorry to get real, but that REAL TALK.

It was an honor men and I look forward to it again.

1 Comment

  1. Stroganoff

    Well said. We have your back. I have felt the same more then once. Aye!

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